Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 859: doubt

Perhaps he was wary of several ‘new people’. When the monk mentioned the old things of the year, he only mentioned that the ‘moon’ sage had betrayed the gods.

What was the reason for the sage of the ‘Moon’ to betray the gods, he did not mention in detail.

The people of the ‘dark’ faction didn’t break in either, and everyone had a tacit understanding of ignoring this topic, as if there were some taboos in it.

However, after sorting out the clues currently obtained by Young General Song Qing, it is not completely unremarkable.

"The God Court was originally based on the two great sages of'Sun' and'Yue'."

As mentioned on the 4th, except for the unclear position of the thirteenth believer, Lucifer, who has not yet appeared, the twelve camps of believers that have appeared are all very distinct.

The twelve believers are divided into two factions. The ‘Guangming’ faction dominated by monks should be the followers of the ‘Japanese’ sages.

The ‘dark’ faction dominated by Samuel and others should belong to the followers of the ‘Moon’ sage.

If the superficial preconceived notion seems that the people of the ‘dark’ faction look bad, their leader may also symbolize the ‘dark’ side.

The ‘day’ sage is the most good and beautiful, representing light, hope and salvation, so if it corresponds to the ‘good’, someone must bear the ‘evil’.

If the ‘moon’ sage bears the ‘evil’ side, then it is hard to say whether his heart is the pure heart that the trialists want.

"What's more, the monk's words may also have reservations."

The reason for the betrayal of the ‘Moon’ sage has not been clearly stated. Whether his heart is really lost or an excuse is still unknown.

"The power of the twelve believers has been greatly weakened, and you should know it."

Number Four frowned and nodded.

The previous dark skeleton dragons were full of momentum, and it is conceivable that when they are alive, their power will only be much stronger than they are now.

According to No. 4's estimation, the strength of the evil dragon should be at least a monster of rank 7 or higher.

To fight against such creatures and drive them out, the power of the Twelve Saints could not be so weak.

In other words, after the establishment of the federal government and the sealing of the ‘Moon’ sage, the power of the Twelve Saints may be weakened for some reason.

Song Qingxiao suspected that this kind of power fluctuation might be related to the reason why the sage of the'moon' betrayed the holy court.

"Of course, this is just my guess." After Song Qing finished his novel, he saw that No.4's face looked a little ugly, and he was obviously unwilling to accept such inferences.

The quest clues that everyone currently got all point to the Abyss Territory, and everyone's goal is also to the Abyss Territory.

If in the end the pure heart is not the missing heart of the ‘Moon’ sage, then it proves that everyone’s direction is wrong, which is troublesome.

"No matter what, the Abyssal Territory must go."

Even if there is half the hope, it is always hope.

If the heart of the ‘Moon’ sage has not been lost, then within the realm of the abyss, one can also find a way to clarify the events of the year and find the true ‘pure’ heart.

Now, there is no other better way for No. 4, so he nodded.

Although some of the content of the conversation after talking with Song Qingxiao was beyond No. 4’s expectations, fortunately, Song Qingxiao’s mission was indeed consistent with himself, which made No. 4’s tight heartstrings slightly loosened. .

"The other people..." He didn't finish speaking, but he used his hand as a knife, and put it to his neck, making a murderous gesture.

Song Qingxiao is noncommittal:

"I'll talk after the meeting."

She did not agree to No. 4's words, but in the dim light, her pupils were already dyed with dark gold, and the pupils shrank and turned into two thin vertical slits.

The time the two talked, the saint and the others had already cleaned up the bones and remains in the church.

Seeing the bones of the undead everywhere in the church, and the inside of the church that had been cracked, coupled with the explanations of the three monks, Edward and others can fully imagine the fierce battle at that time, and Song Qingxiao’s treatment for the three monks. It was shocked.

When coming down from the church, everyone saw Song Qingxiao's eyes with a sense of inquiry.

They are too curious.

What is the origin of the ‘new people’ sent by the Federation, and what is the magic used by them?

