Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 58 The Emerging Truth (Part 2)

"Brett, I want to ask you a question first." Wright raised his head and stared directly at Brett with pure black pupils.

Like a monster hiding underground revealed in a dark nightmare, it exudes an inexplicable and strange aura that penetrates into the spiritual realm.

"You...ask." Brett said a little confused, his steady voice showing a little trembling.

"Can I trust you? Even though I have experienced... amnesia, my body has recovered quickly after fighting the Lost One, and the aura of magic power that is unique to many Lost Ones has appeared. In this way, we can still Can trust exist?" Wright asked the most critical question.

For more than 500 years since the beginning of the New Era, the Sune Empire, including all human federations, has regarded the Heartless and the Lost as enemies. Any human being with similar characteristics to the above two will be immediately executed.

For example, the regulations on bleeding exceeding 50%, including prohibiting anyone from talking about magic and extraordinary things, are all strictly demarcating the boundaries between humans and unintentional people.

Almost without thinking, Brett quickly sat up straight and blurted out:

"It must be trustworthy. I said that I no longer care about your memory problem. Besides, I will not believe that you are possessed by the so-called 'god'. It is too bizarre and incomprehensible."

Brett paused, and then said in a gradually calmer voice:

"You are just a superpower as defined by the Zine Empire. Although your body's recovery speed is amazing, you recovered more than 60% that night after I brought you here to the military hospital in Chekavsk. The doctor also I've checked your body, haven't you? You have no other problems now except weakness and mental damage. As for the magic source power, to be honest, apart from the complete ban on Socra, other cities in the empire are actually gradually liberalizing it. Including you and me. of Chekavsk.”

"Then I will exchange a piece of information with you. This... I got it in my dream. Since you believe me, you won't find this strange, right?" Wright said tentatively.

"Dreams? It is indeed a fantasy topic. Dreams can give enlightenment to human beings. Maybe the dream you think of is the information you obtained from someone you don't care about at a certain moment and appears in the dream. Let me count it as your nameless person. Important information has been obtained from the rats. Although, the possibility is very low." Brett tried to convince himself in a way that could be explained through science.

"Suchra's 'Blood Night Ritual' may be a disaster. There is a high probability that it is not as simple as purifying the city." Wright said in a slightly low voice with a trace of imperceptible panic.

"According to the information I have received so far, the focus of the George and Socra committee is still the god of the Silent Highlands. He is related to machinery. Socra may need her to mass-produce weapons, or simply use the god as a powerful mechanical weapon." Bray It is especially analyzed in the steam category as much as possible.

"No. This is the appearance." Wright's voice became deeper and deeper:

"The protagonist of the Blood Night Ritual is the daughter of Tool Yuan, and the Socra Committee is trying to build a paradise. It is an overall dream, 'Raleye's Dream.' They are trying to trap millions of citizens in it and build a paradise for the nobles. And all the citizens in the city may have their bodies stripped off, or they may be swallowed up by the scalding water due to operational errors. And if the power of the gods is relied on to overflow, the entire empire may be frozen in ice."

The content of this passage was indeed revealed by Kayas. Wright told the truth and was also making a bet. He bet that Brett would completely lose consciousness during the time he was knocked unconscious and did not overhear anything between him and Kaas. Any content of the conversation between Yas, the [Shapeshifter] of the "Church of Hope".

"This..." Brett paused for a few seconds, and a complicated expression gradually appeared on his face, which was scattered with small wounds that had not yet healed.

He couldn't believe it and wanted to believe it, but his brain in the field of mechanical science told him that he should question and refute it.

But in the end, he chose an ambiguous answer:

"I need to get more information. Although it may not be as easy as you in the future."

"There are still more than twenty days left for the Blood Night Ceremony, right? I'm looking forward to you, Brett, changing some of your thinking and trying to use magic to think about the world. Everything in the wasteland world itself is elusive and indescribable. If it doesn't change, If you think about it, you may fall into madness. Of course, if you don't believe what I said about the 'Blood Night Ritual', I may take my own actions." Wright directly stated his attitude.

