Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 881: abyss

At this time, the surrounding black energy was already very thick, which was different from the previous dark energy mixed with yin energy. At this time, Number Four had already clearly felt the devilish energy contained in the dead spirit energy.

The influence of demonic energy on everyone is obviously much deeper than the previous Yin Qi. If these people hadn't swallowed a Tier 6 monster and were nourished and protected by the spiritual power of the Tier 6 monster beast, I am afraid that they would not be able to walk here. Has been broken by this heavy magic pressure.

But even with the bonus of Tier 6 monster beasts, the expressions of the believers are very ugly.

Under the influence of the devilish energy, their backs were bent, and their faces showed an abnormal blue-black color.

Huge torrents of sweat dripped down their cheeks, almost drenching their clothes.

A suffocating feeling rose from the depths of their hearts. Darkness and fear seemed to drive away the remaining light and warmth in their hearts and drag them into the abyss.

The invisible pressure is pressing on the saints and believers, making their steps heavier and heavier. Every step they lift up, their feet weigh more than a thousand catties. When they fall, they make a loud sound of'bang', deeply buried in softness. In the damp mud, it was then enveloped in the icy cold.

"Rodno," Song Qing's small voice suddenly sounded when everyone was exhausted:

"Are there any pools in the Abyss Realm?"

The monk felt darkness before his eyes and his head was extremely heavy.

The chill seeps from the soles of his feet into his limbs, as if pulling him into the water.

A large amount of cold sweat took away the heat in his body, and he could sense that the swordsman walking beside him was also overwhelmed.

At this moment, Song Qing spoke up, his voice seemed to be far away, slowly spreading into the ears of the cultivator, pulling his already chaotic thoughts out of the abyss.

"Yes, huh...huh...yes." The monk's voice panted like a broken bellows, and then he heard Song Qingxiao's voice:

"Then we may be there."

The monk was surprised at first, and after hearing the meaning of Song Qing's small words, his wilted spirit was lifted:

"Yes, it's coming?"

He raised his head strenuously and squinted his eyes to look into the distance.

In the darkness, one end of the dark river basin was blocked by thick fog, and it was impossible to see the scene 20 meters away.

Except for the panting of everyone around, no other sounds were heard, and there was no shadow of a puddle at all.

But the monk didn't have any doubts about Song Qingxiao's words. At this time, he had a strange trust in Song Qingxiao, and he believed in everything she said.

The Abyssal Territory is about to arrive, which boosted the morale of the team.

Everyone dragged the heavy pace and supported each other. After walking forward for half an hour, the thick fog gradually faded.

In the originally dark and endless night, the clouds began to become weak, and the half-round silver moon tore through the blockade of the night, revealing a hint from the thick clouds.

The cold silver moonlight penetrated the dark night, making the sky appear a beautiful blue color.

With the faint light, everyone began to find that their eyes could vaguely see the river and the road ahead.

"Moonlight?" With the appearance of the moonlight, the swordsman began to feel that his suppressed vindictive spirit was faintly loose, and he was no longer bound as before.

As soon as his voice fell, the monks and others also discovered that the power of faith was returning to the Soviet Union.

"God of light is above, please give me strength and bless your faithful believers." The saint put her hands together, and the moment she said the spell, the power of faith turned into a blessing.

A hazy golden light appeared, and it evenly spread on everyone's body.

This golden light penetrated into the body of the saints and believers, and the feeling of cold and fear from the body and mind was swept away in an instant.

The monk's rickety back straightened up a lot, and his face was uncontrollable, showing a bit of joy:

"The strength is restored."

He flipped through the book that had been held under his armpit, this magic book that had not moved since entering the Dark River Forest, and at this time a faint glow was flashing between the flips of his fingers.

The Sealed Strength of the Six Saints has returned, which proves that everyone should have walked out of the realm of Dark River Forest, which is limited by magic.

"Song, you are right, we may have reached the realm of the abyss."

The monk spoke with joy, and while speaking, he did not forget to pull out the magic map.

The map's light flashed and opened in the midair, and everyone's breath turned into a group of twinkling light spots on the map, and the top of the place was marked: Abyssal Territory!

