Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 301: Take 2

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Luo Wu came over this time, originally full of confidence, but at this time his determination began to waver.

But he was extremely suspicious, and a little suspicious that Song Qingxiao was just bluffing. He squinted his eyes and stared at Song Qingxiao:

"Qingxiao, what are you up to lately?" Luo Wu smiled, his eyes flickered, while taking off the gloves on his hands, he slowly approached Song Qingxiao's direction: "In the guard hall, it seems that you have already It hasn't appeared for three days. It just so happens that an interesting event has happened in the Guard Hall these few days. Would you like to listen to it?"

"What am I busy with? What does it have to do with you?" Song Qing tilted her head slightly, with profound meaning: "There is a joke, I wonder if you have heard of it. Xiao Ming's grandfather lived to 96 years old because he has never been nosy. "

When Luo Zhiyu heard her say this, he was stunned for a while, and after reacting to what she had said, he burst out laughing:

"You are so humorous!"

Song Qingxiao didn't laugh, Luo Wu laughed for a while, and slowly reduced his smile, then lowered his head and stretched out his hand to flick the dust that had fallen on his body before lifting things up:

"After all, we were once ‘teammates’, and you ‘saved’ my life. I expressed concern and it was reasonable. How can I say that it’s nosy?"

He raised his head, the corners of his mouth drooping, "Don't you think?"

Before Song Qingxiao answered, he said to himself:

"A month ago, a life case occurred on Qiujie Road. Two members of the Hidden Family were attacked there. Their deaths were very miserable, which attracted the attention of the family."

Luo Wu stopped, staring at Song Qing and looking up:

"In the past month, whether it is the hermit family, the municipal center, or even the people of the empire, they have been paying attention to this case, guessing who is behind the hands." He said word by word, his gaze was like a torch, and he was deeply afraid. Missed a subtle expression on Song Qing's face.

When he started to laugh, Song Qingxiao did not follow, but at this moment he closed his smile, but Song Qingxiao pursed his lips.

Now, Luo Wu finally stopped concealing his intentions. He reached into his pocket and took out a small and exquisite thing:

"A week ago, a man called me and said he wanted to negotiate a pen sale with me."

When No. 5 said this, she couldn't help but laugh:

"I'm sorry." He apologized. "There are always so many people doing business with me these days."

He laughed enough. Seeing that Song Qingxiao didn't show any panic, he shrugged and said:

"I don't know this person. Although someone like me is no better than the family background of the hidden world, but the privacy protection is very good, how can ordinary people know my phone number?"

When he said this, he seemed to want to wait for Song Qingxiao's answer, but for some reason, she was very calm and Luo Wu didn't care:

"The man who called told me that he picked up this thing at the scene of Autumn Festival Road."

He spread out his hand, and a small delicate card was spread in the palm of his hand, which seemed to be covered with a thin film, which was picked up by his other hand and turned around.

This card is extremely simple, not in line with Luo Wu's own exaggerated image, showing a low-key gorgeousness.

"When this man picked up the card, he also found two corpses at the scene. Knowing that something serious had happened, he hid for a while, and now he came to me for a benefit." Luo Wu appreciated the card in his heart, "I spent it. Time to settle this'deal', but Qing Xiao, guess how did he get this business card?"

The film wrapped on the business card was shiny in the sufficient light, and No. 5 squinted like a sly fox.

"My business cards are specially made. Each one is different. There is a traceable chip in it." He snapped the business card in one fell swoop: "And this business card was given to you by me."

After speaking away, Luo Wu stopped concealing himself, and approached Song Qingxiao again:

"At first, everyone was speculating that the person who stirred up the muddy water might be from the Hidden Family, or even suspected to be a group like Tianwaitian. But no one had ever suspected that one stayed in the western suburbs and was born. Tiny, low-blooded woman."

Song Qingxiao stared at him coldly, did not interrupt him in the middle, but laughed after Luo Wu finished speaking:

"and so……?"

