
At the gate of the botanical garden, sharp thorny vines were still flying, blocking the steps of Yin Zhixue and Wen Feng.

Hearing the ghostly voice behind her, Yin Zhixue's heart skipped a beat, and she slowly turned around to look.

As expected, it was the middle-aged researcher behind her. After watching Yin Zhixue's performance, the middle-aged man was alert. He immediately went back to look for the wanted order sent by the backstage Hexagonal Fortress. Sure enough, it looked exactly like Yin Zhixue.

"Yin Hao was executed for selling intelligence a long time ago, and now a so-called apprentice has popped up. Do you think it's possible?"

The middle-aged man smiled, and his right hand emitted a green light. He was holding a green irregular crystal, which seemed to be able to control the plants in the botanical garden.

Under his control, the surrounding plants became violent, and countless thorny vines attacked Yin Zhixue directly.

As long as Yin Zhixue is captured, a bounty of up to 30,000 gold coins can be obtained. It is really easy to get it. The middle-aged man is now thinking about how to spend the bounty after getting it.

Wen Feng frowned. After the middle-aged man controlled the vines, his body inexplicably had a slight reaction, and that reaction was like Yin Zhixue became her enemy.

This reaction is the instinctive reaction of plants. With Wen Feng's feelings for Yin Zhixue, it is impossible for such a situation to happen, so there is only one possibility just now, that a special prop affects his instinct.

This is very scary, there is actually a prop that can directly affect his instinct.

Wen Feng looked at the green crystal in the middle-aged man's hand, and a little enlightenment came to his mind.


A green pea was instantly launched and hit the middle-aged man's right arm.

However, the middle-aged man is not a vegetarian. He turned and jumped high to avoid the pea with lightning speed.

Then, under his control, the surrounding vines have surrounded him like zombies.

Seeing this, Yin Zhixue knew that it was impossible to break the situation by attacking the opponent with Xiaodou alone. He hugged Wen Feng and jumped high, dodging the first round of vine attacks.

"What? Didn't you say that Yin Zhixue was just an ordinary person?"

The middle-aged man frowned: "That group of intelligence is really a freeloader. They don't even know the ability of the wanted person."

Finally, the middle-aged man rolled his eyes and controlled the vines again to approach Yin Zhixue's position.

Yin Zhixue dodged left and right. With her current agility, it was more than enough to avoid the slow vines, but if she dragged on, her physical strength would be exhausted sooner or later.

After dodging the vine attack again, Yin Zhixue dodged and rushed into the woods next to her.

Yin Zhixue carefully examined the surrounding environment, trying to find any possible escape route. Suddenly, she noticed a covered cave.

"I think we can try that cave." She said to Wen Feng.

Wen Feng nodded, and he felt a mysterious breath emanating from the cave. They walked into the cave carefully, which was full of fog and they could hardly see the road ahead.

Not far from the entrance of the cave, a middle-aged man stood on a huge branch, looking at Yin Zhixue who walked into the cave with a strange smile.

Yin Zhixue hugged Wen Feng and walked along the cave for a while. Suddenly, a huge iron door blocked their way. There was a password lock on the iron door, which seemed to require the correct password to open.

Yin Zhixue observed the password lock and tried to find a way to crack it. At this time, Wen Feng accidentally found a line of small words engraved on the wall beside the door: "When you find the truth, you can get out of trouble."

This sentence made Yin Zhixue fall into contemplation, and she suddenly realized that this password lock might be a message left by her uncle. She began to try various possible password combinations to try to find the correct answer.

Just as Yin Zhixue was trying to crack the password lock, a mysterious figure appeared at the entrance of the cave. The figure was wearing a black cloak, covering his face, making it impossible to see his appearance clearly.

"You shouldn't come here." The mysterious man said in a low voice, "This cave is forbidden to enter."

Hearing this voice, Wen Feng's heart jumped, and he immediately turned back and shot a pea towards the source of the sound.


Under Wen Feng's surprised eyes, the mysterious man tightly grasped the pea he shot out, which was an experience he had never had before.

With the impact force and fragility of the pea, it should have turned into green juice directly after hitting the target, instead of being firmly grasped in the hand.

Yin Zhixue looked at the mysterious man vigilantly and asked, "Who are you? Why are you stopping us?"

The mysterious man sneered and said, "You don't need to know who I am. Now, you have two choices, either return the same way or leave your life."

Yin Zhixue looked at the mysterious man without flinching, and said, "We have no way out, we must find a way out anyway. If you don't let us go, we can only defeat you."

The mysterious man laughed and said, "It seems that you don't understand your situation yet. Well, in this case, let me teach you what real power is."

After that, the mysterious man raised his hand, and a powerful energy surged from his hand, attacking Yin Zhixue and Wen Feng.

This power seemed to be an invisible fist, punch after punch in the air, making a sonic boom.

Faced with the attack of the mysterious man, Yin Zhixue and Wen Feng responded quickly.

Yin Zhixue jumped high and hid behind the stone pillar next to the gate.

The mysterious man was obviously stunned when he saw this, surprised by Yin Zhixue's speed. After a while, an invisible fist hit the code door, and the powerful power directly broke the stone code door open.


In an instant, the entire cave began to shake, countless stones fell to the ground, and the entire cave seemed to collapse.

Seeing this scene, the mysterious man hesitated for a while. He watched Yin Zhixue jump left and right to avoid the falling stones. He seemed to be relieved. Then he took a deep look at Yin Zhixue, then turned around and disappeared from the entrance of the cave. place.

The hole then shook for a while, then stabilized.

After stabilizing, Yin Zhixue and Wen Feng immediately looked up at the entrance of the cave, looking for the mysterious man.

But they found that the mysterious man had disappeared at some point.

Yin Zhixue scratched her head, a little confused, but she didn't think much about it.

I saw a huge and extremely prosperous cave appearing behind me. Inside the cave were countless different plants. The plants glowed by themselves, forming all the lighting in the cave. It was as if I had come to a dreamland. Yin Zhixue's eyes were shining with a strange light. .

She looked around at everything in the cave. The plant was shining on her like a starry sky. She lowered her head and looked at Wen Feng. Wen Feng's big black agate-like eyes reflected the light of the cave, as if they contained the entire starry sky.

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