Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 1095: Separate

Although the child hoped that the road would be longer, he was injured and finally couldn't walk. Song Qingxiao held him back to the cellar.

"Why didn't you kill them all?"

At the beginning, Big Dog's miserable death method made the child a little scared.

But after all, he was born in the Western District and was used to seeing blood and death. After he recovered, he was only excited, not afraid.

Song Qingxiao's strength exceeded his expectations. In his mind, the omnipotent Big Dog brother had no power to fight back in front of Song Qingxiao.

"That is a group of living people."

Song Qingxiao moved for a while, then wiped the blood off her face:

"Whoever wants to kill you is fine, and whoever wants to kill you is fine."

If you kill innocent people indiscriminately and despise human life, you will only become a person like that big dog brother, becoming numb and cold.

The child was born in the Western District, and he lived carefully, and he had seen life like a grass.

No one had told him these truths before, and he would not understand them.

She asked in another way:

"Do you like people like Big Dog?"

He shook his head, but honestly said:

"But I want to be a person like him, scary, never dared to bully, and can protect me and my mother."

In the world of a child, he has only experienced the weak and the strong, and has learned to deceive, flatter, cunning, and disregard human life.

At his age, his eyes should have been the purest, but he was forced by life to put in too many dark things that shouldn't belong to his age.

Song Qingxiao touched his face:

"You can't be like him." She thought for a while, trying to explain some concepts to him in a language he could understand:

"Power can indeed scare others and make people obey you. But in the same way, strong power can also make me protect you."

She and the child's eyes met:

"Do you like the power that is scary, or do you like the power that can protect others?"

"Protect me." The child made a choice without hesitation, and Song Qing smiled slightly:

"Yes, so protection is memorable and unforgettable, while fear is disgusting. I want to kill him and replace it."

This kind of truth is also the enlightenment given to her by the choice of Senior Brother and Su Wu during the siege of Shen Zhuang and his entourage and the siege of Tian Waitian.

So that her state of mind can be tempered and transformed, and then she peeped into the door of the holy realm.

"Don't be deceived for a while and do something regretful that you will not be able to look back in the future."

Although she tried her best to make it simple, it still seemed a bit profound to a few-year-old child.

However, the child liked her very much. Although it seemed to understand but not understand, he nodded ignorantly, and replied cleverly:

"Oh." He paused, then added:

"I listen to my mother."

After speaking, he seemed to be thinking of something again, and asked:

"Mother is going out to find me tonight?"

The oil lamp was lit, and she hit water to clean up the blood on his face.

When the cotton cloth fell on his face, his body trembled, but he did not cry out in pain, but looked at Song Qingxiao with bright eyes, waiting for her to reply.


She nodded and responded briefly.

"How did my mother find me?" He asked curiously again, cleverly letting her wipe her face and stay motionless.

"Is it because of the branding my mother said?"


"I like branding." He nodded with joy, "I feel like I am a treasure that belongs only to my mother."

"My mother will add more branding to me, so I won't be afraid of not being able to find me."

He raised his small face and said with some joy:

"Even if I get lost in the future and lost with my mother, as long as there is a brand on it, I will definitely think of my mother!"

"..." Song Qing was silent.

He had completely forgotten how scared he was about the brand at the time, and he could only wait for more branding at this time.

"This one will do."

Song Qingxiao faced the child's hopeful eyes, and couldn't bear to break his imagination, telling him that the imprint of spiritual consciousness also had limitations.

She is not someone who is 800 years later, just a passerby here.

Coming here to meet him is nothing but a conspiracy of the voice in Tiandao Temple.

"Okay." The child didn't notice her silence, as soon as he heard that he couldn't add more branding, he couldn't help but responded with disappointment.

After a while, he seemed to think of something again:

"Does that mother know how to leave?"

He bent his mouth, showing a pleasing smile, waiting for Song Qingxiao's response.

She was silent and did not speak, and the corners of the child's raised mouth dropped little by little.

