The battle was a climax, but the battle was a success.

As for why I say this, it's like a cheating software, you can read on!

The second battle, the Battle of Hexi:

[In the spring of 121 BC, Huo Qubing was promoted to General of Cavalry. Emperor Wu of Han ordered him to conduct the second battle of Hexi and appointed Gongsun Ao, Marquis of Hexi, to go with him. ]

[At the same time, in order to prevent the Xiongnu Zuo Xian Wang from reinforcing the Hexi region! ]

[Emperor Wu also sent Li Guang and Zhang Qian to lead more than 10,000 cavalry to attack Zuo Xian Wang's troops. ]

[With the experience of the last battle, Huo Qubing carefully analyzed the terrain and decided to adopt a roundabout tactic. ]

[He led a huge army to cross the wide Yellow River first! ]

[Then they crossed the vast and steep Helan Mountains to the north. ]

[In just 6 days, they crossed more than 1,000 miles and penetrated directly into the core area of ​​the Xiongnu! ]

[They unexpectedly launched a fierce offensive against the armies of King Hunye and King Xiutu from the flank. ]

[Faced with the well-prepared Han army, the defenseless Xiongnu army could only barely parry. ]

[In this battle, the Han army suffered only more than 3,000 casualties, killed more than 30,000 enemies, captured more than 2,600 leaders of various Xiongnu tribes, and took away the sacred golden man used by the Xiongnu people for offering sacrifices to the sky. ]

Under the sky!

Great Qin.

Ying Zheng widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

"Has he taken down our nest again?"

His voice was trembling a little, and he seemed a little incoherent because of excitement.

"How did he do it in such a short time?"

"More than a thousand kilometers? Six days?"

"With just one battle experience, he can grow so fast?"

Meng Tian and Meng Yi looked at each other, their eyes full of shock!

They knew the difficulty very well!

Ying Zheng took a deep breath and tried to calm his inner excitement.

"This Huo Qubing is really a good general of the country! Killing 30,000 with 3,000 casualties, this is simply a miracle! He deserves the title of champion!"

He sighed: "If my Great Qin has such a fierce general, why worry about the Xiongnu not being destroyed?"

Meng Tian and Meng Yi nodded in agreement.

They knew the threat posed by the Xiongnu to the border of the Great Qin. If there were generals like Huo Qubing guarding the border!

I'm afraid it would take off directly!


Emperor Wu of Han played with the little golden man in his hand and said to Huo Qubing:

"Haha, I toast our young hero!"

Wei Qing also raised his wine glass and said to Huo Qubing: "Qubing! Uncle also toasts you a glass of wine!"

Emperor Wu of Han couldn't help thinking in his heart!

If I put this little golden man in the Taimiao, it would make Emperor Gaozu Liu Bang and the emperors of the Han Dynasty envious to death!

The more I think about it, the happier I am.

"No one can leave today, and they won't go home until they are drunk!" Emperor Wu of Han raised his wine glass and shouted loudly.

Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin stared at Huo Qubing on the sky with his eyes, and a feeling of admiration surged in his heart.

He sighed secretly: "It is really admirable that he can achieve such achievements at such a young age."

"Although the history books do record this battle in detail, I still feel extremely shocked when I saw it with my own eyes."

The history books record that after this battle, the Huns had to retreat to the north of Yanzhi Mountain.

The Western Han Dynasty successfully opened the road to the Western Regions and recovered the entire Hexi Corridor in one fell swoop.

Since then, there has been almost no Xiongnu invasion on the northwest border, the Western Regions Protectorate was established, and the Silk Road was officially opened.

Li Shimin knew that if it weren't for Huo Qubing, the Silk Road would probably be a few years later!

At the same time, the sky was still playing!

[The Third Battle: Surrendering the Xiongnu]

The Hunxie King and Xiu Tu King were beaten by Huo Qubing and fled in panic!

Two defeats in two battles and a large amount of land were lost, which made the Xiongnu Chanyu extremely angry and threatened to kill the two.

The two had nowhere to go, so they sent envoys to the Han Dynasty to request surrender.

Emperor Wu was very happy after hearing this, but he was afraid that there was a trick, so he ordered Huo Qubing to lead the troops to meet them.