Her reaction was far beyond Luo Zhiyu’s expectation. He frowned, “Coincidentally, three days ago in the evening, when the guards on Qiujie Road were patrolling, they were attacked again. The captain of the guard who was on duty that night was seriously injured and dying. People from the Shi family searched for the breath of'Tian Wai Tian' there..."

Speaking of this, on the 5th, he noticed that Song Qingxiao was ‘moving’.

In fact, her expression has not changed, but he keenly felt that something in the air had changed, and the atmosphere had become very tense, filled with a breath of wind and rain, and it seemed that he mentioned the breath of'out of heaven'. Finally attracted her attention.

A strange thought flashed in Luo Wu's mind. He always felt that it was a bit weird for someone from Song Qingxiao to pay attention to "Tianwai" at this time.

People who have experienced God’s trial will indeed undergo some transformations, and their lives will be drastically changed compared to before, but people like them are far inferior to the peripheral members of the hidden family, even if Song Qingxiao was mentally ill at the time. In the scene of the hospital, the performance is very good, how can it have any connection with "Tianwai"?

He said these words, in fact, he just wanted to swindle some of her secrets for his own use.

"'Heaven's outside the sky'?" Song Qingxiao murmured and repeated his words. When she said this, her voice was extremely low. There was a trace of murder in her tightly squinted apricot eyes: "There are people outside of people, there are people outside of heaven?"

When Luo Wu wanted to look carefully, he couldn't see the strange color, as if the fear he had in the first moment was just an illusion.

"Yes. This incident attracted the attention of the Shi family, but when it arrived, the breath had already gone. I remember, Qing Xiao, did you say that Qiujie Road happened to be your patrolling site?"

His memory is pretty good, someone with a personality like Luo Wu has a lot of scheming, and it is not strange to remember such a sentence that Song Qingxiao said casually.

But at this point, Song Qingxiao didn't bother to go around with him. Today, she accidentally got the identity of Qianshan from Luo Wuzui. It was enough for her, and she didn't want to spend it with Luo Wu again.

"Yes, so what do you want?"

"Both things happen to be related to you, but the weird thing is that you have chosen cleanly in both things." He curled his lips and pulled out a weird smile:

"If it wasn't for this business card, I'm afraid I would not believe it."

After clarifying the matter, Luo Wu directly asked:

"Qing Xiao, did you go to the scene on the night of the incident?" He pressed forward every step of the way, "What are you going there for? What does the two hidden family members who died have to do with you?"

"Can't you continue to play stupid?" Song Qingxiao asked.

No. 5 didn't expect that she would say such a thing, and couldn't help but smile: "Why?"

"The business card belongs to you. It was lost at the scene. Even if it is related to me, you are in trouble, why bother?"

Luo Wu shook his head, "I have a shortcoming, that is, I am afraid of dying very much, and I am very spared. I always like to break the casserole and ask the end for things related to my family life. I have to be sure to feel at ease."

"If I say these things have nothing to do with me, do you believe it?" Song Qingxiao asked, seeing that No. 5 was just smiling, and she didn't answer, so she said: "It seems that you don't believe it."

"Hey." Song Qingxiao sighed with some regret, and Luo Zhiyu paused, a little surprised:

"What are you sighing for?"

"I just feel a little regretful. For me, killing people in the trial scene is just to survive. I don't kill people, but people want to kill me." She raised her head and stared at No.5, her eyes were dark, like an abyss. It is inexplicable: "I really don't want to kill too many people in But sometimes, I can't help myself."

Number Five was still laughing before, but after hearing the killing intent in her words, her eyes turned into mockery:

"Do you want to kill me?" He responded, and then affirmed: "You want to kill me."

He put the business card back in his pocket, "But you are so confident, can you kill me? I know, you behaved well in the mental hospital, but I..."

"You also have another trial."

She did not deny that No. 5 was broken by her, but instead nodded openly:

"So you are sure that you are my opponent alone?"

Song Qingxiao couldn't help laughing when he heard him say this:

"I don't know if I am alone, but you are." When she said this, the hidden silver wolf on the side of the stairs slowly raised her head, revealing a pair of furious eyes.

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