Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 817: position

What on earth does Hayas rely on to survive this age? Where does his power come from?

From what the blonde beauty said, we can learn that Penance treats the body as a skin to withstand sins, torturing oneself to achieve the purpose of practice.

The blonde woman said that his power comes from pain. The deeper the pain, the stronger the power. It sounds incredible, completely contrary to the profound meaning of practice that Song Qingxiao knows.

Her eyes flashed slightly, and then she sighed:

"In this way, doesn't Hayas break the limit of lifespan and achieve the goal of immortality."

After Song Qingxiao said this, the surrounding air was quiet.

This kind of "quietness" does not mean that all voices have disappeared, but that except for the tester, the twelve aborigines seemed to be quiet for a moment because of her words, showing a very strange expression.

Even Hayas, who was chanting the scriptures in a low voice, stopped, and he bent his back for a while, only the gurgling blood soaked his monk's robe and rubbed him like a crawling. The bug made a'Xin Suo' sound, extraordinarily clear.

"Such immortality is just a curse—"

The blonde and blue-eyed beauty murmured, but she soon realized that she was distracted, and swallowed the words back very vigilantly.

Song Qingxiao heard what she said, but kept her words firmly in his heart.

If Harris's painful practice, which is almost self-masochistic, and the endless cycle of eternal life seem to them just a curse, does it prove that these are not what he wants?

If this happens, then it will be very interesting.

The gentle-faced woman said that for three hundred years, the Asceticist faction in the federation took him as the spiritual leader and regarded him as a sustenance of will.

And this ascetic monk who made everyone present was a little afraid of fear, his immortality and cultivation method turned out to be a curse from the woman's point of view.

Above the train window, the man in the purple robe facing the glass raised his mouth, showing a sardonic smile, cold eyes through the reflex of the light, looking at the group of people sitting around the table.

After a while, a trace of annoyance flashed in the woman's eyes, and she might feel depressed because of her failure to speak.

Song Qingxiao has asked several questions since she woke up, and she may have told some secrets that she shouldn't have said.

This woman who behaved very empathetic from the beginning seemed to be a little angry, and even the spring breeze-like smile on her lips disappeared.

"For this mission, did the federal government not explain to you the details of this mission before sending you out?" After a moment of daze, the woman quickly endured her emotions and asked again.

She obviously didn't want to talk about the topic of'curse' anymore, and Song Qingxiao also knew that it would be impossible to get an answer from her if she asked.

When a woman says something that shouldn't be said, the defensive heart is the time to be vigilant at this moment, and speaking on it will only arouse her disgust or even disgust.

She shook her head and replied, "No."

The task clues in the trial scene all need to be explored by the trial participants. Before the task began, Song Qingxiao, No.1 and others knew nothing.

As soon as she finished asking this question, her gaze flicked over Song Qingxiao, and fell on the red-haired man No. 1 and No. 3, the strong man No. 4, and the Taoist priest No. 5.

Every tester who was swept by her gaze shook his head with great tacit understanding when she looked over.

The woman's eyes fell on the Taoist priest.

Except for the scattered number 6 that left the earliest, and I don't know where it is, the other five testers all appeared in the train at the same time.

From the eyes of the twelve people in the trial scene, Song Qing's few people are very weird in appearance and dress.

But even so, the dressing of Taoist priests is the most ‘eye-catching’ and weird in the eyes of this blond woman, and it’s hard for women to ignore it.

Under her gaze, the Taoist priest said:

"When we travel, the Federation only tells us to follow you to one place."

From his short two sentences, Song Qingxiao can probably tell that this person is thoughtful and cautious.

The current situation is unclear, and he does not want to cause trouble to his upper body. When asked by a woman, he would rather answer the question in a satisfactory manner than take the risk. Obviously, he does not want to be the target of the crowd.

The woman's expression became more serious, but Song Qing's little mind had already put the information currently obtained:

The country in the scenario of this trial mission is called the Federation, and this Federation is most likely a combination of different races.

