Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 762: exposure

The “power to destroy the dragon” that should have been given by the law of heaven and earth, was finally because Song Qingxiao did not conceal or deceive him in the critical moment, so that he had experienced the forgotten soul of mankind and the uncle’s influence on longevity. After her greedy heart, she once again developed a good feeling for the human being'guarded' by her, and then bestowed such a power on her.

Ling's power against the sky did not return to the world with the disappearance of their clan, but after the extinction of the Chang clan, as their inheritance, it fell into the hands of Song Qingxiao.

Even if Song Qingxiao's strength is now limited, the true power of the "Dragon Slayer" has not been fully utilized, and only a very small part of its true power can be mobilized.

But the ‘power of slaying the dragon’ itself is the force that restrains the ancient great demon level against the sky. Now even if Song Qingxiao can only exert one ten thousandth of its power, it has already made the Beast King feel bad.

It realized that it had underestimated these two ice dragons, and it was too late when it wanted to dodge.

The silver wolf could only leave a few traces of skin and flesh under the full force of the previous grab. At this time, under the grip of the ice dragon, it seemed as tender as tofu.

The ice dragon's claws easily pierced the shoulder blades of the Beastmaster and pierced into his flesh for several inches.

The blood had not yet poured out, and it was immediately coagulated by the force of the ice system.

What is even more terrifying is that as the ice-type spiritual power invaded the body of the Beastmaster, the suppression of its bloodline by the ‘dragon-killing force’ became more obvious.

Compared with the large-scale scars caused by lightning strikes, this tiny wound is not worth mentioning.

Hook injury on both sides was only a slight tingling.

The only thing that made the Beast King feel frightened was the breath of the'Dragon Slaying Power' that made it scared. Even the slightest amount of it had already greatly affected it.

This feeling awakened the instinctive fear in its blood, as if under such power, it couldn't afford the courage to resist.

After a short while, the two ice dragons grabbed them, and then forcefully lifted the upper body of the Beast King who had lost the power to resist.

But the Beastmaster is the Beastmaster after all, and as soon as it noticed something wrong, it quickly reacted.

As soon as the forelegs vacated and the upper body was forcibly pulled up, it grinned and let out a roar!

With this roar, a force gushed from its body, impacting both shoulder blades.

The blood surge, which was frozen into frost, burst into red gold with the burst of spiritual power.

The red gold followed the infection of the golden dragon's claws, like a very powerful virus, in a while, it turned the ice dragon's claws from translucent light blue to dark gold.

The two ice dragons wailed, and in the crisp sound of ‘cang’, the two pairs of claws suddenly turned into metal pieces and broke apart.

The beast queen leaned back for a while, and at the same time, its frozen hind limbs kicked, and the frozen lower body tore the ice layer at once, as if it was about to stand up.

Song Qingxiao had never thought that the beast king could be trapped only by her own transformation technique, and the ice dragon that was released was just a moment of delay.

Seeing that the Beastmaster got out of trouble, she immediately raised her arms--

‘Wow! ’

The spiritual power turned into a long white mist, and a long whip shaped like a dragon was formed in an instant, which was pumped to the hind legs of the Beast King by her strength!

The long whip pierced the sky, taking advantage of the moment when the Beastmaster was not completely out of trouble, the Beastmaster's hind foot was struck with a'pop'.

"Hum! Mutter! Too!"

Song Qingxiao pronounced several syllables one after another, and the'Power of Extinguishing Dragon' was urged.

A golden thread flows inside the transparent ice whip, sticking to the foot of the beast king, even if it has realized that something is wrong, and fills the whole body with power, but wherever the whip goes, it is like a knife cutting butter!

The metalized skin defense was torn apart by the ice whip, and the lines on the whip like dragon scales resembled the thorns of thorns, twisted with flesh and blood to tear it to the leg.


The blood spattered, and the Beastmaster let out a cry of excitement and anger.

Under the chase of that force, it was completely suppressed by the cover, as if there was no power to fight back at all.

Moreover, the damage received by this blow was different from the previous flying dragon's catch. The long whip was held in Song Qingxiao's hand, and the damage caused by the'power of slaying the dragon' was much greater than that of the transformation technique.

The Beastmaster only felt that the wound was extremely painful and unbearable, so he rushed into his blood and soul, making it angry.

Although Song Qingxiao's two successive blows were successful, they had already made her use her full strength.

Once the Beastmaster slows down and goes all out, even with the blessing of the ‘Dragon Slayer’, there is too much difference in strength between her and the Beastmaster, and it’s hard to make it easy.

At this moment, she was fascinated.

