Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 804: wake

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Although the move of'Song Qingxiao' to come back to life and kill the Buddha's shadow greatly shocked him, he was already scared at this time, and he couldn't give birth to the courage to fight against'her' at all.

But the greed of the human heart is the root of inherent inferiority. Few people can suppress this greed and give up decisively.

In particular, he has already seen the power of this Sanskrit sacred pearl. While he is afraid of \'Song Qingxiao\', he is naturally eager to take in such a treasure.

Fourth Master Pei is dead anyway, this bead is just a thing without a master.

This person also has a hint of luck, and wants to take advantage of \'Song Qingxiao\' to take advantage of the special attributes of his treasure to bring these scattered Sanskrit sacred beads into his palm.

Even if you can't get all of them, it's good to be able to divide them into a few.

The power of the Buddha's shadow is so touching!

Thinking of this, Mr. Zhixing immediately risked his death.

Several strands of red thread were drilled out of his palm, and they rushed to the half-empty beads respectively.

But as soon as Hong Si touched the bead, as the purple flame flickered, the light green on the holy bead gradually faded, and all the spiritual power and vitality seemed to be sucked away by the flame in an instant.

Under the flash of the fire, the pale green beads had become gray and fragile, and there was no light at all.

As soon as the red silk touched the gray-white bead, the bead broke apart.

The silk thread penetrated through it, and only a few traces of cold air passed through the silk light into the sea of ​​knowledge.

He threw himself away.

Under the action of inertia, the red thread pierced through the broken bead.

Mr. Zhixing was stunned for a moment, before waking up from this unexpected situation, he saw several purple flames disappeared in place, and instantly turned into one.

At this time, the purple flame that had absorbed the power of the Sanskrit sacred pearl was a little bigger than before, and the color was much brighter than before, with a beautiful luster between the sparkles.

Under the light of the fire, the purple flames bloomed slowly, and the purple awns entangled the red threads that Mr. Zhixing cast out like vines.

"not good!"

Such a thought flashed through Mr. Zhixing's mind. He shook his palm and eagerly wanted to cut the threads, but found that it was too late.

The purple vines intertwined with the silk strands, and a lotus suddenly appeared on his palm in the next moment.

The lotus petals slowly bloomed, and the purple flames emerged from the middle layers, and Mr. Zhixing's palms quickly melted like ice cream exposed to the scorching sun.

The powerful physical defense of the realm of distraction, under this purple flame, there is no resistance at all.

Before he even had time to feel the severe pain, he felt the chill rush from his palms to his arms, shoulder blades, head and all over his body.


In Mrs. Hexiang's horrified eyes, I saw that Mr. Zhixing's body seemed to be wrapped in purple flames, and then most of his body was burned to ashes in an instant, and only a small half of his body fell.

She hadn't screamed, only the sound of breaking through the air was heard in her ears, and she saw a blue shadow flashing like a whip from the corner of her eyes. The speed was so fast that Madam Hexiang was in a panic and only relied on her instinct to seal. Hurriedly read:

"Just like a shadow--"

The secret spell was only halfway through, although with her strength, this nine-character secret order should logically be enough to restrain the other party from certain actions.

But at this time,'Song Qingxiao' was incredibly strong. The secret order had just been formed, and Mrs. Hexiang felt that her consciousness was torn apart by an invisible sharp blade.

Severe pain came from within the sea of ​​consciousness, and then only heard a heavy bang.

A long blue tail swept across her waist and abdomen, sweeping her upright body backwards——

The sound of ‘crack’ bone breaking sounded one after another, and the veins in the body were broken inch by inch under the force of this thunder.

The internal organs were torn up, and the blood poured into her belly like rain.

Dan Tian was instantly destroyed, the violent energy stirred her internal organs thoroughly, and her Nascent Soul was smashed by this force.

"This is not human power—"

Mrs. Hexiang finally had this thought in her mind, and then she lost consciousness.

Her body was thrown off by the long tail. After'Song Qingxiao' killed Mr. Zhixing and Mrs. Hexiang one after another, the purple flame floating in mid-air flew back with a whistle, coiling around'her'. Ear side.

‘She’ shook the long sword in her hand and turned her head to look at Shiqi.

Although she is acting on instinct now, ‘she’ still vaguely remembers that this person was an accomplice of those who attacked her before.

‘She’ narrowed her beautiful eyes, and the fine scales on her face squirmed like a living thing, hooked her mouth, revealing an unconscious smile.

