Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 966: Whole family

"High energy ahead (

The pier is made of thick wooden boards, which is very spacious and extremely deserted at this time.

Below the pier is the endless river, and the river surface is covered with thick fog, reflecting the river water deeper and deeper.

The cold wind blew over the surface of the river, and the few people who had just stepped out of the cold mist shrank their necks subconsciously.

I saw seven or eight figures standing at the end of the pier.

Perhaps because of the coldness, several people kept stomping their feet, stepping on the wooden planks, and making a ‘clang’.

The sky was dim and the fog was heavy. It was hard to see the faces of these people, but one of the braids in the shadow could vaguely recognize that this was a young girl.


A very rhythmic and weird sound came into everyone's ears, as if it was coming from behind those figures.


But Aunt Wu, the moment she saw this group of people, she immediately recognized her daughter and couldn't help but yelled.

When the stomping girl heard her shout, she turned her head immediately.

In the dim light, she can only vaguely see her hands holding each other, putting her hands on her mouth to breathe.

A cloud of white mist rose from her palm, and immediately merged with the black mist.

She looked over here. Although she hadn't seen her face clearly, after hearing a familiar voice, she still cried out:


As soon as she finished speaking, she ran over here without hesitation.

The rush of the girl shook the wooden pier to make a sound of ‘呯呯呯’, which seemed extremely ear-piercing in this strangely quiet pier.

The wood board was under the influence of force, and it seemed to be overwhelmed between squeezing, making a creak and creaking sound.

"It's my daughter!"

When Aunt Wu heard the girl's call, she was even more sure that when she saw her beloved daughter rushing, the mother-loving nature overwhelmed her inner fear.

She didn't hesitate to let go of the hands that clutched Song Qingxiao and the old man driving the car, and greeted her in the direction of the girl.



The two mother and daughter quickly approached, and the girl slammed into her mother's arms. It was not until she hugged her warm body that she finally released her inner fear and cried loudly:

"Mother, I finally saw you."

"You stupid girl."

Aunt Wu was angry and distressed, and after a rebuke, she couldn't bear to blame her daughter too much.

She stretched out her hand and patted her daughter on the back, then turned her head and said to Song Daochang:

"Daoist, this is my girl, you have also seen it."

The information in her words was clearly telling everyone that the girl in her arms was not a ghost in disguise.

Hearing this, the old man in the car couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then walked over to the dock.

Several people on the riverside who were hesitating saw this scene and followed them up. After the crowd was crowded, even the gloomy pier was a bit more alive, and they were no longer as lifeless as before.


Amidst the weird noise, before the old Taoist priest could speak, Aunt Wu took the lead to ask:

"Didn't I tell you before I left, wait for me at home?"

The girl who lay on her shoulders and weeping did not speak, but one of the people approaching called out:


When Aunt Wu saw her, her eyes went dark and she almost passed out.

"Baocai, Chengcai——"


Song Changqing didn't know when he slipped to Song Qingxiao's side. Seeing this, he lowered his voice and said in a low voice:

"Aunt Wu's two sons and a daughter, and Uncle Wu came here unexpectedly."

The family lives at the foot of Yunhu Mountain. In the early years, they often sent some fruits and vegetables up the mountain. They are very familiar with Song Daochang and others.

Song Qing Xiaoyi heard what he said, and naturally understood what he meant.

From what Aunt Wu said before, it is not difficult to hear that before she left home, she also knew that Shen Zhuang's affairs were troublesome, and was unwilling to involve her husband and children in these matters.

At that time, she didn't expect the matter to be so violent. She thought that Shen Zhuang was wealthy, and she hired an expert all the year round, and the matter would be resolved sooner or later.

I'm afraid it seemed to her that it took only a few days for her to take Song Daochang and others back to her family's home. After this happened, she would go back without incident.

So before leaving, she should have told her family to wait for her to go back.

But at this time the family appeared here, obviously should be contrary to her initial words, something must have happened in the middle.

"Why are you here?"

Aunt Wu's heart beat fiercely, and she quivered.

Her man is about 60 years old. Compared with her rich figure, he is a bit dark and thin. He has a sweat scarf on his head and a cigarette stick in his mouth. Hearing what she said, his lips moved, but there was no sound. .

