Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 877: past

Just by guessing, it is not certain whether the heart of the sage "Moon" is the "pure heart" that Song Qingxiao and No. 4 need, so do you really want to help these people to seal the sage "Moon"?

Not to mention that the power of the'moon' sage can control monarch-level dark creatures, and it can be densely covered with misty forests, causing such a big impact, it can be seen that this'moon' sage is definitely not like the twelve saints. Weak chicken.

At the same time, there were Taoist priests and others eyeing them, waiting to destroy them.

Song Qing in the blue demon lizard group led to a small misfortune, and had already forged a feud with the Taoist priests, and the two sides might not die.

Although Song Qing's strength may have reached the lower level of the Divine Divine Realm, there is a "Moon" sage who does not yet know his strength, and a "dark" faction saint who may not be affected much by his power here.

There are still three opponents, among which the Taoist priests are forced to ‘shadow’, I am afraid they are already mad.

In contrast, besides himself and Song Qingxiao, he dragged six large wastes and a group of small wastes.

Not to mention that the leader of the ‘Guangming’ faction, the ‘ri’ sage, is now seriously wounded, and cannot be seen in the palace.

The disparity between the strengths of the two sides is so great, it is really thankless to go to this muddy water.

Under such circumstances, the fourth issue of soul torture:

"Are we really going to help them seal the "Moon" sage?"

"I'll talk about it when I get to the Abyss Territory." Song Qingxiao did not respond directly to No. 4's question, but gave a general answer, and No. 4 stopped talking.

Anyway, he has fulfilled his duty of reminding. He has already stood in the same alliance with Song Qingxiao on this mission. At that time, Song Qingxiao will do whatever he decides.

If the situation is not right, he just pulls away.

His spiritual power was not small. Although he didn't show much power in Org Village, Fallen Dragon Valley, and the Blue Demon Lizard Group, the power in his body was later sucked away by the Chaos Blue Lantern.

After reaching the abyssal territory, he may still face fierce battles, in any case he has to adjust his state to maintain the peak.

After No. 4 did not speak, Song Qingxiao took the opportunity to sort out the clues of the mission again.

The trial mission requires a pure heart. When she was on the train at the beginning, she heard the monks and others mentioned the beginning and end of the sealing of the sage of the month, and said that the heart of the sage of the month had disappeared. In fact, it was the first time. I also wondered if this heart was the one required by the mission.

But then Song Qingxiao denied this speculation because the hook was too straight!

The task requires a pure heart, and soon a clue to the "heart" is obtained. No matter how you look at it, this is really too coincidental.

The six testers were divided into two teams, except for the purple-haired girl who hadn't shown up yet.

Song Qingxiao’s mind showed the appearances of the other four testers one by one. From the appearance, whether it was the woman number one, the big man number three with sassy performance, or the valiant Taoist priest number five, they all looked righteous and awe-inspiring. .

On the contrary, No. 4 has a fierce appearance and a sturdy body. When his eyes turn, he looks more scheming, and at first glance he is not a good person.

Unexpectedly, he had fallen into the company of a fierce villain like No.4, and Song Qingxiao had everything in his heart for a while.

"..." She was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "Don't I look like a good person?"

Naturally, she was not asking the saints and the number four. Only Su Wu who ‘heared’ this question was the only one who temporarily lived in her soul.

No. 4's cultivation base is not yet home, even if it is close at hand, but she communicates with Su Wu, and No. 4 can't sense it.

"Quiet." Su Wu made an undisguised ridicule from the soul, feeling that her originally gloomy mood was amused by her: "I didn't expect that you would also care about this kind of problem."

Su Wu finished laughing and paused for a while before saying faintly:

"Good people bad things, who can tell?"

His words are very meaningful, as if they are deeply touched:

"Some people are good people, but what they do may not be right."

For Su Wu, Song Qingxiao's character is very interesting.

She was cautious and subtle, calm and almost indifferent.

During the trial, she was cruel and stubborn, and she shot when it was time to do it, and never hesitated to be vague.

Su Wu saw that she had gone from stepping into the door of practice until now, her bold and careful character definitely played a major role.

But apart from being cruel, she seemed to have left some room.