The look of the child's mid-term expectation was dim, and the little face that was swollen and deformed showed a little panic.

After a long while, he hurriedly pushed Song Qing's small hand away, limped with difficulty, and walked to a corner of the cellar.

"Mother, mother, come here."

He endured the grief in his heart, forced a smile, and diligently moved the clay pots:

"There is a lot of food here, enough for me and my mother to eat for a long time."

He is like a puppy, desperately trying to show his loyalty to his master, full of eyes and full of eyes in the world, she is the only one in the world:

"I won't ask my mother to go out and be humiliated. Song Aqi will go beg for food and raise my mother."

"Mother. There is so much food here, so delicious!"

He is as busy as a little bee, moving things back and forth:

"It's delicious, I'll save it all and give it to my mother..."

"Mother, eat... Stay with A Qi... A Qi will be filial to your mother..."

"I won't refuse to listen to my mother. Whatever my mother said, I beg my mother." He spoke desperately, not daring to stop, afraid to hear her refusal:

"is it okay?"

In Song Qingxiao's heart, every time he heard him begging softly, it seemed to be softened even more.


She couldn't help herself, but how could a child understand this?

The child squatted down with his back to her, his shoulders trembling constantly.

Those remaining words that I wanted to say stuck in my throat, and couldn't say it anymore.

The child was facing her back at this time, but Song Qingxiao seemed to see his desperate and sad heart through his trembling back.

She was silent for a moment, and said seriously:

"I will definitely find a way to find you in the future..."

She still has another chance to go back to 800 years ago, and she will definitely find a way to find him again.

"con man."

The child said softly, his voice as soft as a mosquito.

Song Qingxiao pursed his mouth without making a sound. He was even more desperate, turning around and screaming and shouting:

"con man!"

He burst into tears now and cried with a **** nose.

"You will leave me! Everyone will leave me!"

He was desperate and helpless, his small body trembling like fallen leaves in the wind:

"Everyone will leave me, you just want to abandon me!"

Maybe it was Song Qingxiao's behavior to find him tonight, as if a little light was lit in his dark heart, giving him a glimmer of hope.

She is so good, arranging a small home for him, healing him, venting his anger, accompany him all the way back, and make sense to him.

But why is it so good, just can't stay and accompany him forever?

"Why do you want to control me?" He finally had a little hope in his heart, but was ruthlessly broken, his heart was very sad and angry:

"If you want to leave me behind, why save me?"

The child kept crying and sobbing:

"Isn't it OK to let me die in the ancestral hall? It's just one less burden." He stretched out his leg fiercely to kick the clay pot:

"Why do I have to scrub and wash my face? I don't want it! I'm just a beggar!"

The jar broke and the food inside fell out.

These were the things he cherished the most in the past, as if his life were not willing to waste the least.

But at this time, it seemed to have witnessed evidence that he could not please her.

Useless! Useless!

He has already held out the things he valued most, but still can't leave a little warmth.

The child smashed the food with his feet, as if trying to kill himself.

In the cracking sound of ‘Kang Kang Kang’, it seemed that his heart was also broken.

In this way, my mother might hate him very much, right?

He was screaming and losing his temper. He was no longer docile, no longer flattering and flattering. She was about to leave, and the impression of him would have been worse before she left.

The child thought violently in his heart, the resentment hit his head, irritating his nasal cavity sour, tears flowed and flowed, and he couldn't stop it at all.

"Let's go." He sniffed, stood there for a moment dejectedly, and then limply walked towards the corner of the wall.

His body curled up into a ball, like an unborn baby, with his back facing Song Qingxiao.

As time passed bit by bit, the lamp that Song Qing had found in the cellar finally ran out of oil and burned, and the light gradually dimmed.


The lantern exploded twice, and the wick finally couldn't hold it, and plunged into darkness.

Song Qingxiao forcibly defended his state of mind with will, without saying a word.