The reason Song Qingxiao guessed this was based on the speculation of the handsome young man sitting side by side with the monk.

He looked extremely young, very handsome, with pointed and slender ears, and a breath of majestic vitality that made him feel extremely comfortable, and he seemed to have a strong spiritual affinity.

From his appearance, he is similar to humans, but the pair of ears are slightly different from humans, and they are more like the legendary elves.

In addition, Song Qingxiao felt that the ‘person’ who was sitting on his left hand and was covered in blue robe and that black robe were weird.

They were still moving, but she couldn't feel the breath of ‘human’ at all.

Perhaps it was related to her possession of the Qing Ming Order. Because of her sensitivity to the devil energy and the aura of the dead, she always felt that among the twelve people, many of them exuded a vagueness of the dead. interest.

And she found that the positions of these people are also very clever. Taking her as a watershed, the blue-robed ‘person’ is sitting on her left hand, and the blue-robed person’s left hand is in turn:

A big man with a full face and thick lips with four sharp fangs made him look hideous, half beast and half human.

In Song Qingxiao's eyes, he was a bit like a ‘human’ who confuses the blood of the monster family, but he did not have a ‘semi-finished product’ that had been cultivated to the extreme.

He occupies the most position, because beside his two thick pillar-like legs, there is a sleeping lion crawling.

The lion was so big and so big that it filled the space under his feet.

Even if it is lying on the ground, its body shape is extremely amazing. It is at least five meters in length, and its tail is as long as a whip coiled around its side. Its head is unusually strong, and it feels that it can easily swallow a person.

It closed its eyes and made a slight snoring sound, as if it was asleep. Even the previous movement did not wake the beast.

Followed by the skinny old man in black robe, Taoist priest number five, weird man in black robe, big red-haired man number three, arrogant man in purple robe, woman number one, ascetic monk, handsome-looking elves with sharp ears, full of A middle-aged man with a smile on his face, a strong man with red eyes on the number four, Edward the mage, a kind-looking old man with a book, a blond beauty, and a silent swordsman in armor and carrying a sword.

The trialers were scattered and inserted among the twelve aborigines in the trial scene. If the table is divided into two halves at the location of Song Qingxiao, the trialers on one side sit densely, and the trial on the other side. The person sits very sparsely.

However, Song Qingxiao estimated that this was due to the lack of a number six woman. If the purple curly hair number six arrives, in terms of location, her position is most likely to be arranged on the side of the mage and the old man holding the book.

Because there are obviously fewer testers on this side, the aborigines sit extremely tightly.

From the perspective of the distribution of seats, the relationship between these people is also worth thinking about.

Take Song Qingxiao’s left hand side as an example. Except for the testers, among the aborigines of these test scenes, whether it is blue robe, half-demon with fangs, gloomy face, black robe or purple robe. Between the monks and the ascetics, they all seem to be separated by a not-so-close distance.

It seems that they are not close to each other, and they seem to be full of defensiveness towards each other.

In contrast, although the silent swordsman with Song Qingxiao’s right hand as his main body looks a little downright, his golden armor seems to be covered with unknown dirt, making the armor look dim. Light, even a little dirty--

He himself was unkempt, with a beard on his face, and was silent, but the blond beauty beside him did not dislike it, but seemed to be sitting side by side with him.

The distance between the old man holding the book and the sharp-eared elves and the others is also very close. Even Song Qingxiao can infer from the tone of the old man holding the book when he greets the mage Edward to repair the desk and chair that was kicked by him. The relationship between these people should be quite stable and close.

In other words, the wave of ‘people’ on Song Qingxiao’s left hand is estranged, and the people on her right hand are close to and trust each other.

This is very interesting.

She counted, there were six people in the blue robe, half-demon race with fangs, skinny old man, black robe, purple robe, and penance Hayas.

And starting with the sharp-eared elves, the fallen swordsman who was sitting near Song Qing was exactly six people.

