Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 976: shelter

"High energy ahead (

A disaster that was about to come, was immediately crushed to invisible in the blink of an eye.

The four evil corpses have become the weather, even if the old Taoist believes that his cultivation level is at least 80% of the master's level, but he dare not say that he can easily escape from the four evil corpses——

Not to mention beheading them easily, yet so fast.

However, Song Qingxiao managed all of this effortlessly.

The sound of kowtows around, the sound of kneeling and worshiping is endless.

Aunt Wu and others had obviously regarded Song Qingxiao, who had summoned the ice dragon, as a living **** who was born, but the old Taoist priest could see that the dragon she summoned was not a real dragon.

But such techniques and secrets are already beyond the reach of the veteran Taoist priests.

The Taoism of the Yunhu Mountain line is mainly based on divination, observation, exorcism, and ghost hunting. The secret arts performed by Song Qingxiao do not come from the lineage of Yunhu Mountain.

The little apprentice in the old Taoist's impression is not much talented in Taoism, so far he is no better than two brothers, and has not even entered the door of practice.

But at this time, where did her secret techniques that were not taught by Yunhushan come from?

The old Taoist expression was dumbfounded, his eyes fell on Song Qingxiao's body, and he did not speak.

Song Changqing was still in fear, but still instinctively cared about the younger sister, turning his head tremblingly:

"You're okay—" The last word "Bar" has not yet been spoken, his pupils shrunk and a look of horror appeared on his face.

His lips moved, as if he wanted to blurt out something.

However, under extreme horror, he instantly lost his voice, making it difficult to speak.

At this moment, behind Song Qingxiao, the corpse of Mrs. Shen whose head had been blown by her moved.

From the broken neck, two slender tentacles with thick fingers suddenly appeared, like two dark green meat whips, quietly drawn to Song Qing's small back vest.

At the same time, the black energy in Mrs. Shen's neck suddenly turned into a hideous black skull ghost head, grinning open.

All this happened in the flashlight, without warning at all.

The people in the boat are knocking their heads, and the old Taoist priest does not know what he is thinking.

And Song Qingxiao turned her back to Mrs. Shen's body, as if she hadn't noticed the abnormality behind her at all.

Only Song Changqing saw it, but he had no time to do anything.

His eyes widened, and there was a look of horror in his eyes——

And the next moment, I saw Song Qing's small palm spread out, and a small blue light appeared in her palm.

He didn't even notice how the light appeared.

The lamp is about the size of a palm and looks like a blue lotus. The body of the lamp has several petals, and there is a little violet firework inside.

Song Qingxiao didn't care that the two tangled tentacles behind him had almost touched her waist, and firmly cut her waist.

"Little—" Song Changqing was so shocked that his soul was flying out of the sky, shouting loudly: "——Junior Sister——"

Before he could finish his words, he saw Song Qing's little finger touch the green lotus lamp lightly, and grab the purple fire in his fingertips.

Immediately afterwards, a purple light lotus bloomed on the side of her waist.

Flames flickered around Guanglian, and wherever the flames went, the twisted tentacles trembled, and it was too late when they tried to retract.

While the flames flickered, Yanlian appeared at the broken neck of the evil corpse.

Amidst the flickering light of ‘pouch’, the eyes of the newly formed black skull ghost showed horror.

The violet flame swallowed it together with the Yin Qi in an instant, and the body of the evil corpse shrivelled, and the flame burned the stench, evil energy, and malice.

The two entangled slender tentacles lost the support of the evil spirit, the source was destroyed, and finally withered, like burnt gray incense ash, ‘pata’ dropped.

The ashes were scattered by the turbulence of the river loaded in the ship, and soon disappeared.

The purple light lotus once again turned into a ball of flames, soaring up, steadily falling back into the blue light.


Before Song Changqing had finished shouting, he saw that Song Qing's small crisis had been resolved.

He was dumbfounded, looking at this magical scene in shock, and seeing Song Qingxiao's eyes with incredible horror.

Song Qingxiao ignored him, but closed the chaotic blue lantern, and then turned around.

Mrs. Shen's headless corpse was still at her feet. After losing her resentment, her corpse could no longer cause trouble.