I don't know how long it took, and there was a sound of "Xi Suo" in the direction of the child.

He turned over and sat up, staring at the location of Song Qingxiao in a daze.

After a long time, Song Qingxiao thought he might sit like this until dawn, when he suddenly crawled in her direction.

A cold little hand grabbed her hand cavity and gently pulled her hand away.

She relaxed her breath and let him open her hand.

A petite and thin body nestled in her arms. The child put her shoulders on her shoulders, grabbed her fingers, and sat his whole body in her arms.

The thin little arm stretched out and wrapped her neck.

The icy little face came over, leaning against her chest, and he whispered:


In this call, there is endless attachment and endless reluctance.


This hug, one shout, and one closeness means that the child's stubborn inner defense is completely opened, and there is no barrier or defense against her anymore.

At the same time, ‘boom—’

In Song Qing's young child's sea of ​​knowledge, Qing Mingling, who was already calm, was shocked when the child's voice fell.

The sealed veins were opened because of his words, and powerful spiritual power poured into her body and veins endlessly.

The scales gush out, and the familiar power wanders around her.

The seal was lifted by 10%, 20%, 30%...

In an instant, her power returned to 60% of the peak state.


Song Qingxiao was shocked, and subconsciously hugged the child's body tightly:

"It's you."

She always thought that she had lost the son of Zhang Xiaoniang's laborious birth.

Always wanted to go to Tiandao Temple, looking for the person she had promised to take him away.

Because when she touched the child before, her spiritual power had no response at all, so even if he called her mother, she was suspicious, but because of the seal, she couldn't be sure.

Unexpectedly, the reason why she first met the child, the seal in her body could not be lifted, maybe it was because he was prepared for the world.

This kind of defense has become a kind of protection for him, a kind of seal, so that no one can touch his heart, so that he can live safely to this day.

But tonight he took the initiative to open his heart defense, digging into her arms, and his yearning for warmth finally overwhelmed his defense against humanity.

That sincere ‘mother’ is his sincere emotion.

It is precisely because of the purity of this feeling that she can break the barrier of the seal that has been separated for many years and allow her power to return.


In the Shengjing Imperial Palace at this time, the emperor who was surrounded by dragon energy slowly opened a pair of eyes that seemed to be haunting purple energy.


The shadows of several golden dragons entangled the young and handsome emperor, adding to his dominance over the world.

"The magic fetus appeared—"

The emperor’s tone was mixed with joy and fortune:

"Our Daqing Dynasty can finally get rid of this bane!"


On the top of the bell tower in the Tiandao Temple on the other side, the huge bell suddenly rang, awakening the monks in the temple.


In the cellar, Song Qingxiao hugged the child's petite body tightly, as if finding the long-lost treasure through untold hardships.

"Listen to me...I will..."

"Mother, don't hate me... I won't lose my temper anymore..."

The two spoke at the same time, and he was bold enough to try to touch her face with his face.

His expression was pious, his eyes closed tightly, and he dared not look at her face. He was afraid to see the disgusting and unhappy look on her face, which was the same as the look on the faces of the nobles in the Eastern District he had seen before. .

It's just that the moment he rubbed his body, the moment his little face touched Song Qing's little face, the body that had originally held him disappeared instantly.

The child pressed his cheeks full of expectation, did not touch Song Qing's small face, and finally just passed through the air and hit the stone wall of the cellar.

Song Qingxiao disappeared!

The arms surrounding him were gone, and the warm and soft embrace was pulled away.

There was no more breath of her in the cellar, she seemed to disappear completely from this world in an instant.


The child was a little overwhelmed and fell to the ground ‘bang’.

The wound rubbed against the cold wall, and it was painful.

But the pain was no better than the panic in his heart. He got up and looked around:


His voice was with a thin cry, but he resisted without crying:


There is no one in the cellar anymore.

She has left, just like the burnt-out oil lamp, leaving him only the warmth of a embrace, and the darkness and solitude of the room.

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