"You want Pandora's Box?" Laura looked at the oriental man in front of her with solemn eyes. He wants to get Pandora's Box...

In myths and legends, Zeus created a perfect woman Pandora to bring disaster to mankind because Prometheus stole fire for mankind. The moment Pandora opened the magic box, blessings, plagues, sorrows, friendship, disasters, love, etc., ran out of the magic box.

Pandora was frightened and hurriedly closed the magic box, but there was only "hope" left in the magic box.

Therefore, when people suffer and are forced by life, they always have precious hope in their hearts!

"Well! Just curious! Is there hope in Pandora's Box?" Wang Chen, said.

In Wang Chen's view, Pandora's Box should be left by prehistoric civilization or alien civilization. In myths and legends, Zeus and Prometheus should also be alien races. Just like the Odins from the Marvel movies!

In the eyes of the Protoss, the earth is just another planet with life. Humans are very insignificant to the Protoss!

"Hope is stored! Does the magic box in ancient Greek legends exist?" Giselle said again in surprise.

"S.H.I.E.L.D all exist!" Wang Chen looked at Giselle and said.

"Mr. Wang, have you seen Thor?" Giselle had to believe that S.H.I.E.L.D existed, and then asked curiously.

Thor is the god of Western European mythology!

In the Marvel movie, the gods, with Odin as the king, are in charge of the nine kingdoms! Earth, is one of them!

The Protoss is just a higher-level civilization!

In a long time, it came to the earth!

To earthlings, Odin is the king of gods!

"What are you talking about S.H.I.E.L.D?" Laura frowned, puzzled.

"An Avengers movie!" Gisele said first.

The Avengers "Alliance Movie!" Laura was amazed, and her eyes fell on the oriental man who might have the power of a god.

Until now, Laura felt that she couldn't see through each other, what kind of existence was she?

The other party seems to be omnipotent!

And the women around him are all movie characters!

The strangest thing is that he is actually in another world, just a character in the movie!

"Well, the release of SHIELD in advance! My main concern now is Pandora's Box! I tried it, but I couldn't teleport directly to the place where Pandora's Box was stored! It seems that that place really exists in another Space." Wang Chen, said.


"Do you know where Pandora's Box is? Also, when you say another space, you mean" Laura asked solemnly.

"I don't need to say more, you should have guessed it! Let's go, let's take you to a place first!" After Wang Chen said, he teleported directly with Laura and Giselle.

The place where it appeared is the Moon Temple on the bottom of the sea!

The amazing thing is that the Moon God Temple is somewhere on the bottom of the sea, but inside the Moon God Temple, there is no sea water, and there is air.

This Moon Temple was built by ancient humans and sank into the sea!

"How come there is sea water around here?" Giselle was surprised and said.

Laura looked around and guessed through the statue of the Moon Temple: "This should be the disappeared Moon Temple!"

"That's right! The Moon God Temple sank into the seabed, and we are in the Moon God Palace on the sea floor! Well, it's a pity to stay here for these gold coins, gold cups, and gold plates." Wang Chen said, and immediately Move and disappear in place.

"Hmmmm!!" Laura and Giselle looked at each other.

Next, Laura and Giselle were surprised to find that the gold coins scattered all over the Moon Temple were disappearing in piles.

In the end, even some of the statues in the Moon Temple disappeared!

In the main world, on the Moonlight Castle Square on the desert island, gold coins are scattered all over the place! Gold coins are piled up like mountains!

And Laura and Giselle, who were in the Moon Temple in the world of "Tomb Raider", found a golden ball.

"What's this?" Giselle's pair of beautiful azure blue instantly revealed a strange light. I feel that the golden ball is very precious and seems to contain some energy.

It should be "the legendary key to unlock the treasure! Pandora's Box is the legendary mysterious treasure in the ancient world, which contains infinite energy that can destroy human beings!" Laura said solemnly.

"Mr. Wang brought us here just to find it." Giselle, said.

"It should be!" Laura said.

"With it, you can find Pandora's Box! Mr. Wang should be coming soon." Giselle, said.

As soon as Giselle finished speaking, Wang Chen appeared beside Giselle.

Laura and Giselle both looked towards Wang Chen, Wang Chen smiled and said, "Let's go."

"Where to?" Laura asked.

"Jilimanjaro Mountain!" Wang Chen said, put his hand on Laura and Giselle's shoulders, and activated the Teleporter Ability.

In an instant, the style of painting changes.

african tribe

"Why come here? Could it be that Pandora's Box is in Africa?" Laura saw the people of the African tribe and knew that they had come to Africa.

"They're here!" Wang Chen did not respond to Laura's words, but pointed to a crowd of people wearing tribal jewelry.

The leader of the tribe, holding a bunch of black feathers, is a bit like a necromancer, "Where are you from?"

Their tribe is on Mount Kilimanjaro, and few people can come here. Because of their tribe, they are rarely known.

Laura frowned, listening to the tone, the people of the tribe did not welcome them, Laura looked at Wang Chen

Wang Chen asked Laura to take out the golden ball and show it to the tribal leader.

Laura took out the golden ball covered with cloth and placed it in front of the people.

"Where did you come from, where do you go back! The ball is left behind...the tribe leader's face changed, and he said.

"Hey, Chief, do you think Zeus is a god that exists, or is it made up?" Wang Chen said suddenly.

Blasphemy "Holy people of the East, you will be punished by the gods!" the leader said angrily.

Ha ha!!

The tribe's people were holding long sticks and surrounded them.

Laura and Giselle both looked at Wang Chen, an oriental man.

And Wang Chen suddenly disappeared in place!

Ha ha???

The tribal leader, and the tribal members, were stunned!

"Who is he?" After the tribal leader regained his composure, he stared at the two women in front of him, they were together!

However, before Laura could speak, the feathers on the tribal leader's hand suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and then, the long sticks on the hands of each tribal member disappeared...

Strange things made the tribesmen think that the gods were punishing them for their disrespect. Could it be that the young man with the oriental face was the incarnation of the gods?

"Congratulations to the host for getting 1000 fear points...2000 fear points....

"Giant" Suddenly, some tribe members noticed a giant appeared behind them

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