The orange-red halo spreads towards the center of the Dark Era. At the moment when the monk’s voice just fell, the hot scorching waves mixed with fierce air currents washed all around——

'boom! ’

The monstrous fire light mixed with black mist traversed the four people's bodies. As the monk said, the flames summoned by this dragon magic seemed to have an immune effect on the four of the team.

In the sound of'Zizi', the opened ground was instantly reddened by the heat wave, but under the magical effect of magic, the heat flame shuttled past the four people and rushed to the square behind.

But even so, the sudden increase in temperature washed the hair of the swordsman and the elves, and the flames burst out from their hair and eyebrows with a ‘swish’, and then they were quickly burned into ashes by the high temperature, and then taken away by the air waves.

The power of this dragon language magic made the eyes of the three saints a glimmer of hope. Seeing that the dark era covering the village turned into a sea of ​​fire accompanied by the roar of the fire dragon, the faces of several people showed a glimmer of hope that the barrier would be broken. Smile.

‘Boom Rumble—’

An endless stream of flames spit out from the fire dragon's mouth, and the sky full of fire light completely illuminates the forest shrouded in darkness.

Everything hidden in the dark is invisible, and the scenery under the high temperature seems to be distorted in the heat wave.

Under the bright red sky, a huge semi-circular shady curtain firmly buckled the village upside down.

The black mist was quickly thinned by the flames, and the black gas was evaporated by the flames, and the black semi-circular ban became smaller and smaller, as if it was about to burst in the next moment——

The fire dragon let out a loud roar, flapped its huge wings and circled in mid-air again, then re-pointed in the direction of darkness and opened its huge mouth again:

'Roar! ’

With this roar of its rage, a huge flame formed in its mouth, and a ball of flame rose up like a small sun, and then it was spit out forcefully!

"Fire Dragon Bomb!"

The elf's eyes revealed a bright color, "The power of the fire dragon bomb is infinite, and the dark era has been shrouded in flames. Once the fire dragon bomb hits this dark barrier, it will definitely break it—"

His voice seemed vague in the roar of the fire dragon, but everyone else could see the smile on his face.

The other two saints were in line with his thoughts, and everyone expected that under the Dragon Whisper Magic, the shady scene could be broken, rescued their locked companions, and rendezvous with them.

Song Qingxiao said nothing, her expression was calm, but her eyes were reflected in the color of flames.

The appearance of the fire dragon seemed to be huge, but she felt that the prohibition of the Dark Age was still very stable.

This place has been occupied by darkness, and the imprisoned fire dragon is himself a prisoner in the magic book, and it may not be able to break this cage.

However, she did not say such words, but watched the development of the situation.

As soon as the elf’s voice fell, the fire dragon bomb had turned into a meteor, about to hit the thinned black mist——

After the lingering black mist in the outer layer was burnt and evaporated, only the center of the forbidden center, which was so dark as to glow with a coquettish dark light, remained.

'boom! ’

When the fire dragon bomb hit the dark center, the shaken restraint moved violently under this power.

The black gas evaporates and merges with the flame to form a weird dark purple.

The dark purple mist rose up and quickly swallowed the fire dragon bomb, causing the power of the fire dragon bomb to be assimilated, and then swallowing the sea of ​​fire.

"Not good!" As the person who summoned the fire dragon, the monk sensed the change in the magic magnetic field for the first time.

His complexion changed drastically, and as soon as his voice fell, he heard a thunderous bang in his ears.

Zi Yan is like a kind of violent poison, swallowing and closing the sea of ​​fire at a speed that can't cover your ears.

This dark power is extremely fierce, even more terrifying than the flames spit out by the fire dragon.

After engulfing the power of the fire dragon bullet and the sea of ​​fire, it turned into a monstrous purple flame and shot around.

The purple flames rising into the sky impacted the fire dragon flying in the air. Wherever the flame went, it instantly engulfed half of the huge fire dragon that was summoned by magical power.


The fire dragon uttered a painful cry, and the book spread out in the monk's hand was burnt to a black-gray spot the size of a fist.

The phantom of the fire dragon that was banned in the book also opened his mouth and let out an earth-shattering cry.

When the monk saw something bad, he immediately closed the page forcibly!

The light shining in the sky was cut off for an instant, and the huge magic circle formed grabbed the severely wounded fire dragon and turned it into a spot of light, disappearing into the night.

The roar of the fire dragon disappeared in a blink of an eye, but the crisis was not resolved.