This gentleness that is not in line with her personality dilutes her hostility, making her whole person even if she does not seem very close, but after letting go of her guards and getting along with her, she can't help but trust her and treat her as the real ally.

"What kind of person are you, and where do you get someone to comment?" Su Wu said coldly, "If you say you are not good, just kill it." The rest naturally means that she is good.

"..." Song Qingxiao seemed to understand why Su Wu got into the murderous disaster again. He acted too capriciously, too freely without restraint.

If it weren't for his strong strength, he might have been killed long ago, and it would not be the turn of the people from the Tianwaitianwudao Academy to do it.

This question was not very suitable for him. Song Qingxiao changed the subject with interest:

"You know number four?"

"I don't know." Su Wu's lazy and clear voice suddenly became gloomy a moment ago, and there was a wave of rain in his voice, as if the mood that had been raining after the sky was clear, and it was gloomy again.

"The person he said, isn't it you?"

Song Qingxiao didn't expect that Su Wu would actually say that he didn't know No.4. When he was in the blue demon lizard group, the firebird phantom summoned by No.4 clearly attracted Su Wu's attention.

She seems to be chatting with him on this topic, but in fact she is also taking this opportunity to see if Su Wu is'awake'.

Without forcibly awakening him with divine consciousness, a single thought can make him appear quickly, which proves that he has always been there.

It should be that after the consciousness of the blue demon lizard group was awakened, it has never been hidden again, but has been spying.

Combined with what No. 4 said, Song Qingxiao originally thought that the probability that the ‘that person’ in No. 4’s mouth was Su Wu was already ten percent, but he denied it.

"It's not me." Su Wu's tone became gloomy, and he seemed to want to escape again. After saying this, he was silent for a long time.

Such an attitude immediately made Song Qingxiao realize that even if the ‘that person’ in Mouth No. 4 was not Su Wu, it should have something to do with Su Wu’s past.

She is not a person with strong curiosity, but at this time she couldn't help but feel a little curious about Su Wu's past.

It was just that this thought flashed through her mind, and she soon suppressed it again.

"The fire phoenix he summoned is a natal secret technique unique to the long-departed family."

The two people lived together, and Su Wu naturally felt the little thoughts like Song Qingxiao's.

She is a smart person, she can guess that his past is complicated, but she has never asked.

Be informed and interesting, never touch people's wounds.

It may be because of her unique growth environment that she has developed such a ‘thinking’ character.

It was precisely this kind of silent tolerance that was exactly what Su Wu needed.

So the two have known each other for many years. He pointed her to her cultivation base, told her about some extravagant circumstances, and occasionally taught her some common sense, but when it came to their privacy, no one had ever talked about it.

Maybe he was too lonely. From the time of the accident until now, knowing that he is still ‘alive’ and can talk to him, she is the only one in this world.

It is also possible that some words have been buried in his heart for too long, torturing him day and night, making him need a channel for venting;

Or maybe the appearance of the 4th today summoned the familiar fire phoenix, which made it difficult for him to calm down and wanted to find someone to speak.

Song Qingxiao was familiar to him but also extremely unfamiliar with everything about him. After opening this head, Su Wu found that some words were not as difficult for him as he thought.

"The long-departed family has the Phoenix bloodline, and is innately a powerful fire-type spiritual power cultivator. After the direct bloodline is fully evolved, it can summon the undead bird, and even evolve to the extreme, and can be transformed into the ancestral Phoenix."

It may be that Su Wu's original cold voice was a little deep in the memory.

Although I don't know why he would be willing to mention the past, since he said it, Song Qingxiao naturally listened to it.

When he mentioned the long-departed family, Song Qingxiao remembered this family.

Su Wu once said that the Changli clan had been slaughtered by him. I wonder if he was expelled from the Taikang clan for this reason.

However, she did not rush to interrupt Su Wu's words, but listened to him continue to say:

"Thousands of years ago, when the Changli clan was at its peak, there were ancestors who were in the peak of the sacred stage, and there were many bloodlines of returning to ancestors among the descendants."

Thousands of years ago, the long-departed family came out in large numbers, and they were super strong clans that even faintly overshadowed the Taikang clan and the Fanyin clan.