At first, the monk thought that she was a magician of ice power. Judging from the strength of her magic power, she had at least reached the level of a great magician, not below the strength of Edward's peak period.

But when breaking through the dark era and beheading the giant Shadow Demon Spider, she performed swordsmanship again.

At that time, the swordsman suspected that she was a demon and martial artist, but her strength was obviously different from that of vindictiveness, so the swordsman could not predict the strength of her strength at all.

But when the star formation and the huge magic shadow floating above her head appeared, the Six Saints realized that their initial guesses were inaccurate.

All in all, the people sent by the Federation this time are very powerful, far exceeding the expectations of several people.

Although everyone was really curious, Song Qingxiao didn't take the initiative to mention it, and everyone thoughtfully stopped asking questions.

With a smile on the monk's face, the heavy book sealed with Dragon Whisper magic was clamped under his arm, and he was holding a roll of gray-brown stuff, which looked like it was made of some kind of animal skin.

Judging from the expressions of several people, returning to church this time may be rewarding again.

Sure enough, without Song Qingxiao asking questions, the cultivator took the initiative to speak:

"Song, we found a magic map in a room behind the church."

This is indeed good news for everyone at present.

After the monk had finished speaking, he rolled the skin in his hand.

A magic mark flashed on the leather scroll, and then the leather scroll disappeared from the monk's hands. The dots of magical light energy condensed in the air to form a four-dimensional three-dimensional version of the panoramic map, which combined the terrain and mountains of the entire misty forest. The distribution is included.

"Our location is here." The monk pointed with his hand, and the topography of the place he pointed was quickly enlarged, and one of the small purple dots was finally enlarged into a picture of a village.

After reading Pastor Pala's notes, the approximate location of the crowd has actually been determined.

But the coordinates on the notes naturally cannot be compared with such a clear and complete map.

The elves are a tribe favored by the creation gods, and they have a strong affinity in the forest.

Before there was an accident in the Misty Forest, the sub-elves in Org Village had already made such a magic map. It was originally planned to be used as a gift to the sages of the Sun during the Light Sacrifice. God court.

Unexpectedly, because of an accident in the foggy forest, Org Village was also destroyed. After this magic map was made, it could not be sent out, but it finally gave a group of people a surprise.

"Our train had an accident here, and was finally brought here by the Black Flame Serpent, and was attacked by the Dark Skeleton Bone Dragon."

It may not involve fighting, the monk’s tone is a little more confident:

"The direction of the Abyssal Territory is here." With a move of his finger, he zoomed out the map, and then clicked to the upper left corner.

There was a cloud of white mist. After the monk clicked on the cloud of white gas, there was no real simulation of the village like the village before, but a few big characters appeared: Very dangerous, no traffic!

"The sage'Moon' is sealed in this position."

The villagers of Org Village who made the magic map obviously knew that the place was dangerous, and the map did not include this area.

However, the Twelve Saints forced the ‘Moon’ sage into the abyssal territory back then, and the monks were not concerned about the lack of the abyssal territory on the magic map.

"From Aoge Village to this place, the distance between them is at least 5 to 60 kilometers."

If the magic train is not damaged, then after twenty-eight hours, everyone can easily reach the abyss territory without any effort.

But now that the magic train has been destroyed, the monk glanced at Edward, the saint and others:

"With our speed, it is an impossible task to reach the abyss territory on foot."

Number Four raised his eyebrows:

"Impossible?" He was obviously dissatisfied with this answer. In his uncle's mind, there was no such answer as impossible.

The monk was a little embarrassed:

"Our practice is not to train a strong physical body, let alone," he coughed lightly, "we still have believers to walk with."

Among the six saints, except for the elves and swordsmen, Edward, the monk, and the saint are all practitioners of the legal system, with strong magic power but weak physical power.

In addition, the 19 believers are just ordinary people. If calculated at the'super' speed of 5,000 meters per person per hour, this group of people rushed to the Abyss Territory at a constant speed with two legs, at least more than a year. Two years later!

Not to mention that with such a large group of people, there may be a surprise attack by dark creatures in the middle.

