However, the time flies, and Zhu Yuanzhang has only been in Huangjue Temple for fifty days and nights, but what is unexpected is that! ]

[At this moment, even this temple can no longer provide enough food to fill his stomach, so Zhu Yuanzhang had to choose to leave this place that once gave him temporary shelter. ]

[He went all the way, begging for a living along the way. ]

[But now, perhaps the word "begging" is no longer appropriate! ]

[After all, he is a monk, so this behavior should be more accurately called "begging"! 】

【His footprints started from Haozhou, extended all the way south to Hefei, and then turned west and stepped into the Xinyang area of ​​Henan. 】

【After arriving in Xinyang, he did not stop, but continued to move north, and finally arrived in Ruzhou and Chenzhou. 】

【Along the way, Zhu Yuanzhang witnessed all kinds of things in the world and experienced all kinds of life. Every step was like walking on thin ice. If he was not careful, he might fall into a place of no return. 】

【This journey not only made him suffer hardships, but also made him deeply realize the brutality of the Yuan soldiers, the difficulties of the people and the complexity of human nature. 】


【After traveling for a few years, he returned to Huangjue Temple at the age of 21! 】

【During the three years he traveled in Huaixi, he witnessed all kinds of worldly affairs under the rule of the Yuan Dynasty. After returning to the temple, he began to concentrate on studying! 】

At this time, the world ruled by the Yuan Dynasty was no longer peaceful. The Yuan Dynasty recruited 150,000 civilians to manage the Yellow River. Soon, a stone man was dug out with two sentences engraved on his back:

"Don't say that the stone man has only one eye, it will unite the world and make the Yellow River rebel!"

Thus, the peasant uprising army kicked off!

Some poor people who were desperate took risks and followed Han Shantong and Liu Futong to rise up in Yingzhou. The soldiers wrapped their heads in red cloth and called themselves the "Red Turban Army!"

And recommended Han Shantong as the Ming King!

The next year, the rebels in various places also raised the banner of anti-Yuan. Guo Zixing of Dingyuan County joined forces with Sun Deya and others to rise up, gather people to burn incense, and became the leader of the local White Lotus Society!

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang, who was still studying in Huangjue Temple, also received a letter from his childhood playmate Tang He, inviting him to join Guo Zixing's rebel army!

Old Zhu was really penniless at this time, but when facing this road full of unknowns, he could lose his head if he was not careful, and he couldn't help but hesitate!

But the monks in the temple were worried that Zhu Yuanzhang would implicate them, so they ruthlessly reported him to the government controlled by the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty!

Now, Old Zhu has completely cut off his retreat. With nowhere to go, he had to make up his mind and resolutely joined Guo Zixing's army and became a captain of nine men!

That year, Zhu Yuanzhang was just 25 years old! And this year also became a major turning point in his destiny!

Since Old Zhu joined the army, he has been extremely brave and courageous on the battlefield. Not only that, he is also very smart and sensitive, and even knows some cultural knowledge.

Not long after, he successfully attracted the attention of Guo Zixing, and even Guo Zixing's adopted daughter Ma Xiuying fell in love with him.

Ma Xiuying would personally bake pancakes for Zhu Yuanzhang every day, which made Guo Zixing's son very angry!

Guo Zixing saw all this and was so angry! He was afraid that this stinky boy would take away the cabbage that his family had carefully raised. You know, this boy's surname is Zhu! So Guo Zixing arranged for him to be his personal soldier. After a period of getting along, Guo Zixing found that Lao Zhu not only had extraordinary talents and wisdom, but also had a unique personality charm. This personality charm made Guo Zixing, who had seen countless people, deeply admire him and firmly believed that this boy was not an ordinary person and would definitely make great achievements in the future.

Guo Zixing made a prompt decision and decided to marry his goddaughter Ma Xiuying to Zhu Yuanzhang. Guo Tianxu, Guo Zixing's biological son, was full of surprise and helplessness when he saw this scene. Although he was dissatisfied with his father's actions, he could not refute it. After all, Guo Zixing was his father. Guo Zixing knew his son Guo Tianxu's thoughts very well. Guo Tianxu's feelings for Ma Xiuying could be described in one sentence. To put it in a nice way, he liked her, but to put it in a bad way, he coveted her beauty. Guo Zixing knew that such feelings could not last long.

As the relationship between Guo Zixing and Zhu Yuanzhang became closer, Guo Zixing began to invite Zhu Yuanzhang to discuss matters of varying sizes on weekdays. Gradually, Zhu Yuanzhang's military

His prestige gradually increased, second only to Guo Zixing himself. The soldiers respected and were close to him, and affectionately called him "Mr. Zhu".

It was at this time that Guo Zixing gave him the name Zhu Yuanzhang!

It means "to destroy the tyrannical Yuan!"

Don't think that this is Guo Zixing's emphasis on Lao Zhu, in fact, this is just Guo Zixing's test!

See if he is the kind of ungrateful person.

As Zhu Yuanzhang's father-in-law, Guo Zixing not only did not provide him with any financial support, but even took away all the existing troops he had!

Zhu Yuanzhang's marriage this time can be said to have gained a virtuous wife and a little reputation, but did not receive any substantial assistance.

Even the soldiers recruited by Zhu Yuanzhang himself were forced to hand them in many times, which was considered to be the installment payment of the betrothal money.

However, doing so is not without benefit.

When his father-in-law Guo Zixing died and his elder brother-in-law Guo Tianxu took over, the control of this army basically fell into Zhu Yuanzhang's hands.

The reason is simple, because more than half of these soldiers were surrendered by Zhu Yuanzhang.

How could Guo Tianxu, that coward, fight against Zhu? He died in Jinling City when he led the army in person!

After Zhu had a foundation, he started to open up!

The following year, Zhu Yuanzhang began to show his extraordinary military talent and leadership.

He led the army to conquer Chen Zhaoxian's troops and successfully subdued more than 30,000 soldiers.

This victory not only allowed Zhu Yuanzhang to get rid of his previous difficulties, but also laid a solid foundation for his future journey.

In the following year, Zhu Yuanzhang was unstoppable and successively conquered Changxing, Changzhou, Ningguo, Jiangyin, Changshu, Huizhou, Chizhou, Yangzhou and other places.

The inclusion of these territories rapidly expanded Zhu Yuanzhang's sphere of influence and doubled his strength.

His reputation gradually spread and became the focus of everyone's attention.

In the third year, Zhu Yuanzhang aimed at the strategic location of Yingtian Prefecture.

After a fierce battle, he successfully occupied Yingtian and further consolidated his position.

[However, Zhu Yuanzhang at this time was not satisfied with the achievements in front of him, but chose to temporarily restrain his edge and live in seclusion behind the scenes. ]

[In the next three years, Zhu Yuanzhang worked silently and actively implemented the strategy of storing grain, building high walls, and slowly claiming the throne. ]

Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the sky and took a long breath!

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart!

"My life is really like walking on thin ice!"

"It's so hard!"

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