Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 948: Tell

"High energy ahead (

"Hey Big Brother's grandson?"

Song Qingxiao suddenly said again.

She was the youngest among the crowd, and Song Daochang was among the people present, and it was logically impossible for her to ask questions anyway.

But out of preference for his youngest apprentice, Song Daochang didn't criticize her when she interrupted Aunt Wu's narration, but gave her a helpless look.


Aunt Wu was very sure, but at this time Song Qing Xiaoyi interrupted her, and she felt a little confused.

"Aunt Wu, you are not young anymore? How old is your elder brother?"

Aunt Wu, who was staring at her, felt a little uneasy, as if under her eyes, she felt a sense of invisibleness.

She felt a little hairy in her heart. She looked at Song Daochang anxiously, but saw that he didn't stop her, so she changed her sitting position.

However, these small movements did not alleviate her anxiety. Under Song Qingxiao's gaze, although she did not understand why Song Qingxiao raised such a question, she still answered honestly:

"My eldest brother has three out of 60 this year--" After she said this, she added: "My elder brother is eleven years older than me. He has taken care of me like a father since I was a child..."

"Your eldest brother is sixty-three, then your parents are at least seventy or nearly eighty." After Song Qing's novel, Aunt Wu nodded and said to her:

"At such an old age, can you still feed your elder brother and grandson?"


When Aunt Wu heard this, she finally let out a panic scream.

She finally remembered what was wrong, everything was like a cloud and mist, and the blocked memory was instantly connected with reality, making her sober.

"I...I...Ahhhhh..." She yelled extremely sadly, and she heard the other villagers on the bullock cart stand upside down, involuntarily showing a look of trepidation.

"My mother passed away more than ten years ago!" Her voice was shaking very badly. When she spoke, she panted like an old bellows, and there was a terrible sound of'wheezing, whirring' in her throat.

What Aunt Wu saw when she returned to her family's house that day was actually the scene when her mother was still alive many years ago.

"At that time, my elder brother's grandson, Maocai, was only about six years old and he had a stubborn brain, but Maocai was already twenty-five years old this year, and his son was born."

She banged her teeth crazily, making a sound of ‘kakaka’.

Thinking about this experience of hitting a ghost, it was even more terrifying than when she was previously possessed by a ghost.

After all, she knew nothing at the time, and when she discovered something was wrong, she was quickly resolved by Song Daochang.

On the contrary, she went back to her family’s house, but it seemed that the ghost had lost her mind. If she hadn’t been awakened by Song Qingxiao’s words at this time, she would not have even noticed that she had hit the ghost and entered the trap !

Song Daochang's expression was stunned, and Song Changqing looked at each other, his eyebrows frowned unconsciously:

"Ghost hits the wall."

After Aunt Wu returned to Shenzhuang’s natal family, Shenzhuang was already in an accident, so she was also affected by the deep resentment and ghosts inside, which made her cognition be deceived, and then she became evil, unable to distinguish reality from reality. The difference between dreams.

This was also when Aunt Wu mentioned that she was going back to Shenzhuang earlier. Although all the prosperous scenes came into her eyes, she felt that something was wrong again, and she felt like she was watching a shadow puppet show.

That's because her spirit has been deceived, but her body has been affected by the powerful magnetic field formed by Yin Qi. Human survival instinct makes her feel a crisis and reminds her to escape quickly.


When the other people in the carriage first heard Aunt Wu mention her mother’s death, they already felt their backs hairy. Then when Song Daochang mentioned “a ghost hit the wall”, everyone took a deep breath. Anxiously stomped his feet, as if he wanted to use this to vent the panic deep in his heart.

The wooden planks in the carriage were stomped and slammed, and everyone's unanimous behavior caused the entire carriage to sway gently.

After Aunt Wu realized that the scene she saw when she went back to her family's house that day might be a real ghost, her whole person was not well, and she was shaking like sifting chaff.

"and then?"

At this time, the one who could come forward to appease her was Daochang Song, who had just revealed his magical powers.

His non-serious smile gave Aunt Wu a great sense of security, and his words calmed Aunt Wu who was still trembling before.

"Then?" Aunt Wu swallowed, and the meat on her neck slid along with her movements. She went to see Song Daochang without knowing it, and listened to him explain:

"What happens after seeing your parents?"

