Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 897: Supernatural power

Taoist morale flushed with anger, while the purple-haired girl was stunned for a moment, her mouth curled up and she smiled.


She stood on the back of the giant dragon, smiling wildly.

Although there are many fickle villains among the testers, there are Taoist priests and Song Qingxiao who temporarily took refuge before No.1. At this moment, the temporary rebellion on No.4 seems particularly ridiculous.

Especially when the Taoist priests are furious at this moment, the purple-haired girl feels that the scene before her is very conscious:

"A person who knows the times..."

It's just that before she finished her words, there was a sudden violent crash of ‘呯, 呯’ from within the purple flag, interrupting her unfinished words.

The impact sound was extremely fierce, and an extremely powerful force came out from the flag body, which shook the purple flag incessantly.


One side of the banner bulged out heavily, and the terrifying force shot out from the inside out, bringing out layers of black fog, and dragging the banner to tremble.

This power was extraordinary, and after it was revealed, the dragon under the purple-haired girl felt a certain threat. She shook her head uncomfortably, and there was a series of low roars in her throat.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then their complexions changed.

"I'm just kidding."

As No. 4's eyes rolled, he smiled, shamelessly retracted the leg he was about to step, and retreated to the side of the Taoist priest:

"We joined hands to block it, and we will wait until Song Er comes out."

"..." Now it was the purple-haired girl's face that changed.

The smile on her face and the anger crossed, and the murderous intent from No. 4's play rushed to the corner of her eye, causing her eyes to turn red.

"Come out?" She sneered. At this time, just like the Taoist priest, she felt that the existence of No.4 was so annoying, so she decided to kill this person first to vent her hatred.

"No, you can't see it anymore."

The escape dragon banner came from the mighty hand that entered the Holy Realm back then, and it is already a mysterious treasure of the mysterious sky, plus the soul of the six dragons, it is no less than a mysterious treasure of the mysterious sky.

Song Qing Xiaoyi enters the painting, and sooner or later he will be drained by the soul of the six dragons and turned into the nourishment of the dragon banner.

The movement at this time was nothing more than a dying struggle.

However, since the purple-haired girl got this flag, the dragon flag has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements. Even if the opponents encountered have a higher level of cultivation and higher realm than her, once trapped in the flag, they will soon be sucked up by the soul of the six dragons. Jingpo has never made such a big movement as it is today.

Song Qingxiao's strength seems to be much stronger than she initially expected, but this woman has a lot of self-confidence in her baby, even if the flag body shakes, she thinks Song Qingxiao's death will not happen sooner or later.

The most urgent thing is that she wants to kill this number four who dares to play a trick on her!

As soon as her voice fell, thunder and lightning surged in her palms.

"Taoist help me." No. 4 saw a bad situation and immediately exited to ask the Taoist for help.

"Hehe." The Taoist rolled his eyes. At this moment, he didn't join forces with Zifa Girl to kill No.4, it was his last tenderness!

He jumped away without hesitation, but No. 4 was like an injustice, clinging to his side.

Raiden chased them beside them, and the purple-haired girl was drawn to kill by No. 4, with a heavy attack.

No. 4 was beaten up and cracked, and he screamed ‘Wow’.

The Taoist priest was also unavoidable. The scalp and face were covered with purple electric current. The neatly dressed robe was struck by the power of thunder and lightning. The remaining strands of hair on the right scalp were blown into blue smoke by the power of thunder and lightning. After a slight roll, it turned into a mist and disappeared without a trace.

"Get out!" The Taoist priest was involved for no reason, fastened the copper coin, and turned his head and shouted:

"Come here again and I will kill you."

"Hmph, no one can escape!"

Failing to kill the number four in a second made the purple-haired woman's mood fluctuate.

The intensive thumping sound of ‘呯, 呯’ was endless, and the dragon banner shook violently.

The attacks from within the stream were more fierce than ever.

Although the purple-haired girl didn't show it on the surface, there was a hidden worry in her heart. For some reason, she had a feeling of anxiety lingering in her heart.

The restlessness also made her unable to concentrate, so that the Taoist priest and No. 4 could still survive.

As soon as the words fell, the response to the purple-haired girl was a thumping sound-‘Bah! ’

A heavy blow was struck from the inside out, and the surface of the purple banner came out high.

The power spread out, and a long slender crack appeared in the banner.

The purple-haired girl felt something was wrong and turned her head immediately.

