Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 248: midnight

Chapter 248 Midnight

The rest room of the guard hall is separated by men and women. At this time, the handover point has passed. In addition, because there are fewer women on duty in the guard hall than men, there are no other people in the female rest room, and there is a lot of space. It seemed a little empty inside.

Outside are cabinets neatly leaning against the wall, and each cabinet has been affixed with a name tag, and her name is also in it.

The left side of the inside is a resting place, with sofas and chairs and other things, and the right side is a toilet.

Song Qingxiao turned into the bathroom, and what he saw was a row of washstands about two meters long. Above the washstand was a burning sandalwood stove, and next to it was a glass to separate the bath from the toilet. Up.

The lighted sandalwood smelled faintly, and after Song Qingxiao came in, it gradually turned into a faint rancid smell.

She stayed at 17-4 for a long time today, and the stench seemed to be attached to her, and it did not dissipate after she left.

Song Qingxiao frowned. She walked to the sink, and a large stream of water gushed out with a ‘wheezing’ of the automatically sensing faucet.

The task scene is similar to the real world, it is also the midsummer season, but the water is cold to the bones. Song Qingxiao squeezed the hand sanitizer and rubbed his hands. After flushing the foam, he raised his hand to his nose and smelled it.

The scent of hand sanitizer was very strong, but she still smelled a faint rancid smell.

She squeezed some hand sanitizer and washed her hands again, but when she smelled it again, it still smelled.

The smell seems to follow, and it is difficult to wash off.

And as she washed her hands twice, it merged with the hand washing liquid, forming a very strange smell, which was unbearable.

Song Qingxiao frowned. After the washing was not clean, she simply stopped washing. After filling a small pool of water, she took the fly that had been frozen again by her from her pocket.

In a short while, the ice cube melted a little, and only about the size of a jujube remained. It was gradually unable to freeze the hideous black fly, and the flies' legs stretched out.

She threw the frozen fly into the water, and the ice whirled under the action of the current, slowly spinning and melting.

At this time, a magical scene appeared. This fly that had been frozen more than twice, after the ice melted, began to slowly stretch its wings and feet in the water. It was not dead yet.

Song Qingxiao felt a little curious at this time.

Although the vitality of the fly is tenacious, it is not so tenacious. It is almost as good as the creature that was mutated due to genetic infection on the Alcatraz island in the previous trial scene.

Each of these things was several times larger than ordinary flies. She took the burning sandalwood on the sink and swiped it at the flies in the water.

The flies that were still struggling slowly before, after being attacked by foreign objects, suddenly struggling to a greater extent.

The water-soaked wings fluttered hard, and they turned over in the water abruptly, flapping the spray, as if they were about to fly.

Its body is also different from an ordinary fly, it seems to be much harder. When the sandalwood sticks to its body, it makes a light ‘porch’ sound, as if it has touched a layer of armor.

She took a piece of paper towel, took the thing out of the water, pressed it on its back with sandalwood, fixed it, and looked closer.

This fly also had obvious rancidity, and her eyes were gray-green, which reminded her for no reason of the corpse spots on Miss Chu's body. As she approached, the fly struggled harder, flapping its wings, and its strength was not small. After several times, the sandalwood that was pressing on it broke apart with a'click'.

Once it loses its suppression, it will sway and fly. Song Qing's small eyes are quick, and he picked up the stove with sandalwood on one side, and slammed it on his body, only to hear the resound of the "clang", the porcelain stove responded And broken.

A few pieces of broken porcelain fell on the ground, or rolled into the pool, and the lower body of the fly hit was smashed, splashing a few drops of dark green liquid, and a few white porcelain fragments remained on the back, but it hurt it. It seemed to have no effect, it slowly shook its wings, shaking off the broken porcelain slag, and it was about to fly again.

This is a bit strange. She knew how much strength Song Qingxiao used.

Although she didn't use spiritual power when she smashed it down, her body was strengthened, even if she had retained a bit of strength, it was more than enough to smash a fly, but the fly was still alive.

She had already noticed that something was wrong. The fly came out in 17-4. She remembered what No. 2 said, in 17-4, Miss Chu was nowhere to be seen after her death.

The dead person is full of grievances, her ghost should have found a place to hide.

There is no Miss Chu's soul in 17-4, and the photo frames and other things she liked during her lifetime are not where she hides. This fly is obviously weird, maybe there is any connection between the two.

When she thought of this, she was not going to kill the fly. Instead, her spiritual power was turned, her hands were immediately covered with a layer of frost. She caught the fly, and the cold air enveloped it, and soon she would again The fly froze into a mound, took out the container of toiletries under the sink, poured the stuff, and shut the frozen fly in.

At the moment when the spiritual power was running, she didn’t know if it was Song Qing’s little illusion. She felt that the smell on her hands had disappeared a lot. There was a slight smell.