"Wright, I know there is always hope in your heart. I wonder if you still remember what we talked about at the Lost Swamp Camp. You longed to end the wasteland world and become that savior-like existence. For this reason, you have explored the occult. , of course I don’t believe this. You said you are eager to find the god named 'The Lord of Eternal Red' and get the enlightenment of light. Of course, the premise of all this is to live." Brett said, trying to remind Wright from the side not to be stupid. thing.

Some memory fragments about Brett suddenly flashed through Wright's mind, and he blurted out:

"But you also believe in the Lord of the Night? Isn't this also the category of mysterious things?"

"That's faith. We can believe that we can definitely see gods and get guidance. But we can't really believe in these. Human beings are the great creatures that can create everything. I am even willing to believe that gods are just the embodiment of human good wishes or thoughts. As for Daughter of the Mechanical Element, I prefer to believe that it is a powerful mechanical weapon invented by the Crusted Empire." Brett defended as much as possible.

"I remember you also said that you believe that all races will usher in a day of peaceful coexistence. Regional and racial differences will always disappear. No one rules and no one is ruled. Only people who live peacefully on this continent '." Wright said.

His face seemed to be filled with light, the light of longing for a better world in the future.

But the next second, as Brett coughed heavily, all the light on his face seemed to disappear again.

"I understand. Regarding the specific content of the Blood Night Ceremony, I will investigate and make my own judgment. The Socra Committee has sent you and me a message this morning, which is related to your and my promotion. Of course, there are also The message for the upcoming mission is expected to be delivered in the evening. Our next stop must be Silent Highlands. As for your body, I still recommend that you check with my friend after you recover. After all, improving physical strength is the most important thing in the wasteland. Compared with superpowers...for example, the powerful superpower users of the 'Lone Wolf Society' are basically strong people. Like me. However, I have something to do and have to leave first. You can go to Chekavsk There are currently no restrictions on walking around the city. By the way, I left a piece of clothing for you."

After saying that, Brett stood up from the sofa, threw the message in his pocket that he had folded four times on the glass table, stood up and left the room.

"I'm the only one left now?" Wright looked at the empty and magnificently decorated room 7057 and felt a strong sense of loss.

"Let's read the contents of the message first." Wright made a decision secretly.

Immediately afterwards, he carefully picked up the message paper written with pencil and printing ink in front of him. After moving a few heavy steps forward, he pulled open the red leather seat embroidered with light green patterns in front of him and opened the mahogany door. A gas lamp above a short table was used for brief illumination.

"Sent from the capital of the Zine Empire, Socra, to Wright Socra, Brett Klein." Wright unconsciously read out the all-too-familiar Zine Empire language on the header of the message.

"In view of the excellent performance of the two of you in the Battle of Kofu and the retreat of Migov, including killing a Lost Person of the Church of Hope. Rewards are now arranged. Brett will be promoted to Red Earth 2, and Wright will be promoted. to Silver Blade 5. A total of S$1,500 will be awarded to the two of you, which can be claimed at Imperial Bank with your ID and password below."

money? Got money!

There was a surge of ecstasy in Wright's heart. Compared with the temporary improvement in status, which would not see benefits for the time being, the direct monetary reward was more important.

If I remember correctly, the new coins issued by the Zine Empire can be directly exchanged for gold in banks, and even many local legions recognize the existence of new coins as hard currency.

Moreover, if you buy food or replenish ammunition in the unfamiliar city of Chekavsk, you will definitely need new coins. After all, your current identity does not belong to the Chekavsk Legion, but is still a member of the Sokra Guard for the time being.

After Wright put the subsequent message, which contained only a series of messy and irregular letters into a password, into the middle compartment of the khaki military backpack beside him, he supported his chin on his arm and thought for a long time, and finally made a decision. Decide.