I saw the purple flag swaying fiercely in the air. In the next instant, a golden glow emerged from the flag body, and the spreading sword energy ‘chichi’ cut the flag.

Through this gap, the voice of Song Qing chanting a curse rushed out along with the shadow of King Kong:

"Boo! Break!"

The combination of the ‘power of destroying the dragon’ and the incomparable power of the King Kong summoned by the word ‘bing’, instantly shot out from the direction of the torn dragon banner!

In Qingming's long chant, the breath of the dragon soul and the strong sword intent swept through every corner of the escape dragon banner.

The soul of the suppressed Six Dragons had a weak aura and let out a short mournful cry. The soul was torn apart by the soul of the Golden Dragon and swallowed into the abdomen!

Under the tearing sound of the cloth and silk of ‘chichi’, the sword energy cut out from the flag, tearing the six purple flags that were hanging down!

Among the golden glow, the purple remnant silk shattered, and the crisscrossed sword qi'sizzling' shot all around.

Everyone dodges in a hurry, afraid of being slashed by these indiscriminate attacks.

Under the turbulent airflow, a broken purple small streamer barely collected all the remaining spiritual power, fell from the sky, and was caught by the fisted King Kong and held it in his hand.

Song Qing's small figure flashed out of the gust of wind, and the remaining black energy wrapped around her.

She didn't even look at No.6, which was badly hit and spit out a mouthful of blood, took the broken Dragon Banner, and then shook her hands--

In the two screams of ‘swish’, two pale blue ice whips were thrown out of her hands and drew towards the red dragon that crashed into the sage of the ‘moon’.

‘Oh-oh! ’

In the dragon's angry roar, two ice whips, one on the left and the other, entangled its short, plump claws.

Once the dragon was restrained, under the impact force, the two ice whips instantly stretched, abruptly stopping the dragon from diving.

With the strength of a single person, Song Qingxiao confronted the power of the giant dragon by virtue of the tyranny of the body, and did not lose sight of the wind.

‘Boom! Boom! ’

The red dragon flapped its wings and the wind was violent, pushing its huge figure, but it was difficult to move forward under the drag of Song Qingxiao.

‘Wow! ’

The body was restricted, causing the dragon to let out an angry roar.

The'giant tree' is only twenty meters away from it, and the sage of the'Moon' wrapped at the top is already close at hand to it.

The war three hundred years ago left the genes of the giant dragon clan with resentment towards the two great sages. At this time, it didn’t even care about dealing with Song Qingxiao. I want to bite off the'Moon' sage.

"Get me back!"

Song Qing's small long tail swung, and power was transmitted from the tail to the limbs, and the two arms were covered with scales, covering the wounds that had been torn apart by the six dragon souls.

Perhaps it was stimulated by the previous escape dragon banner, and the power of the blue blood was fully activated.

Thin pieces of scales emerged, wrapping her face, revealing only a pair of pure golden eyes.

Her long hair was flying in the air, fluttering in the wind by the turbulent air current.

The power of the blue blood was released, combined with the'power of slaying the dragon', flowing in her body.

The force hit Song Qing's small tail, causing her long tail to spread downward rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it skyrocketed again by as much as 20 meters.

The long cyan tail entangled under her body, and each piece of scale armor was about the size of a palm, shining with a blue luster.

These everywhere in her body are real scales, not comparable to the previous light scales.

With her low drink, every part of the body's strength was mobilized.

This is the power of the real Nuwa body!

It is not at all comparable to the shape of Nuwa in the past.

Even if facing a terrifying behemoth in front of him, Song Qingxiao had an inexplicable confidence in his heart that could crush it!

It seemed that everything in the world could be controlled by her.

Infinite power poured into her body, causing her to take a deep breath, hold the ice whip and wrap it around her palms, and then force her back!


There was a long cry in the dragon's throat, and the sharp teeth between the closed mouth made a loud noise.

Its probing neck drooped down, and her huge body like a mountain was dragged back by her for as much as seven or eight meters!

The dragon's ferocious teeth rubbed the halo in front of the sage "Moon" dangerously and dangerously, and the spitting dragon's saliva sprinkled from the mid-air.

"..." Number Four, who was dying after being chased by the purple-haired girl, managed to take advantage of the impact when the banner broke, and barely escaped.

This once-famous Xuantian treasure didn't trap Song Qingxiao for long, and No. 4 felt like a stormy sea was set off in her heart, because she was trembling all over her body after witnessing the scene in front of her.

