The old man was very angry, and the old man was very angry.

《Skills that travelers must learn!》

People in all time and space were deeply attracted by the flashing big words on the sky curtain!

"Skills that travelers must learn?"

This title was like a thunder, and it spread to every corner in an instant.

For a time, all the emperors and generals in all time and space could not sit still, and ordered the eunuchs beside them to prepare quickly in order to record this crucial information.

They were full of curiosity and expectation, and they were eager to know what kind of skills could determine the fate of the travelers.

Whether it was a chaotic world of war or a prosperous world of peace and prosperity - the dignitaries in every time and space had a strong interest in this topic.

At the same time, the narration on the sky curtain also sounded!

[If you accidentally travel back to ancient times, what should you do to successfully counterattack and marry the princess? ]

[Then you must not miss this video! ]

[If you have a golden finger like other protagonists, you can just swipe away! ]

[Now, let us teach the vast number of time travelers some essential basic skills to help you achieve a gorgeous transformation from a poor loser to a winner in life in ancient times! ]

[Okay, without further ado, the first skill is - "Salt Making Technique"! ]

In an instant, all the emperors of time and space were stunned!

"Are people in the future so brave?"

"Don't you know that it is illegal to sell private salt privately?"


Ying Zheng thought he would see some amazing skills, but he was disappointed and couldn't help wondering: "That's it?"

Speaking of salt, Ying Zheng is very familiar with it.

Back then, his old Qin State rose up with the help of salt.

The ancestors of the Qin people relied on salt production to maintain the development of the clan. It can be said that salt is of great significance to the Qin people.

In Yanguan Town, Li County, Gansu Province, the locals have a unique method of making salt.

They first boil the salt water, and after the water evaporates, the salt will adhere to the soil.

Then, after a series of complex processes such as drying, rinsing, and boiling, the crystal clear salt can be finally obtained.

In the Warring States Period, there were salt officials in the Li County area who were responsible for managing the salt production of the Qin people.

The Qin people used salt to exchange horses and furs with the surrounding tribes, and even used salt to offer tribute to the Zhou emperor!

Thinking of this, the corners of Ying Zheng's mouth rose slightly, revealing a confident smile.

(And, according to the records of unofficial history, Ying Zheng is actually the ancestor of pickles!)


Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looked up at the mysterious sky and muttered to himself: "Salt making technique!" He was not unfamiliar with this word.

Regardless of the dynasty, salt-making technology has always been regarded as one of the core secrets of the court, and is subject to strict control and restrictions.

Ordinary people cannot get involved in it, let alone buy and sell it privately.

Emperor Wu of Han knew that if he relied on this alone, the so-called time traveler would probably not be able to escape the disaster of extermination.

After all, violating the court's ban is an extremely serious crime.

However, this time traveler actually wanted to marry the princess with the "salt-making technique"?

It's simply a fantasy!

Emperor Wu of Han couldn't help but sneer, thinking: Such an ignorant person, even if the royal family doesn't take action, those nobles will eat him up without leaving any residue, right?

After all, the interests involved are too great.

Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin sat on the dragon throne, his face gloomy as if water could drip out.

His eyes were deep and sharp, revealing a kind of majesty and wisdom.

He thought to himself: As the king of a country, he knew that the consequences of the rampant private salt would be disastrous.

Those lawless people would take advantage of this opportunity to make huge profits and disrupt social order.

More importantly, if these private salts were sold to hostile forces or other countries, it would pose a great threat to the Tang Dynasty.

Although the Tang Dynasty's control over private salt was relatively loose, it did not mean that such behavior could be condoned.

If it is allowed to develop, it will not only harm national interests, but also affect the lives of the people.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin frowned!

At the same time, when the reactions of various time and space were different, the picture on the sky curtain turned!

A plate of coarse salt appeared on the sky curtain!

Then the narration sounded!

[This is the coarse salt eaten by the ancients. Its quality is really hard to praise. Not only are there many impurities, but the taste is also bitter! ]

[If placed in modern society, this

This kind of salt can probably only be sprinkled on the road to melt snow. ]

Even though the quality of crude salt is so poor, ordinary people in ancient times still couldn't afford it! ]

[However, salt is a necessity in life! ]

[Everyone knows that if you don't take salt for a long time, your body will definitely have big problems! ]

[Therefore, those poor people at the bottom of society can only dissolve these crude salts in water, add a little salt water when cooking, and sometimes even drink some salt water directly to supplement the body's need for salt. ]

[So it is said that whoever gets salt gets the world! This sentence is not false! ]

Then the picture changes again!

A plate of crystal clear, distinct fine salt appears on the vast sky like a bright star!

Under the close-up of the camera!

This plate of fine salt instantly caused shock and admiration from people in all time and space!

"Oh my God! Is this really salt? How can it be so crystal clear?" someone exclaimed.

"This salt is so perfect, it must be priceless!" another person echoed.

"Is this really the salt we eat? How can it be so fine?"

Even the emperors from different time and space were shocked.

Despite their high status, they were still surprised by such fine and pure salt.

These emperors had enjoyed wealth and glory throughout their lives and had seen countless rare treasures, but this was the first time they had seen such salt.

At this moment, their eyes showed their cherishment and desire for this plate of salt, as if it was the most precious treasure in the world.

Then the narrator began to introduce the fine salt in the sky!

"This fine salt is not only extremely pure, but also does not contain any impurities."

"In comparison, the coarse salt shown before is simply dregs!"

The voice of the narrator was full of emotion,

"Imagine, if the time traveler mastered this salt-making technology, it would undoubtedly become the object of everyone's pursuit."

"Everyone think about it, if you master this fine salt refining method, then won't you take off directly?"

At this time, people from all time and space fell into deep thought.

The emperors realized that the emergence of this fine salt would change the entire market structure. Whoever can master it can gain huge wealth and power!

It is no exaggeration to say that the court may be turbulent because of this!

But there is one sentence that Tianmu said wrong!

It is not "He who gets salt gets the world, but he who gets the world gets salt!"

And ordinary people are thinking, if they can also learn this salt-making technology, can they get rid of their poor lives?

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