"High energy ahead (

The wooden boards in the boathouse are not dark in color, and the few bright red blood footprints are very vivid on the wooden boards.

Especially after splashing on the river water, the blood seemed to come alive, and spread out along the water flow at a very slow speed, and the red stains fainted in the cabin, like a huge blooming flower group. .

"Can't get it off." Several women rolled up their sleeves, took the brush and sat on the wooden board, desperately scrubbing the marks:

"Why can't it be removed?"

Song Qingxiao watched this scene coldly, and did not say anything.

The second night came quietly.

This evening, the river breeze was particularly strong, hitting the boat house, causing the ships that were pierced by chains on the river to collide with each other, making a sound of ‘clang’.

The cold wind blew in from the curtains and windows of the boathouse, whirling in the cabin, bringing a bitter chill and smell of blood.

A few trembling women might be worried that what happened yesterday would happen again. Before falling asleep, they no longer find a corner to sleep in each other like yesterday, but are a little closer.

Song Qingxiao still occupied the big bed in the boathouse by killing the inspector's supervisor twice.

At dawn, the footsteps of ‘dong dong dong’ sounded again.

The moment the girls who were not sleeping well heard the sound of footsteps, they opened their eyes like a ghost.

In just two days, their faces were already very ugly.

The cheeks of the woman holding the cat have lost their luster, and two groups of blue shadows appear under the eye sockets, like refugees who have been hungry for a while.

The women seemed to have a foreboding that something would happen soon. Before the sound of footsteps approached, they had gritted their teeth.

That look seemed to be waiting for death to come.

‘Boom boom boom——’

The heart slammed into the chest violently, making a chaotic crash.

At this moment, a shadow approached again, reflected on the curtain that was blown at the door.

In the sound of the dripping splashes of ‘patter’, the smell of blood came in through the gaps in the gauze curtain.

‘Tick! ’

‘Tick! ’

With the sound of water droplets falling on the wooden boards, everyone in the boathouse could clearly see blood stains on the ground seeping into the boathouse.

"It's dinner—"

An unusually hoarse male voice came into the ears of all the women in the workshop. The voice seemed to be filled with water, and when speaking, it seemed that you could hear the ‘gurgle’ when the blisters rolled.

The eyes of the women in the boathouse showed horror and despair, as if a nightmare had come again.

The door curtain was opened by a swollen white hand, leaving a striking watermark on the gauze curtain.

A familiar and strange face appeared in front of everyone, the eyelids were smeared with blood, but there was a large amount of blood in the eye sockets dripping out along the eyelids, flowing out two scary **** tears.

The body that died in the hands of Song Qingxiao again yesterday, and was thrown into the river by everyone, once again appeared in front of everyone.

He was still wrapped in silk silk **** by the women yesterday to prevent him from getting up. At this time, it was like a seaweed that had been full of water, hanging beside him, making his walking posture unusually weird.

Song Qing's eyes fell on the faces of several women, and their expressions were already terrified to the extreme.

Several women gritted their teeth, despair spread to their eyes, making their eyes tremble.

The woman holding the cat tightly hugged the cat in her arms, as if she was using it as her spiritual support, not letting her psychological defense collapse, and she did not dare to breathe.

But Song Qingxiao could tell from the trembling muscles of their cheeks that it was not the ghost who had returned from the corpse before them that they were afraid.

Compared with the man's two return of the dead, they seemed more afraid that the incident that killed the man would be revealed that day.

She curled her mouth and gave a thoughtful smile.

Since the female ghost in red hasn't shown her face yet, she wants to see what other tricks the female ghost can do.


As in the previous two days, Song Qingxiao waved at the returning zombie, calling him to come in front of him.

The man's eyelids moved, and although her eyes had been slapped, they still seemed to have found her position accurately.

He grinned, his swollen and shiny mouth, amid the gurgling sound, river water spurted from the corner of his mouth, and he lifted his leg and walked slowly towards Song Qingxiao.

The expressions of several women changed slightly.

There seemed to be a hint of other brilliance in the desperate eyes of the woman holding the cat. She held the cat in her arms tightly and watched the corpse drag its heavy footsteps towards Song Qingxiao's direction.

