Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 908: difficult

Song Qing's small eyes passed through the black fog and fell to the top of the'giant tree' in the distance.

The sage "Moon" has already lowered his head halfway, and the previous conversation with Song Qingxiao made him fall into self-blame and guilt.

The corners of his mouth drooped, and the beard on the lower half of his lips caught the moment, and silently stuck his upper lip again.

Countless fine tentacles penetrated into his upper lip, and black air spread on the upper half of his white face, and quickly penetrated into his eye pupils.

Several black bloodshot eyes appeared on those slightly sad eyes, and the blue eyes glowed with purple light.

He quickly woke up, raised his head and began to struggle again.

The black thread was broken once again, the flesh was torn apart, and blood gushed out.

The connected lips were forcibly separated, and his entire head was completely free from the package of the ‘giant tree’ while he struggled hard.

The blood flowed down from the chin and fell into the greedy mouths of the undead below.

The golden light shone down, moisturizing the wound on his chin, and healed the wound quickly.

Wherever the halo went, the blatant black tentacles seemed to be corroded, and they retracted in fear when touched.

This undoubtedly gave the sage ‘Moon’ great convenience and made his struggle more intense.

The ‘giant tree’ swayed wildly, dozens of thick roots re-slapped the ground, holding up the height of the heavy tree, and slowly moving forward in the abyssal realm.

‘Wow! Whizzing! ’

The cane that was raised above the head was pulled down. At the moment when it was close to the head of the sage "Moon", the undead and skeletons hanging on the cane seemed to be corroded by the golden light, turning into black energy and dissolving.

The edge of the cane fell on the pole of the ‘giant tree’, drawing the creeping undead on it, causing them to cry out with piercing pain.

Black air spit out from their mouths, and the pain-stimulated rattan was even more fierce.

The tall vines carefully avoided the head of the "Moon" sage, bending and staggering, forming a huge cage, trying to trap the "Moon" sage in it.

The black air was flying in the air, and the cane hanging high above the head surging ‘swooshing’, densely intertwined, enveloping the abyss territory into an incomparably large black ball.

This situation is similar to the Dark Era cast by the lord-level dark creatures in Org Village, but the power of the ‘giant tree’ is undoubtedly more powerful than a mere lord.

The more the rattans are gathered, the denser they are, almost all the light of the sky will be blocked.

On the 4th, he had been locked in the dark era. Seeing such a situation, he couldn't help but called out anxiously:


"Can't let it live forever."

The power of darkness is endless. At the bottom of the abyss, I don’t know how many powers of darkness are stored. This will all be activated, and it will flow out endlessly.

The branches of the ‘giant tree’ are getting thicker and stronger, and the vines are getting denser.

Once the cane seals the sky, it is equivalent to swallowing everyone in a dark encirclement in a disguised form.

Even a tester with a powerful cultivation base is helpless in the face of such a powerful dark power.

If it is swallowed, everyone will die here.

The prerequisite for completing the task is to save his life. In the face of the survival crisis, No. 4 finally can't calm down, propping up his upper body:

"It's not as good as us..."

Before he finished speaking, Song Qingxiao said:

"We help the "moon" sage!"

"Huh?" Her answer was quite different from what No. 4 expected. In extreme surprise, No. 4 even forgot her powerful cultivation skills and blurted out her inner words:

"Are you crazy?"

The Taoist priest also turned his head, looking surprised.

Song Qingxiao glanced at No. 4 lightly. Her appearance at this time was extremely oppressive. Even if the murderous aura was not exposed, she could be seen by the extremely dangerous golden yellow pupils, and No. 4 still felt her hair standing upright.

"Help the sage ‘Moon’, you drag the number six."

When she said this, she had obviously made up her mind.

The Taoist's lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he just swallowed blood and nodded fiercely.

Captain Song Qing grabbed his long sword, spotted the cane that entangled the sage "Moon", and swung it forcefully!

The sword gas turned into a white rainbow, and came quickly.


On the thick black vines, the ghosts were overwhelming, and the undead emerged from the thick vines, screaming and roaring.

