Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 830: Arrests

Even if it was already a dead soul, facing the magic spell cast by the Great Sorcerer level, the Dark Skeleton Dragon finally seemed to feel pressure.

The damage of thunder and lightning is heavier to it than the damage of sword aura. It does not care about confronting the swordsman, and a pair of black holes turned to the saints surrounded by the holy light shield.

Then, the skeletal dragon opened its mouth.

This time it didn't groan and scream, but shouted some kind of weird tone, the sound was deafening, the tone was weird and difficult.

As soon as those tones were uttered, Song Qingxiao keenly sensed the fluctuations in the surrounding power.

The dark element seemed to be mobilized by the skeleton dragon, and quickly gathered around its mouth, instantly forming a huge black hole in the abyss.

"Dragon Whisper Magic?"

Raphael's expression changed slightly, and he instinctively turned to look at the monk.

This is the most troublesome scene when everyone encounters the dark skeleton dragon.

After the dragon dies, if the bones are resurrected by the power of darkness, they will turn into undead skeletons in the darkness.

They are the darlings of the creation gods. They had sharp minions, incredible power, hard scale armor that can resist magic and physical attacks, and terrible dragon breath that can destroy everything. Other than that, they are the most amazing. What is afraid of is their dragon language magic.

Even after death, evil creatures are awakened from the darkness of eternal life. They lose the scales and flesh and blood of their lives, but they have not lost their sharp minions and the instinct to chant dragon magic.

"Dragon Whisper Magic?" No. 4 also asked, his eyes flashing with ambition, curiosity, and a bit of speculation and eagerness.

He is unfamiliar with the ability of magic, but from the attack of the bone dragon, it can be estimated that its power is at least comparable to the strength of a seventh-order elementary monster beast.

Coupled with the bonus of the so-called dragon language magic, it may have a certain increase in the strength of the bone dragon, which means that it is equivalent to a position between the 7th-level elementary peak and the middle-level.

A cultivator who counts as a human being is also a cultivation base above the Distracting God Realm.

It's just that these are all guesses, and the specific power needs to be determined after he gets it started.

No. 4 turned his head and glanced at Song Qingxiao. At this time, there was another tester, so he wouldn't act rashly.

The middle-aged man did not answer No. 4's question. At such a critical moment, he would not be distracted by the'newcomer' question.

Almost the moment he exclaimed the "Dragon Whisper Magic", the monk had already moved.

He picked up the book in his arms, and a halo appeared on the writing while the magical power surged.

The scene from the previous carriage reappeared, and a strange dragon chant sounded.

With the sound of the dragon chanting, the pages of the book slowly opened, and the characters inside slowly squirmed and turned in the halo to form a character. Between each character's rotation, different weird syllables were emitted.

With every syllable exit, the radiance on the surface of the book is a few more points than before.

The bytes gush out along the light, like a projection, turning over the page, forming a strange tone of different lengths, and finally converging into a strange roar:


The sound wave turned into a large fog, flew out, and took the initiative to set in the black abyss summoned by the skeletal dragon.

Wherever the Black Abyss went, trees, grass blades, and fragments of the carriage that were torn apart by giant keel claws were all swallowed.

The moment the holy light and the shadow intersect, there is a trembling sound of "Om".

Under the powerful fluctuations of power, all the surrounding sounds seemed to disappear for a short time, and the tangled light spread rapidly, forming a gray shadow.

‘Woo-! The trees swept across the woods with vigour, and the trees snapped.

Under the impact of the two forces, they fought back violently.

The air flow was pressed down with ample magic cap, and the broken carriage came with a sloshing blow.

'boom! ’

The Holy Light Shield was hit hard, and the halo was like a candlelight and fire shadow blown by the wind. It shook twice, and the color was dimmed for a few minutes, and then it went out silently.

In the sky, the black dragon was also violently impacted by the air currents, but despite its large body, its movements were extremely flexible.

The long skeletal body rotates in the air along the wind, and with the force of this backlash, it **** two huge bone wings, and the body flies high for tens of meters in an instant, but it is too late to perform the next round. When the dragon whispered magic, the thunder that was displayed by the great wizard above his head fell to it again.

The sound of ‘bang’ was mixed with a long roar of a dragon, and the electric light fell on its long tail, causing fire and black energy.