The sea of ​​starry sky was originally being absorbed by the Chaos Orb, and it was rolled in all directions. At this moment, only a small part of the originally huge sea of ​​starry sky remained, like an inflated balloon, which could not last long.

But at this time, somewhere in the originally inflated and sealed balloon, it seemed that there was a fresh infusion of divine consciousness!

The arrival of this ray of consciousness broke the seal of the entire space.

Just like a needle, pierce this ‘balloon’ into a small hole.

Shi Qiuwu!

This thought flashed through Song Qing's little mind.

The sea of ​​starry sky was closed, and it was originally inseparable from Shi Qiuwu and the Beastmaster.

The beast king suffered thunder first, and then was hindered by her and Silver Wolf's joint efforts. Under the interference of the'power of destroying the dragon', his mood was already in a mess.

In addition, it stayed in the sea of ​​stars for a long time, and failed to rush out as expected, causing it to lose part of its control over the sea of ​​stars under the rage.

Now the control of the sea of ​​stars should fall into Shiqiuwu's hands.

At this time, there was a loophole in the barrier, and a powerful and unfamiliar divine consciousness invaded, which proved that Shiqiuwu, who was in the middle of the sky, had noticed the changes in the sea of ​​stars, and was distracted to investigate.

And this slight change was brought about by Song Qingxiao.

When she chanted the secret spell and used the'power of slaying the dragon', the shock induction brought by it was not only detectable by the Beastmaster, but also by Shiqiuwu, who controls the sea of ​​stars.


Song Qingxiao sighed. She originally had no intention of working with the two powerful men who had entered the holy realm. All she asked for was to break through the barrier and escape to life.

But the unexpected appearance of Silver Wolf broke her plan.

In the Yulun Void Realm, when he was beheading Fan Wu, the Heavenly Slaying Sword, the Chaos Blue Lantern, and the Star Array had been exposed.

If Shi Qiuwu discovered his own existence in the sea of ​​stars, the consequences would be disastrous.

Although she didn't know why Shi Qiuwu hadn't found her mind to explore the sea of ​​stars until this moment, she had no retreat.

Although Song Qingxiao guessed that Fan Wu was still alive, she didn't expect that Fan Wu's "living" at this time was just the only thing left.

She didn't know that Fan Wu was in the Yulun Void Realm. Although he was judged to have completed the mission due to the completion of the sacrifice and the resurrection of the Dragon King, and finally survived by chance, according to the rules of the test, his body had been used for the sacrifice. It was completely'damaged'.

The power of God Prison is extremely powerful, and there is a set of game rules set by the ‘God’.

But Fan Wu's body is dead. Feeding the Dragon King is irreversible.

Unless there are extra interventions by ‘people’, according to the rules, even if Fan Wu’s mission is completed, he can only exist in a state of spirit and soul.

Even if Song Qing is careful and fine, but she naturally dreamed that she would not have thought that Fan Wu was seriously injured that day. After the soul returned to the Fan clan, she was still rescued. She has not yet been able to tell how she was in the Yulun Void Realm that day. What happened in it.

For Shi Qiuwu, her existence was insignificant. She was chased by people from the Imperial Martial Arts Research Institute on such a ‘little matter’ that day, and it was not enough to shake the ancestor of Shi’s family.

Even if Shi Qiuwu had great magical powers, naturally he would not have imagined that after being chased by members of the parliament, people recorded as ‘dead’ would appear in the sea of ​​stars.

For Song Qingxiao, this subtle error has a completely different effect.

As long as there is still a little way, she will naturally not expose it easily and act recklessly.

But just because she has too much thought and has already calculated all the results in her mind, she will think that she has no retreat, and she has to fight to the death!

The moment when Divine Mind broke the barrier and entered the sea of ​​stars, Song Qing's small pupils shrank.

She took a deep breath, and no longer controlled her own strength to repair.

The strength of the cultivator of the Divine Divine Realm was released. When Shi Qiuwu in the air sensed this trace of divine consciousness, a crack appeared in his calm face:

"this is--"

Before he finished speaking, the divine thought that was released only heard a loud bang, and then three frost dragons drilled out of thin air in the sea of ​​stars!

On each of these dragons, there is a strong ice element spiritual power, once it flies out, it will immediately suppress the thunder and lightning that has already gone.

The Chaos Orb, which was closely tied to his spiritual power, was instantly covered by white mist.

"Kaka, Kaka"!

A large amount of ice force caused layers of ice crystals to form on the surface of Chaos Orb's orb, and that chill penetrated through and spiritual power into Shi Qiuwu's veins.

Although this ice-type spiritual power invaded quickly and fiercely, there was still too much difference between Song Qing's small realm and Shi Qiuwu.

His eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and in an instant this spiritual power had been absorbed by a stronger force the moment it invaded his veins.

But what surprised Shi Qiuwu was not the existence of this power, but the fact that in the sea of ​​starry sky, there were even cultivators of the Divine Realm hiding in it!

when did it happen?

It has been sixty or seventy years since the Star Alliance in those days. Was there someone left from the battle of that year, or was someone invaded afterwards in a place he didn't notice?

However, the Star Alliance had agreed that before the border gate, mankind would stop!

If this person enters the sea of ​​starry sky after the starry sky covenant, how does he pass through the border gate, and how does the Beastmaster keep ‘him’ alive?

In an instant, all kinds of questions passed through Shi Qiuwu's heart one by one.

But he soon stopped thinking about it.

This is a little mouse who, to his surprise, slipped into the sea of ​​stars.

It is a pity that this fish that slipped through the net can survive in the sea of ​​stars where monsters and beasts are rampant, but it is destined to not survive today.

When he thought of this, a faint killing intent flashed in his eyes, and the spirit that he released had not yet started, and then the storm recurred!


Shi Qiuwu's eyelids twitched slightly as the faint sound was covered by the helpless neigh of the remaining herd of animals.

An extremely stern breath rose into the sky, sweeping away the cold mist from the sky.

In almost an instant, the royal ancestor recognized the source of this breath:

"Sword Qi?"

This kind of overbearing and awe-inspiring meaning, apart from Jian Qi, there is no other possibility.

Before he finished his words, the spirit of his release felt the sword energy that appeared to sweep his spirit.

"Humph!" Shi Qiuwu let out a cold snort, "I'm not brave!"

However, the distracted monk is nothing more than two realms away from him. At this time, he dare not control his strength and try to cut off his divine consciousness.

Even if he has a lot of spiritual power and spirits held by the Chaos Orb at this time, with his strength at the peak of the void, even a trace of divine thought is enough to drive this little mouse who dared to attack him.

Thinking of this, Shi Qiuwu's eyes flashed coldly and decided to teach this younger generation a lesson.

He knotted his hands, punched several magic arts and entered the Chaos Orb, first expelled the chill in the pearl, and at the same time turned his divine spirit into invisible energy, when the sword energy was wrapped in it—

Zhu Tian turned into an afterimage, slashing his divine consciousness with a ‘wow’!

"What?" Shi Qiuwu let out an exclamation, his face paled, and the fluctuation of his spiritual power actually affected the Chaos Orb. Once the power in the pearl is activated, in addition to absorbing the energy of the sea of ​​stars, there will be backlash. His tendency.

Shi Qiu's spiritual consciousness was damaged, and a tingling sensation passed back to the sea of ​​consciousness.

He realized that he would lose the other, and immediately forcibly endure the anger in his heart. In the future, if he could take the initiative to cut off his divine mind, he first ordered his spiritual power to back pressure and regain the initiative.

But after that sword qi smashed his divine mind to pieces, it didn't just go back.

Jian Ying took the cold light and rushed straight towards the barrier, as if trying to break through the barrier.

This enchantment is integrated, and has been laid out for many years, and has long been integrated with the sea of ​​stars, forming a unique small world.

And the ‘key’ that controls the gate of this small world, in this world, happens to be in the hands of the Beast King and Shi Qiuwu.

Shi Qiuwu had previously sensed the existence of the ‘power to destroy the dragon’, and under curious visits, it was like using this ‘key’ to open the door with his own hands.

Under such a chaotic situation, I can sense the visit of my divine mind for the first time, and find this loophole with great accuracy, and control the flying sword to slash people in the sea of ​​stars are definitely not Ordinary cultivators in the realm of distraction, at least relying on the strength of this divine consciousness, are no longer weaker than the realm of Harmony!

When Shi Qiuwu realized this, it was too late.

I saw a sword qi ‘swish’ from the divine mind that Qiuwu had penetrated into the sea of ​​stars, breaking through the barrier and rushing towards the sky.

"Huh!" Shi Qiuwu made a mistake in his estimation, and suffered a small loss from such a younger generation. Not to mention the loss of a ray of spiritual thought, he was also seen through the loopholes and followed the gap opened by his own spiritual thoughts. Drill out.

This alone has already made this half-step into the holy realm powerless face.

He was quite unhappy in his heart, and was going to knock down this long sword first.

He controlled the Chaos Orb with half of his soul, freed up a left hand, spread out his three fingers, pressed his **** and thumb, and a burst of vigor popped out of his fingertips and turned into a golden stream of shadows. The long sword flew away.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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