Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 828: Bone Dragon

Man No. 3 seemed to have a smile on his face, and he did not change his face because the car was ‘lifted’.

This ‘comfort’ attracted the attention of the twelve saints. Even the monk took a deep look at him, and then shook his head:

"The distance is too far, I'm afraid it won't work."

The train is made of special materials that block magic, and it has a super defensive ability to isolate physical and magic attacks.

The power of this defense is not only to block external attacks, but also difficult to penetrate internal attacks.

To explain it in layman's terms: The inside of the car is like a small world of its own, and the car is like a barrier.

Even if the power of the Twelve Saints is extraordinary, it is still difficult to kill all the black flame snakes through the barrier of the train at such a long distance.

"Not to mention there are some special passengers in the middle..."

While the monk was talking, the black flame snake in a violent state exerted frenzied force, pushing the train forward quickly.

Because the train was not started by magic, it was driven by brute force by these second-order monsters after the runaway, causing the wheels to rub against the track, making a huge noise like iron scraping against the glass a hundred times more!


This sound wave is not a magic attack, but it makes people extremely uncomfortable.

The excessively fast speed caused the temperature of the wheels and tracks to soar, and a smell of steel after being calcined at a high temperature spreads into the nose of everyone.

Under the dark fog, violent sparks burst out from both sides of the car, and the surface of the wheels was damaged, turning into countless sparks flying around.

In the sound of ‘crackling’, the train moved forward very fast, at an amazing speed, it seemed to be faster than when it was driven by magic before.

The wrecked wheels didn’t last long before they burst into flight!

The carriage shook violently, and there was a disturbed scream from the crowd.

Under these screams, the car body only shook for a few times, as if being ‘lifted’ by an incomparable force, and headed in one direction.

The scenes on both sides receded so fast that it was almost difficult to see the surrounding environment.

The impact of ‘bang bang bang’ came from around the car. Occasionally, branch buds blocking the road rubbed the window glass, rubbing the breath left by the black flame snake on it irregularly.

The train had deviated from its original track, and the group of black flame snakes was driven into the black mist with one head.

As soon as he entered the dark territory, the shadow of death approached more and more.

Under the nourishment of darkness, the Black Flame Snake exploded out of the fighting power far superior to before, pushing the train faster and faster, as if pushing the car into the abyss.

Under the fierce impact, even the most defensive car body could hardly resist the enemy, the wheels were the first to be damaged, and then the glass that had not been destroyed in the hands of the black flame snake cracked under the extremely fast impact.

The connection between the train cars collided more intensely, making a bang, and every click seemed to be torn apart.

The magic lights hung in the car shook wildly, and the edge of the lights hit the car, like the sound of a death knell, which was frightening.

"I can't go on like this!"

The magician sullen, and through the water mirror, he can clearly give instructions to the two staff at the front and rear of the car:

"Strengthen the defense—"

In addition to the Twelve Saints, there are other people on the train. If the glass of the car is broken, and the second-order black flame snakes will flood into the carriages, I am afraid that these carriages will be half full and become the life of these people. nightmare--

Of course, this premise means that they can still walk out of the foggy forest alive.

In Edward's view, the top priority is to get rid of these monsters.

The misty forest is too big, like a huge palace, once lost in it, it may be difficult to get out for months.

And their task is to find Lucifer, work with him, and seal the sage of the Moon one year later, as pointed out by the great prophecy of the sage of the day.

Although it is still a year away from the time mentioned in the big prophecy, it is not a trivial matter to seal the "moon" sage. Before that, some deployment and preparation work are required. You must not be trapped in the misty forest and be trapped These dark creatures are entangled.

So get rid of the monsters, force the train to stop, find the correct location, and get back on track-at least we must try our best to send the ‘newcomers’ back on track so that they can find the Canyon of the Undead. This is what the Twelve Saints have to do.

Under the extreme worship of the twelve saints, the anxious train driver stood up, forbearing his inner fear, and in accordance with Edward's instructions, made several instructions to strengthen the train's defenses.

The speed of the damage to the train glass stagnated, and the monk pressed his back against the seat, stabilizing his figure:

"you are right."

