Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 836: Black crow

"What?" Song Qingxiao's words surprised the three of them, turning their heads to look at her in unison.

She seemed to be very interested in the icons that can be seen everywhere in this federation, even if three people were staring at her, but they did not turn their eyes away.

"The cemetery here has just been buried. Before that, something terrible happened here, which caused panic among the people in the village."

"Finuo said that the tomb has been buried for about a year--" The swordsman frowned. Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Song Qing's small voice:

"Not more than a year, not a year."

Song Qingxiao corrected the swordsman's statement.

"Don't forget, the dark breath can accelerate the corrosion rate of all items."

The reason why the elves have seen the cemetery buried here for less than a year is most likely due to the environmental impact of this place, causing the newly buried tomb to be quickly corroded by darkness, so it looks like it has been a while.

Compared with the three saints who have lived for hundreds of years, no matter her age or status, she shouldn't have spoken here.

But at this moment, she spoke with a calm tone, a calm look, a cold and calm look, and a strong force that made people listen to her involuntarily, so that several people subconsciously ignored her identity as a new person. .

"There is no tombstone, maybe because time is too tight to make it."

When she said this, she coldly pointed out:

"Or because too many people died suddenly and the craftsmen couldn't keep up."

Another possibility is that maybe the craftsman who rushed to make the stele in the village was also dead?

All in all, according to her speculation, an accident happened here not long ago, which caused a large number of deaths in the village in a short period of time.

Something may have happened to these deceased before or after their death, so the people in the village are very disturbed.

If they are devout believers of the Holy See and fanatic followers of the "Japanese" sages, then after encountering an incident, trying to use the power of the church to suppress this kind of thing, it is very easy to understand why it is so sacred to the Three Saints. There will be a tomb behind the church.

As for what happened, she didn't need to say any more, the monks and others had already vaguely guessed it.

The village is shrouded in darkness, and now it has become an abandoned village with no one.

And what can suppress the darkness is just the light.

The answer was ready to come out, the monk put down his hand on the statue decadently, and his eyes showed regret:

"They were attacked by the undead army."

Song Qingxiao did not speak any more, she was still looking up at the statue, but as her spirit sense was released, the previously captured spirit sense fluctuation had disappeared without a trace after the elf returned.

The statue still maintains the posture of bowing its head and looking at the evil dragon crawling under its feet, but when the gloomy green light shines on the statue's face, the eyes of the statue have lost their previous creepy luster.

The three saints were very worried and did not realize the change in Song Qing's eyes.

Although they had a bad premonition before entering the village, they still had a weak hope.

But at this moment, after hearing the news that there were a dozen new graves after the church had been passed by the elves, the hope was broken, which turned into a heavy emotional backlog in their hearts.

There is no news that discourages the saints more than hearing that devout believers are persecuted by the Legion of the Undead.

"Oh -" the monk sighed long, "Let's enter the church and see if the villagers have left any other clues."

Song Qingxiao was noncommittal, and both the elf and the swordsman nodded.

After speculating that there may have been a dark undead attack here, everyone's expressions suddenly became a lot more nervous.

The three of them moved forward in the shape of "Pin", guarding Song Qing in the middle.

As everyone approached in the direction of the church, the architecture of the church gradually became clear.

Although it is only a church in a small village in the foggy forest, the churches here are already paying attention to it as much as possible.

The bottom of the building is made up of large stone bricks, and the more you go up, the bricks become much smaller.

The masonry of the whole building should be a beige rock, but the stairs and arched doors are embedded with brick-red stones, and the same color stone bricks are piled up on the top of the door. A window that symbolizes the shape of the sun.

The Three Saints can even imagine that when this place is not shrouded in darkness, the church in such a village must be simple and beautiful, which can bring peace and happiness to the villagers.

Unfortunately, at this time, affected by the dark atmosphere, the church seemed to have been cast a shadow. The brown-red bricks became darker in color. Under the hazy black atmosphere, they formed a kind of luster as if they were full of blood. Depressed and uncomfortable.

"I swear, I must dispel the black fog and welcome the'sunrise' again!"

Seeing this scene, the swordsman frowned and said in a deep voice.

‘Gua—’ Before the monk and the elves had spoken, a rough scream came from above the heads of a few people, like a mockery.

The Three Saints hadn't heard any sound before, and Leng might as well hear the sound, and raised his head hurriedly.

Everyone took a closer look and found that above the church building, a **** bird about the size of an adult rooster was standing on the top of the door.

The place where its claws stepped on is exactly the top of the window that symbolizes the shape of the sun.

The body of this big bird is pitch black, and it almost blends with the night and contaminated wall tiles. If it hadn't taken the initiative to speak, the Three Saints would not have noticed its existence.

"Black Crow?" As soon as he saw the bird, the swordsman frowned, and his tone showed disgust.

"Damn beast, get out!"

He raised his long sword and pulled a sword flower, intending to drive away the **** bird:

"Go away!"

He didn't use vindictiveness for fear of destroying the building, especially since the position where the black crow was standing happened to be above the window that symbolized the sun.

In the church, the sun-shaped objects all symbolize the "sun" sage, and swordsmen do not dare to blaspheme easily.

His loud yelling surprised the black crow, its wings spread out, and the squawk slapped it several times, and its body rose into the air, stirring the black mist even more.

But after it flew around, it seemed to find that the swordsman was just bluffing, and flapped his wings again, and fell to the previous position with a'porch', tilted its head, and let out a cry of'quack quack'.

"Go away!" The swordsman shouted again and slammed the long sword in his hand vigorously.


The black crow tilted his head, with a pitch-black eye looking at the swordsman coldly, as if he knew he was helpless, and even deliberately raised a long leg and drew his beak. tower

"Black Crow, a third-level beast, likes to peck carrion, and usually appears next to cemeteries or beasts that are about to die."