The purple flame waves spread around like ripples, with the shadow of death coming in an instant, engulfing the four in the next second.

This is not the flame spewed by the fire dragon summoned by the monk, it has an immunity effect on teammates.

These flames, which have been corroded by the power of darkness, are even more powerful than the previous Dragon Whisper magic, roaring and coming in a flash with the threat of death.

The powerful air wave pushed several people back, and when the Three Saints wanted to escape and retreat, it was already too late.

The chilly purple flame rushed like a huge tide, and the elves seemed to be in a panic when they wanted to resist--


The rushing dark purple fireworks hit a transparent barrier, and the crackling sound of ‘click, click’ spread into the ears of several people.

The swordsman raised his head hurriedly, only to see a huge ice wall in front of the four.

All the purple waves were blocked on the other side of the ice wall, and under the huge impact force, the ice surface cracked like cobwebs.

Immediately under the shining of the purple flames, above the cracked ice suddenly crawled out one after another hideous Shadow Demon Spider, raising their long legs, and rushing towards the four of them.

"Kill these spiders."

At the critical juncture, Song Qing's small voice came into the ears of the Three Saints.

"Ah..." The few people came back to their senses, only to find that they were all soaked.

Life and death are only on the front line, and the three saints were lucky enough to get their lives back, and at this moment they still have lingering fears.

The moment he heard Song Qingxiao's order, the swordsman pressed down his fear, gritted his teeth, lifted his long sword, and stabbed a black spider.

He didn't dare to use grudge, fearing to pierce this ice wall.

The giant sword slashed out with a ‘swish’, but the Shadow Demon Spider opened its mouth and spit out a spit of black liquor.

The black liquid spattered out and turned into a net, covering the tip of the sword.

The long sword that stabbed in the past was like cutting into a quagmire, and most of its strength was removed at once, and in the end, it slammed into the ice with a weak clang.

This sound shocked the monks and elves with cold sweat, and the power of the purple wave was overwhelming, and the terrifying black wave that came from the impact was only resisted by the ice.

If the ice wall breaks and Zi Lang drives straight in, it will be able to swallow four people.

The swordsman himself was very frightened, but what was unexpected to the Three Saints was that the ice surface did not split under the slash of the giant sword, and even half of the ice chips were not cut off, as if The strength of the swordsman is not enough to shake this ice layer.

On the contrary, the spider silk wrapped on his long sword fell into the ice, stuck to the ice wall, and quickly turned into another new Shadow Demon Spider.

"..." Song Qingxiao took a deep look at the swordsman, and began to wonder if there was something wrong with her mission this time.

The power of these twelve saints is pitifully weak, not as brave as they boasted that they had killed the dragon 400 years ago and sealed the sage of the Moon.

"..." The swordsman's face burned red all at once. Fortunately, under the shining of purple light, everyone couldn't see his face right now.

Anxious to find his lost face, he immediately raised the sword again.

After he had a bottom in his heart this time, he courageously poured his fighting energy into it, and a golden light appeared on the long sword, and the swordsman once again aimed at the Shadow Demon Spider and slashed out.

'boom! ’

The fighting gas turned into a bright light and enveloped the body of the magic spider. The mucus that the magic spider spit out was instantly melted by the fighting gas, and the sword tip pierced its body with a fierce force with a'pouch', and the thick black mucus splashed out. Come, finally turned into black air and scattered.

At the moment when the fighting spirit hit the ice wall, the wall just flickered, but it was not broken by the fighting spirit.

The swordsman killed the Shadow Demon Spider, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as if he had saved a bit of face, but then he turned his head in horror when his gaze fell on the slightly unmarked wall. He glanced at Song Qing Xiao, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

The elves also followed up and summoned a plant, the branches of the plant protruding out, and the remaining few Shadow Demon Spiders were drawn into it.

The last wave of purple waves swept in and hit the ice wall.

The chill on the ice wall spreads along the purple flames for several meters, almost like freezing the last wave of purple flames. In the end, with a crisp sound, the ice mixed with purple flames shattered at the same time and turned into Countless ice fragments were scattered in the air.

‘Boom! ’

Everyone raised their hands to fan the cold mist in front of them, but saw that the dark ban below the villa seemed to be blessed with a layer of dark purple fire, which was more difficult to break through than before.

Even if it didn't come close, everyone felt terrible the power of that purple flame.