The secret spell hit it with its long tail, leaving a mark of thunder and lightning.

The thunder and lightning did not completely dissipate. With the actions of the magician, there were still a large number of thunderclouds gathering.

The lightning rolled in the black cloud, and a huge black bone dragon underneath flapped its huge wings. After turning two times, it rushed down violently.

"Be careful—" The swordsman's expression condensed, and he shouted coldly. When he was about to make another move, he found that it seemed to have given up being an enemy of a few people, and instead rushed to the middle of the train.

The Six Saints stunned for a moment, before speaking, Song Qingxiao had already sensed that the claws of the dragon had grabbed a section of the carriage.

A flash of light passed through her mind, and she said coldly:

"It wants to crack the car."

She thought of the Twelve Saints who were divided into two groups, the ‘dark’ and the ‘light’ soldiers were divided into two groups, guarding the front and the rear of the car respectively:

"It will divide us into two teams..."

As soon as the voice fell, the claws of the dark skeletal dragon had grabbed the carriage.

The sturdy train is like a toy under its claws, easily torn apart.

The screams of passengers traveled far into the depths of the foggy forest, and a huge force came from the middle of the car.

The car body was lifted high, and a large number of facilities slid down, hitting the car body and heard endless ‘pops’.

Only a moment later, the car body was torn apart like a piece of crisp paper.

The dark skeletal dragon grabbed the other half of the carriage, flapping its wings again and flew high.

"Trap it!" When he saw it wanted to escape, the monk made a hasty voice.

Thunder and lightning formed a dense power grid, trapping the dark skeleton dragon's path, but in the next instant it vomited dragon language magic again, two groups of black abyss appeared, silently melting the power grid into a huge gap.

The Bone Dragon waved the bone wings vigorously, and the two wings contracted to its back. Its body was as fast as lightning. When the lightning grid was not re-merged, it rushed out!

‘Boom rumbling—’ The huge air current formed a terrifying tornado, ‘whistled’ around, bringing up a lot of smoke and dust.

The car body that was caught in the air creaked and fell after losing the other half of the car body, and finally hit the ground with a loud sound of ‘clang’!

The swordsman landed with a long sword, reaching out to catch the fragile monks, saints, etc., and stabilized his figure.

Under the night sky, the bone dragon flew higher and higher with half of the carriage, and instantly the black shadow merged into the dark night, disappearing without a trace, and no more sound was heard.

The few people who were left were in shock. The swordsman released his hands, and the magician's feet touched the ground slightly, still gasping for breath.

He lost his previous calmness, and subconsciously turned his head to look at the monk, only to see that the monk was also a little embarrassed, but his eyes fell on the two'new people'.

Previously, the situation was urgent, the dark skeleton dragon was eager to get out of trouble, and used the magic of dragon language to get out.

When it escaped, it used the magic power of the wind system to form a flow of air to trap the movements of several people.

In this situation, the Holy Light Shield had been shattered, and the broken train was violently bumping. The swordsman couldn't take care of the two'new men' at all, and had to protect the frail mage first.

Everyone neglected the existence of the ‘new people’, but did not expect the two ‘new people’ to stand extremely stable.

Except for the few strands of hair of Song Qingxiao and No. 4 that were tossed by the wind, there was no way to see that they had experienced a false alarm before.

There was a hint of surprise in Edward's eyes, but soon the surprise was dispelled by the helplessness of the ‘accomplice’ being taken away:

"Samuel and they were taken away."

The monk quickly adjusted his mood and sighed heavily:

"It seems that their purpose is really to disperse us and prevent us from gathering."

There was a prophecy in the big prophecy that year. After 318 years, the Thirteen Saints will seal the sage of the Moon again.

This prophecy has been circulating on the mainland for many years. Everyone knows that the minions of the ‘Moon’ sage in the foggy forest are clearly aimed at dispersing the thirteen saints who are trying to reunite.

"If this is the case, then the road to the Canyon of the Dead is more difficult and dangerous than expected." The middle-aged man's face had lost his smile at this time, and he sighed long.

"There is still time." The monk could only reply to him like this in the end.

The saint struggled to get up from the ground:

"Samuel where will they be taken?"

Her words silenced everyone, and no one knew where the people on the other train would be taken by this dark skeletal dragon.

