Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 813: Journey

"It's actually the word'dou' that has some meaning. It summons the form of the big demon with spiritual power, which is considered to be quite powerful among the secret orders." Su Wu seems to have seen the word'dou' before. When this order was mentioned, it was. The tone eased a little:

"Besides, other word orders are not very useful for high-level practitioners."

He paused for a moment, then said:

"What's more, there are two major weaknesses in the Nine-Character Secret Order. You should have discovered it too."

When Su Wu said this, Song Qingxiao's heart moved. Before she could speak, Su Wu continued:

"One is that it can't be copied." The person who has the word order does not turn it into his own use after practicing.

This object is called Gongfa, but in the eyes of Su Wu, it is like a magic weapon that cannot be learned or copied. The source of power is from the word order itself. If the word order disappears, the magical effect of the word order will be lost.

This makes this method unique and cannot be passed down, which naturally makes the collection of this order even more difficult.

"Secondly, the most important thing is that no matter how you practice, even if you use it more familiarly and handily, the nine-character secret order will increase its power as the practitioner's strength increases, but this increase in power comes from The character enhances the owner's own strength, not the advancement of the nine-character secret order."

On the contrary, other techniques, including the god-destroying technique, will unlock different new functions as the practitioner's strength increases.

Just like when Song Qingxiao first got the God Destruction Technique, he only used it as a common practice for spiritual power.

And after she was promoted step by step, the current God Destruction Technique can not only practice spiritual power and divine consciousness, but also can be used as an attack.

In the later stage, she can even cultivate and strengthen her physical body with God Destruction Technique, and find it more magical.

The nine-character secret order is greatly restricted!

It will never unlock other abilities as the master’s strength increases. It seems to have its own prohibition. If you want to truly control it, make the word order to advance and strengthen the word order, there is nothing else besides collecting other word orders. Way out.

"The Nine-Character Secret Decree itself is a nine-character body. The more characters you collect, the stronger the bursting power will be."

In other words, if there is only one order, it is an incomplete product in itself, and the rest of it seems to be covered in dust, and it can't play its real role at all.

"And the divine prison is so big, what you have come into contact with now is nothing but a chestnut in the ocean. If you want to collect it completely, it would be as difficult as reaching the sky." He poured Song Qing's cold water relentlessly:

"Now that you can collect all five-character orders, it's like your Song family ancestors went to the old tomb with blue smoke, you may have accumulated 80 lifetimes of virtue!"

At the end, he coldly added:

"Cherish good luck."


Song Qingxiao was cut and beaten by him, and couldn't say a word for a long time.

She discovered that after entering the hidden world, Su Wu seemed to have gotten rid of the bad mood after seeing the people outside the sky before, and restored a bit of meanness in the past.

Su Wu's words were like a pot of cold water, which made her feel much calmer because of the excitement after receiving the word "Jie".

It seemed to him that after he had collected the five reams, it would be difficult for him to have the opportunity to obtain other reams in his life.

Now Song Qingxiao has the Five Orders in his hand, even if it cannot be compared with the power of God Destruction Technique for the time being, it is still very useful for Song Qingxiao. At this moment, it is impossible to give up the Five Orders and make another. Cultivating methods.

What's more, let’s not say whether you will encounter other nine-character secret order owners in the following trials. Even if it is difficult to meet them, the meaning of Su’s five words is at least knowing that the word "dou" will fall on Nobody’s hands, there will be no chance to get it in the future...

Even if there is a six-character ling in hand, as he said, the power of the remaining lingo will increase a lot at once, and it can be regarded as a gain for her.

"The word ‘dou’..." She tentatively opened her mouth, and before she could finish her words, Su Wu interrupted her words:

"Don't think about it!" After he finished speaking, he paused for a while before changing his words:

"At least don't think about it now."

Song Qing understood what he meant. The ‘fight’ order might be in the hands of a strong man whose strength cultivation base far surpassed her, and she couldn’t get it with her current strength.

But at least Su Wu's words also proved that he did know the whereabouts of this Ling, and listening to the meaning of his words did not seem to be repelling to tell her the news, and it was barely a gain for Song Qingxiao.

Su Wu stopped speaking, and once again hid into her soul.