"I hope the God of Light will bless the believers."

The faces of the Three Saints were very ugly. Under such circumstances, whether it was the three Edwardians or the nineteen passengers trapped in them, they were obviously in an extremely dangerous situation.

It is a pity that the power of this dark era is too strong, and everyone has no way to break it for a while.

At this moment, Song Qing Xiaochui turned his wrist on his side, and the Heavenly Jade Sword was summoned by her.

"Stand back a little."

Although the three cultivators didn't know what to say, they had already stepped aside subconsciously when they heard her words.

The swordsman bent his legs and leaped behind her, and saw that she was already holding a long sword in her hand and raising it.


Compared with the giant sword in the hands of the swordsman, Song Qing Xiaoti's sword is slender and slender, and looks very light, like a delicate ornament for women.

Song Qingxiao didn't care about the thoughts in the hearts of these three people. As soon as she summoned Zhu Tian out, her spiritual power filled the body of the sword.

The monk backed away a few steps, clutching the robes of Para bones knotted in front of his chest, with a heavy tone:

"The power of the Dark Ages is getting stronger and stronger. I don't know how long Edward and the others will last..." His voice was hoarse, and his hand holding the book was still trembling slightly. It was obvious that the fire dragon summoned earlier was bitten back by the power of darkness. He was also affected to a certain extent.

The old man's words have not yet settled, Song Qingxiao has already held the long sword and slashed out!

Her movements were not as fierce as when the swordsman slashed out his fighting energy, but at the moment the sword qi was slashed out, the Milky Way suddenly appeared!

The sword gas turned into a long silver river, splitting the purple light lingering around the dense forest!

Wherever the domineering silver light went, the air of darkness was swept away by the sword light.

A golden dragon's shadow ‘boomed’ out of the silver light, and a clear moan abruptly suppressed the roar of the purple flame, soaring into the purple-black restraint!

The purple flame circling the black gas seemed to be irritated at once, and the purple black smoke surged up, drowning the golden dragon shadow.

"Ah..." The monk's unfinished words turned into an exclamation, and the loss that could not be concealed in his voice.

After seeing the sword cut out by Song Qingxiao turned into a beast that looked weird to him, he thought of Song Qingxiao’s performance in the church. He couldn’t help but burst out like elves and swordsmen. A sense of expectation.

I hope that she can once again be like the performance in the church, showing her supernatural power and bursting out extremely terrifying power to shake the envelope formed by this dark era.

It's just that this understatement of sword doesn't seem to be as powerful as the swordsman's fighting spirit, and after being transformed, it is quickly swallowed by purple light, making the hope of the three cultivators instantaneous.


The prohibition of the Dark Era fell silent for a moment, and the elf glanced at Song Qing who was standing with his hands down, and was about to speak, then the ground suddenly trembled.

‘Om! ’

An extremely dull sound came from the direction of the Dark Era, as if through the ground, directly into everyone's divine consciousness, it made people's minds as if they were hit hard by invisible forces——

In the next instant, the elf's eyes widened.

Above the prohibition, which was like a half-dome wrapped in purple flames, suddenly burst out extremely bright golden light!

The sword energy was torn apart at the center of the previously submerged golden dragon shadow, and the dark light couldn't resist this dazzling sword light at all.

Jin Mang shot in all directions, wherever the fierce sword aura went, the restraint formed by the Dark Age began to tremble violently!

‘Crack! ’

The sound of forbidden fragmentation sounded, and the sword energy of'swooshing' shuttled above the shadow Numerous huge cracks appeared on the gloomy giant egg, and the sword light tore the dark curtain and penetrated into the village. in.

‘Boom! ’

With a bang, the restraint shattered, and the remaining domineering sword energy drove straight in, instantly shattering the dark era, revealing the faint light below.

The ghost's wailing sounded, and the black air dissipated, revealing the mountain col and the ruined village below.

At this time, all around the mountain wall was covered with spiders, rats, snakes, and insects, and the saint woman supported the Holy Light Shield and surrounded the 19 survivors.

Mage Edward held up his staff, summoned spells, and harvested the dark creatures that rushed towards the light shield.

In the sky above the Holy Light Shield, Raphael had already transformed into the image of a winged man, spreading a pair of wings, seemingly resisting the invasion of darkness.

Number Four stood outside the Holy Light Shield, and there was a piece of scorched earth in front of him, with the remains of some dark creatures on it, showing the intensity of the previous battle.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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