Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 171: Step into

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy

No. 7’s backpack was not lost, she had a compass to set the direction, so Song Qingxiao walked with her temporarily.

Perhaps it was the influence of psychological factors, Song Qingxiao always felt that there were a pair of eyes lurking in all directions of Linzi, staring at herself in the cold.

After the delay for a while, the clouds in the sky piled up thicker, and the two of them were sweating profusely, and they couldn't tell whether it was the fear or the environment.

After getting out of the woods, the sea breeze ‘whistled’, Song Qing shuddered violently, and squeezed the dagger tightly, not daring to relax for a moment.

At this time, the cold dagger gave her a trace of peace of mind.

No. 7 still kept the animal shape, leaping through the grass, keeping a close distance from her.

Her long black tail flicked flexibly in the air, her four-clawed nails opened, maintaining a vigilance.

It looks like it doesn't look like a person anyway.

She maintained the appearance of beastization for a long time, and Song Qingxiao began to doubt her for a long time.

If the mutation of bloodline is the ability of No. 7, and the ability to transform into a beast to improve all aspects is her specialty, then No. 7 has maintained this shape because her strength is deep enough to sustain her transformation for a long time. , Or did she have lost control of a part of her body and can't change back to her previous appearance for the time being?

If it were the former, Song Qingxiao would encounter a strong opponent in this trial, and it would be a little troublesome.

If the latter is the case, then the power of No. 7 may be out of control for some reason.

When she was on the boat, her right hand was scratched by a mutant fish. After going to the island, her right hand was always wrapped in gauze, and she had never shown the wound in front of anyone.

Song Qingxiao suspected that the creatures on the island were infected, causing genetic mutations.

Could it be that at that time, when No. 7 was injured by the strange fish, it was already infected by the ‘virus’ in the strange fish’s body, so there was a change?

"Do you feel anything wrong?"

Song Qing was pretending to be careful, but the number seven on the other side might as well speak coldly.

When she spoke, the big cat-like head looked around, the furry ears standing on top of her head trembled, and her back arched a little nervously, as if a little irritable.

"What do you mean?" Song Qingxiao couldn't help but ask when she heard her speak.

No. 7 hesitated to speak and stopped, perhaps to guard against Song Qingxiao, and finally swallowed his worries back:

"I think the laboratory is too far away from the forest."

She didn't tell the truth, but even if she didn't tell, Song Qingxiao had already faintly felt something was wrong.

The two of them chased No. 3 all the way from the dense forest to the direction of the laboratory. At least they had walked out of the range of three or four kilometers, but they had not even seen the mutant creatures on half of the island. It is too abnormal.

‘Rumbling’, the sound of muffled thunder was heard in the sky, and in the thick clouds, there were lightning bursts and sparks.

No. 7 took out a bottle of mineral water from his bag, and before he could unscrew the cap, he stuck a sharp nail into the bottle.

The water rushed out, she seemed to be hungry and thirsty, she couldn't wait to open her mouth to pick it up, and she didn't even care about her manners.

"How far do you say?"

As she swallowed the water, she asked.

The excess mineral water splashed on No. 7's face, and she showed a sweet look.

Young Song Qing saw her expression in her eyes, her eyes flashed:

"It should be here soon."

When she was on the top of the mountain, she saw the situation underneath the mountain. The laboratory was surrounded by woods and a river dug out by hand across the sea.

Although this half of the island is large, the tester’s journey is much faster than ordinary people. Without the drag of Mr. Zhou and others, it would not take long for the two of No. 7 and Song Qing to rush to the research institute. Time.

Sure enough, about two quarters later, a dense forest appeared in front of the two again, and the laboratory should be in this green forest.

Before getting close to the woods, No.7 stopped subconsciously.

Song Qingxiao also looked up at the sky. At this moment, the clouds above his head became thicker and thicker.

Calculated according to time, a group of people went up the mountain before dawn. Various incidents occurred after going down the mountain. The death of No. 1 and the pursuit of No. 3 were delayed for a while, but it was the afternoon at most, but from the sky, it looked like It was already close to the evening, and there was a kind of depressive feeling that darkness was about to replace the light.

Under the sultry air, after the seawater evaporates, a faint mist forms, shrouded in the sky above the woods, floating slowly.

The dark green woods can't see the end at a glance, the ink color weighs heavily on people's hearts.

"This scene is like the residence of the big demon in a horror comic book I have read before."

No. 7 felt astringent in her throat, and her heart was beating ‘bang bang’ wildly, seemingly to ease this slightly weird atmosphere, she even joked, but did not get Song Qingxiao’s response.

She turned her head instinctively, and saw Song Qingxiao bend over an unknown weed, grabbing it as if she was looking for something.

"What are you looking at?"

As soon as No. 7's eyes turned, he walked two steps in the direction of Song Qingxiao and asked.

"No. 3 should have been here." Young general Song Qing pulled away some of the half-person tall grass, revealing some grass vines below, where there are fresh traces of being trampled on.

"How do you know that it is No. 3? It may be a mutant creature on the island." When No. 7 heard her say this, he was a little dissatisfied with her. Song Qingxiao didn't bother to talk to her.

The character of No. 3 is cautious, and the traces left behind have been concealed as much as possible, but precisely because of this, her whereabouts are more exposed.

At present, it seems that the half of the island on the other side of the mountain wall is not as dangerous as the other side, or even worse. Although Song Qingxiao has not found traces of mutant creatures for the time being, the creatures living on these islands, By now, it must exist as an overlord.

They are moving in their own territory, so there is no need to cover up like this.

Only on the 3rd, if I want to delay as much as possible, to hide Song Qingxiao and the 7th who is going to chase her, will she make an extra After asking the 7th, she realized that she had asked a stupid question Sticking out his bright red tongue, he slowly licked his lips:

"Since you have found number three, catch up with her first, get the box and talk!"

Song Qing nodded slightly and stepped into the woods.

The haunting mist in the forest parted slightly, silently wrapping the two people who had broken into the hinterland.

Although he had not encountered any danger before, it did not mean that Song Qingxiao could relax his guard.

On the contrary, from the moment she stepped into this forest, she always felt an uncomfortable feeling shrouded in death.

The temperature in this woods was much lower than outside. When outside the woods, the sky was already very gloomy. After entering the woods, the dense branches and leaves of the treetops blocked the dim light even more.

The muffled thunder in the sky seemed to hit the ears, and suddenly a flash of lightning pierced the clouds, followed by a thunderstorm of ‘boom’, and the ground was trembling.

No. 7 changed his face and quickened his pace.

Song Qingxiao didn't dare to stay. After entering the woods at this time, the light was dim, coupled with the upcoming heavy rain, it was inevitable that both of them were affected a bit.

After about ten minutes, the shadow of a white building finally appeared in the gap between the woods.

"There..." Seventh was overjoyed, "It's a laboratory!"

Mr. Zhou and others are eager to reach the laboratory, which looked like a life-saving place, and finally revealed the tip of the iceberg.

The thunder above her head is denser, and the reason why No. 7 is happy is not only because No. 3 has already arrived here first, with the silver box containing the evolution potion she dreams of, it is more likely to be the weird atmosphere of this dense forest. It has already made her feel uneasy, and the human buildings have finally relieved her tense nerves.

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