"Oh, then..."

Perhaps thinking about the scene again, Aunt Wu showed a clearly scared expression on her face, and then said:

"Then my mother kept her face straight and asked why I went back?"

Shenzhuang has a developed economy, and relatively speaking, there is no particularly serious patriarchal phenomenon.

In fact, from Aunt Wu's chubby figure, she is not bad after marrying.

"My parents have loved me since I was a child, and they put a thick dowry on me when they got married."

Her family's wealth is rich, and she doesn't need to add makeup to her.

The family relationship is harmonious, and the brothers and sisters-in-laws do not care.

"My marriage is not far away, and I always go back several times a year."

In the past, when I went back, my parents were always happy, and it was inevitable to see their daughters and sisters. The brothers and sisters kept her for a few more days, and the nieces and daughters were also obedient and well-behaved.

"But when I went back that day, my parents' expressions were not very good."

When she said this, she reached out and wiped the sweat that scared her forehead:

"I said that I received a letter from my family, saying that something serious happened at home, so let me go back quickly..."

Recalling the scene at that time, Aunt Wu's eyes showed a trace of heart palpitations, and she subconsciously leaned in the direction of Song Qingxiao to her side.

This was her completely instinctive behavior, and she didn't even notice it.

"But my mother was furious immediately, and she yelled at me, saying that there was no trustee to hand down the book at all in my family..."

She didn't know what she thought of, and there was water gushing out of those dim eyes:

"She scolded me probably because she wanted to go back to her natal family to fight the autumn wind, and she wanted to get money from her natal family to subsidize her husband's house. She hurriedly blasted me away and was not allowed to stay for a moment, so that I would not be allowed to step into the Shen family's gate in the future— —"

Before she finished speaking, she let out a choked cry, which was obviously hurt by her mother's words.

Aunt Wu lowered her head and pressed her sleeve to the corner of her eye, and said with a deep voice:

"Presumably the evil thing turned into my mother, deliberately trying to harm me..."

"It should not be."

Song Qingxiao, who was sitting next to her, spoke again. Aunt Wu raised her head, her eyes flushed a little, and her face was surprised and puzzled:

"Miss Song..."

"Your mother's words are probably reminding you to leave quickly." Song Qingxiao spoke indifferently as she stared.

Song Daochang raised his eyebrows, looked at the little apprentice in a little surprise, and nodded after he pondered for a while:

"Qing's novel is good." He explained:

"Shen Zhuang's situation is already very serious now."

From Aunt Wu's narration, it can be known that even in the blue sky and white sun, ghosts have already appeared.

"Ghosts belong to the yin, shelter from the sun, and righteous." Because of accidents in Shenzhuang, even Taoist priests like Song Daochang who grew up in the mountains and wilds had heard of it when Shenzhuang was reopened seven or eighty years ago. I used to spend a lot of money to invite people to do a ritual.

This memorial service included the suppression of the warlord ghast who was trapped in Shenzhuang after the killings, and at the same time invited monks and Taoists to save the innocent people who were slaughtered.

He even chose the treasured places of Fengshui to bury the corpses of these killed residents.

The layout of the city has also been re-arranged. From the basic housing locations to the small water canals, flowers, and trees in the city, they have all been reviewed by the school, confirming that they have formed the best Feng Shui bureau, and will not go out again in the future. accident.

And for the next few decades, just as those who first re-entered Shenzhuang back then expected, they have always been safe.

It was not until seven or eighty years later that it began to be haunted!

Theoretically speaking, Shenzhuang has a developed economy, and after seven to eighty years of prosperity and development, it has almost returned to its prosperity a hundred years ago.

The more the population, the more Yang Qi is.

Yang is prosperous, but yin declines, so generally speaking, the more prosperous the place, there should be fewer demons.

Ghosts have ghosts, and people have paths. After death, people cannot stay in the sun for a long time. Following the cycle of reincarnation, it is the right way to enter the Yin Cao dungeon and wait for reincarnation.

Otherwise, the yin and yang will overcome each other, and will blindly miss the world. When the dawn arrives, ghosts with insufficient power will fly away in the sun, and they will never be superborn.

But the haunting incident in Shenzhuang is really weird. A prosperous town suddenly began to make haunts.

The situation is even so serious that in the blue sky and white sun, people who enter can live to hell.