Shi Qi was looked at by her, and the chill burst from the soles of her feet.

The intense murderous intent nailed him to death. At the moment of life and death, he did not hide, but one side of his body blocked Shiyue's front.

"Bring A Yue..."

He commanded in a deep voice, that he was ready to lay down his life to block Song Qing for a short while, and to buy time for the Ranger.

If Song Qingxiao was strong in the early days, but the two of them were of similar realm, Shi Yue felt that she was very strong, but it was not like this time, she was not at all sure.

Before the word ‘go’ was uttered, there was no echo from the wandering rider. Shi Qi saw Song Qing's long tail swing in the air, and the figure had disappeared in place.

And a few meters in front of him, a very faint shadow seemed to be pushed forward by the storm of spiritual power, and it reached his door in an instant.


The last word was just said, ‘poof—’

The long sword had penetrated his belly, and the beauty with the blue long tail holding the sword pushed him back quickly with incredible strength.

The exclamation of the rider penetrated into the sea of ​​knowledge through the wind on both sides of Shiqi's ears. He didn't have time to think, and his back banged into another cold body.

The blade ‘pouch’ that penetrated his body pierced into the chest of the person behind him, and the warm blood slowly poured out.


At the dying juncture, Shiyue's figure flashed in Shiqi's mind, and immediately resisted the cold, stretched out his hand to hold Zhutian tightly, and tried to prevent it from passing too much back.

'Song Qingxiao' leaned forward, holding the sword in his hand and sending it forward.

A few drops of blood spattered from Shi Qi's chest fell on the side of her cheek, and then dripped down the smooth scales.

‘She’ raised her head and stared coldly at the pair of nephews and uncles who were linked by her long sword.

Shi Qi's face was pale, but her eyes were firm, her lips were tight, as if she would never let'she' send the sword in her hand forward half an inch even if she was dead.

"She" was provoked by this gaze, and as she turned her wrist, Zhu Tian broke through her flesh and blood, and then penetrated a lot forward.

The two under the long sword trembled together, as if their lives were under the control of ‘she’.

The harder Shi tried to raise his head, his head seemed to weigh ten thousand pounds at this moment.

The storm formed by spiritual power made him suffer, but because of the strong spiritual power, he couldn't get free.

When the Heaven Punishing Sword passed through his chest and abdomen, he felt his body was like a balloon filled with excessive gas, and finally found a trace of venting.

The tyrannical power in his body crazily penetrated Shi Qi along the sword of Zhu Tianjian, and poured into Song Qingxiao's body.

The intense pain that should have caused him not only did not cause him pain, but the moment when the coldness entered his body, it made him feel a lot more relaxed.

When he was on the verge of death, he lifted his spirits and raised his head subconsciously.

Shi Qiang's straight body supported him, preventing him from slipping.

Not far from him, ‘Song Qingxiao’s face was a bit familiar, but also very strange.

The pair of ‘her’ eyes were like starry sky, and the dark golden pupils were fainted with blue and blue colors, like an abyss, giving him a feeling of mystery and beauty, but at the same time extremely dangerous.

Spiritual power poured into her body through the blade, filling her consumption, and squinting her eyes comfortably.

The moment when his eyes met Shi Yue's eyes, his figure was not reflected.

The fine transparent scales wrap from her chin, ears, roots of hair to her cheeks and forehead. The blood that Shiqi gushes on her face adds a bit of coquettish feeling, making her look. Going up and Shi Yue's memory looked like two people.

‘She’ was so close, as if she was much closer than when she broke into his house to take shelter.

As if he could touch it as soon as he raised his hand.

"I didn't mean it..." He spoke weakly, and slowly raised his arm weighing more than a thousand pounds, and touched her cheek: "I'm sorry--"

The face of ‘her’, stained with blood, was completely different from the impression he had in his memory.

Maybe it was because he knew that her current changes were related to his unconscious behavior at the beginning, so after knowing the truth, he felt extra guilty for interfering in other people's life.

So when he saw the two drops of blood on her face, he subconsciously wanted to reach out and wipe it.

The pupils of'Song Qingxiao' contracted, and the bluish blue light in the eyes shrank like stars, and instantly shrank into needles.

There was danger in her eyes, but there was a halo of light waking up from them.

Shi Yue's hand fell to her face, and before her cold fingertips touched her face, she could see her own figure gradually reflected in her eyes.

He tried to move the corners of his mouth, trying to show a smile, but he seemed to be powerless.

