The emperor's family was in trouble, and the emperor's family was in trouble.

Regarding the people's livelihood issues, Xu Miaoyun advised Zhu Di to reduce taxes for the people, let them live less pressure, promote frugal policies, and set an example for herself.

As the queen, she set an example, got rid of the habit of extravagance, and guided the formation of a frugal atmosphere in the palace.

This move not only saved the treasury expenditure, but also benefited the people, greatly reducing the country's financial pressure. Therefore, the people of the world praised the queen for her frugality and virtue.

In dealing with the former officials, Xu Miaoyun told Zhu Di not to favor one over the other, otherwise it would cause internal conflicts.

She advised Zhu Di that these former officials were talents left by Ming Taizu, and His Majesty should accept them instead of only trusting his own confidants.

It was because of Xu Miaoyun's persuasion that Zhu Di re-recognized the value of several former ministers, such as Xie Jin and Xia Yuanji, who eventually became virtuous ministers who helped Zhu Di create the Yongle era.

In addition, Xu Miaoyun often invited the families of important officials to the palace to exchange experiences.

She taught them how to be a competent wife, not only to help her husband clear the obstacles to assisting the government, but also to correct his words and deeds when necessary.

Therefore, we have to admit that with Xu Miaoyun as the queen, Zhu Di really reaped a lot in the early years of his reign.

Xu Miaoyun's position in Zhu Di's heart is unmatched, and he even compares her to Empress Changsun of the Tang Dynasty!

In addition to his contributions to governing the country.

Xu Miaoyun is also handy in handling family relationships. Her two sons Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaosui are very arrogant!

Especially Zhu Gaoxu, because of his merits in Jingnan, he became even more arrogant and was very dissatisfied with his brother Zhu Gaochi becoming the prince.

However, Xu Miaoyun was able to handle it easily and make the two princes behave themselves.

In 1407, Empress Xu, who was only 46 years old, died of illness. The departure of his wife, who had accompanied Zhu Di for more than 30 years, was like a sharp blade, deeply hurting Zhu Di's heart.

At the moment when Xu Miaoyun's life and death were at stake, Zhu Di put down everything in his hands, guarded the bedside, and took care of his lover meticulously as if he were guarding a rare treasure.

When Xu Miaoyun said goodbye, she was still concerned about the future of the Ming Dynasty!

She repeatedly urged Zhu Di to put the people first, let the people recuperate, cherish talents, treat relatives well, and most importantly, never allow his family to be overbearing.

Before her death, she was still thinking about the suffering of the people. It was a blessing for the Ming Dynasty to have such a queen.

Zhu Di, who witnessed all this, cried bitterly on the body of his deceased wife like a child who had lost his support!

The death of his wife was undoubtedly a heavy blow to him. As the king of a country, he actually ignored his noble image. This scene was also recorded in the "Records of Emperor Taizong of Ming Dynasty", which was very touching.

After that, Zhu Di was immersed in the deep pain of losing his wife and could not extricate himself. The ministers advised Zhu Di to take the overall situation as the priority and take care of his body.

Zhu Di said that without Empress Xu, I am afraid no one would dare to speak out to correct his words and deeds.

Zhu Di respected Xu Miaoyun very much.

He held a grand funeral and wore mourning clothes for a whole year to show his grief.

Before Zhu Di died, he told the ministers to let Empress Xu enjoy the sacrifice with him.

Later, Zhu Gaochi ascended the throne and, in accordance with the will of the previous emperor, combined the spirit tablet of his mother, Empress Renxiao, and the coffin of his father, Zhu Di, for sacrifice.

In summary, her life was flawless!

After watching it in different time and space, everyone was silent!

They were moved by the love between the two.

During the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty!

Zhu Di recalled his late wife, tears welled up in his eyes!

"The most proud thing in my life is not being an emperor, but marrying you!"

Zhu Di tried hard to hold back his tears!

Thinking of his wife's words before she died,

"I don't ask for glory, I don't ask for wealth, I just hope that our family is well! How I wish the emperor is still the King of Yan!"

Then he kicked Zhu Zhanji to the ground! He said:

"Do you know what your grandmother's biggest wish is? That is for the family to live in harmony!"

"You roasted your second uncle to death!"

"Do you know why your father didn't do anything to your second uncle?"

"That's because your father knew his mother's wish. He swore at his mother's bedside that he would protect his brothers and sisters well!"

Zhu Di said with red eyes!

"And you, Jindouzi, how did you promise your mother?"

For a moment, the whole hall was filled with


At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang brought Xu Da, his daughter Xu Miaoyun and little Zhu Di from the Hongwu period!

Zhu Di saw his father coming again, and couldn't help but wipe away his tears!

However, when he saw Xu Miaoyun standing next to Xu Da, his body was instantly sluggish.

Seeing this, little Zhu Di naturally knew what this guy was thinking, and immediately stood beside Xu Miaoyun and held her hand!

He said, "This is mine, not yours!"

Only then did Zhu Di come back to his senses!

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Yongle Emperor Zhu Di, who was about the same age as himself, with a complicated look!

He said, "Hey! Dad knows you are upset, but I can't help you, so let you see your Queen Xu again!"

After that, he opened the time travel door and went to the time before Queen Xu died!

For a while, the three Zhu Di stood together! Staring at each other!

But with the old Zhu in control, no one dared to mess around!

At this time, the terminally ill Empress Xu looked at the gray-haired Zhu Di and recognized him at a glance!

And the Zhu Di in this dimension also looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and the people behind him.

(Let's call them Big Zhu Di, Middle Zhu Di, and Little Zhu Di!)

Stared at the gray-haired Zhu Di with his eyes fixed!

"Just say whatever you want to say!" Zhu Yuanzhang said.

The scar in the heart of Big Zhu Di was torn open again when he looked at the pale Xu Miaoyun!

He couldn't help crying immediately!

Although Empress Xu knew that Big Zhu Di in front of her was not from this time and space, she still said gently:

"It must have been difficult for you during the years when I was away!"

Big Zhu Di quickly replied: "Not difficult, not difficult..."

After they chatted for a stick of incense, Zhu Yuanzhang took Big Zhu Di and Little Zhu Di, Xu Da, and Xu Miaoyun away!

At this time, Empress Xu in this dimension was about to die!

However, at this moment, a voice sounded in her mind!

[Empress Virtue Index: Six Stars! ]

[Reward: Disease Elimination Pill (can eliminate all diseases in the world!)]

Then a pill appeared in Empress Xu's hand!

Empress Xu told Zhu Di in this dimension about this matter!

Zhu Di jumped up and down excitedly!

"Haha... Great, my queen is back!"

Then he remembered that he hadn't taken his queen's pill yet, so he hurriedly ran to the queen's bed with water!

"Quick, quick, Miaoyun, take the pill quickly!" Zhu Di said anxiously!

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