Song Qingxiao adjusted his inner breath now and began to inspect his body.

The tendons and internal organs in her body suffered some injuries under the impact of the previous spiritual energy. She was eager to escape for her life before and received a new order of "Jie", but she has never cared about this.

After she settled down at this time, the breath vented, and she felt the pain in her muscles and dantian.

It's just that her physical body is tyrannical, and the blood after the blue blood is incomparably powerful, as long as the injuries are not fatal, and under the nourishment of spiritual power, as long as there are no ‘people’ interruptions, they can be repaired for a month or so at most.

But the most troublesome thing was not the injury, but the huge spiritual power absorbed from Shi Yue's body in her body.

The abundance and majesty of these spiritual powers far exceeded Song Qingxiao's expectations, which was an important reason why she could not recover at all at this moment.

The muscles and veins have been filled with these extremely powerful spiritual powers, there is no gap at all, and the muscles and veins are ‘squeezed and filled’, causing her internal organs and veins to faintly aches.

Maybe because of the drop of blood in Yueyue's body when she penetrated that day, after these spiritual powers entered her body, it was like returning to the'body', and she was very familiar with her.

As soon as she was absorbed into the body, under her conscious control, these ‘external’ spiritual powers did not cause a disorderly impact.

But even so, it doesn't mean that Song Qingxiao is all right.

They are dormant at this time, but it seems that a little spiritual power fluctuation or the entry of external spiritual power may also trigger an imbalance of these powers and bring new crises.

This power is too strong, even if a small part of it is absorbed by the silver wolf, the remaining power is still majestic and terrifying.

Su Wu said that there is a lack of spiritual energy in the hidden world and it is not easy to cultivate, but now it seems that absorbing Shiyue's power is like specially prepared for her after entering the hidden world.

"There is really not much aura here, but if I can completely'digest' the power absorbed from Shiyue in my body, I can at least stabilize the state of distraction, and maybe I can enter the peak of the first stage. ."

After inspecting her body, she found that the strength she had absorbed was far beyond her expectations.

These spiritual powers were accumulated by the Shi family for many years. After time, Yue Yue's body was repeatedly refined, purified, and squeezed, and that power was even more pure, enough to make her almost fall after she used the secret method to raise the silver wolf The realm is back firmly back to the distracting realm.

In addition, Song Qingxiao also has a large number of demon pills obtained after slaying Tier 6 monsters in the sea of ​​stars. The spiritual power in these demon pills is also abundant, enough for her to absorb for a while.

The most important thing is that she also has a demon pill of the eighth-order beast king!

Although the Beastmaster had been severely injured several times before his death, it was after all the Beastmaster who almost broke through the ninth rank, and the power of its demon pill should not be underestimated.

The spiritual power contained in this demon pill alone was at least enough to promote Song Qingxiao to the first rank.

It's just that this thing is really rare, she expects to keep it, and only use it when she is ready to hit the realm of Hedao in the future, and she will not touch it when she is less than a last resort.

With these things, Song Qingxiao decided to break into it after hearing Su Wu said that there was a lack of spiritual power and it was not easy to cultivate.

After checking the condition of her body, Song Qingxiao glanced at her dantian again.

In the dantian, on one side of the Yuan Ying floated a spiritual power group that looked like a red demon pill.

Na Danzhu was haunted by a red haze, with a touch of demons.

Under the glance of her divine sense, the red mist on the pill beads dispersed, revealing the phantom silver coyote curled up inside.

I don't know if it is Song Qing's illusion, she always feels that Silver Wolf's aura is much stronger than when she was only admitted into the dantian.

This should have a lot to do with Silver Wolf taking the opportunity to share a piece of the pie when she absorbed the spiritual power in her body.

When Song Qingxiao saw this, he was certain in his heart, and then he thought of another point--

Since the silver wolf who was seriously injured and fell asleep can take the opportunity to absorb some of her power while she is absorbing spiritual power, then what about Su Wu, who is hidden in her soul?

The power accumulated in Shi Yue's body is immense, even if it is only one-third, it is extremely terrifying.

Su Wu just absorbed a little, which should also be extremely beneficial to him.

Song Qing's eyes flickered, and finally forced the thought down.

