Wasteland Rebirth: Infinite Evolution of Pea Shooter

Chapter 108: Swift and Resolute Action

At this time, in the manor, the three sisters of the Leng family, Yin Zhixue and others were all standing next to the assassin's body.

Leng Yi directly faced Leng Er and scolded her loudly. Although they were biological sisters, this dereliction of duty obviously made Leng Yi very angry.

Leng Er didn't speak, but lowered his head slightly, as if accepting Leng Yi's scolding.

Seeing her like this, Leng Yi became even more angry and scolded her even louder.

Yin Zhixue stood aside and frowned. Of course she could see that Leng Yi was just showing it to her. After all, it was their dereliction of duty. As long as Leng Yi scolded her loudly enough, it might make Yin Zhixue and others feel better. .

Varya looked at the three sisters of the Leng family, and for some reason she suddenly felt resentful in her heart. She took two steps forward, preparing to stop Leng Yi's farce.

At this moment, she stopped, because not far away, a cute pea shooter was walking slowly and swaying.

Instantly attracting the attention of Yin Zhixue and Varya, Wen Feng ran behind Leng'er, suddenly jumped onto Leng'er's shoulder, and gently patted Leng'er's cheek with a leaf.

With the ability of the assassin last night, it was normal for Leng Er not to notice. Leng Er had dutifully guarded the whole night, so he couldn't scold her just for this matter.

When Yin Zhixue saw this, something suddenly became clear in her heart. She took two steps forward and said to Leng Yi: "Don't be like this. It's just that the assassin's method is very clever. You can't blame Leng Er for this kind of thing."

Leng Yi felt happy when she saw this, but she remained calm and scolded Leng Er again.

At the same time, Leng Yi secretly thought in her heart that this mutant plant could actually walk without the soil. Not only that, it seemed that these owners had great respect for this mutant plant, which made her couldn't help but look at the pea shooter in front of her. Eye.

Wen Feng shook his head helplessly. When will the relationship between these people get better? He always felt that the three sisters of the Leng family could not fit into the relationship between Yin Zhixue and others.

After experiencing this incident, Yin Zhixue purchased some anti-theft equipment, such as surveillance probes, thermal imaging detectors and other props, and placed defenses around the manor.

Varya also started to keep vigil in person. Of course, she also discovered during the vigil that the three sisters of the Leng family actually kept vigil every day. This matter was not actually ordered by Yin Zhixue and others, but came from the heart of the three sisters.

Because of this, Varya's impression of the three Leng sisters has also changed.

At the same time, Yin Zhixue accelerated the purchase of supplies. The pickup trucks and off-road vehicles were filled with various supplies, and many supplies were placed in the basement of the villa.

The three sisters of the Leng family saw it, but did not interfere.

Yin Zhixue was slightly worried. Now the Hexagonal Fortress had taken action against them in Armida City. If they left Armida City and were in the wilderness, they would probably be attacked by even more terrifying attacks.

After a few days of relative peace, Mr. Mies came to visit again.

"Hexagonal Fortress has sent someone to find you."

Mr. Mies walked into the hall and said straight to the point.

Hearing this, Yin Zhixue's heart tightened, and she asked cautiously: "Will Amida City help us?"

"I can't help. Hexagonal Fortress said that you stole their military secrets, so they put a lot of pressure on you, and they also gave the top management a lot of benefits.

For my sake, they did not directly provide you with your location, but this is just a delaying measure. As long as you give enough money, you can easily pry open the mouths of those high-level officials. "

Mr. Mies said with a serious face. He did not wait for Yin Zhixue and others to answer, but said again: "Now in Armida City, there seems to be a tide of beasts gathering at the north gate, so I will be too busy during this period. .

The three sisters of the Leng family will be your best assistants. I hope you can escape far enough. "

Hearing Mr. Mies say these words, Yin Zhixue was suddenly shocked. Varya also came closer. She frowned tightly and asked: "Is it possible that a huge Armida City can do nothing against the hexagonal fortress?" There's none?"

"You have to understand that the actual people in power in Armida City are a group of capitalists and businessmen. In their eyes, interests are far more important than morality. What's more, the strength of the Hexagonal Fortress is much stronger than before. Armida In order to protect itself, the city will donate you sooner or later, which will also give the Hexagonal Fortress a favor."

Mr. Mies said. After finishing speaking, he thought for a moment: "I will help you one last time. I have a secret passage here that can help you get out of the city quietly. After that, you have to rely on yourself."

After saying that, Mr. Mies left in a hurry. It seemed that he was able to come here only under tremendous pressure.

"The Hexagonal Fortress competition is so sharp, it seems we are about to start an escape in the wilderness."

Yin Zhixue thought for a long time and finally said.

Varya and Rhea nodded. They were hunters in the wilderness and naturally had no objections to this matter.

It's just the three sisters of the Leng family...

Yin Zhixue raised her head and looked at Leng Yi, who nodded without hesitation and said, "The master's safety is our safety."

"Then it's decided, let's set off tonight and stay away from Armida City."

"Then where are we going?"

Varya asked, since he was leaving the city, there must be a destination.

"Go to the Wilderness of Maath."

Yin Zhixue seemed to have thought about it. She said directly: "If we go north, there is the base camp of the predators, which is not good for us. If we go west, it is closer to the sea and the city of Amida, and it is easy to be discovered by the Hexagonal Fortress.

In the Damas wilderness, even if the Hexagonal Fortress knows we are here, it will not be able to find us in the first time. And if we encounter a powerful mutant beast, we can get rid of it in time with the speed of our car."

Hearing Yin Zhixue's analysis, Valiya nodded and gave her a thumbs up.

After being fully prepared, at night, the two cars drove on the path provided by Mr. Miss and quietly left the city.

The driver of the pickup truck was Valiya, and Leia, Leng Er and Leng San were sitting in the car.

The driver of the off-road vehicle was Tofu Zombie, and Yin Zhixue had not yet fully learned to drive.

The off-road vehicle was carrying Yin Zhixue, Wen Feng and Leng Yi.

The off-road vehicle and pickup truck soon drove onto the main road and sped towards the Damas wilderness. After many days, they crossed the wilderness and came to Amida City, and now they were going back to the wilderness again.

Shortly after the off-road vehicle and pickup truck left the city-state, a group of people suddenly surrounded a manor in Amida City.

"Miss Yin, the Hexagonal Fortress invites you."

A middle-aged man outside the door knocked politely on the door of the manor, and then said loudly.

After a long time without a response, he frowned, waved his hand, and the men next to him violently broke open the door of the manor and rushed in.

However, after a search, the men frowned and said, "They have left. They left not long ago, and there are still traces of action, but all the supplies have been taken away, and it is obvious that they will not come back."

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