The emperor was buried in the tomb, and the emperor was buried in the tomb.

There has always been a saying about the relationship between Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang and Dorgon. In order to keep her son on the throne, Xiaozhuang had an ambiguous relationship with Dorgon!

There is even a saying that the Empress Dowager married Dorgon!

But there is still controversy in the historical community!

In 1650, Dorgon died, and the young Fulin began to rule the country!

The court was also slowly getting back on track under the leadership of Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang.

Xiaozhuang had taken out silver many times to provide disaster relief to the people! The reputation is very good! This is the difference between her and the old witch Cixi!

People know how to give and get!

After that, she took the means of concluding a dark alliance to stabilize the three Han vassal kings Wu Sangui, Shang Kexi, and Kong Youde!

Created a new political situation in the early Qing Dynasty.

After the death of Dong Efei in 1660, Emperor Shunzhi fell into extreme grief and even wanted to shave his head and become a monk. Finally, he gave up under the persuasion of Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang!

In 1661, Emperor Shunzhi was unfortunately infected with smallpox. For this reason, Xiaozhuang issued a general amnesty to pray for her son's recovery, but Fulin still died of illness!

In the same year, Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang sent her eight-year-old grandson Xuanye to the throne of the emperor. This year she was 49 years old and turned into the Grand Empress Dowager. Facts have proved that her choice was right!

Xuanye is the Emperor Kangxi we call. He reigned for 61 years and was also the longest in the history of the Qing Dynasty!

In 1673, Emperor Kangxi began to rule at the age of 14. Under the guidance of Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, he eliminated Oboi and put down the rebellion of the Three Feudatories, which put the rule of the Qing Dynasty on the right track!

This is how the prosperity of Kangxi came later!

Xiaozhuang and Kangxi had a very good relationship. After Kangxi took power, Xiaozhuang not only did not monopolize the government and rule behind the curtain like those women in high positions in history, but also gave Kangxi great autonomy!

Xiaozhuang's series of actions deeply touched the young Emperor Kangxi!

This also made her a generation of wise queens! Praised by later generations!

Her achievements are no less than Huang Taiji!

"Three dynasties in the early Qing Dynasty! From chaos to governance, she consolidated the foundation of the Qing Dynasty with her daughter, and later generations called her the mother of the Qing Dynasty!"

It can be said that the Qing Dynasty was made by women and failed by women!

People from all time and space were silent after reading it!

Although they have prejudices against these foreign races, this Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang did a good job!

Looking at the past and present, who can keep his original intention after having great power?

This is enough to prove that this Xiaozhuang is better than most people!

When people should let go, they know to let go!

At this time, Kangxi's plane.

Kangxi looked at the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, and his heart was full of gratitude!

This person can be said to have been worried about their Qing Dynasty all her life!

Another plane.

At this moment, Huang Taiji did not expect that the inconspicuous Concubine Zhuang was so important to his Qing Dynasty!

It can be said that without her, the Qing Dynasty might have changed dynasties!

It was decided to make Concubine Zhuang the queen!

And the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang herself also received a reward from the system at this time!

[Empress Index: 3 stars! ]

[Reward: Title of Mother of the Qing Dynasty (Wearing this title will increase your reputation in the Qing Dynasty by 200%!)]

(I really don't want to write about the demonic Qing Dynasty, but Empress Xiaozhuang did a good job!)

Just as the people in different time and space were silent, the sky screen suddenly turned!

A woman in gorgeous clothes appeared on the sky screen!

The narration also sounded!

[Ninth place: Northern Song Dynasty, Empress Liu E of Emperor Zhenzong of Song Dynasty! ]

[Everyone should know this person very well. She was misunderstood by later generations because of the folk legend of the cat replacing the prince! ]

[She was born a singer and married for the second time. You heard it right! ]

[She had no children in her life, but was favored for 49 years. She was also the first empress dowager in the Song Dynasty to rule the country from behind the curtain! ]

[The second woman in Chinese history to wear a dragon robe. She also ruled the court and regented the Northern Song Dynasty for ten years. She was famous for her contributions and was called by later generations as having the talent of Lu and Wu, but not the evil of Lu and Wu! ]