However, she died at the hands of the evil ghost. The corpse contained violent corpse poison, and after the suppression of resentment, it exuded an extremely pungent stench.

Song Qingxiao did not look at the corpse, but looked down at the river surface as if he had sensed something, and saw that between the black air surging on the river surface, a picture of the dead Mrs. Shen, full of spite, slowly emerged. Familiar with the face:

"You can't escape!"

She maintained the posture that everyone hugged her legs when they saw her last, holding her satin veil in her hands, her eyes full of unwillingness:

"You can't escape."

As soon as Mrs. Shen's resentful soul had said these words, Song Qingxiao ignored her, and instead kicked her, Mrs. Shen's headless body was gently kicked out of the boat with a'puff'. Into the river.

The hairy headless corpse broke the black energy in the river, and quickly stirred the shadow of Mrs. Shen's wraith to pieces, and soon her remnant soul was swallowed by the black energy at the bottom of the river.

As her body dived, she disappeared without a trace.

After finishing all this, Song Qingxiao turned his head.


After seeing Song Qingxiao throwing the corpse, everyone who bowed their heads showed a look of relief and fear.

Song Qingxiao did not speak, and this group of people did not dare to speak easily anymore.

They dared to ask the old Taoist priests because they were disgusting and good-looking, and at first glance they were good people.

Regardless of whether Song Qingxiao smashed Mrs. Shen's head with rough force, or solved three mutated corpses cleanly and showed extraordinary power, these ordinary people have an extreme sense of fear for her.

She stood there, clearly killing Mrs. Shen's family, but she didn't seem to be bloody, as if she had been detached from the commonplace, and looked out of place.

"Little Junior Sister——"

Song Changqing took a step forward and called her timidly, trying to tentatively reach out to pull her, but it seemed to be surrendered to her desertedness at this time, and he didn't dare to offend any more.

"Sit down with the master."

Song Qing's chin was slightly smaller, and pointed to where the old Taoist priest was.

Even if she didn't say this to other people, but at this time, everyone listened to her, and everyone still automatically obeyed her instructions.

Aunt Wu hugged her little grandson and moved in the direction of the old Taoist with her husband, children and others.

"We are all here to take care of the veteran leader!"

"Fairy don't worry."

"We can all take care of the veteran."

The old Taoist sat on the opposite side of Song Qingxiao, and everyone was anxious to show that they crawled in the direction of the old Taoist, but forgot whether everyone's behavior would cause the boat to tilt seriously.

Song Changqing was also taken aback by everyone's actions and was a little anxious at first, but he soon discovered that no matter how everyone climbed, the boat was extremely stable.

Everyone's anxious running did not cause the hull to sway, as if Song Qingxiao firmly occupied one side of the direction, no matter how much people on the other side jumped, they couldn't shake her power.

"Little Junior Sister." Song Changqing breathed a sigh of relief, and turned his gaze to Song Qingxiao again.

His eyes were deep, and when Song Qingxiao was still calling the old Taoist ‘master’, his tight expression became loose.

"As long as you say it," his simple and honest face showed firmness, and his lips moved:

"Big brother will definitely do it."

When Song Qingxiao shot, Song Changqing seemed to have realized something, but for some reason, he did not ask.

After saying this, he walked two steps in the direction of the old Taoist and stopped again:

"Big brother may not be able to help much, but, but my master and I are behind you, if there is a need for us, as long as you shout, we will appear."

Song Qingxiao's cold eyes moved slightly after hearing this sentence from him.

Her gaze fell on Song Changqing's back, slowly softening, but only in a moment, this slight change was immediately obscured.

Song Changqing walked to the side of the old Taoist priest, and the others squeezed out a position wittily, causing him to squat down.

After seeing the master and apprentice sitting down, Song Qingxiao waved his wrist.

Only a few stars escaped from her body, turning into clusters of stars, surrounding her body.

With a flick of the sleeves of Song Qing's little girl, the clusters of stars shot out in the direction of the old Taoist priests and others, enclosing Song Changqing's teacher and apprentice, Aunt Wu and others.

"This, this is the stars?"

Everyone feels magical wherever they have seen such a thing. Seeing these stars around them is both fresh and exciting. It turns the fear of Mrs. Shen’s family from being persecuted by ghosts into corpses and killing people. Pressed down.