The two sons are both grown-ups, and they are tall, but they are simple and honest. Both father and son seem to be bad words, and they can't tell why.

The daughter who was lying in her arms cried for a while, and after venting some of the fear in her heart, she raised her head and choked.

"Mother, after you left yesterday—"

"Yesterday?" Not only Aunt Wu was wrong when she heard this, but the others stared and trembled.


This time, Aunt Wu's man plugged in and nodded in response.

"It looks like we are all trapped by a ghost hitting a wall."

The old Taoist said in a deep voice, his brows frowned tightly.

He has the cultivation base himself, has reached the realm of transforming infants, and he specializes in the Taoist skills of exorcising ghosts and suppressing evil spirits. In theory, he should be this kind of ghost and ghost killer.

But he was also hit by the way without knowing it. He didn't find a ghost possessing him several times in the middle, and he was trapped in a ghost beating the wall, and he hadn't noticed it after such a long time.

It can be seen that Shen Zhuang's ghosts are so deep and grievous that it is really difficult to deal with.

Others were even more horrified, regretting going to Shenzhuang and his party, but there was no turning back.

After listening to the words of the old Taoist priest, the Wu family's expressions changed drastically, and the cries that Aunt Wu's daughter had stopped were about to become louder.

"What happened after Aunt Wu left yesterday?"

Seeing that everyone was disturbed by the girl's words, and the topic was about to be turned away, Song Qingxiao asked aloud.

She is also very young, but her tone is very calm, with a strange calmness, as if even the old Taoist priests have been affected by the yin of this place, but she seems to have not cared what had happened before. of.

Such a calm performance made Song Changqing glance at her subconsciously, with a slight surprise in her eyes.

Her words were cold, with a different kind of sharpness, as if she broke the strange atmosphere of this place the moment she spoke.

Then Wu Ni'er was stunned for a moment, then sorted out her thoughts, and talked about what happened yesterday.

It turned out that before Aunt Wu left home yesterday, she did tell everyone in her family not to worry. She would be back for as long as ten and a half months, or as few as three or four days.

The people in the family also agreed. Although they were worried about Shenzhuang’s affairs, everyone had the same idea as Aunt Wu at first. They felt that the rich squires in Shenzhuang would resolve the matter sooner or later, and they did not take the matter down. The child looked too severely.

Soon after leaving home, Aunt Wu suddenly returned back, saying only that she had forgotten to bring one thing. When she finally left, let her daughter, husband and others go with him, saying that it was the order of Song Daochang, and there were many people with positive energy. Okay. Overwhelming evil spirits.

"You only said to separate from Song Daochang and the others first, and make an appointment where you want to wait."

The people in the family didn't think much, after hearing Aunt Wu's words, they all agreed.

Her mother's family was rich and had a lot of dowries when she got married, and there were often subsidies, which made the Wu family and Yue family move very frequently, and the relationship between the two parties was very close.

Hearing that there was an accident in the Yue family, and his wife had asked again, it was naturally impossible for Uncle Wu and his children to refuse.

"At that time, the eldest brother and the second brother were all working in the town. After you walked together, let us hurry up, saying that if you find the eldest brother and the second brother, you will come to us."

The young girl eloquently told what happened at the time. After talking about this, the honest-faced Wu Jiada Lang finally nodded:

"Shengcai and I both work in the store, and we received a message from your trustee."

He said:

"The person who sent the message said that you are unwell, so I and Chengcai will pick you up soon."

Since the last time Aunt Wu returned from Shenzhuang, her face was indeed not quite right.

I couldn't sleep well at night, I didn't talk about nightmares frequently, and my face turned pale. Everyone in the family looked at her, wondering if she had any disease.

Originally planned to wait for Shen Zhuang's affairs to be over, find a doctor to take a few medicines for Aunt Wu's pulse.

Unexpectedly, Aunt Wu had just gone out, and something went wrong, and the two sons were too anxious to hear.

When Aunt Wu heard this, she was anxious and angry, distressed that her family was involved in this matter, and couldn't help complaining:

"Do you believe it if they say it?"

Li Gui turned into her and went to the house to deceive others. The daughter and husband were deceived. Since the two sons hadn’t seen anyone, they just listened to the others, which made Aunt Wu anxious. Stomping, reprimanding:

"You stupid boy, you don't have a head but a brain!"