Sure enough, he has reached his destination.

The moonlight fell on the monk's body, and the silver thread on the sacrificial robe was illuminated by the faint light of the moon, flowing with a coquettish luster.

Don't put it on the badge on his neckline, the two crossed swords have been completely upside down.

Nourished by the moonlight, among the pure black medals, there seemed to be several strands of hair-like red threads entangled, as if fighting against the black energy.

Everyone was immersed in the joy of strength recovery, and none of them noticed this scene.

Song Qing remained quiet:

"Where did you seal him back then?"

There is no detailed route of the Abyssal Territory on the map. For the sub-elves in Org Village, the purity of their hearts can make them easily feel the beauty and emotions of all things in the world, and it also means that their pure hearts are better than others. Race is more easily defiled.

In addition, the Abyssal Territory is a forbidden place for the sages of the Moon, and they will not come over without authorization.

So this place, like the Forest of the Dark River, only has a general outline of its location.

"Silver Marsh!" The monk spoke without hesitation, but after saying this, he glanced around, showing a trace of hesitation on his face:

"I remember that the place where he was sealed back then was a lifeless swamp, surrounded by dense, divided crystal-like silver crystals, with an endless void beneath the ground. He appeared on the high throne and was finally beaten by us. drop."

Mage Edward also nodded:

"It looks like a palace he created, and we are all impressed."

In those days, the Thirteen Saints and the ‘Sun’ sages chased the ‘Moon’ sage to the abyssal realm, and they saw the scene of the ‘Moon’ sage sitting high on the throne.

"In other words, you named this Silver Swamp yourself?" No. 4 understood, and couldn't help but ask:

"You are also unfamiliar with the route?"

When he said this, he turned his head to look at Song Qingxiao, his face showed undisguised disgust, as if to say: What's the use of these people?

"Really." Honest character made it difficult for monks to tell deceptive lies. The words of No. 4 made the old man appear slightly embarrassed, but he still emphasized:

"If we reach the Silver Swamp, we will definitely recognize it." The other Five Saints nodded.

Everyone’s strength has been restored one after another, and they will no longer be dragging Song Qingxiao and No. 4 back as before. Anyway, there is still a lot of time to seal the sage of the Moon as mentioned in the big prophecy. Find the Silver Swamp. It's just a matter of time.

Number Four rolled his eyes and didn't even want to talk to him.

"We first arrive at the pool, and then use the pool as a fixed point to look for the silver swamp."

Song Qingxiao spoke again, and everyone had no objection to what she said, and they all nodded.

Everyone walked up the dark river, and the farther they went, the thinner the clouds that blocked the sky.

The moonlight shone unscrupulously, driving away the darkness from the spot.

In this team of twenty-seven people, except Song Qingxiao and No.4, everyone is a believer of the light.

But I don’t know if it’s walking in the darkness for too long tonight, when there is moonlight leading the way, even if the light does not come from the warm sun, it makes everyone extraordinarily satisfied.

I don't know if it is an illusion, the Six Saints discovered that their strength was rapidly recovering after being bathed in moonlight.

After touching it for about an hour, everyone heard the sound of ‘rumble’.

Ripples of current appeared on the surface of the calm river, and the impact of the water wave formed the mist of Feifei's fine mist between the impact of the water wave, and it rushed towards the face, which made people particularly relaxing.

Under the moonlight, everyone seemed to vaguely see a barrier tens of meters away in front of the dark river, like the end of the dark river.

"Here!" The swordsman's tone was shaken, and everyone speeded up in unison.

The closer you get to the sound of water, the denser the water mist formed by the slapped water splashes, forming a thick mist, almost blocking everyone's sight.

The current is getting bigger and bigger, and the place where the ground is stepping already feels the rushing water rushing past everyone's calves, the force is so great that it seems to push the team back.

"Lined up in a row, each walking with the person in front."

Song Qing's small voice was mixed with the sound of the falling waterfall of'Boom', and it clearly spread to everyone's ears.