The sword light slashed down, and the spiritual power drove straight in, instantly crushing the ghosts trying to block the way, passing through the thick vines!


The screams of pain rang out one after another, as if thousands of undead roars after being hit hard.

Several thick vines surrounding the sage of the "Moon" were cut from the interruption, and the black juice overflowed with a foul smell, ticking down the treetops.

The undead bound at the top of the tree pole was tainted by these black qi, and roared extremely angry.

The broken rattan fell and turned into black mist and was absorbed by the tree poles.

The sealed head of the "Moon" sage reappeared, and he glanced at Song Qing, his face showing gratitude.

The prison formed by the black vine was broken, and the action seemed to anger the ‘giant tree’.

The ghosts on the poles and vines were even more angry, and the bound beasts and bone dragons roared together.

The ghost opened his arms and tore towards Song Qingxiao. The vines lifted up like a long foot, falling into the black ocean with the loud sound of'dong', and quickly moved closer to Song Qingxiao.

At the same time, countless vines began to whip in her direction, accompanied by sharp ghost crying.

She seemed to have stabbed a hornet's nest, and the black gas at the bottom of the abyss surged faster and more urgently.

As a result, not only the number 4 and Taoist priests who were close to her dodge in a hurry, even Lucifer, Number 6 and the saints also suffered and dodge in embarrassment.

"Number two, are you crazy?"

The purple-haired girl knew the power of these black vines. She had seen the scene where Lucifer had no strength to fight back in front of these black vines. She didn't dare to let these black vines get on her.

He hid for a few times at this time, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"No matter what, let's solve these trees and vines first, and then leave here. If you do this, everyone will die here!"

Song Qingxiao turned a deaf ear to her words, but slashed out two swords again.

Sword Qi will chop down most of the cane trapping the sage ‘Moon’, temporarily clearing a piece of pure land for him.

"You..." Seeing that she ignored her words, she still insisted on going her own way. A stray bird flashed in her eyes, and she was about to stop her, but the Taoist priest had already held her copper sword and blocked her way.

"Go away!"

Seeing the Taoist priest blocking the way, the purple-haired girl unceremoniously reprimanded.

Her strength originally surpassed Taoist priests by a lot, not to mention that now Taoist priests have been conspired by number one, and her strength is greatly reduced.

The Taoist priest heard her yelling, his face showing no concern, he shook the copper coin sword in his hand, the copper coin sword shattered, and turned into seven copper coins lined up in the air.

The Big Dipper Seven Star Array was formed, and the seven souls of the Taoist priests holding the sword in the Tianyimen gate reappeared, stopping the raging Number Six.

The Taoist priest bit his fingertips and drew a talisman with blood in the void. After the spell was completed, the blood talisman was punched into the Big Dipper array, and the spirits of the seven Taoist priests holding swords in the formation immediately became much stronger.

After finishing all this, the Taoist face was pale, his body swayed twice in the void, and he was almost drawn by a black cane.

At the very moment, the flame chain formed by No. 4 entangled the cane that almost hit the Taoist priest.

It's just that after No. 4 was injured, the strength faded very badly. The flames were so weak that after entangled the cane, the flame not only failed to severely inflict the undead, but was quickly swallowed by the fierce black energy.

If it hadn't been for No. 4 to react in time and cut off the spiritual power, the tentacles transformed by the power of darkness would have swallowed into his body.

But even so, it was enough to give the Taoist priest a chance to escape.

Taking advantage of the instant the cane was blocked by the flames, the Taoist priests used the secret technique at any cost, and the figure disappeared at the moment the cane rolled over.

After he appeared, he couldn't bear it anymore, he spit out a big mouthful of blood, and his breath sank a lot.

The Taoist priest raised his head and glanced at No.4, who was lying on Huofeng's back, like a waste that couldn't walk.

The most important thing is that he still has a look of disgust on his face, and that look seems to be accusing the Taoist priest of uselessness.

Looking at each other, the unspoken "Xie" in the Taoist's heart also turned into disgust.