The notebook, the notebook that recorded information within a few days after I woke up from the time travel and returned from the Sogra Police Station, I have to add some information I received in the past few days.

Thinking of this, Wright took out the "diary" from the bottom of the third layer of the backpack, which was cushioned with some canned food and clothes. Although it had a folded crack, it was still very neat.

He casually picked up a pen with a feather on the table. After confirming that there was enough blue ink in it, he recorded:

"April 527, New Year. My time travel is related to the ritual called 'Singing of Machinery'. The participants in the ritual are Natasha, George and Yato, among whom Natasha and Yato are dead."

"The ritual originates from the ancient book MB-527-01. There are two important points in the content. 1. To find the daughter of Tool Yuan, you need to summon the apostle of the god through a ritual. 2. You need the blazing emblem to participate in the ritual summoning. Maybe the emblem The power is related to the two forces of light and darkness?" Wright put a question mark at the end.

"After the failure of the ritual, George may have given up on using the messenger to find the gods. He is looking for a woman with a confused singing voice. She may also be the key to unlocking the secret of the daughter of Tool Yuan."

"Due to the failure of the ritual, I have some memories that were erased by Yato, but it is currently difficult to retrieve and I need to wait for the opportunity. Moreover, Yato's subsequent ritual to stimulate the red magic source power in his body may be an extension of the former ritual. The Red Devil The source of power may be related to rituals and gods.”

"The red magic source power is an ancient power that was born during the decisive battle between the Krusted Empire and another big country. The parts currently known to be usable include summoning the red-faced Hain to communicate, opening the gray dream, and forming a spirit. In combat and triggering the touch of darkness, it may be used to communicate with gods. Other abilities need to be explored."

“After the Battle of Kovo, it seems that the Socra Committee must have contacted the Church of Hope, or even other churches of the Lost.

Together they may search for the daughter of Tool Yuan and explore the Silent Highlands. Use the power of the gods to open the 'Raleye's Dream' and induce everyone to fall into a paradise of sleep. There needs to be a way to stop this cruel act. "

"There are professions in this world. Lower-level professions need to be exposed to magic power to be promoted to middle-level professions. Middle-level professions need potions or opportunities to contact gods to be promoted to upper-level professions.

There are a total of 16 upper-level professions, and the promotion method is currently unknown and needs to be explored. He belongs to the profession [Order] that cannot be obtained through promotion. Later, he can learn other upper-level professional abilities and belongs to the existence of a leader.

Therefore, he needs to increase his voice in the Guards and even the Empire, and then become an 'Echoer' who can end the wasteland and discover the existence of gods. "

"Currently, I need to detect the existence of the Inspiration Sequence Core through the power of the gods in order to be promoted to the Sequence Level. The exploration of the Girl of Tool Yuan is one of the goals for follow-up actions."

"The information about the Tein sect, Aaron and Natasha still needs to be explored. Only part of the answers to the cause and effect of my time travel have been obtained. The diary of the chooser, more information about the red magic source power, and Yato's part of the cause and effect of his ritual Still needs investigation.

You can go to the address in the business card given by John to meet Aaron, obtain part of the magic source power and guidance on order promotion, and learn more information about the Tenyin sect. But you need to be prepared and pay attention to safety. As for whether to contact Hope Church, it depends on the situation. "

As he wrote this, Wright shook his sore arm.

But then, as a crimson light flashed before his eyes, Wright's hand actually picked up the pen, squirmed strangely in the blank space of the "diary", and wrote a paragraph of text that made him feel scared and trembling. :

"The apostle of God may have arrived. We will all fall into darkness, and no one will be saved, except red..."

The text composed of Zine Empire language came to an abrupt end.

Almost everything that needs to be explained has been explained. After the strength of one remaining party comes on stage, the rest of the story is basically about battles and games.

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