'despair. ’

‘Ta, ta. ’

The man had already walked to Song Qingxiao, and several women who had endured fear slowly raised their heads, held their breath, and watched this extremely terrifying scene.

As in the previous two days, the man stretched out his hand in a slow and stiff motion, but before he touched Song Qing's shoulder, he was already cut off by her.

Her legs kicked out again and hit the man's calf with a ‘bang’.

But something surprising happened.

The man's calf is like a steel plate. After she kicked it out, she actually blocked her strength, and did not break like yesterday or the day before.

The hand she reached out trying to squeeze his head was blocked by a force-a cold, damp palm grabbed her wrist.

The skin that was soaked by the river water firmly pressed against her skin, and the water traces rushed along the place where it was touching, and flowed up her wrist, as if she wanted to get into her pores, and then drilled. Into her bones.

"I can't screw it anymore—"

The man looked at her and smiled negatively, his blood-stuck eyelids trembled, as if he wanted to tear it apart again.


This scene fell into the eyes of a few women, and they couldn't help but let out a forbearing sob.

Song Qingxiao was sitting on the bed, and the zombie that had been soaked at least twice as much was standing in front of her.

The swollen body completely obscured her figure and fell into the eyes of the women, giving them a bad feeling.

Hope seemed to be broken, and fear began to spread in the hearts of the women.

After soaking, the deformed and distorted face approached Song Qingxiao, and when he spoke, a faint corpse air splashed out of the corpse's mouth along with cold water droplets.

The moment the cold water hit her cheeks, Song Qingxiao felt aroused, and the goose bumps on the back of her neck stood up instantly.

But this feeling only affected her for a moment, and her eyes soon returned to clarity.

She knows her strength.

The flesh body after fusing the blue blood has experienced the baptism of thunder tribulation twice, and is now no less than the monster beast in the seventh-order peak realm.

The kick she kicked before, not to mention a corpse, even if it is a steel and iron bone that has been refined, will be broken by her.

However, this corpse was blocked, which was very strange.

However, this thought only changed in her mind. At the current crisis, Song Qingxiao quickly suppressed this distracting thought.

Before the man's eyes opened, she spread her other hand--

A short sword made of ice and snow appeared in her palm, and she waved her backhand.

‘Wow! ’

The sword gas turned into a silver rainbow, and it hit his neck with a bang.

Under the slash of this force, a huge gap was opened in the neck.

In the sound of ‘pouch’, a large stream of water, like a waterfall, gushed out of the gap and spread down the neck.

"I want to kill you, not just to break your neck."

As soon as she finished her voice, she had enough strength to chop down on his neck again.

'boom! ’

The rift received another slash, and it was cut even more open.

Half of his neck was torn, and the man's heavy head dropped to one side.

He had to let go of Song Qingxiao's hand in order to hold his head.

Song Qingxiao pushed his corpse to make a little space, held the sword in both hands, and chopped it out again.

‘Puff! ’

This time the sword gas smoothly penetrated through his neck, cutting off the remaining sticky neck.

His head fell to the ground with a bang, the headless body shook, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Song Qingxiao shook his arm sore from excessive force and stood up.

Her gaze fell on the women not far away, their gazes were dumbfounded, as if they could not believe what was happening in front of them.

The despair in his eyes turned into chaos, but upon closer inspection, it seemed that there was a hint of brilliance.

Like the sun breaking through the clouds and mist, it quickly dissipated the haze.

"What are you doing in a daze?"

Song Qing held the ice sword in her small hand, looked condescendingly at these women kneeling on the ground, and gave lightly:

"Go for a meal."

There was still a convulsing corpse in front of her. After his head was cut off, the man seemed not to be exasperated. He stretched out his wet palms to catch her, but was lifted and stepped on by her.

The feet were rolling against the swelling palms, making a squeaking sound, and blood was overflowing.

The sound of ‘click’ bone fracture sounded under Song Qing’s feet, the palm of his hand struggled hard, but could not escape her restraint, and finally fell silent like a dead worm.