It's just that this shock hasn't subsided. After seeing the sparks and flames, Song Qing Xiaoyi took a shot to lock a giant dragon after he got out of trouble.

The dragon was seven to eighty meters long, and its body shape resembled a towering mountain, which was not comparable to the Dark Bone Dragon.

In terms of physical strength alone, even practitioners would never dare to confront it head-on under an impact.

Not to mention the speed bonus under its dive, so that its impact force is definitely not weaker than the powerful slashes in the realm of Harmony.

But under such circumstances, Song Qingxiao did not use legal force to force it to control.

At this time, they can rely on their physical body to fight each other with their strength, without losing the wind.

"What kind of power is this?" No.4 felt a chill burst out of the soles of his feet. Under extreme shock, he even forgot the pain he was hit by No.6.

His eyes widened, his eyes could no longer tolerate the existence of Taoist priests, purple-haired women and others, and he even left the tasks and monks behind.

In No. 4's eyes, only the muscles arched high, the angry dragon roaring constantly because of being restrained by others.

Two long ice whips are like saddle ropes, firmly controlling this behemoth.

‘Oh! ’

'Roar! ’


The dragon's roars sounded one after another, and Song Qing bent her back with her long tail entrenched under her, making her body still stable under the dragon's struggle.

The tail under her is more than 20 meters long, holding her up high.

Even so, compared with the figure of the giant dragon Pang Shuo, her body still looked incredibly small, but at this time she could not let the wind fall under the confrontation of strength.

"This is the monster becoming a spirit?" No. 4 muttered to herself, looking at the scene in front of her, and let out a question.

But no one can answer his question. At this moment, Song Qingxiao’s strength was startled, except for the Taoist who forgot to breathe, the purple-haired girl who was holding her chest but showing amazement, Number One, and the ice dragon on his back. Of the six saints and believers.

This kind of power has exceeded the limit of human beings. Except for the tyrannical monster beast brought by the bloodline talent power, No. 4 can't imagine anyone else who can do all this.

Even a cultivator who has merged with demon blood can't do this step.

Such an unbelievable thought flashed in No. 4's mind:

"After this mission is completed, I'm going to ask the Xuantu family to find out whether the monster beast with the highest level of talent and blood can transform into a human being after reaching the ultimate level."

At this moment, the controlled dragon finally got angry after being unable to break the ice whip twice after trying it twice.

A raging flame rose from between the two claws of the dragon, and two ice whips were ‘rumbled’ around.

The flame rushed across the surface of the ice whip crazily and flowed towards Song Qingxiao.

When Song Qingxiao was still only ten meters away, Song Qingxiao's eyes narrowed, and a burst of spiritual energy turned into cold air, gushing out of her palms, and charged along the ice whip.

The cold air touched the flames, and the spiritual power of the ice element enveloped the flames Under the sound of freezing, the flames were extinguished all the way, and the frost climbed onto the red dragon's feet and moved Those short, fat claws froze.

The ice spirit power climbed straight up, spreading to the dragon's chest and abdomen in the blink of an eye.

Young General Song Qing let go, and the little golden dragon hovering above his head let out a clear moan, and fell straight down, being held into her palm by her raised hand.

As soon as she grabbed the long sword, she backed away, while swinging the sword to cut out:


Sword Qi swept out and turned into a silver rainbow across the sky.

This sword was powerful, almost with a posture of tearing apart space. It was the most powerful slash since Song Qingxiao cast Zhu Tian!

The scales of the dragon's tail were torn apart by the surplus of sword energy, blood spewed out, and let out a mournful roar.

The place where the silver rainbow illuminates, sweeps the obstacles in front of you with a force of destruction.

A sword energy as deep as a ravine stretched straight from the dragon's tail to its back, almost cutting off its long tail.

Lucifer, who was standing on the back of the dragon until this moment, finally turned his head under the fierce sword attack.

"Unexpectedly, this time, God Court found a useful helper."

Song Qingxiao's appearance seemed to be unexpected, causing him to frown slightly.

But the next moment, he regained his calmness:

"But that's all." He raised his right hand, and there was a storm in his purple eye.

A purple magic circle quickly formed in his palm, ‘catching’ the cut out silver rainbow.

The handsome man said calmly:

"You know nothing about the power of God."

As soon as the words fell, the silver rainbow transformed by the sword aura was absorbed by the purple magic circle.


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