[So what charm did Liu E have when she got married for the second time, which made Song Zhenzong keep her in his golden house for decades and make her his queen regardless of everything! ]

[What ability did she have to be as famous as Lü and Wu? Today, I will take you to know the life of Liu E, who got married for the second time. ]

[In 969 AD, Liu E was born in a family of officials in Huayang, Yizhou, now Chengdu, Sichuan Province! ]

[Grandfather Liu Yanqing served as the right lieutenant and general during the Later Jin and Later Han dynasties of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and his father Liu Tong was the commander of the Tiger and Defeaters during the reign of Emperor Taizu of Song! ]

But not long after she was born, her parents died one after another!

Liu E, who was still in her infancy, became an orphan when her family fell into decline. She was fostered in her mother's not very wealthy family since she was a child.

's natal family.

There was a very interesting phenomenon in ancient China!

Generally, male orphans are taken care of by their father's clan, but when girls become orphans, they are generally taken care of by their grandmother's family.

Although Liu E was literate in her uncle's house, her life was very difficult!

When she was a teenager, in order to supplement the family income, Liu E learned to play the rattle at a very young age and went to the street to sing and perform.

In 982 AD, the 13-year-old Liu E's Pang family couldn't wait to marry her to the silversmith Gong Mei as a concubine.

The young couple got up early and went to bed late, and their life was so tight.

In order to achieve financial freedom, Gong Mei was more active and prepared to go to the big city to try his luck.

Anyway, a tree will die if it is moved, and a person will live if he moves. It's a drift anywhere, and maybe there will be opportunities outside.

So the young couple decided to travel around the world to perform, and Liu E followed Gong Mei to leave the territory and came to the capital Tokyo Bianliang, starting a life of drifting in Beijing.

I thought life would get better day by day, but the reality is that in the capital, where there are many powerful people and elites everywhere!

Gong the silversmith soon found that his pitiful silversmith skills were not popular at all.

The two could only rely on Liu E's meager income from performing arts to make a living!

In 983 AD, the second year after they came to Beijing, they faced the dilemma of not being able to make ends meet at home!

Gong Mei, this extremely bad man, actually set his sights on his young and beautiful wife Liu E, and planned to sell Liu E for money.

Women in feudal society suffered a lot. They obeyed their fathers at home, their brothers when they were not fathers, their husbands when they got married, and their sons when their husbands died. They had no say in their own lives.

Liu E was sold to a man named Zhang Qi in this way, and Zhang Qi's identity at that time was the commander of the mansion of Zhao Heng, the third son of Emperor Taizong of Song, Zhao Guangyi!

Liu E's fate also changed from here. The commander Zhang Qi at that time introduced Liu E to Zhao Heng, who was still the King of Han at that time!

As a young man full of vigor and vitality, Zhao Heng fell in love with this Sichuan girl at first sight.

How could a prince have true love for a remarried singer?

But they wrote a true love song that ranks among the best in the entire Chinese history.

Zhao Heng was immersed in the gentle land all day long, not thinking about making progress, and he spoiled Liu E so much that he became pale and thin. These few months were probably the happiest time for Liu E so far.

But the good times did not last long, and Liu E's life encountered a major crisis again.

The wet nurse of the King of Han could not stand this underground lover of humble origin, and directly reported the matter to Emperor Taizong of Song.

After hearing this, Emperor Taizong of Song was furious and immediately ordered to break up the couple, and Zhao Heng drove Liu E out of the palace.

But Zhao Heng was reluctant to do so, so he promised the emperor that he would draw a clear line with Liu E, and secretly hid Liu E in Zhang Qi's house so that he could meet him secretly.

Unexpectedly, this hiding lasted for 15 years.

During the 15 years of being hidden, Liu E did not waste her time, read a lot of books, gained knowledge, and became a very knowledgeable woman.

It is true that knowledge changes destiny, and Liu E told everyone with her own experience!

These 15 years of forbearance laid a solid foundation for her gorgeous transformation in the future.

In 997 AD, Emperor Taizong of Song died, and Zhao Heng succeeded to the throne as Emperor Zhenzong of Song.

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