"It is conceivable that the resentment inside has been so heavy that it has dissipated the yang energy." Yin is prosperous, and the yang declines. Naturally, in the former prosperous Shenzhuang, there will be ghosts.

Aunt Wu couldn't help being stunned when she heard this.

"Do you mean that my mother is saving me?"

Her eye sockets gradually turned red, and her expression turned from fear at the beginning to an extremely complex look.

Soon after she finished speaking, she suddenly stretched out her hands to cover her face, crying ‘uuu’:

"It turns out that my mother didn't really blame me, but loved me, mother—"

She cried extremely loudly, as if she wanted to vent all the grievances, incomprehension, and fear of encountering ghosts after being scolded by her mother's family these days.

No one in the carriage interrupted her crying, even Song Daochang frowned, as if lost in thought.

After a while, Aunt Wu seemed to be crying enough at last, then raised her head again, pulled out a veil from her cuff, and started wiping her face sideways.

After a long while, she came back to her senses.

Maybe she cried for a while, taking this opportunity to vent all the negative emotions accumulated in her body, and Aunt Wu's face looked much better than before.

In addition to the scary redness and swelling of her eyes, her cheeks actually appeared a little bloody, which made her feel a little more angry compared with the green breath in the yellowish yellow before.

"I'm sorry Song Daochang."

She also had some nasal noises, and the flesh on the swollen eyelids was squeezed almost to squeeze the eyes.

"After being scolded by my mother that day, I went home. I don't know what to do. I have been muddled for the past few days, and I feel that people have no hope."

Having said that, she held the kerchief and wiped the corners of her eyes:

"The more I think about it, the more panic I get. I can't sleep well at night, and I dream of my mother-in-law who has been dead for many years.

She thought her mother really blamed her for emptying her natal family to subsidize her in-laws over the years. After being scolded, she was ashamed and ashamed. At that time, she forced her to leave Shenzhuang.

She always felt heavy on her neck, and her back seemed to press against a five-element mountain, which made her unable to breathe from time to time.

During the day and night, she always felt that her mother-in-law who had been dead for many years seemed to be back again, and she said that she would take her away.

It wasn't until this moment that Song Qing's novels woke her up.

There is something serious in Shen Zhuang now. Her old mother who has been dead for more than ten years scolded her is not to blame her, nor is it really to blame her for taking the Shen family’s belongings, but the dead relatives wanted to save her life. Just urged her to go quickly.

It's just that although she had the shelter of the ghost that day, she temporarily left, but because she entered Shenzhuang, she was probably infected with grievances, causing the dirt to attach to her body.

Song Daochang nodded:

"There are three fires in a person's People who are strong and physically strong will have heavier anger and yang energy on their bodies. Normally speaking, ghosts are generally inaccessible."

Aunt Wu has dealt with the people of Yunhushan for many years, and every once in a while, according to Song Daochang's entrustment, she and her husband send some melons, fruits, rice and other things for his young disciples to use.

Although she is not young, Yunhu Mountain is steep, and these things have been handed over to her children in recent years.

But the last time she went up the mountain to ask for help, Song Daochang clearly saw that the shamisen flames on her shoulders and between her eyebrows were thick, but when she saw her again this time, the "fire" on her body could not be sensed.

It is precisely because of this that she will speak so easily.

If it weren't for Song Daochang's shot this time, I am afraid that within two days of work, she would definitely die.

"Just entering Shenzhuang will greatly reduce the yang energy on the body, and make the possessed ghost so vicious..."

When Song Daochang said this, there was a hint of worry in his tone:

"Several days have passed, and I don't know what Shenzhuang is like now."

When he said this, he subconsciously looked up at his two apprentices, with a worried expression on his face.

"Although my parents are dead, my brothers and sisters are still in Shenzhuang."

Last time I went back, the dead and the living were in the same room. Everyone looked as usual, and they didn't notice the slightest difference.

This is the reason why Aunt Wu didn't notice it, because at the time her mother's house, everyone got along with each other happily, except for the rebirth of the dead parents and the age of the grandnephew, there was nothing unusual about it.

The elder brothers and sisters-in-laws, as always, didn't seem to realize that their parents had died prematurely. They lived in the same house. When she went back, she greeted her sister-in-law affectionately.

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