Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 959: Set off

"High energy ahead (

There were so many weasel corpses on the ground that they looked extraordinarily tragic.

Everyone stood still and did not dare to act rashly, completely ignorant of what had happened before.

Daochang Song released his spiritual sense to investigate for a moment, then opened his eyes after a long time:

"It's okay." He said solemnly, "The weasel pack is dead."

Having said that, he took a step forward.

Stepping on the transparent ice cube, the cloth soles made a light sticky sound when they touched the cold ice and snow.

"Who is helping?" He muttered to himself softly: "Could it be that old man?"

With his cultivation base, he has sensed that there is no danger here.

The power of Frost Ice was extremely domineering, and the Yin Qi that permeated here was dispelled a bit.

But this powerful and active spiritual power seemed to have no malice towards them, as if it had specifically targeted these weasels, and immediately cut the grass and roots cleanly, leaving no harm to them.

Being able to do all of this, his strength cultivation naturally greatly surpassed Song Daochang's mana.

For the first time, he thought of the old people his master had met and the promise he made to meet Shenzhuang again.

Everyone did not notice the old Taoist whispering softly, but heard him say that there is no danger.

After getting his affirmative answer, everyone was greatly relieved.

"Dao Master, what should I do now?"

After the old man who drove the car rejoiced, he asked quickly as if thinking of something.

This question brought back Daochang Song's contemplative attention. He temporarily suppressed the suspicion in his heart, turned his head and glanced around, and then strode towards the corpse of the cow.

After a while, the cow's eyes turned white and there were signs of corruption, which was obviously corroded by strong Yin Qi.

A set of blue clothes wrapped the corpses of several weasels scattered on the side of the cow corpses. After being bombarded by the Five Thunder Curse, only half of the scarecrow's head fell aside, and a thin bamboo pole was inserted in the middle. .

Song Daochang took a closer look. The clothes were filled with dirt and carrion air. It seemed that they should be the shroud that the weasel group had taken out of the female corpse in the grave, and took the scarecrow's head to pretend to be scary.

"Although these things are fake, they belong to the dead, and evil spirits are easy to attract evil and cannot be left alone."

With a cold face and kindness, he thought to himself: "Although this place is temporarily affected by Yin Qi, it will still be a road after the Yin Qi dissipates in the future."

If these things are allowed to be placed here, and ghosts are brought in again, the villagers will be affected by the evil in the past, and I am afraid they will lose their lives.

When Dao Chang Song thought of this, he knotted his hands and called out the samādhi sacred fire, and the clothing between his fingers suddenly burst into flames.

The sparks fell on half of the scarecrow's head in random blooms, and followed by green light, emitting bursts of stench.

A trace of the woman's shadow flashed quickly between the flames, and those resentful eyes stared at the people coldly, but as soon as the image appeared, it was torn apart by the strong ice force in the air.

"This is really weird." The man who was about to return to Shenzhuang wrapped his arms around his chest, shivering from the cold, but could not hide the joy in his tone:

"Why is it snowing all of a sudden?"

"Perhaps it is the immortal summoned by the Taoist leader. I feel sorry that we are trapped by the evil spirits and help us."

Although the temperature dropped sharply after the snow fell, everyone was extremely happy and felt that the cold was far more comfortable than the gloomy weather before.

"Just leave it alone."

Song Daochang saw the reflection of the woman on the shroud and scarecrow's head as soon as the fire was on.

When he took a closer look, he saw only the flickering flames, and there was no shadow.

Although the image disappeared very quickly, the remaining maliciousness was chilling, making the old Taoist even more sure that he was not mistaken, and he felt more uneasy in his heart.

"Let's leave here quickly."

"Where to go?" One of the women hesitantly asked: "At this time, the sky is dark, the cows are dead, and the car has been bitten by these Huang Daxians..."

There was a strong reluctance in her words, and she was obviously unwilling to move in the direction of Shen Zhuang.

There were several people on her side. Whether it was Aunt Wu being possessed or being besieged by the weasel group, everyone was full of resistance to going to Shenzhuang, and they wanted to go home immediately.

"Yes, Dao Master." Someone replied, "It seems that God is reminding us not to go to Shenzhuang, why not just go home and save our lives."


Everyone nodded one after another, and even the man whose parents, wives and children were in Shenzhuang hesitated, as if undecided.

