Watching Movies In The City and Extracting Myriad Realms

090 Contact with alien civilization, millions of aliens

Wang Chen doesn't know what happened in the "Prometheus" movie world, because Wang Chen is in the ranch, and there are still 100 hours before Ya Kuang's harvest.

For example, the white cranes, red-crowned cranes, Himalayan chefs, ten dairy cows, and more than 60 sweaty horses that were previously livestock are all ripe for harvest.

One hundred hens can also be harvested.

After harvesting, Wang Chen thought about it and started raising cabbage demons, gourd demons, rose demons, carrot demons, banana demons, mushroom demons, onion head demons, tomato demons, and calla lily demons. , tree demons, piranha demons, sunflower demons, cactus demons, bamboo shoot demons, morning glory demons, a total of 15 kinds of demons are raised for each kind of demon, and they need fear points to buy, each one The little demon needs 1-10,000 fear points.

"Let's keep one each first." Wang Chen decided and said.

There are also alien beasts in the store, if they are raised, they also need fear.

Other animals do not need it.

Wang Chen thought about it, the pasture could raise a hundred animals, and he decided to raise 858 clouded leopards. Anyway, don't be afraid of raising clouded leopards.

As for raising exotic animals, it has been a setback, and there is another Wei Banrui beast, Wang Chen does not decide to raise it.

After finishing all this, Wang Chen returned to Moonlight Castle and decorated the castle with the picked golden Pixiu, the golden god of wealth, and jade grapes, and the picked flowers and transplanted to the garden of the castle.

The harvested white cranes, red-crowned cranes, and the Himalayas are all stocked on the lakeside under the castle mountain, and ten cows are grazing in the castle pasture, where they can drink milk.

One hundred chickens and ducks were also placed in the pasture.

More than 60 sweaty and bloody BMWs are also stocked by the lake.

"Well, the alien spaceship in the Prometheus movie world should have reached the outer space of the creator planet." Wang Chen thought for a while, his mind moved, and a virtual interface appeared in front of him.

In the virtual interface, Wang Chen saw a scene that surprised him

The spaceship landed directly on the planet. At this moment, a million aliens were gathered under the spaceship, and the aliens were standing in an alien city, welcoming the return of the spaceship.

At this moment, the people on the spaceship are all motivated, and there are millions of aliens below. These aliens look like humans, but they are half a body taller than humans. Bareheaded, all of them look like Westerners

The buildings in the alien city are not the same as human buildings, but they are very similar to the buildings of the Western Middle Ages.

The huge amounts of the square can accommodate millions of aliens...every alien is looking up at the spaceship.. the look of the alien, the look of anticipation...

However, looking at the degree of civilization of the aliens, the architectural style does not seem to match the technological power possessed by the aliens.

There is no tech building without any tech facilities

However, everyone held their breath Roar, the creator absolutely masters the alien scientific and technological achievements that are beyond the reach of human beings!

This ship is proof!

"Laura, there are really aliens!" Gisele said excitedly.

Laura looked solemn.

Aliens represent alien races and alien civilizations. Does this civilization welcome them?

Definitely, Gisele's expression also became dignified!

Among the human races on earth, the struggle is constant! It is the same among the same races!

The expressions of the crew of the original Prometheus spacecraft were naturally very solemn. They had seen aliens and knew that aliens did not welcome them.

"God, come quickly." The crew members prayed in their hearts.

If the gods don't show up, they really don't know what these aliens will do with them?

Aliens can build this alien civilization technology spaceship, and they must have a powerful civilization armed technology force!

But the strange thing is that this alien spaceship has no attack equipment... which makes everyone very puzzled!

Didn't the aliens develop technological weapons?

Wang Chen is paying attention to everything in the movie world at the moment, and he is also thinking about the same question. Does the creator race have high-tech power weapons?

However, in the original "Alien Contract", that is, "Prometheus 2", the biochemical man David used the alien egg cells to kill all the alien eggs that were overwhelming the aliens. Alien Alien dies tragically..

Definitely, the aliens did not resist at that time, probably because the aliens thought it was their own return!

However, it is impossible to even have a little defensive measure and defensive Ability, right?

ask for flowers...

Or, the aliens did not develop technological weapons at all?!

Wang Chen recalled the flight mode of the alien spaceship... The structure of the alien spaceship is mainly a mechanical structure. The confidential and complex mechanical structure, coupled with the mysterious ray energy mastered by the alien civilization, prompted the flight of the spaceship...

Rays can simulate and derive various ray civilization data, such as virtual three-dimensional celestial images that can be seen. Definitely, Wang Chen has also discovered another development direction of alien civilization, which is not separated from the scientific and technological civilization similar to the earth. But the scientific and technological civilization is going in a different direction...

Aliens seem to rely more on the ray civilization system!

For example, on alien spacecraft, there are no chips, systems, electronic components and other equipment on the earth!

"Well, let's get in touch with this civilization first!" Wang Chen thought about it after thinking.

At this moment, the crew members such as Wayland, Weeks, Elizabeth, Holloway, Haneke, etc. on the spacecraft are standing outside the annular cabin of the spacecraft, looking down at the aliens below.

"Oh, God! Why does the civilized world of the creator seem so backward? Old" Weiland said with great emotion.

Elizabeth, said: "Wayland, the spaceship is slowly descending, do the aliens welcome us?"

Welland's aged body trembled, and the civilized race of the creator might not welcome them.

Suddenly, Wei Lan's expression was shocked, and God came!

"God" the crew respectfully called out.

Wang Chen looked at everyone, finally his eyes fell on Laura and Giselle, and then he glanced at everyone again, and then he looked down at the millions of aliens on the earth who came into contact with aliens. Leave it to me!"

"King, be careful!" Gisele reminded in a ghostly way.

"Be careful!" Laura followed suit, her expression solemn.

The "God" crew members all had solemn expressions on their faces.

And Wang Chen also made perfect preparations, changed diamond fruit, transparent fruit, rubber fruit and put on a magic hat. Swallowed the devil fruit together, then disappeared, and activated the teleporter Ability again, Wang Chen could not put himself in Outside the aliens.. He wants to be among the aliens, so that it is impossible for the aliens to suddenly use some mysterious weapon against him...

|Be careful sailing a thousand-year-old ship! Son.

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