In the next moment, she raised her other hand and slapped Shiqi on the shoulder—

Under the power of this palm, Shi Qi's shoulder bones made a cracking sound.

She originally thought that this palm was enough to slap Shi Qi's nephew into the air, but the Heavenly Punishment Sword that pierced Shi Yue's chest seemed to be attracted by an extremely vast force.

A large amount of spiritual power is endlessly flowing through Shiyue's body, madly pouring into the Heavenly Punishment Sword.

The dragon soul in the sword is sucking this power, but this power is too abundant.

With decades of planning of the Shi family, if the spiritual power accumulated in Shi Yue's body did not consider the problem of the realm affected by the heart demon, it would have long been enough to create several powerful people in the void.

At this moment, the Heavenly Slaying Sword couldn't fully adapt to the infusion of this huge spiritual power, and finally through the sword body, it poured into Song Qing's small body.

The three formed a strange confrontation, and their spiritual power turned into a storm to lock them up.

Song Qingxiao had a very long dream.

When the giant palm of the Buddha image was pressed down, her spiritual power was torn apart, and the power of blood in her body quickly merged with the'power of extinguishing the dragon'.

The instant and strong impact of internal and external forces caused her consciousness to plunge into darkness. The body was controlled by the instinct of the bloodline power. In the crisis, the body of Nuwa appeared. In the end, she could rely on her tyrannical body to be in the void. Survive under the pressure of the Buddha's palm in the realm.

The tyrannical body of Nuwa is no less than that of the ancient demon, even if it is a body that has not grown to the peak, it is enough to bear the spiritual pressure brought by the palm of the Buddha's shadow in the void.

In addition, the moment Shi Yue's body's balance of power was broken, the spiritual power of the Buddha's shadow was sucked away, and the power of the palm that was pressed down was weakened a lot. This gave'Song Qingxiao' an opportunity to take advantage of.

‘She’ sensed the instant weakness of the Buddha's shadow, and found the opportunity to break through.

When the rider saw the moment when his uncle and nephew was hitting the sword, his eyes were splitting, as if desperately wanting to rush over, but he couldn't break through the storm's locks, so he could only split the spiritual power with one palm and one palm. There was a muffled noise.

As soon as Song Qing Xiao woke up, he had already sensed the abnormality of the spiritual power in his body.

The spiritual power in her veins had been consumed as much as 70 to 80% in the successive battles, but at this time it was filled in a very short time.

The spiritual power that was forcibly suppressed in Shi Yue's body had been accumulated for many years, and its abundance of spiritual power was really terrifying.

In addition, he desperately caused balance, and absorbed at least 80% of the power of the Buddha shadow summoned by the Sanskrit sacred pearl.

The reason why he hadn't exploded and died at this moment was simply because his body had been corroded by spiritual power all the year round, and he had already had a certain resistance to such a situation.

But even so, absorbing so much power in a short period of time was enough to kill him.

At the critical moment, Song Qingxiao's sword just solved his urgent need!

The drop of blood in Yueyue's body when she penetrated it was like a ‘seed’ that she had planted long ago, making this power very familiar with her blood and breath.

As soon as the gap was opened, the violent spiritual power found a breakthrough like a torrent, and went into her body along Zhutian.

Spiritual energy passed through Shiqi and poured into Song Qingxiao's body.

This force that has been suppressed for many years returns to the sea like a dragon, raging within her veins.

The worst is Shiqi.

Spiritual power rushed through his body, and after flying away from his veins, he did not nostalgia, and returned to Song Qing's small body.

He was like a huge conductor between Shiyue and Song Qingxiao ~ himself was injured by the physical injury severely wounded by Jian Qi, but because of his strong will, he couldn't pass out.

When Song Qingxiao first accepted this power, she was still a little happy, but as the follow-up endless power poured in, she began to feel something was wrong.

The spiritual power of the Shi family accumulated for many years in Shi Yue's body, which was an extremely astonishing level, as if there was no end.

Not only was a large amount of spiritual power poured into Song Qing's small veins, but the Su Wu in the soul and the Silver Wolf Phantom contained in the dantian seemed to be extremely greedy to take the opportunity to absorb this abundant spiritual power and nourish themselves.

In this way, this person and wolf took advantage, but as the main force to accept this spiritual power, Song Qingxiao began to feel pressure.

Over time, this spiritual power did not deplete, but the speed of backflow became more and more urgent.

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