Song Daochang frowned, without hesitation:

"Then the only difference from you is this."

His words surprised everyone: "Doesn't the Daoist send us back?"

"I was entrusted by the Shen family to go to Shenzhuang. A gentleman can't speak without faith, and naturally there is no reason to give up halfway." After saying this, the old Taoist greeted Song Changqing to get into the car with a calm face.

"How can it work?" When the other people heard this, they were immediately anxious, and they rushed around:

"We have encountered demons and ghosts along the way. If no one is supporting us, what if we make a mistake on the way back?" They invariably stopped the two masters and apprentices, fearing that they would be thrown into the wild mountains:

"The old fairy grows up with family compassion. It is better that you and the master **** us home first, and then go to Shenzhuang at the end."

"How can it work?" The old Taoist immediately refused:

"Shen Zhuang is very dangerous. Before I went out, I used to divination. I must not miss the hour, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable."

He endured his impatience and said:

"These weasel spirits are already dead. Even if there are those who run away, they are still a minority, and they won't make it into any climate."

He glanced at the villagers again:

"You have nothing to do with Shen Zhuang. Even if you get a little bit of yin along the way, you will have at most one serious illness after you return. It won't hurt your life, and it will take a while."

But how could the frightened people listen to this, and they still refused to give up:

"The Daoist also said that demons and evil spirits are full of grievances, so there is no reason to be reasonable." He also heard that the old Taoists were good at divination, and they begged him:

"It's better to make a divination for us and see if we have any calamities to overcome."

"Naughty!" Even if the old Taoist has a good temper, he can be entangled repeatedly by these people and lose his patience:

"I've already said it all, don't stop me and drag me time."

After saying this, he couldn't bear it and stretched out his hand to push the crowd away.

"Master! Master!"

The woman who spoke at the first stepped forward, causing Song Daochang's hand to retract helplessly.

The woman took a small step forward, begging for advice:

"Since you can't escort, and you can't divination hexagrams, you can give a few magical charms."

She thought of the various methods of the old Taoist priests before, and couldn't help but discuss: "This way we can also feel at ease."

"Don't make trouble." When Song Changqing saw his master being surrounded, he hurriedly squeezed out the crowd by relying on his size.

"You think that talisman paper is the grass on the side of the road, grab a lot of it?"

He did not have the good restraint of Song Daochang, and shouted loudly: "We are not enough by ourselves, how can we return it to you?"

"Brother's words are so unreasonable--"

Everyone was startled by his size and volume, and was taken aback for a moment, but after he recovered, they were very unconvinced.

"It's about everyone's life and death. The monks take compassion as their heart--"

"What monk? We are not." Song Changqing denies loudly, "Or you go to the real monk for help."

"How do you guys talk?"

The woman raised her volume and took a step forward with her arms akimbo.

When Song Changqing saw that she was leaning over to stick to her body, he immediately backed away: "Don't come over--"

Both the master and the apprentice are kind people, and they are unwilling to do anything with ordinary people, and they are trapped in place for a while.

When Song Qingxiao saw the master and apprentice being stopped, he immediately jumped out of the carriage and strode towards the master and apprentice.

"I want to..." The woman wanted to get a life-saving talisman, resolutely refused to give in.

Before she finished speaking, she felt someone grab her back.

"He told you not to go there, can't you hear it?" The girl's cold voice came into her ears.

Immediately afterwards, a strong force grabbed from behind. Under this force, she had no resistance at all, and she could not help being pulled back, only to hear the sound of wind blowing by her ears.

The next moment his toes lifted off the ground, as if being picked up high, and then he fell heavily into the ice several meters away.


After the fall, she almost didn't break her frame, and she became numb for a while, and even the screams were blocked in her throat, making it difficult to make a sound.

"Little Junior Sister..."

Song Changqing didn't expect Song Qingxiao to be so sturdy, he knocked people to the ground as soon as he came.

But fortunately, her move, after pulling the woman away, solved a lot of troubles between the master and the apprentice, causing the two to react and get out quickly.

There are still some unwilling people who want to come around and entangle again. Song Changqing has also learned Song Qing's method. He clenched his huge fist, his eyes showed fierce light, and successfully shook a group of people back.


The veteran Taoist has a cold face and kind heart. He remembers his master’s teachings throughout his life. He never used force on ordinary people. He didn’t expect his fists to do things so well.