The two looked disgusted with each other, and both were extremely dissatisfied with each other. At the same time, they snorted and turned away with disgusting expressions.

Song Qingxiao only asked Taoist priests and No. 4 to stop the purple-haired girl, the existence of the Big Dipper formation was enough to block the purple-haired girl for a moment.

It's just the most dangerous, coming from the ‘giant tree’ transformed by the uncontrolled dark power here.

If Song Qingxiao could not level the ‘giant tree’, even if he could stop the purple-haired girl for a while, the final result would still be full of uncertainties.

A hint of worry flashed in the Taoist's eyes, but after making a decision, he had no turning back.

Number One had already dealt with him, and the purple-haired girl was even more unreliable, but now she can only believe in the promise Song Qingxiao said before - although it is also vain and ethereal to the Taoist priest.

As soon as the head of the ‘Moon’ sage got out of trouble, he began to frantically struggle to escape from the ‘giant tree’.

The black air broke, exposing his jaw, neck, and shoulders.

As his body became more and more exposed, his power was obviously much stronger than before.

The more he broke free, the more angry the ‘giant tree’ became.

The roaring undead on the branches got even more out of control, and the black ocean under the ground began to turbulent, and black water jets flowed upstream from the ocean and rushed into the air.

The top of his head has been sealed by intertwined rattans, and huge tentacles wrapped the screaming undead moving back and forth in the space.

The entire abyss began to tremble, and under the violent roar, everyone was like a doll packed in a giant ball, tumbling with the trembling of the space, and for a while, it was impossible to distinguish where the sky and the earth were.

"Taoist!" The purple-haired girl screamed:

"Don't be crazy!"

Her realm was much higher than the Taoist priest by two levels, but at this time, she was obstructed by the black vines. She had to avoid the ubiquitous undead and the bone dragons that shuttled in the air, and she was unavoidable for a while.

In addition, the Taoist priest seems to be determined to cooperate with Song Qingxiao. He has been seriously injured, and the chance of survival is very weak. Therefore, at this time, the offensive is extremely fierce, even if it is difficult for the purple-haired girl to survive. But what about it.

"Let’s join hands to suppress the ‘Moon’ sage first and break this dark blockade!"

The purple-haired girl evaded Dao Ling's attack and summoned a golden bell entwined with thunder and lightning. Between the masterpieces of the bell, several surrounding dark spirits were crushed and turned into black mist.

She yelled at the Taoist priest, but the Taoist priest was unmoved.

Taking this opportunity, Song Qingxiao avoided the black water column flowing upstream from the depths of the ocean, and appeared beside the sage'Moon'.

As the sword fell with his hand, the shadows of the sword intertwined, helping the sage "Moon" cut down the black vine that was wrapped around his shoulder.

A blood-stained arm was pulled out of the black vine, and the sage'Moon' showed a slight pain mixed with a relaxed smile on his face.


Before his words fell, the ‘giant tree’ became even more angry.

The column of water flowing upstream in the vast ocean instantly turned into a giant snake with its head upright. It was divided into two, biting in the direction of Song Qing's small child, and entwining the ‘giant tree’ on the other.

Under the impact of ‘呯呯呯’, the tree pole shook violently.

These black sky-reaching giant pythons are far more terrifying than the python aura summoned by the big fish in the ocean before.

Their bodies entangled the tree poles, and they opened their huge mouths, exposing two sharp fangs, spitting out scarlet forked tongues, and rushing up against the tree.

Countless red tentacles fluttered above their heads, and ghosts shunned wherever they went, sweeping the black fog.

Several black giant pythons flew up from the ocean, and surrounded her in the whisper of ‘his’.

They are connected end to end to form a huge ring, and the black mist spit out envelops the group of snakes and Song Qingxiao.

In the sound of ‘sizzling’, the last gleam of light in front of my eyes completely disappeared, and the black mist formed a huge circle floating in the air.

Surrounded by evil spirits, the abyss formed by negative forces is extremely terrifying.

There was pitch black in front of Song Qingxiao's eyes, this kind of black seemed to never end in sight.