At the extremely fast speed, his voice seemed to be shattered, with a trembling sound.

These cunning monsters are divided into two, hidden in the front and rear of the car.

To kill it completely, the Twelve Saints need to take action.

This is the strategy of the dark creatures that have already activated their wisdom. The monk did not want the twelve to separate at first, but at this time he had no choice.

"In this case, we will make a quick fight."

After he made up his mind, he immediately proposed: "We are divided into two, one group destroys the front of the car, the other destroys the rear of the car."

Even though the power of the Twelve Saints is strong, the power of a single person is always inferior to the group's care.

If one person is separated to deal with the crisis in the rear of the car, it is very likely that he will be attacked frantically by dark creatures.

The misty forest has become their territory, and there may be undead lurking all around.

In this way, if the twelve people are divided into two teams with six people in each team, then both the safety and the speed of destroying Warcraft will naturally be greatly improved.

Once the herd is quickly killed and the crisis is resolved, everyone can quickly assemble and destroy the dark lord's strategy hidden in the foggy forest.

After making up his mind, the monk no longer hesitated:

"We have six people in each group, each with a few'newcomers'."

When it comes to grouping, everyone has a tacit understanding.

Although the ‘dark’ faction does not trust each other, they seem to have a disgust and dissatisfaction with the ‘light’ faction, as if they have been resentful for a long time, but only maintain the surface stability.

The ‘light’ faction’s rejection of the ‘dark’ faction is even more obvious. After the monk mentioned the formation of the team, the handsome elves even approached Raphael subconsciously.

"Knoss, Rega, Idar, Samuel, Crowley, Hayas, bring Lin, Wei, and Mao."

He said decisively: "Me, Sai Ji, Fino, Raphael, Edward, lead Mu and Song together."

From the distribution of personnel, it is based on the positions of the newcomers.

Because of Song Qingxiao's approach to the swordsman, the monk classified her into the ‘Bright’ line.

From the perspective of the Twelve Saints, ‘new people’ are not suitable for staying alone in the carriage, which will undoubtedly increase their risk. Only by following the Twelve Saints will the chance of survival be greater.

There is nothing wrong with his arrangement, but the purple robe sneered:

"Zone us three burdens?"

As soon as Crowley's voice fell, the eyes of the three testers who had been beaten into the ‘cumbersome’ party flashed through the eyes.

"Huh, but I don't care about it like you."

The situation is urgent, and it is not a time for everyone to express their tongues.

What's more, compared with the strength of the saints of the ‘dark’ faction, the ‘light’ faction is dominated by magical attacks. Although most mages’ lethality has a certain blessing effect on dark creatures, their defense is low and they are crispy.

Once close combat, the chance of injury will be very high.

Generally speaking, the power of'darkness' is stronger than that of'light'.

Under such circumstances, it is reasonable for the monks to reduce their burden.

"But although we bring them, we don't guarantee their safety!" Crowley said proudly.

The monk showed a trace of unbearable expression, his lips moved, and finally he sighed. There was no objection, but he turned his head and urged the ‘newcomers’ gently:

"Then you have to be careful."

The eyes of the three trialists flickered, and they all slightly nodded in agreement.

This is a great opportunity for everyone to observe the strength of the aborigines in the trial scene, and then to infer the danger of the next journey and the strength of the undead army of the sage of the moon.

After everyone entered the trial scene, they were already mentally prepared to split into two teams.

Even the monk's proposal gave rise to a feeling of'it really is so' in the hearts of several trialists.

"I think these dark creatures are not good at coming. If we separate," the monk felt an extremely uneasy emotion for some reason at the moment of separation.

It seems that after this separation, everyone may be washed away.

He shook his head, as if he wanted to throw this idea out of his mind.

It's just that once such a bad premonition comes, it will be difficult to be expelled.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and freed up an empty hand to pull his collar, revealing the small badge pinned under the robe:

"——After being dispersed, everyone relies on the Holy Chapter to lead the way and reunite again."

Everyone nodded and responded.

While talking, the train was dragged deeper into the black fog, and the speed was so fast that it almost rose into the air!