If it were in the past, he would definitely teach more, but now he was entangled out of real fire, and he didn't say anything.

"The one who drove the car, also get in the car."

After seeing the two apprentices both getting in the car, the old Taoist priest seemed to think of something, turned his head and glanced at the crowd, and greeted him.

Everyone was afraid that Song Changqing's fist would hit someone. They were both dissatisfied and unwilling. They just saw the old Taoist priest's calm face, his expression looked a little scary, and he didn't dare to make any more noises for a while.

The old man who drove the car squatted in front of the dead cow with a dejected look. When he heard the greeting of the old Taoist priest, he was shocked and frightened:

"Me?" He pointed to himself, somewhat wondering why Song Daochang called him:

"Does the Taoist call me?"

He didn't expect Song Daochang to ask him to get in the car, as if looking for him all the way.

"But Dao Master, my cow is dead--" He pointed to the dead cow with a little sadness, wondering:

"Without the bull that pulls the cart, it won't help me to get in the cart?"

He is unwilling to travel with him.

The weasel group that Song Daochang mentioned may harm him has been killed one after another, even if he just turned back, there won't be another major incident.

Shen Zhuang made it clear that it was not a good place. The things he encountered along the way were scary enough, and the closer he got, the more scary he was.

"Just get in the car, I call you, naturally there is my intention!"

Song Daochang's face was cold, and he called out again:

"Hurry up, don't miss my time."

Although the old man was full of unwillingness, he didn't dare to resist under Song Daochang's cold face. He hesitated for a long time, and moved small steps and slowly approached the bullock cart.

He wasn't completely afraid of Song Daochang's sake, but he was somewhat reluctant to bear his bullock cart.

Although the cow was dead, but the car was still there, Song Daochang and the others made it impossible to go down, and maybe they were going to talk to him about renting a car.

Think about it again. Although I have experienced several dangerous situations on this journey, every time it turned out to be bad, maybe it was because of the magic power of the old Taoist.

Thinking of this, the old man felt more determined and slowly got into the car.

At the same time, the man in Shenzhuang, after hesitating for a while, followed the old man, and saw that Song Daochang hadn't stopped him, he had the courage to climb into the car.

The others did not move, and looked at the people in the car with dissatisfaction.

The old Taoist thought for a while, took out a folded talisman paper from his bag, and threw it at everyone:

"You take this talisman and go back on the same road. As long as you don't separate on the road, there must be no trouble."

When everyone saw the talisman paper, they rushed to get it in their hands, but they didn't even bother to stop people.

Song Daochang took out a piece of talisman paper and has done his best to do his He made seals on both hands, and penetrated into the bodies of the few bronze armored men who were frozen in the ice.

It's just that the strength of Frost Ice is extraordinary. After he hits his spiritual power several times in a row, the bronze armor finally melts and moves a bit.

Once the vitality was restored, at the sign of Song Daochang, the ten bronze armored men raised the four corners of the carriage and lifted the car high, following Song Daochang's stern shout:

"Get up!"

The vehicle was carried by ten bronze armored men and moved forward quickly, leaving the place several tens of meters in an instant.


The speed of the car is surprisingly fast, many times faster than when the car was pulled.

This speed like sitting on a somersault cloud made the old man pulling the cart feel fresh and exciting, but also a little scared.

He reached out and grabbed the car siding, and asked:

"You told me to get in the car, why?"

Song Daochang's gaze fell on his face, and it only took a while, and layers of black air appeared between the old man's hall.

The Yin Qi on his body had already been suppressed. Song Daochang had previously fed him a piece of talisman, and the three sun fires that had been rekindled at this time had actually been extinguished.


The old Taoist muttered to himself.

Ever since he found out that the old man driving the car had been recruited, he had been distracted to pay attention to this person.

If this person was recruited because he was sitting outside the car at the beginning, Song Changqing's Taoism was not enough to suppress the evil spirits, so it would be fine for the ghost to take advantage of the loopholes.

But after his accident, Song Daochang deliberately exchanged positions with the two.

From the attack of the weasel pack to the beheading, this old man had never stayed alone, nor had he left Song Daochang’s sight except for getting out of the car with everyone at the end.

In that case, where did the heavy yin aura on his body come from?

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