Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 331: Shenwei

   As these thousands of spiritual points entered the body one after another, Song Qingxiao's muscles that had been drained by the silver wolf phantom seemed to be greatly nourished.

   After devouring the flesh and blood of the two-headed dog, the spiritual power transformed by the silver wolf phantom was more pure than before.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the howl of the silver wolf has disappeared, but its aura flows in Song Qing’s small veins with its spiritual power. After fighting side by side in this form, it seems that this is the first time that a person and a wolf have achieved it. A special fit.

   The last few strands of spiritual power entered her body, and the claw-changing hand slowly returned to a long and delicate palm, still carrying undried blood.

   The silver wolf mark on the wrist was very eye-catching, she stretched out her fingertips and rubbed it, the mark was slightly hot, and seemed to respond to her in such a special way.

   There was a warm color in her eyes, and she hooked her mouth.

   "Ah roar!"

   A giant roar awakened all the trialists who were immersed in the shock of the appearance of the silver wolf and disappeared after defeating the two-headed dog.

   The softness in Song Qing's small eyes disappeared quickly, and when he raised his head, there was a pair of cold eyes in his eyes.

   The two-headed giant dog retreated, but everyone's situation has not become safe. There is still a dangerous giant on the cliff that needs to be solved!

   The giant holding a giant axe temporarily stopped chasing No.1, his shoulders drooping, and his mouth roared when he saw the two-headed dog escape.

   There is a big problem with this terrorist camp.

   Although the two-headed giant dog was temporarily beaten away, it has been delayed for a long time and I don’t know if it will come to chase the soldiers again.

   "Everyone, don't waste time, solve this giant first!"

   Song Qingxiao held the dagger, and ordered in a deep voice.

   Her current aura is different from before.

It may be the extraordinary strength shown when defeating the two-headed giant dog. At this time, even if she speaks with other testers in this tone, whether it is No. 5 and others or No. 4, who was slightly dissatisfied before, they all defaulted at this time. Following her arrangement, they chose their respective positions and surrounded the giants.

   The giant had already felt something was wrong, and there was a long humming sound in his nostrils. After turning around for a while, the axe in his hand slammed into the ground, and then he strode in the direction of number six.

In the heavy footsteps of ‘clang, clang, clang’, even if No. 6 could not help backing up, the two of them were getting closer and closer in the blink of an eye.

   It's not stupid that he chose No. 6 as the primary target of attack, he probably has the heart to break through.

   No. 6 has been injured before, and his internal respiration has not yet healed. Among the few people, he should be the weakest!

   "Number seven entangled him, number one shot him in the eye!" Song Qing said loudly.

   She didn't need to arrange for the 6th. It was about his own life. He grabbed the flute with his hand and wiped it hard, wiped the blood off it, and put it to his mouth to blow.

   With a ‘swish’, a long whip swung in the air and entangled the giant’s calf.

   The tail of No. 7's long whip once again turned into a snake's head, climbing up his legs, his body was as soft as noodles, getting longer and longer, crawling to the side of the waist a few moments, opening his mouth and spitting out a letter.

   The giant stretched out his big palm, pulled the snake body that had been wrapped several times in his palm, and then pulled it hard!

In the sound of    ‘click’, the body of the snake was forcibly torn off, ‘plop, plop’ fell to the ground!

   But the snakes that were broken into several pieces did not die after landing. Instead, they wriggled on the ground and grew new snake heads, transformed into several small snakes, and swam in the direction of the giant again!

   This technique is amazing, but obviously it is not lethal to giants.

   Fortunately, the flute was already played on the sixth, and the moment the spiritual power was injected into the body, the moment the note came out, it immediately occupied the giant's consciousness.

   In order to save his life this time,    clearly controlled the flute sound only to the giant.

   In this way, the effect was far better than before, and the giant fell into a myth in an instant.

   When the giant who was still roaring before, when the flute sounded into his ears, his eyes were a little tranced, and his footsteps were slightly sluggish!

  When No.5, who was ready to go, heard the sound of the flute, he had made preparations long ago, but when he realized that it was not affected, he turned his head and looked at No.6 deeply and pursed his lips.

   The roar and footsteps of the giant disappeared, and the sound of the melodious notes was mixed with the sound of snaking and crawling by several small snakes made by the No. 7 long whip.

   At this time, Number One, who had been hiding his figure suddenly appeared, holding a crossbow in his hand, aimed at the giant's godless eyes, and pulled the trigger!

   All this happened so fast that the number six didn't even react at all, and there was no way to stop it.

   opened the bow without turning back the arrow, the arrow shot out with a ‘swish’, and this time it accurately hit one of the giant’s eyes!

   The giant's body was covered with scales like a two-headed dog, and his body was like a copper wall and iron wall, it was difficult to hurt him.

   But his eyes are probably the only weakness in his body, and the arrow pierced his eyes!

   was attacked at the weak point, but the eye was hurt. The giant who was fascinated by the flute suddenly became awake under the pain and let out a deafening scream!

  ‘Puff! The No.6, who was playing the flute, didn't have any defense at all. Once again, he suffered from the backlash of the sound. He opened his mouth and spouted blood again, his face was pale as paper, and his body was shaky!

   He was injured originally, but this time he was hurt again and again, and it was really painful. The blood kept pouring out, dripping down his chin, staining the front of his clothes red.


   The giant uttered a continuous roar in his mouth, and at the same time stomped the ground with his feet to vent his anger.

No. 6 was backlashed by the power, and at this time, he couldn't resist the attack of the sound wave. After a little breath, he suffered from colic, his hands trembled, and even the flute was almost Now No.6 His heart was so angry that he was so angry.

When he was backlashed by power for the first time, because it was Song Qingxiao who severely injured the two-headed dog, the scene where she pulled out the tongue was too stimulating for him. Even if there is fire in his heart, No. 6 is in front of his strength. I had to endure it.

   Can forget it once, come again for the second time?

   "What the **** are you doing?"

   On the 6th, he flew into a thunderous rush, spitting out two mouthfuls of blood, and yelled.

   "I didn't see me trapping him, did you?"

   No. 1 succeeded with an arrow and attracted the attention of the giant. The giant saw that it was No. 1 that had hurt him. New hatred and old hatred suddenly rushed into his heart. Now he let go of No. 6 again, vowing to pinch No. 1 to death!

   "I'm listening to No. 3, shoot him in the eye!"

   One has already been very experienced in avoiding giants. At this time, he heard the six scolding, and he still had time to turn his head back and reply:

   "I just follow the command of the alliance, if you have any questions, go to the number three to make trouble!"

   He blocked the anger of No.6 with a single sentence. At this time, No.6 was angry and was trembling all over, but he didn't dare to look for Song Qing with a little unlucky feeling.

   Song Qing's small mouth raised slightly, turning a deaf ear to the quarrel between the two.


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