They occupy the convenience of the bloodline, and practice particularly fast, and the power of the fire system and the powerful power of the natal secret technique also makes their clan children not weak.

"But it is said that the bloodline of the Changli family is not without weaknesses. The more refined, the later you will enter the biggest hurdle in your life."

Such a level is like a curse, randomly appearing in every stage of cultivation in the blood of the Changli family.

"Once such a curse appears, if it can't be broken, the children of the Changli clan can only stop here for the rest of their lives."

And in the following time, the cursed Changli bloodline will fall into practice and realm at a rapid speed, and will age rapidly like a flash in the pan until it falls.

No matter how powerful the talented bloodline, no matter how deep the accumulation of resources, no matter what hard work, and what kind of groundbreaking the cultivation base achieves.

As long as this curse appeared on the people of the Changli Clan, then his previous cultivation base would be the peak of his future life.

Fortunately and unfortunately, this kind of curse appeared on the old ancestor of the Changli clan who had reached the peak of the post-incoming stage.

"Is it ironic?" Su Wu asked with a cold smile.

The people of the Changli clan have been practicing smoothly, and there will be no bottlenecks encountered by others, and the speed of cultivation is much faster than that of ordinary practitioners.

This ancestor who was sitting in town was known as the first person in the outer world, has reached the realm of sanctification, and just a little bit, he will be able to spy on the rumored Dao realm.

"Since the era of Chaos Spiritual Power has passed, for thousands of years, there has never been a strong person above the Great Dao Realm."

The ancestor of the long-departed family back then was already halfway into the road.

The realm of the Great Dao is the realm of the gods in the legend. When you enter the realm of the Great Dao, you can even share the right to speak in the **** and gain more.

If it can break through the blockade of the star field, from then on, it can travel between the stars, break away from the shackles of the flesh and age, and realize the true dream of becoming a god.

But at the same time, he was also killed. Under such circumstances, the Changli clan was imprisoned just as he was about to make a breakthrough.

It is both lucky and unfortunate.

"If you have not appreciated the beauty of practice, and have not touched a higher sky, you may not feel that sad when you are imprisoned."

Su Wu felt it, and I didn't know if he was talking about the ancestor of the Changli family, or he was thinking of his own situation now.

For ordinary people, the ancestor of the half-step Dao realm of the Changli clan is already the peak of many practitioners' cultivation.

Many people spend their entire lives, I am afraid it will be difficult to reach his point.

Song Qingxiao nodded when he heard this.

The further the practice is, the more difficult it is to advance. This is what she She is about to break through the realm of harmony now. She is extremely lucky and has nothing to do with it.

And the realm of Hedao is nothing compared to entering the holy.

At the moment when this ancestor of the Changli clan was about to break through the realm of the Great Dao, he stopped outside the Great Dao because of the influence of his bloodline talent. This can be described as the blood of success and the blood of defeat.

"The hidden danger of the long-departed family finally broke out, and they are eager to break through the shackles brought by this bloodline."

Since then, the Changli family looked through the ancient books and tried everything possible, "Finally, they got a solution from the mouth of the ‘God’."

"Oh?" Song Qing Xiao heard Su Wu's words, and finally responded aloud for the first time.

Su Wu could call him a "god", the first thing she thought of was the master behind the scenes who controlled the **** of the gods.

"The person who needs to tie the bell to untie the bell." Su Wu sensed her thought. Although he did not respond to whether her guess was correct, his default attitude undoubtedly indicated a lot:

"The origin of Changli's bloodline seemed a bit weird, so there is a curse in this bloodline."

He didn't know much about the secrets of Chang Li's family. After all, it was related to the lives of the family group, so naturally he would not explain it clearly to him as an outsider.

"In short, the final conclusion is that the bloodline of the Ancient Great Demon Phoenix needs Nirvana rebirth, and only in this way can it gain eternal life."

When Su Wu said this, he couldn't help laughing:

"But there is only one life, even if it can be reborn, but that is completely different, not oneself."

In order to get rid of the curse, the long-departed family had also thought of various methods, including seizing the house and making it harder.

But after the house was taken, new problems also came.


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