Everyone did it one by one, and the water flowed higher and higher, and it flowed a lot more anxiously than before, almost flooding everyone's thighs.

The saint had no choice but to unfold the Holy Light Shield, fearing that the believers would be swept away by the current.

But even so, everyone is struggling, slowing down again and again, and walking cautiously.

There is a piece of white light in front of you, and it takes nearly half an hour for everyone to walk just over a hundred meters away.

A few minutes later, the advancing team suddenly stopped.

Walking in the middle of the team, Raphael, who was reaching out to grab the swordsman's armor, was about to ask what happened, Song Qing's small voice came to the rear of the team:

"There is no way."

How can there be no way? Earlier everyone clearly saw that there was a way.

Raphael was taken aback, raised his head subconsciously, and then saw a scene that he couldn't believe in.

On both sides and behind the team, there is an endless stream of water.

Everyone seemed to be in a vast ocean, and from the front of the team, there was an incomparably huge abyss, and all the water flowing from all directions slowly poured into that abyss.

The bottom of the abyss is like a bottomless hole, incorporating all of these flowing waters.

The impact of the water waves caused the currents in this abyss to form a whirlpool. Looking at it from afar, it was like an incomparably large natural pit in the vast ocean, almost inhaling the human spirit into it.

The silver water vapor flew straight up from the abyss along with this force, and under the blue moonlight, the water flow was dreamy and extremely emerald green, forming an extremely dreamy scene.

"What, how come?"

Not only was there no road ahead, even when Raphael hurriedly turned his head and looked back, he could no longer see the way everyone came.

There is no dark river in the rear, and no road by the river. Except for the abyss in the front, there is also a water curtain in the rear, which is connected to the horizon without an end.

Everyone can't go in, and we don't know where to go back.

"How did we come?" The swordsman turned his head and glanced around, almost being rushed forward by the power of the water while speaking.

The turquoise water in front of him obliquely descended and rushed into the abyss.

Once you fall into the abyss, it may be difficult to rush out again.

This abyss seems to have a kind of magic power to absorb people. The swordsman felt dizzy when he saw it. He slid a small step forward, not only pushing the elf in front of him, but also pulling his armor. Phil almost broke into a cold sweat by his action.

It's strange to say that the water waves were rushing before, and the sound of the water impacting down was extremely loud.

But now when I reached the abyssal water bank, there was no sound from these flowing waters. It was extremely quiet, and a kind of chill came out of everyone's hearts, which made people fearful.

"It's like a space fold formed by the Great Forbidden Spell of the Ultimate Space System."

Edward spoke slowly.

As a magician, he seemed to see some clues, "The dark shadow we saw earlier may be above this He explained:

"It is rumored that the power that reaches the half-god state can cast the space forbidden curse. We were originally outside the forbidden curse, and the abyss we saw was in another'time and space', but through the power of magic, it formed a mirage-like existence. , Attracting us to enter."

In the process of advancing to this dark shadow, he stepped into the ultimate space system magic, passed through the ‘space’, and entered this mirage.

"If you want to leave here and return to the original position, you must either kill the person who casts space magic and crack this secret curse; or the person who casts this forbidden curse will remove the magic and send us away from here; or there is another one. God-level wizard of space magic, open the door of this mirage, so that we can enter and leave."

Edward's explanation made everyone clear about their situation quickly, but even after it was clear, everyone still felt silent and desperate.

Among those present, believers are the source of the power of faith, and they belong to the aid of strengthening the power of the saints.

Among the Six Saints, Raphael and Swordsman are not characters who belong to the practice of magic power. Edward is a pure mage, but what he is good at is not space magic, and he does not even reach the level of a god-level wizard.

Not to mention the rest of the monks, elves, and saints, they have absolutely no knowledge of space magic except theoretical knowledge.

The mage put forward three solutions in a row, but it seemed that none of the three solutions worked.

"In other words, we entered here, if no one opens the door of space, we can't get out."

The monk turned around and stared at the old mage standing behind him.

"Yes." The old mage nodded, his tone very solemn.

Although he had already guessed this result during the questioning, when he heard Edward's affirmative answer, the monk's heart still went straight down.

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