Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 190: Sacrifice

Chapter 190 Sacrifice

The white rat is like eating delicious food, and its flesh and blood fly all over, and No.3 is like a dying bug, rolling around on the ground.

The laboratory was stained with a lot of blood, and this scene of the mutant creature's brutal meal made both No.7 and Song Qingxiao horrified and couldn't bear to look directly at them.

A large number of white rats have already chased up, but attracted by the smell of blood, they all surrounded the number three.

Immediately behind, was the faintly rising black sea water in the distance.

As the tunnel exploded and a lot of seawater poured in, it would soon be filled up.

"hurry up!"

No. 7 can't help screaming, pressing the elevator a little bit hard, almost as if to puncture the button to close the elevator door.

She still held the pen that was thrown out by the number three tightly, and the joy she had received at this time faded. She should have been a little more sober, knowing that she was afraid, and she spoke with some trembling sounds that seemed to be crying.

But her hand holding the pen didn't let go, she was greedy.

"Hurry up, hurry up, this broken elevator!" No. 7 slapped the buttons, and cursed continuously in his mouth.

"Ah... you... can't die..."

The screaming cry of No. 3 echoed in the empty laboratory. The blood on the ground, the mad rats, and the sharp scream of No. 3 made the laboratory like eighteen layers of hell. The echo was like a curse and a It's a ghost that makes people get goosebumps.

Song Qing's small forehead was sweaty, and the door was wobbly closed by a third, and it was still slowly closing.

But No. 3's voice has fainted. At this moment, Song Qingxiao felt that all the movements around him were slowed down.

Every second was extremely difficult for her. She saw the feeble struggle of No. 3, and she saw the blood dripping from the mouth of the mutant mouse, falling at an extremely slow speed.

She heard the sound of her own sweat trickling down her cheeks, gathering around her chin, and falling to her chest with a ‘tick’.

There was a serious disturbance in the ears and a buzzing humming sounded.

The screams of No. 3 came to an abrupt end, only the sound of the rats eating feastingly.

The mission reminder in the consciousness is refreshed soon:

Kill mutant creatures: bats, crocodiles, man-eating ants.

Mission completed: 2000 points.

Sacrifice progress: 5/6.

Mission completed: 2000 points.

The number three died and the sacrifice was completed.

If you change the time and place, I'm afraid the 7th will still be happy, but at this time, even if the task goes one step further, it is really difficult for her to smile.

"Crack, creak," the elevator door that had been rusty for a long time was finally closed to two-thirds. This shaky door could not understand the anxiety in No.7's heart.

At this time, No. 7 regrets a bit. She was greedy for a while and was calculated by No. 3.

If it wasn't because she had the courage to pick the pen with her special ability, she hit the elevator door when she came back and delayed the closing of the door, I am afraid that the door had already been closed by this time, and the elevator was slowly rising.

Of course she didn't blame herself, but she resented the number three who used a pen as a bait. She felt that she died too early and she should suffer more.

The brush held in the heart of hand No. 7 was moistened by the sweat from her palm. She swallowed her saliva with a'gudong', and a blood-stained mouse in the distance raised her head, the pair of blood red His eyes saw the two people in the elevator.

The mouse's cheeks stirred, and blood dripped down every bite.

The moment it was staring at, No.7's body tightened and subconsciously licked his lips to relieve his fear.

She mechanically pressed the elevator door closing button with her hand, her lips closed subconsciously, and she repeated two words silently: "Hurry up...Hurry up..."

There were still nearly one-third of the door before it was fully closed, but at this time, a mutant creature had noticed the presence of two people in the elevator. The mouse had blood red eyes, and the cheeks stirred twice, like a white lightning, and drove toward the elevator.

When it ran up, it seemed to be flying, and the long tail behind it struck an afterimage in the air, and in the blink of an eye, its front paws were already on the blood-stained ladder.

The speed of this mouse is surprisingly fast. If it rushes into the elevator, the elevator that has been in disrepair for a long time and is unresponsive is sensing the entry of living things. I am afraid that most of the doors will have to be reopened after closing. It is the coming of the real disaster for the two!

Even if it was as strong as No. 7, at this time, he couldn't help but lose the ability to manage facial muscles because of extreme horror.

At this moment, her mind was blank, and her hand was still instinctively pressing the button, her teeth collided up and down, making a ‘click’.

Song Qingxiao was actually also scared, but compared to Qianlu's poor number seven, she still had the trump card of the nine-character secret order, which gave her the confidence to bet on life with two points.

After the "Pro" technique was used, it could block the white mouse rushing towards the elevator for about three or four seconds.

At this critical moment where every second counts, at this moment, she might think that she will win a chance.

The only shortcoming is that after the ability is exposed, I am afraid that the 7th will become more vigilant about himself.

But at such a moment, Song Qingxiao could no longer take care of that much.

She retracted her finger that was pressing the elevator button, and that finger pressed the button hard for a long time had long been cold and stiff, and under tension and stimulation, her whole hand looked a little unwilling.

Young General Song Qing squeezed his hands into seals, and the mind of No.7 on the side was dominated by fear, and did not notice her movements.

The fierce and unusually huge mouse rushed up the stairs, its front paws rose into the air, and flew towards the elevator.

Seven had dealt with them during the previous escape, and knew how amazing their speed was.

With some crying sounds, she slapped the elevator buttons hard in despair:


Amid the loud bang of the elevator button, there was a cracking sound of ‘click’ from the elevator button. At the same time, Song Qing’s small voice also sounded in this small space:


She uttered the first word of "Pro", and there were signs of mental power fluctuations in the elevator, and No.7 turned her head blankly, with an expression of mental breakdown after receiving a major blow.

Before Song Qingxiao had time to utter the word ‘Di’, a heavy bang interrupted the sound of her chanting techniques.

For unknown reasons, this terrifying mutant creature didn't seem to see the big hole that Song Qingxiao had dug out on the side of the glass door. Instead, it slammed into the closed sensor glass door and was hit by a huge impact. The rebound was so squeaky that he screamed to the sky and threw back and flew back.

This unexpected joy caused Song Qing to breathe a sigh of relief for a while, and on the 7th, she laughed "haha", but her laughter only lasted two times, like being pinched by someone's neck, suddenly. Stop.

The sound of the huge white mouse when it hit the glass door attracted the attention of other large white mice. Those mice raised their heads one after another, and their bright red eyes stared at the elevator.

Behind them, the seawater has spread silently, and is about to submerge to the first laboratory.

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