But what is certain is that Hayas and others are also one of the twelve saints, and the six gathered together. Even if they are separated temporarily, there should be no life crisis in a short time.

"Let's leave here first."

There was a short battle here before, which would attract more and more powerful dark creatures coveted.

The train was dragged by the black flame snake for more than a quarter of an hour. At this time, everyone had been taken into the depths of the foggy forest.

Everyone nodded, and then they were about to leave the train.

At this time, the train had been destroyed. After the carriage was burned by the train, only half of its body remained. After being torn by the skeleton dragon, the remaining carriages also collapsed to the ground.

Everyone jumped out of the broken car in turn. Song Qingxiao jumped out last, only to see the middle of the car torn apart and lying on the ground slantingly.

"grown ups-"

A faint trembling sound rang from the front of the car, and the monk's eyes showed joy, and everyone looked in the direction of the sound source.

I saw that at the front of the car that had been deformed by the pressure, half of the driver's head came out of a gap. His face was cut to pieces by the broken car, and blood poured out. He tried to get out, but because the gap was too small, he went down. The pressed front of the car only formed a head just enough for him to get out of his head, and it couldn't get him out.

The severe pain made him scream, his palms banged inside, but he couldn't shake the body to make him come out.

The previous Bone Dragon's attack targets were mainly six sages, and the driver looked like a reptile in its eyes, and it was not to be feared at all.

Coupled with the protection of the Holy Light Shield, the control room is relatively complete compared to the entire train.

However, under the squeeze of the airflow and magic, coupled with the previous smashing and the burning of the dragon's breath, the car body was severely deformed, completely sealing the front of the car.

Although the car body is like a toy in the palm of the dark skeleton dragon, for an ordinary swordsman, the car body is extremely strong, and his power can't destroy it at all.

His face was swollen and flushed, and his eyes were mixed with fear and pleading, calling out to the Six Saints for help.

Without a word, the swordsman strode forward and yelled:

"Step aside!"

After his voice fell, the driver's head retracted, and the swordsman lifted the wide and flat long sword and stabbed it into the gap.

The moment the sword was inserted, the driver let out a gasp of horror. The swordsman raised his long leg, stepped on the carriage with a bang, grasped the hilt of the sword, and pryed hard—

'clang! ’

The tightly jammed car body was pried open a huge gap under his infinite power, and he snorted:


Then he waved his long sword, and while anger shot, a large part of the car body was cut open by him, and the powerful energy swept the dust and smoke into the car, and the driver heard a violent coughing sound.

He crawled out and ‘bang’ to the ground in a very embarrassing posture, then raised his head and gasped:

"Thank you, the Holy See, for giving me a new life."


From the rear of the car, there was a trembling call for help.

The smile on the monk's face quickly tightened, and the elf and middle-aged Raphael had already walked in the direction of the sound source.

"Sage, please."

The monk breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at the driver lying on the ground:

"Relieve him from the pain."

The driver was badly injured, and when No. 4 glanced, he could see that in addition to the injuries on his face, he also had several broken ribs.

Under such circumstances, he is really not suitable for driving. The foggy forest is full of dangers. The blood may attract the beasts lurking in the dark. For the Six Saints who have a mission, the injured driver will undoubtedly drag others down.

Number Four thought that the monk's "relief of pain" meant killing him, so as not to bring a burden.

But as soon as the monk's words fell, the saint had already knelt on the ground, her palms close to the top of the driver's head.

Although the driver was not the target of the bone dragon, he was lucky enough to save his life, but he was badly injured, and a huge gap broke in his head, tearing from his temple to the wing on the other side of his nose.

The fresh flesh was rolled up, and UU reading could vaguely see the traces of the bones, very bloody.

The pain made him scream, but when the saint's hand was on his head, he gritted his teeth and stopped making a sound.

A soft halo spread out from Sai Ji's hands, and finally completely covered his cheeks.

Song Qingxiao saw that under the cover of the holy light, the driver's hideous and abnormal wounds quickly closed like an upside-down flowering process.

Blood was sucked into his wound, and in the end the terrible scar was only a faint red line, until it disappeared completely.

This process only took two or three seconds, and a wound was restored to invisible.

Even if he was as calm as Song Qingxiao, when he saw this scene, he couldn't help being surprised.

When the saint knelt down and sat down on the ground, she understood the meaning of "relieving pain" in the monks' words.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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