"Mother." Wu Baocai, who was speaking, was scolded by her and couldn't help feeling aggrieved. At the same time, he stretched out his hand to touch his chest:

"Because the person who spoke on behalf of you took your token, Baocai and I believed it."

While talking, he took out something from the secret pocket on his chest and handed it to Aunt Wu.

Aunt Wu hadn’t spoken yet, but the old man who drove the car seemed to have seen a ghost. He glanced at this thing and immediately let out a heart-piercing scream:


His sudden horrible howl frightened everyone, even Aunt Wu, who was about to pick up the items in his son's hand, shook her fat palm with shock and retracted like an electric shock.

"You, what is your name?"

Everyone was trembling, and a man like Wu Baocai also had a pale face and his lips trembled.

The horrified gaze of the old man driving the car swept across Song Daochang, Song Changqing and Song Qingxiao with a desperate look, shaking so badly that he couldn't even say a complete sentence.

"It's Aunt Wu's reward."

Song Qing took a look at this thing, combined with the expression of the old man driving the car, and suddenly guessed it.

The old man nodded frantically, and the old Taoist priests also reacted, and the man who was pulling the old man driving the car banged his teeth against each other and made a chucking noise.

I saw Wu Baoshan holding a crude blue-gray cotton and linen purse in his hand. The bag was swollen, as if it was filled with something.

"What's the reward?"

The people who got off the car half way earlier heard this, and they didn't know the reason, so they immediately asked.

The old man driving the car didn't speak very clearly, and the other man who was holding him lowered his voice and said what he had seen and heard in the previous car.

The people who heard the difference were shivering and shivering.

Not only Wu Baoshan, but even Aunt Wu didn't expect to have such details in it.

When she was in the car, she passed out and missed a lot of things. When she heard this, she remembered that Song Daochang asked about the fare after seeing'Song Changqing' and others.

No wonder that when the group of people said that they had given nine big gold dollars, they all recognized that these people were ghosts.

After understanding the ins and outs of the matter, Aunt Wu was shocked for a while, and she dared not reach out to take the purse in the hands of that son.

At the critical moment, the old Taoist forcibly calmed down and took one step forward and took the linen purse in Wu Baoshan's hand.

As soon as he took this thing away, Wu Baoshan seemed to get rid of some harm, rubbing his hands desperately, and even patted his own sleeves, trying to pat his bad luck with this action.

As soon as the old Taoist took the purse in his hand, he only listened to the clanging of the "jingle" in the purse, as if it was filled with some ocean.

He opened the closed bag, poured it into his palm, and poured out a few silver dollars and Dayang from After counting with his fingers, it happened to be four silver dollars and four Dayang each—this was the same as the initial driving. The old man said that he received the same number, and everyone did not dare to say a word for a moment.


After being silent for a long time, Aunt Wu gave a smile that was uglier than crying, and called out:


"Injustice." The old Taoist sighed, "It seems that the souls of Shen Zhuang are not going to let everyone related to Shen Zhuang go."

By now, the situation is very clear.

Aunt Wu was born in Shenzhuang, not only was she hit, but her children were also implicated.

After hearing this, several people in the Wu family couldn't help but start to panic. Wu Nier leaned on Aunt Wu's shoulder and began to sob in fear again.

"What about after?" At this moment, Song Qingxiao asked again.

Everyone was immersed in anxiety and fear. When they heard her at first, everyone didn't react. After a long time, Wu Nier seemed to think of something, and reluctantly said:

"After that, we reunited with the eldest brother, the second brother and the sister-in-law, and somehow we got here."

"Houshan and they are here too?"

Aunt Wu's eyes went dark, her body shook, and she asked.

"Hou Shan" is the name of her grandson, who will only be five or six years old this year.

Upon hearing that the whole family was attracted by Li Gui, Aunt Wu showed a look that the sky was about to collapse.

"Hou Shan felt a little uncomfortable when he came here. My sister-in-law is waiting on the boat holding him..."

After Wu Ni'er said this, she reached out and pointed to the face of the river behind her.

The direction of her finger was the end of the pier, and the calm surface of the river below, and a rhythmic crash sounded from under the pier.


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