Most of the suppressed necrotic energy that Song Qingxiao sensed came from the left side.

In other words, the twelve people in this trial scene were divided evenly into two teams. The breath of one team was extremely uncomfortable, and the other team had gentle and close personalities.

If it is divided by elemental attributes, it is like a school of light and a school of darkness.

In this case, the six testers were divided into three teams, and the opposition between three men and three women was somewhat similar.

In the same trial, the chance of such a situation coincidentally is almost zero, and there must be some special connection or instruction between the two.

It's just because Song Qingxiao entered the trial for too short a time, and for a while he hadn't figured out the law of it.

She hesitated whether to pretend to be'reckless' and ask two more questions to get more news.

But after discovering that the twelve people in the trial scene were divided into two factions, and her previous questioning caused the blonde beauty to mention the word'curse', this faction had already aroused the vigilance of this faction.

For these twelve people, the trialists are all ‘outsiders’.

And Song Qingxiao’s position happens to be at the midpoint of the combination of the two, is it possible that the two sides of each other are still not sure which side she will'fall to', so this is after she speaks. The reasons for the diametrically opposite attitudes of the two sides.

The arrogant man in purple robes sitting at the window, Samuel's cynicism towards her was malicious, which was in line with the characteristics of getting along with the ‘dark system’.

The old man with the book and the blond beauty with her gentle attitude, she answered whenever she had a question, thinking about it carefully, it was more like she could not guess her ‘faction’ and wanted to win her posture.

If it is as she guessed, then after her previous question has touched the taboo, if she continues to ask at this time, it may cause the ‘Bright’ to give up.

When the situation is unclear, she is the safest in the neutral period. Which side she is facing, once encountering an incident, she may be attacked by another faction.

Especially when the ‘dark faction’ is not friendly with each other and is also defensive to each other, it is not a good thing for her to express her position prematurely.

Thinking of this, Song Qingxiao pursed the corner of his mouth, put down the question in his heart, and remained silent.

"Is it just like this?" The blonde beauty turned a little harsh, and she seemed to be a little angry:

"The way the Federation is doing things today is still so irritating, with such a dangerous task, they should not use such a deceitful way to send innocent children to death."

"Innocent?" The purple-robed man facing the glass window sneered when hearing her words, "There is no innocent person in this world."

"Crowley, you are too extreme." The blonde beauty frowned in disapproval after hearing this.

"People in the Holy See are always so hypocritical—"

"Crowley!" The old man holding the book finally said when he heard this.

After mentioning ‘him’, everyone’s expressions were a bit wrong, and the topic that was changed after being interrupted by Song Qingxiao finally went back to the original point.

As the old man called out the name of'Crowley', he again showed a sneer familiar to Song Qingxiao, curled his mouth through the window, and coldly looked at everyone sitting at the table with a ghastly gaze. A person.

Everyone seemed to have lost Tan Xing because of the mention of ‘him’, and didn’t say anything again.

Previously, the testers thought that Song Qingxiao's rashness was an extremely reckless move, but at this moment, once she did not speak, the train suddenly fell into an atmosphere of depressing silence.

Daoist No. 5 and Girl No. 1 both raised their heads and glanced at Song Qingxiao at the same time, but saw that the tester who had been the most active before seemed to be in half-squinting. Being motionless seems to be resting.

Everyone has not been in the trial for a long time, and it is precisely through this time on the train to obtain clues in order to complete the task next.

If everyone is silent, once the train arrives at the destination, everyone behaves in a muddled manner, which is very likely to be detrimental to the task.

A sharp look flashed in the Taoist's eyes, and he could naturally see his situation at this time.

Sitting in the middle of the ‘dark’ faction, he was obviously already automatically classified by the trial task when he entered the trial.

This should be related to their initiative to enter the mission scene when they were in the trial space.

Except for the purple-haired girl who left first and disappeared, the others took the initiative to enter the trial scene. Song Qingxiao was the last person who was automatically assigned by God Prison after he stayed behind.


   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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