This is not the time to confront Su Wu, the most urgent thing is that she needs to refine this part of her spiritual power for her own use, and then heal the injuries in her body.

The god-destroying technique began to work slowly, Song Qingxiao didn't dare to use this power with a big fanfare at first, but tried to suppress most of the power, using only a little power to slowly move in the veins.

Even if she was so careful, when the spiritual power was turning in the veins, she still brought a burst of pain, stimulating the injury in the body, and causing her to spit out another mouthful of blood.

In addition, although the spiritual power is thin in the hidden world, it is not a spiritual insulating place without any spiritual power.

As Su Wu said, it is the highest-level secret technique. Once it is operated, the thin spiritual power nearby is also absorbed into Song Qing's body. As a result, it breaks the barely maintained balance in her body and intensifies her cultivation. The difficulty.

A few days later, Song Qingxiao consumed a very small part of the spiritual power that had been absorbed.

But fortunately, these powers are extremely pure, even if they only swallow a small part, they are equivalent to the income of a long time of cultivation for Song Qingxiao.

And with the devouring of this part of the spiritual power, it proved that the other spiritual power in her body can be used for her own use only in time.

For the next time, Song Qingxiao was immersed in cultivation. One year passed, and the spiritual power absorbed from Shiyue's body had been refined by her at least 60%.

The injuries in her body had long since healed, and the strength of this force was far beyond her expectations.

Only absorbing 60% of the power, not only erased the crisis of her near-falling realm brought about by the silver wolf, but the extra power also helped her break through the blockade of the first stage of the distraction realm.

The extra power broke through the profound entrance, making her a natural step into the middle level.

As the excess power was absorbed and she was successfully promoted, the excess spiritual power washed her body.

The spiritual power turned into brilliance, flowing around her face, and then the halo flowed down her body.

Wherever the streamer went, the long tail that had originally formed below the waist slowly contracted and gradually shortened, until the scales faded away and turned into a pair of long, coiled legs.

Song Qingxiao's closed eyes slowly opened, and he let out a long breath.

After entering the Intermediate Level of the Distraction Realm, her control of spiritual power was even better than before.

The body can accommodate the remaining power, and she is still more accustomed to practicing in a human form.

She took out a new set of dresses from Qiankun's bag and put on them, which sensed the changes in her body after she was promoted.

The veins and the sea of ​​consciousness are strengthened and consolidated again, and after the constant spiritual energy swallowing and advancement, the benefits to her are very obvious.

The strength in the body is still 40%, but it has no threat to her.

Although she still can't be used by her for the time being, as time goes by, after she absorbs them one by one, this part of the power will naturally turn into her cultivation base, which may help her break through to the middle-level peak, in order to enter Prepare for the top level of the Distraction Realm.

Song Qingxiao was immersed in the joy after being promoted at this moment, and was not in a hurry to enter concentration again.

The reason she woke up at this time was because she had a hunch that her next trial was coming.

After the higher the cultivation level, the call to the gods will be more clear. She needs to adjust the state in advance before the next round of trials arrives, and be ready to enter the adventure again.

She meditated for ten days, accumulating her spiritual knowledge and aura, until she adjusted her state to the peak state, the call of the gods finally appeared——

"Enter God's trial!"

As soon as the prompt sound appeared, Song Qingxiao noticed a powerful force that seemed to push the surrounding spiritual energy and ‘send’ her into another scene.

She was prepared for this, until the moment the trial sounded, she controlled the spiritual power in her body and followed the grasp of this power into the God's trial space.

The depression in the hidden world disappeared in an replaced by the familiar gray mist.

When Song Qingxiao came in, there was already a human aura in the trial space.

She turned her head and looked at it, just to meet a pair of cold eyes.

The first to enter the trial space was a woman who looked similar to her age, and her strength had at least reached the level of distraction.

It seemed that she had just stepped into the trial space before Song Qingxiao, and she had just flashed to a corner before sitting down, she sensed Song Qingxiao's appearance and turned her head.

After meeting Song Qingxiao's gaze, the cold-faced girl turned her head away indifferently, and then sat cross-legged with an indifferent look, closing her eyes, and didn't mean to say hello to Song Qingxiao.

Song Qingxiao didn't make a sound. As soon as he came in, he immediately found a direction facing the girl and sat down.


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