The giant python has disappeared, and neither the sound of the ‘giant tree’’s movement nor the fluctuation of magical power can be sensed.

Song Qingxiao seemed to have been banished and appeared in the endless darkness.

This kind of trap is far more terrifying than the purple-haired girl's escape dragon banner. After it takes shape, it looks like an invisible abyss, except for the envelope of despair and death, no other sounds can be heard.

It seemed that she was the only one left in the world fighting, lonely and frightened, and instantly grabbed her firmly.

At this moment, the long sword that Song Qing held in his hand gleamed faintly, illuminating this dark time and space.

The golden dragon's shadow wandered within the translucent Zhutian sword body, and then turned into a dragon shadow, groaning out from her hand.

"God Destruction!"

The overbearing meaning of sword aura spreads in this space as the dragon soul flies. As soon as Song Qingxiao's words are spoken, his spiritual power is like a flood of gate opening, filling the entire dark space and time with the operation of the **** extinguishing technique!

Light blue light lotus blossoms one after another, illuminating the entire darkness!

Wherever the light went, the power of darkness was quickly disintegrated.

Those creatures that are not able to see the light that breed in the darkness, under the faint blue light, begin to melt and disintegrate as ice and snow meet the sunlight.

"The monk is right." Song Qingxiao was surrounded by the blue light lotus, watching the formed dark space collapse inch by inch, showing a slight smile:

"In despair, a little light is needed to lead the way."

The most terrifying thing about the power of darkness is that it devours people's beliefs and hopes, and makes people fall into desperation and madness.

But this kind of power is vulnerable to the light.

The forces of'darkness' and'light' restrain each other. Despair is a sharp blade to crush hope, but at the same time, hope is also the best way to eliminate despair.

The key clue of this mission was finally caught by her.

A small lamp appeared in Song Qing's small palm.

As soon as the chaotic blue light appeared, the power of darkness around it was even more severely suppressed.

This came from the wick formed by the fire of Heaven's Tribulation, even if it was only a big flower in the mouth of the bowl, it was enough to bring light.

It once brought hope and light to desperate believers in the grottoes of the Dark River Forest. At this time, it can also drive away the darkness and break the prohibition.

The dark powers of retreat made a comeback again, but in front of the green light that symbolized death but was full of vitality, these dark powers had already screamed and retreated before they collided with the flames of the lamp.

The endless darkness and void began to melt, and the bodies of ghosts and undead appeared.

After the black mist faded, several giant pythons with their mouths wide open all bite towards Song Qing's small body.

But in the next instant, the blue lotus formed by the god-killing technique was in full bloom at the same time——

Sisi sword aura overflowed, and instantly penetrated all the bodies of giant pythons!

A large group of dazzling blue light penetrated from the giant black nest floating in the air and turned into thousands of light beams!

Where the beam reached, all dark creatures were strangled, and the remaining vines evaded frantically, not daring to lean in.

Everyone was stunned, and saw that the huge black nest began to tremble crazily, and then the blue light broke through the black nest with the crisp sound of ‘boom’.

Amid the dull crackling sound, black flesh and blood remnants splashed out in all directions.

In the storm, Song Qingxiao, holding a chaotic blue lantern in his hand, appeared in the eyes of everyone again.

"Stop her!"

This storm of sword aura had a tremendous impact, even shaking the cane of the ‘giant tree’.

Although I don't know how she can escape from such an encirclement, but now, no matter it is the tester, Lucifer, or the ‘Japanese’ sage, she can no longer ignore her.

She stood firmly on the side of the sage ‘Moon’ and insisted on making a stand for the sage ‘moon’.

The great strength has become the biggest obstacle to everyone's desire to seal the sage of the "Moon", and she cannot be allowed to continue to live at this moment.

As an old opponent who had fought with her, Lucifer had a great understanding of Song Qingxiao's power.

Except for the weird spells, her physical body was as powerful as a terrifying tyrannosaurus, which overturned Lucifer's previous perception of the weak body of the wizard.