At that time, even if he rushed to the Abyssal Territory, the time to seal the sage of the "Moon" in the big prophecy had already passed, and the day lily was cold!

Song Qingxiao heard him say this, guessing that the monk might have other ideas, so he didn't say anything.

The monk sighed, and then said:

"But we have another way, which is to find the magic circle."

After the Federation was established that year, magic circles were set up in every important place to allow certain figures in the mainland to shuttle back and forth.

But with the completion of the magic track, the magic circle that consumes far more than the magic train will gradually be abandoned.

Only when on the train, Number One also mentioned the use of magic circle, but was rejected by the monk.

Number Four has a high degree of skepticism. He is not a good person himself, and he is used to pretending to be a rough and foolish image to cheat people.

To save others by oneself, No. 4 also often suspects that someone who looks like a good person may be full of bad water.

He always felt that the kind-looking old man might be concealing evil intentions. At this moment, he had already flashed the feasibility of these saints who wanted to kill people.

Number Four clenched his fists, forcibly suppressed the urge to strike first, and asked:

"But didn't you say that the magic circle is dangerous?"

Number Four's eyes were very crippling, as if with murderous intent, the monk was numb with his back, and his expression was a little uncomfortable.

This kind of performance fell into the heart of No. 4, making him even more convinced that the old man was bad from beginning to end.

"There is danger." The experience of longevity has given the monk a certain sensitivity to recognize danger, but he has already regarded the two'newcomers' as his own at this time. Why don't you kill yourself and others one by one without a trace.

He even felt a little ashamed of the instinctive ‘fear’ of his teammates after that moment of horror.

After hearing question number four, the monk said:

"It is dangerous, the magic circle may have been preempted by dark creatures."

Even if it can be retaken, it may be damaged under the corrosion of dark power.

At that time, it is unknown whether the magic circle can be activated smoothly and traveled to an accurate location.

If there are other options possible, the monks are not willing to take such a risk.

"But we are short on time," the magic train has deviated from the track and is severely damaged. "It is not realistic to rely on walking, and the magic circle has become the only choice."

No. 4's gaze was like a sword, making the monk feel uncomfortable. He subconsciously turned his gaze to Song Qingxiao and waited for her to speak.


Song Qing nodded slightly. As soon as he said this, the monk was greatly relieved, as if the dying prisoner had received a pardon, almost tears of old age.

With her first enthusiasm, he also has more confidence, and his back is straightened:

"If we use the magic circle, we cannot use the magic circle that is too close to the canyon of the dead and the abyssal realm."

The magic circles in these two places are very dangerous, not to mention the Canyon of the Dead, everyone's goals have changed.

The Abyssal Territory is the home base of the sages of the Moon. If you rashly send it through the formation, in the eyes of the monks, this kind of action is no different from ‘delivering food’.

"I suggest that we can start from the Fallen Dragon Mountain Range, where there is a magic circle that has been abandoned for many years."

The monk wiped his hands, and the magic map shrank from the ‘danger’ tip of the Abyss Territory to a panoramic map covering the entire foggy forest.

With a move of his finger, several shining spots appeared on the map, some were orange, some were red, and two were already half black, and it seemed that the light spots were about to go out.

He glanced at it, revealing joy:

"These are the locations of the magic circle." The monk explained:

"If there is a color, it means that the magic circle can barely be used, but the magic energy core inside will not last long."

The black color means that the core of the magic circle has been completely damaged, and it has become a sojourn place for dark creatures, and can no longer be used.

Judging from the light spots on the magic map, there are currently seven magic circles remaining in the huge foggy forest.

Two magic circles are shining orange, three are red, and the remaining two are half black, which means they are about to be abandoned.

Fortunately, one of the magical circles shining with orange light happened to be not far away from Org Village where everyone was.

After the monk pointed his finger at the magic circle, the nearby terrain quickly zoomed in, and the big characters "Dragon Falling Mountain" appeared on the side of the magic circle, which was the destination of everyone's trip.


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