It may be that Song Qingxiao didn’t know much about some situations on the mainland. At this time, the monk thoughtfully took the initiative to explain:

"They already have a certain amount of intelligence and like to appear in groups."

There will be a scout in a group of black crows, similar to the role of a detective, they will follow the breath of death and appear next to the dying or dead carrion.

After determining the location, the black crow who was listening for the news would attract a large number of similar species and eat happily.

Because of this feature, for people on the mainland, a black crow that can smell death is like a messenger of the **** of death.

They have gradually become synonymous with misfortune, and every time they hear the cry or appearance of the black crow, it seems to herald the imminent death of death.

Therefore, on the mainland, the places where the black crows appear are regarded as unlucky, and such big birds are also disgusted by people, calling them bad luck, and if they encounter them, they will try their best to drive them away.

The black crow flocks are extremely vengeful. Once one of them is offended, the black crow flocks will attack.

Although they are low-level monsters, their claws and beaks are extremely sharp, no less than a magic weapon.

In addition, they eat carrion all the year round, and their claws and sharp beaks are very horrible. Once they see blood, even if they have the blessing of the saint, there is a fatal danger.

"The hazards of the black crows in hordes are even far higher than Tier 4 monsters. You have to be careful."

The monk reminded Song Qing with a small voice, and when he saw her nodded, he obviously heard what he said before turning his head:

"Fino, get rid of it."

Such an ominous creature should not stay on the window that symbolizes ‘light’.

The elf responded with a bow with both fingers, and the fingertips and the base of the palm were facing each other, forming a special gesture.

As he moved, a bright green spot suddenly appeared on the ground.

The green light was full of vitality, and washed away the black fog that filled the square.

I saw the ‘swish’ of the green light quickly drilled out a green sprout, which grew at an extremely fast speed, and instantly turned into a thick vine with a length of five or six meters.

Two slender tentacles separated from the vine, turned into two flying long whips, and lashed in the direction of the black crow.


In the sound of breaking through the air, the previously fearless black crow saw the green vine pull, as if immediately frightened, amidst the hoarse cry of'quack', its folded wings opened, and it flew again after patted twice. Up.

In the sound of ‘thumping’, it seemed to smell the smell of death and would not leave easily.

However, the newly-grown vine was guided by the elves, splitting into several slender branches one after another, and twitching in mid-air forcefully, preventing the black crow from falling down again.

‘Crack quack——’

It was very unwilling, turning around the people, bringing up gusts of wind, and screaming repeatedly, seeming to be calling for companions.

"It's very noisy." Song Qing murmured softly. As she spoke, she turned her palm and she held a small ice cone in her hand.

She raised her wrist, and the cone of ice pierced through the black fog with the sound of'swish', as fast as lightning.

Not only the three cultivators hadn't reacted yet, even the black crow flying in mid-air hadn't sensed the sound, and the ice cone pierced its wing on one side.

The ice power instantly sealed a jet-black wing and froze it into a piece.

The call in the black crow's mouth became frightened instantly, spiritual power invaded its body, dyed its dark eyes blue, and its body fell like a broken kite, and the sound of'hu' happened to Song Qing. She fell in the direction of Xiao, and was grabbed by her neck by the hand that she had raised long ago.

The halo formed by the saint’s blessing burst into a soft light. Before the severely wounded black crow bounced off, Song Qing’s little finger moved——

‘Crack! ’

In the crisp sound of bone fracture, the rough and unpleasant cry of the black crow stopped abruptly, and the big bird's raised head fell softly.

Young General Song Qing let go of his hand, and the dead bird corpse fell on the square with a ‘patter’, and echoes rang out.

This scene took place between the lightning and the fire. It was not until this Tier 3 monster died that the monk slowed down, turned his head and stared at the bird corpse that was no longer moving on the ground, and suddenly couldn't speak.


He opened his mouth, as if he had met the ‘newcomer’ sent by this federation for the first time, with expressions of surprise and doubt on his face.

Previously, the performance of the'newcomers' was not outstanding, just like a group of hillbillies who had never seen anything in the world. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, she killed a Tier 3 monster, which greatly exceeded his expectations. Outside.

"In fact, Feinuo's breath of life will make this group of creatures that love the power of death to avoid, but it will take some time."

A look of disapproval appeared on the swordsman's face, "This black crow is just a scolding. Once it dies, it may attract the crows to retaliate and add more trouble."

"Then kill all the crows." Song Qing raised her eyebrows slightly and glanced at the swordsman, as if his concerns were not worth mentioning.

As soon as these words were said, the three of them fell silent.

The power of the crow group is not comparable to that of a Tier 3 monster, and these black crows are extremely smart, and they can also fight in groups. The beaks and claws are like sharp blades quenched by the curse of death, which are not easy to deal with.

But then the three of them thought about her lack of common sense of the mainland, and guessed that she could say such things because they did not know how powerful the black crow was.

"Forget it, I've already killed all of them anyway. Be careful, everyone."

After a while, the elf released his hand and raised a gentle voice.

The huge vine that grew on the ground followed his hand and quickly retracted to the ground. In an instant, the green dot slowly disappeared, turning into life energy, and it spread out with a sound , Come back into his body.

"That's the way it is." The monk sighed, then turned to look at Song Qingxiao:

"You have to be more careful."

He warmly reminded:

"This black crow died in your hand, and you will have its aura. When the crows come, they may take you as the main target of attack."

Having said that, he hurriedly urged:

"We move faster, and after meeting everyone, with Sai Ji, she will be safer."

Several people responded, and then stepped up the steps.

The door of the church was ajar at this time, and the thick door panels left countless long or short scratches.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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