Seeing that even these dark forces could not trap her, Lucifer yelled decisively:

"Can't let her continue to disrupt!"

He didn't name or surname in his words, as if he hoped that everyone present would join hands.

The saints of the ‘dark’ faction did not hesitate, and Samuel finally removed the black cloth covering his head, revealing a long, jet-black head.

The strong half-orc slapped the terrifying behemoth that had been mutated under the nourishment of the dark power, which was crawling on his side.

There were countless blood-colored tentacles protruding from Hayas' body, and the blood turned into red ribbons, entangled in Song Qing's small place...

The people of the ‘dark’ faction have all started, and the ‘Japanese’ sages also clasped their hands.

A dark purple magic circle took shape in his palm and quickly turned into a huge purple disk. Then, like a morning glory in full bloom, the purple disk split around one after another, instantly splitting seven identical magic circles.

The ice, flames, lightning and other different natural elements in each magic array converge, and it is obvious that there is a desire to destroy Song Qingxiao at one time.

"Taoist..." Seeing this kind of battle, No. 4 couldn't help but grow bigger.

As a teammate in the same camp as Song Qingxiao, although Song Qingxiao absorbed most of everyone's hatred value, these people were also not prepared to let go of No.4 and Taoist priests.

Before Ren No. 4, he flew domineering, but at this time, after provoking the anger of the people, after being watched murderously by the thirteen saints and the ‘ri’ sage at the same time, he felt his heart and liver trembling.

In front of such a powerful opponent, the power of No. 4 was vulnerable and could not help but retreat.

On the contrary, the six saints of the ‘Bright’ faction who should have united with the saints and the ‘Japanese’ sages showed a slight hesitation on their faces when they heard Lucifer’s instructions.

The sword that the swordsman was holding could not be cut in the direction of Song Qingxiao; the elf hesitated, holding a light green seed and did not move.

The monk turned the pages of the book with his fingers; the entangled lightning on Edward's wand did not strike.


"What are you doing!"

The hesitation of the six saints of the ‘light’ faction is like a great insult to the ‘Japanese’ sages.

This great sage, who has been trying his best to control his emotions since he appeared, has not shown obvious expressions of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. At this time, his face is distorted:

"Rodno! Kill her!"

In his shouting, long hair flew, a black air appeared on his face, and then quickly disappeared.

The monk whose name was called by him trembled heavily, and the fingers that turned the book trembled, but he still didn't move.

In fact, their beliefs have long been tilted, and Song Qingxiao is not just a teammate from the same route to them

She had rescued them from danger and gave them hope on the dark journey.

Therefore, even the shouts of the sage ‘Sun’, the master of their faith, failed to make the six saints of the ‘Bright’ faction do something.

"She is a hindrance to the seal of'Moon'!"

After a few people hesitated, the sage ‘Sun’ yelled in a gloomy voice:

"If things fail, you all know the consequences."

The anger after being betrayed flashed from the eyes of the sage ‘Japanese’. The rebellion of the six once loyal believers was a great stimulus to this great sage.

The black air on his robes was soaking faster, almost covering his ribs.

"The big prophecy fails, the power of darkness is out of control, and all of us will be swallowed by darkness and become undead creatures.

The consequences are not only that, without the suppression of the two great sages and the thirteen saints, the power of darkness will diffuse out of the abyss territory and ravage the entire continent.

"Do you want to see the consequences like that? Disaster, death, and despair re-shrouded the continent!"

These words touched not only the six saints of the ‘light’ faction, but also the struggling sages of the moon.

The monk's body vigorously vibrated with grief on his face. He stretched out his hand trembling and turned the pages of the book. Before chanting the curse, Song Qingxiao's cold voice sounded:

"Don't listen to him."

The monk paused when he flipped the handbrake of the book and raised his sagging head.

Perhaps he was extremely surprised, his eyes widened slightly, staring at Song Qingxiao, his eyes flashed with light, as if he hoped she could say something.

It's just that after she finished speaking, she turned her face away and stared at the sage ‘Moon’ on the top of the ‘giant tree’ in the distance.


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