The veteran Taoist had far more knowledge than these people. He sensed the extraordinary power in these stars, and he was far from comparable to himself, knowing the power.

Seeing that Song Changqing wanted to stretch out his hand out of curiosity, he couldn't help but warn:

"Don't touch it!"

"Master, what is this?"

After hearing what the master said, Song Changqing honestly put his hand back, but rolled his eyes.

There are seven stars in total, each of which is about the size of a bowl, forming a ring of incomparable halo, enclosing all the living people on the ship, including the two masters and apprentices.

"It must be some kind of great supernatural power." The old Taoist looks serious, "Sit down and listen to your little sister!"

When he mentioned the three words ‘Little Junior Sister’, he bit a lot more heavily.

Song Qing said:

"Something is coming, sit in it, don't come out."

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone immediately guessed that this thing must be some kind of protective cover.

"I think it's the kind of circle Sun Monkey drew in the drama, which is designed to block monsters and evil things." Wu Baoshan's face was full of awe. After saying this, the others nodded one after another.

Song Qingxiao neither nodded nor denied, but she did not speak. In everyone's opinion, even if Wu Baoshan was not quite right, it was not much worse.

With this protective shield, Aunt Wu and others looked at ease.

At first glance, this star was extraordinary. In addition, the scene that even the old Taoist couldn't deal with before was solved by Song Qing's decimals, which shows that her magical powers are not under the old Taoist.

After everyone felt relieved, they were all fortunate to have squeezed over after hearing her words, otherwise they would be surrounded by the stars at this moment. If something happens, I am afraid that every day will not respond and the earth will not work.

Everyone secretly rejoiced, only the old Taoist priest and Song Changqing, after hearing her words, turned their heads to look at each other, and their faces were both surprised and worried:

"Is there something to come?"

They didn't sense the change of Yin Qi, but Song Qingxiao's remark was obviously not for them.

Song Changqing moved his leg:

"Since there is still something to come, why don't you come in too, we just squeeze it."

When the others heard this, they all squeezed into the middle, persuading Song Qingxiao:

"That's right, it's better for the fairies to squeeze into this circle together and hide for a while."

After the safety was temporarily guaranteed, everyone's emotions calmed down a lot. They were no longer irritable as before, and they recovered their rational and kind hearts. They squeezed into a group, and a large empty space was cleared in a while.

"No." Song Qingxiao shook his head, then turned to face the vast river, and a soft voice came into everyone's ears:


"Here?" The old man was taken aback when he heard

"What's coming?"

Everyone craned their necks in the direction where she was looking, but saw the mist shrouded in the depths of the river, and the vision was pitch black. After watching for a long time, there was nothing at all.

But Song Qingxiao did not speak, and everyone did not dare to ask again. After saying a few words, when she saw that she did not speak, they all stopped talking.

Song Qingxiao stood on the side of the ship's gunwale, the hull of the ship was windless, and her hair flew like a ribbon, and the veil of the dress swayed.

‘Tick! ’

‘Tick! ’

At this moment, the crisp sound of a quiet spring dripping into the pool rang.

Everyone held their breath and there was no one else on the boat.

After the accident of Mrs. Shen's family of four, the boat moved very steadily, and the river water never hit the boat anymore. Where did the sound of the water come from?


The old Taoist soon discovered the mystery and stretched out his hand to point to Song Qingxiao's side.

The direction of his finger was the man whose face had been bitten in the mouth of Mrs. Shen who had been very unlucky before, half of his body hung upside down on the ship's side.

Head down, the blood from the wound dripped all the way down, falling into the river water.

Everyone reacted. Before Song Changqing had time to speak, a faint voice of a woman humming from a distance was heard in everyone's ears.

Hearing from the sound, the humming singer was not too old, and he couldn't hear the tunes he was humming, as if he just hummed a few words at random.

If it is usually heard, there is no need for someone to compliment the voice, which is light and moving.

But at this time everyone is on the boat, the river is full of fog, the surrounding field of vision is vast, and there is no half of a person, where did this humming woman come from?

Everyone felt chills, and only then did they realize what Song Qingxiao meant by ‘coming’.

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