‘Hey! Amid the violent noise, the magic lamp hit the roof of the car, and the force was so powerful that it instantly smashed the top of the car into a pit.

Even if the torn lampshade along the way is made of special materials, cracks have appeared in itself after multiple impacts.

At this moment, there was another heavy blow, and the defense of the lampshade finally completed its mission, and it shattered.

The light magic that was injected into it dissipated at once, and the sound of ‘chick’ was swallowed by the black air pouring into the carriage.

Suddenly, the train compartment plunged into darkness, and he couldn't see his fingers!


Across the water mirror, the drivers at the beginning and the end saw the car dark, and they all let out a bleak scream.

"set off!"

In the darkness, the monk's sonorous and powerful voice sounded, which invisibly calmed the drivers' feelings of being ravaged by fear.

Song Qingxiao stood up the moment she heard the monk's words, her spiritual consciousness was powerful, even in the dark, it didn't have a deep impact on her.

Her spiritual consciousness firmly locked the six members of the ‘light’ line, and they were flat in the dark, and even ‘seeing’ Crowley and others followed up.

The huge beast sitting next to Rega raised its long tail like a whip, raised its head and yawned silently.

The people divided into two groups and rushed to the front and the rear of the car. The monk led people through the car. Before pushing the door of the driver's cab, they heard ‘dang——’

Amid the heavy noise, the fast-forwarding train stopped abruptly, and the group of snakes pulling on the head and tail seemed to lose strength in an instant.

Under the effect of huge inertia, the front and rear of the body skewed to the left and right, like a huge twisting twist.

"Something is coming!"

Song Qingxiao reminded.

Almost as soon as she uttered her words, the swordsman also said:

"Something is coming!"

For the first time, his calm face showed a strange color, and he turned his head and gave Song Qing a small look.

The monk could not believe Song Qingxiao's words, but he had to believe the swordsman's warning.

"There is a deep breath of darkness, and—" The saint's face showed an uneasy color. Before she could finish her words, a sharp and long groan like a owl's cry came from the depths of the misty forest, drilling down. Into the ears of everyone.


When the six saints heard this sound, their expressions suddenly changed.

As the saint said, a thick necromantic aura surged from the depths of the misty forest.

The scream was accompanied by the sound of ‘crackling’ branches breaking, as if a giant creature was smashing through the woods and rushing towards everyone.

The sound came swiftly and violently from far to near, and in an instant a huge shadow came into everyone's eyes with the faint light of the control room drilled from the crack in the door.

Song Qingxiao raised her head, her five senses were extremely keen, even if she did not rely on the help of divine consciousness and spiritual power, she could clearly see the scene in the dark.

It was a creature flying in midair, with only a pitch-black skeleton left in its entire body. The huge wings had lost their full scale armor, but were filled with thick darkness.

It looks like a huge lizard, similar to the rumored dinosaur that has been annihilated, with a long bone tail.

There were only bones left on the huge head, and there were two groups of green ‘eyes’ like wildfire gleaming in the eye sockets, staring coldly at the people on the train.

"This is-Dragon!"

In the monk's tone, there was a bit of horror. With the appearance of this pitch-black bone dragon, he recalled the fear of being dominated by the dragon clan.

Everyone looked like a big enemy, only Song Qingxiao desperately tried to comfort the little dragon soul who was awakened by this scream in the soul, and silently denied the monk's words: it is not!

"Dark Bone Dragon! Where did they summon the skeleton of such a terrifying creature?"

Edward said his voice was sharp, as if he was shocked.

The bone dragon was so fast that it was approaching the train in an instant.

The closer they got, the more people could feel the huge figure of the bone dragon.

With the advent of the bone dragon, the dark shadow almost enveloped the entire train. When the people in the second half of the train saw the appearance of the bone dragon, they made deafening screams, as if to remind the dark creatures that everyone had arrived.

‘Wow! ’

Even if the flesh and blood of its wings have been lost, after the bone dragon fell, it still brought a powerful air current, crushing the trees.

'Roar! ’

Amidst a roar, it opened its huge mouth and spewed out a large group of black flames ‘boom’!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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