Moonlight Castle!

Wang Chen’s palm dragged the Moonlight Castle!

After thinking about it, Wang Chen threw the Moonlight Castle towards the flat ground on the top of the mountain.

Suddenly, Moonlight Castle took root… That’s right, it really took root and rose up… The surrounding flowers, trees, and boulders were crushed and crushed.

Within a moment, there was a blue castle on the top of the mountain.

The entire castle covers an area of 60,000 square meters.

Wang Chen rode a magic broom and landed in the courtyard of the castle, and the bluestone paved road led directly to the inside of the castle.

Looking at the castle in front of him, which was like a fairy tale world, Wang Chen walked towards the castle gate. Without waiting for Wang Chen to push open the castle gate, suddenly the castle gate opened automatically.

“Huh! Wang Chen snorted, feeling that Moonlight Castle was a castle with magical powers.

The moment he stepped into the castle, Wang Chen was attracted by the beautiful architectural style in the castle hall.

And the entire interior of the castle is full of western fantasy colors.

The dome of the castle hall depicts the incomparably wonderful six-pointed star pattern.

Immediately, Wang Chen teleported… Up and down the castle is Wang Chen’s figure.

The entire interior of the castle is empty and mysterious.

Standing next to the guardrail cast in azure bluestone at the top of the castle, Wang Chen looked down at the beautiful scenery in front of him… The clouds are shrouded in mist, like a fairyland.

But it’s amazing that you’re in the castle and don’t feel wet.

In an instant, Wang Chen teleported again and appeared on the tower of the sub-tower next to the central castle tower. There are four castle towers in total.

Next, Wang Chen observed the exterior architecture of the castle… Moats, opening and closing bridges, battlements, lifting gates (city gates), etc.

In the courtyard outside the castle, there is a nursery, garden area. But there are no plants.

“Well, there are exactly plants picked from the farm game world that can be planted here in the castle!” When Wang Chen thought of this, his mind moved, and he teleported directly to the garden area outside the castle.

Golden Pixiu, jade grapes, golden gods of wealth, jade toads… Wang Chen originally thought of planting these crops in the garden area.

However, these crops are mature and cannot be planted.

Right now, Wang Chen is being rubbed by a cute golden pixiu with his head against his trouser leg… The cute golden pixiu does not look like a pasture pixiu, and has the size of a cow and a horse. It’s similar to the size of a piggy bank, lovely very.

“Wealth rolls in, wealth rolls in…” The God of Gold and Wealth ran everywhere, and the innermost contained wealth rolling in… On the ground, the gold coins that were sprinkled by the God of Gold and Wealth….

Wang Chen looked at the Golden God of Wealth, who was less than one meter tall, and felt magical. The golden god of wealth, golden pixiu, and emerald toads planted on the farm are as if they have been enchanted and can move freely.


The emerald toad squawked, jumping around.

Wang Chen suddenly thought of the picked All Saints Dryad, All Saints Pumpkin Vine, Pumpkin Ghost Pie… Immediately, Wang Chen’s mind moved, and a large tree with hands and oil-green light appeared on the top of the trunk in the courtyard of the castle.

The big tree has no extra trunk, only a trunk with the same two hands … The trees also have no green leaves, but there is a stream of air in the form of green flames floating around them.

“Hello king! All Saints Dryad, worship the King! “The Halloween Dryad has a mouth at the trunk, and it opens its mouth to speak human language.

“Oh, I’ll go!” Wang Chen felt a novelty, this All Saints Dryad had indeed become a refinement!

Burst! Poof!!

In the ground, the Halloween pumpkin vine and the pumpkin ghost sect are all rooted in the garden area.

Although these plants are mature, these plants need soil moisture… Moreover, after these plants took root in the soil, they were indeed the same as the Halloween Dryad… The Halloween Pumpkin Vine, wearing a magician’s hat, opened his mouth and said, “Great King, Great King…”

“Great King…” Wearing a crown on his head, one or two small snow-white pumpkin ghost pies also rejoiced.

Wang Chen remembered the female pot friend he picked before, and then released the female pot friend, and saw the doll stepping on a flower pot floating on the land.

The doll, like the golden pixiu, does not need to take root in the soil … But the doll girlfriend must stand on the pot … The girlfriend, who was about a meter tall, made a crisp and pleasant loli voice, “Dawang, let me be your bride.” ”

Saying that, the female pot friend actually jumped off the flower pot and threw herself directly into Wang Chen’s arms.

“Eh, okay, okay…” Wang Chen lost his temper in the face of such a cute doll girlfriend.

After a while, the girlfriend returned to the pot… Because the girlfriend is sleepy and hungry, she needs to sleep and absorb nutrients in the pot. Can’t stay somewhere else for a long time.

“Well, I don’t know if the seeds of the farm can be planted in the Overworld!?” Wang Chen chanted, followed the door of the prop farm, and entered the farm world.

Walking into the store, there was no need to buy, Wang Chen chose a variety of mandala hua plants, fusang flowers, Baohua magnolia, horticultural peacocks, horticultural elk, horticultural rabbit lamp plant seeds, and brought back to the main world.

These farm seeds cannot be cultivated in the Overworld!

Unless it is planted with mature seeds, it can take root in the soil of the Overworld. Wang Chen felt that he could only transplant!

In the storage bag, there were also picked Fusang flowers, and Wang Chen transplanted Fusang flowers into the castle garden.

“Pixiu…” Wang Chen extracted Pixiu from the storage bag.

In an instant, a Pixiu Rui beast that only existed in myths and legends appeared beside Wang Chen.

Wang Chen teleported to Pixiu’s back and commanded Pixiu… Pixiu rushed on all fours, the wind under his feet, and flew out of the castle walls… Jump into the air and leap straight down from the top of the mountain… Left… Pixiu climbed the mountains and mountains, like walking on the ground… After that, Pixiu came to the lake at the foot of the mountain, bowed his head and drank water….

“Go…” Wang Chen saw that Pixiu had finished drinking the water, and ordered Pixiu.

Pixiu was very spiritual, and under the command of his Wang Chen, he lowered the RV and rushed away.

During this period, clouds rose under the four hooves of Pixiu… Take off and fly… But the altitude and flight range are limited … Pixiu needs to be able to soar through the fog at regular intervals.

Just like that, Wang Chen was already very satisfied with the Pixiu pet he harvested from the farm!

After all, it is a Pixiu produced on a farm, of course, it cannot be like the Pixiu in the myth… Gifted with transcendent abilities, transfiguring human form… Even spit words and will attack with spells!

In a luxury RV not far from the shore of the desert island, six women sat together, discussing the incident of the wizard he had seen riding a magic broomstick.

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