Song Qingxiao held the ice sword in one hand, and carelessly wiped off the water stains on his wrist after being pinched by the man. His expression was calm, as if nothing happened.

There was clearly a bluish mark on her wrist, but she did not scream or snorted at all.

A gleam of luster slowly appeared in the eyes of several women. The woman holding the cat no longer needed her to speak and preach, and took the initiative to hide the cat again, lifted the bucket that was used for cooking yesterday, and opened the curtain to go out.

The meal she brought back this time was more than yesterday, and the soup in it was almost overflowing, making it difficult for her to carry it.

When the youngest girl saw her return safely, she hurriedly got up to get the bowl.

Like yesterday, the soup was divided into five bowls, but today there are a lot of servings, and there is still some left in the bucket.

The cat-holding woman who was in charge of allocating the soup hesitated for a moment and glanced at Song Qing:

"Why don't you eat some too—"

This is the first time that these women have tried to show weak kindness to her since Song Qingxiao entered the boathouse the day before.

The other women who were holding the bowl and gorging themselves also nodded, and the youngest Jianer drank the soup, and secretly moved his face out of the bowl, revealing half of his eyes full of red blood:

"Your face is a bit awful, maybe because you didn't eat too much yesterday—"

"Eat some." The woman holding the cat persuaded again.

The other three women did not speak, and in their swallowing voices, they hid their faces behind the bowl and secretly looked at Song Qingxiao's reaction.

She didn't look in the mirror, but from the look and tone of the women, she could sense that what they said should be true.

From the time she stepped into the weird red mist, and after entering this one hundred years ago, her strength was affected.

As time passed, not only her strength was weakening, but her spiritual power and spiritual consciousness were also diminishing.

When slashing the corpse, the spiritual power was a little disobedient, and it took several times to chop it down to the ground.

If there is no accident, in the next time, this corpse will probably return again, and once her spiritual power weakens, it is very likely that she will fall into crisis.

The woman holding the cat is carrying a bucket, which is filled with broth, exuding a fragrant smell.

What made Song Qingxiao feel a little uncomfortable was that she had already lost the body she needed for this kind of food. At this time, when she smelled the broth, her stomach made a sound of ‘guckling’.

A long-lost feeling of hunger surged in her heart, and her mouth began to salivate wildly.

The heat surged upwards, blurring the face of the woman holding the cat.

She might think that Song Qingxiao did not hear what she said, so she could not help but took a step forward with the bucket, getting closer to Song Qingxiao:

"Eat some, fill up your stomach—"

She carefully persuaded:

"You haven't eaten anything for two nights..." Her eyes met Song Qingxiao's eyes through the heat: "After eating~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you will feel better."

‘Guru! ’

There was a sound of hunger in the stomach, and the attractiveness of the broth increased.

Hunger affected Song Qing's small state, making the ice sword she held in her hand seemed unsustainable. It began to melt and drip with ice water.

Her strength is weakening, and the veins in her body are gradually withering.

Song Qing's small eyelids drooped, hiding the coldness in his eyes.

If she guessed correctly, her strength will be restored after drinking the broth at this time-in order to cope with the return of the body of the man she killed.

But in this trial scene, where is there such a good thing?

This broth is so useful to her, there must be a ghost in it.

"no need."

She shook her head, restrained her body's instinctive desire, and calmly returned to the woman holding the cat:

"You just share your food."

As soon as she finished speaking, the woman holding the cat was taken aback for a moment.

Others were already drinking, making a ‘gulu, gulu’ drinking soup.

Even the white cat in the arms of the woman holding the cat seemed hungry. It uneasyly drilled out a head and made a "meow" cry.

Seeing Song Qingxiao's refusal again and again, the woman didn't persuade anymore, she nodded immediately, quickly picked up her own bowl, and drank quickly.

Not long after they finished drinking, they all stared at the rest of the food in the bucket with very strange eyes.

The people seemed to be fighting, but Song Qingxiao sat on one side and stared at the women with a warning look.

She beheaded the body of the man several times, and established a unique prestige in this boathouse.

Under her gaze, the women did not dare to make any trouble, and finally decided to divide the remaining porridge.

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