Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 202 Maintenance Robot

After absorbing the half-jar of divine-calling potion, Chen Wangping felt a little swollen in his head, so he stopped absorbing it, preparing to kill other things to change his mind.

He walked to the secondary manufacturing station, took out the damaged repair module circuit board and put it on it for analysis.

[Repairing the module circuit board (damage) analysis, the estimated time is one hour]

Chen Wangping turned around and continued to try to absorb the Spirit Summoning Potion.

Although it is a little swollen, the black oil ruins have not been open for a long time. If you can improve your strength, you can improve it more.

Like this time, if you can kill one more giant puppet today, you can get two giant robot circuit boards to study together.

You have to work harder tomorrow.

after an hour.

The remaining two jars of divine elixir also turned into eight wisps of mist lingering in Chen Wangping's divine pool.

He looked at the expired bullets in the storage compartment, thinking that since the vibration frequency of this thing is so high, maybe there will be other uses, and I will study it later.

After resting for a while, Chen Wangping walked to the secondary manufacturing platform, looking forward to checking the analysis results.

[Repair module circuit board repair analysis is successful]

[Analytical Drawing: Maintenance Robot]

[Material: [Maintenance Module Circuit Board (Damage)] × 3 or [Maintenance Module Circuit Board] × 1, [Steel Plate] × 10, [Magnetic Coil] × 10, [Battery] × 5, [D Alloy] × 10]

[Remarks: The maintenance robot can independently maintain the territory equipment]

"You actually parsed out the drawings of the maintenance robot? That's great."

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction and looked at the materials. Last time, he got twelve damaged repair module circuit boards, 38 D alloys, and two D alloys were needed to make four repair robots.

However, he glanced at the storage compartment, and simply took out two pieces of JD alloy and threw them into the fabrication bench to act as D alloy to manufacture maintenance robots.

Regardless of whether it is overkill or not, there are still so many in the ruins, and it is the right way to use it early.

[In the manufacture of maintenance robots, it is estimated that a single time will take four hours]

arrange tasks,

Chen Wangping yawned, looked up at the dark night outside, took a bath and lay on the bed, and insisted on visualizing the thunder and lightning rockets for a while, and then slowly fell asleep, ending a full day of life. .

the next day.



"Puff puff"

A series of animal symphonies slowly sounded, and by the way, Chen Wangping was woken up.

Chen Wangping opened his eyes, and when he turned his head, he saw the golden eagle snickering while covering his mouth, and there was a half-emptied bag of pepper plant feed beside the nest.

Seeing that Chen Wangping was looking over, the golden eagle tugged the feed into his own nest without changing his face, trying to hide it.

Chen Wangping glared at Jin Diao, "Okay, I'll just say why it's so lively this morning, Diaobao, your chicken is gone today."

"Beep beep!"

When the golden eagle heard the words, he quickly spread his wings to release his coercion, so that the other livestock were quieted down, and he quickly made up for it.

Chen Wangping turned his head, patted the radio, and listened carefully while lying on the bed:

【Weather forecast】

There was a heavy oil rain in the afternoon inside the black oil ruins of tomorrow, and the wind force was level 4.

【Tips for Wasteland】

Relic creatures often have huge weaknesses.

【Indescribable reminder】

It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.

【The sound of the wind】

"It seems...someone is coming..."

"It's good if it's not a zerg... Humans come when they come..."

"No.... It's impossible to get something without paying... I hate it..."

"Don't do this...control yourself...don't get lost..."

After listening to the radio, Chen Wangping frowned.

What is the sound of this wind?

Wouldn't it be better if it wasn't a zerg?

At this time, he remembered the human race test when he entered the military department's secret vault.

Could it be that the battle targets of the robots in the ruins are all Zerg?

But what do these four dialogues mean?

From the meaning point of view, it seems that two people are discussing.


The tone of these four sentences is exactly the same.

Split personality?

Chen Wangping stopped thinking deeply, remembered these words, and looked back at the rest of the previous information.

The weather forecast is still showing the information in the black oil ruins.

"Heavy oil rain? Could it be a black oil rain? It's not easy to get this thing on your body, and if the black oil is everywhere, the movement of the mutant octopus will be even more unrestricted. You have to avoid it in advance."

The information of the wasteland tip may be a reminder of the restraint relationship of garlic to octopus, which will be known after trying it out today.

An indescribable reminder, he had some vague conjectures after reading it this time.

Not to mention, the time spent fishing for octopus in the black oil ruins is really long. If you can find an easier way to call Xiao Tieniu and the others to catch octopus together, the output will be high.

Gotta give it a try today.

After digesting the news from the radio, Chen Wangping got up and walked to the manufacturing stand, took down the two maintenance robots that had been built, and placed them on the ground expectantly.

After landing, the maintenance robot had a green light on its head. Perhaps it was because of different uses. The maintenance robot produced by the manufacturing platform was only Chen Wangping, waist-high and chubby. It looked very cute. Its two hands showed round fists. It has many slits on it, and it seems to be deformable.

Just after watching the appearance, before Chen Wangping could check the properties, the green light above the heads of the two maintenance robots turned into red light, and then the steel rollers at the bottom automatically turned and rushed towards an idle manufacturing table next to them. .

After jumping to the manufacturing bench, the round hands of the two maintenance robots instantly turned into the shape of tools and reached into the manufacturing bench to start maintenance.

"It's efficient."

Chen Wangping curiously opened the property and checked it out:

【Maintenance Robot (Analysis Drawing)】

[Use: Maintenance of territory equipment]

[Special effect - over-limit repair: the upper limit of the durability of the equipment repaired by the repair robot is increased by 10% (only valid once)]

[Negative special effects - power consumption: due to the simple materials used, the maintenance robot lasts for only half an hour, and it needs to be charged for two hours after work before it can be put back into work]

【Remarks: One point of material is one point of goods】

Chen Wangping: "..."

Charge for two hours and work for thirty minutes.

The working hours are a little short.

But he turned his head and found that the maintenance robot was very efficient.

In just a short time to check the properties, it has completed the maintenance of a first-level manufacturing station, and successfully increased the durability by 10%.

Chen Wangping is very satisfied with this, "Although this kind of analysis drawing is not as good as the blueprint developed by myself, but fortunately it is simple to build, and it feels good to use in the early stage."

Find the opportunity to go back to the whole circuit board today!

Try to build more maintenance robots, and then study the effect of giant robots.

After arranging the work scope of the two maintenance robots, Chen Wangping ate something, turned his head and beckoned, "Diaobao, let's go."


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