She took a new uniform from the cabinet with her name tag and took a shower in the bathroom. The dust and sweat were mostly washed away, but the rancid smell could not be washed away anyway.

Song Qingxiao remembered the previous scene of her own spiritual power, with a move in her heart, he entered the lounge and locked the door, then picked up the spiritual power and began to wander around the body.

In fact, she has no rules to operate this spiritual power, she only acts on instinct, but as this cold air moves through the meridians, Song Qingxiao clearly feels that the odor covering the surface of the body is being eliminated a little bit.

And with the process of the spiritual power running, the consciousness that she had consumed a lot of originally also began to slowly recover.

She walked her spiritual power three times along the meridians around her body, and the stench on her body had been eliminated completely, and her spirit was much better than sleeping for a while.

In this way, Song Qingxiao dispelled the idea of ​​restoring his mental power after sleeping for a while, but instead wandered through the body with his spiritual power tirelessly running over and over again.

The temperature in the lounge dropped again and again, and thin frost formed on her eyebrows. Most of her exhausted consciousness had been restored, and the spiritual power in her body was as thin as a silk thread. After walking through the strange tendons and eight veins, slowly Increased a bit.

I don't know how long it took, when Song Qingxiao was addicted to this kind of cultivating feeling, a humming vibration rang, awakening her from this wonderful state.

She guided these spiritual powers to gather at her dantian place, and when she opened her eyes, her spirit was much fuller than when she just entered the mission.

This time to run spiritual power was far better than she took a nap.

The phone made a'buzzing' vibration, and a layer of frost formed on it. She picked up the phone and took a look. It was already more than two o'clock in the morning. The call was a string of numbers. She glanced at it. She recognized that this number belonged to Qin Heng, who she had dialed once!

At about 7 or 8 last night, she called Qin Heng once to inform her wife and children of the accident. At that time, Qin Heng responded that she would rush home immediately, which seemed to have been back overnight.

But two strangers who only had a phone call, he was not in a hurry to take care of the affairs of his wife and children, why did he call himself?

Song Qingxiao didn't dare to neglect the task at the moment, so he immediately connected the phone.

Before she could speak, Qin Heng on the other end of the phone had already cursed:

"My x your uncle, the bitch's **** must not die!" Song Qingxiao heard him scold, his eyes flashed murderously, the phone in her hand was squeezed hard by her, and the phone case cracked slightly. Qin Heng didn't know that she had already moved murderously at this time, and still cursed to herself:

"Your father is dead, your mother is dead early!"

Song Qingxiao talked to him earlier, this person's voice was cold, and he seemed too indifferent to the death of the pregnant wife, but unlike this time, he was crazy, like something happened, and became angry.

"Shut up!" Song Qing shouted in a low voice, Qin Heng heard her reply, becoming even more angry, and his voice suddenly increased by seven to eight degrees:

"You just shut up! What kind of mischief is not good, you lied to me and Chu Ke died! Your whole family is dead!"

When Song Qingxiao heard him say this, he was stunned for a moment, the murderous intent in his heart stagnated and turned into unbelievable:

"what did you say?"

"Chu Ke is not dead! She called me! She just went back to her family's house! I x..." He was still It seems that there is nowhere to vent the anger of being teased. .

But the moment Song Qingxiao heard him say this, all the hairs on her body stood up, and a large amount of cold sweat was drained from the expanded pores, causing her to shudder violently and curl her toes.

She couldn't hear Qin Heng's swearing in anger anymore, her heart jumped to her throat, and then fell heavily, making a loud'bang', and then repeating it again and again, the sound was as loud as it was about to pierce her chest. .

At this time, Song Qingxiao's mind only rang Qin Heng's anger: "Chu Ke is not dead! She called me!..."

"Chu Ke is not dead! She called me..."

"Chu Ke is not dead..."

Qin Heng's tone was filled with disappointment, depression, and anger that had nowhere to vent after being "tricked" by others.

If Ms. Chu did not die, and she had notified him that Ms. Chu’s mother and son were dead, and he hurried home, only to learn that his wife and children were not dead, all this might be just a stranger’s "prank", his Anger is naturally conceivable.

But how could Miss Chu not die?

The goose bumps on Song Qing's body were standing up one after another.

She remembered the stench of 17-4, the swaying fly, and the deformed face on the glass in the bathroom. She once looked at the eyeballs that were squeezed out of the eye sockets. .

She witnessed the autopsy of Captain Shen and others, and saw the crowd send Miss Chu's body into the autopsy table in the forensic room.

She took the notebook of the young intern forensic doctor, and it clearly stated the cause of Ms. Chu's death. After the forensic doctor had completed her anatomy, she accompanied the corpse sender and sent Ms. Chu into the morgue.

At this moment Qin Heng actually told himself, Miss Chu is still alive?

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