Sure enough, before the Han army arrived, the unwilling Xiu Tu King suddenly changed his mind!

This made the Hunxie King very angry, thinking, if you want to die, don't drag me!

He immediately launched an attack, killed King Xiutu, and forcibly merged his troops.

After hearing the sudden change in the situation ahead, Huo Qubing resolutely led his army across the Yellow River and headed straight for the front of the Xiongnu army.

At this time, King Hunxie was already frightened, and his subordinates turned their horses around and fled.

Huo Qubing acted decisively, rode his horse into King Hunxie's army, and captured Hunxie alive.

Evil King.

Later, through negotiations, he forced King Hunxie to execute 8,000 soldiers who participated in the rebellion.

Afterwards, he sent people to escort King Hunxie to Chang'an, and he led tens of thousands of Xiongnu soldiers back in triumph.

It is said that escorting is actually no different from taking prisoners.

Emperor Wu of Han settled the surrendered Xiongnu tribes near five counties including Longxi.

And built border defense fortresses along the Qilian Mountains to the Yanze area, and established Wuwei and Zhangye counties respectively, which together with Jiuquan and Dunhuang formed the four counties of Hexi.

[The fourth battle: Fenglangjuxu! ]

In the spring of 119 BC, when the Xiongnu grasslands were withered and yellow, and the horses were thin and weak!

Emperor Wu of Han mobilized the whole country and ordered Wei Qing and Huo Qubing to lead 50,000 elite cavalry each, embarking on an epic journey to find the main force of the Xiongnu Chanyu for a decisive battle.

The Han army led by Huo Qubing advanced northward for more than 2,000 miles, crossed the desert, and finally encountered the Xiongnu Zuoxianwang.

Zuoxianwang was the second leader of the Xiongnu and held a high position of power. The strength of his troops was second only to that of the Chanyu.

After Huo Qubing defeated the Xiongnu in Hexi, Zuoxianwang's troops became one of the obstacles to the Northern Period of the Han Dynasty. Now that they had met their master, it was just the right time to fight.

After a fierce battle, the Han army suffered a loss of 10,000 casualties and annihilated 70,443 enemies.

The main force of Zuoxianwang, the second leader of the Xiongnu, was also annihilated, and he had to lead a few relatives and abandon the army and flee.

From then on, he was devastated and ran away when he saw the Han army from a distance!

Huo Qubing chased them all the way and chased them directly to Langjuxu Mountain.

Langjuxu Mountain is a holy place in the hearts of the Xiongnu people.

For the Xiongnu people who worship the gods of heaven, this place is not only a sacred place for holding the Spring Festival Gala on New Year's Eve, but also a symbol of their spiritual beliefs.

After Huo Qubing successfully captured the Wolf Mountain, he ordered his soldiers to pile up earth as an altar and held a grand ceremony to worship the heaven.

"That is the highest honor for a military general! Feng Wolf!"

The meaning of "feng" is to build an altar and offer sacrifices to the gods of heaven to show the world.

"Langjuxu" is a place name, located in the Wolf Mountain in the northwest of Wuyuan County, Inner Mongolia today.

Huo Qubing is the only person in history who was not an emperor but held a ceremony of enshrining and offering sacrifices!

At the same time, it also announced to everyone that from now on, this is the world of the Han Dynasty!

The Xiongnu saw their most sacred mountain, but they could not stop the pace of the Han army.

The Xiongnu, who had lost their spiritual sustenance, never dared to invade the south easily. Since then, the Xiongnu have gone far away, and there is no royal court in the south of the desert.

After this battle, Huo Qubing was promoted to Grand Marshal and General of Cavalry.

In order to commend his extraordinary contribution, Emperor Wu of Han held a banquet for him and renovated his palace.

However, Huo Qubing flatly refused. He only said one sentence:

"How can I have a family if the Xiongnu is not destroyed!"

In 117 BC, this chosen son died of an acute illness at his best age, at the age of 23.

Just when youth had just spread its wings and flew, the mountain eagle broke its wings and returned to the dust.

I believe that everyone has been heartbroken and in tears after seeing this.

This is also the most regrettable general in history!

Huo Qubing, it is you who gave the future generations the confidence to say that those who offend China will be punished even if they are far away.

Maybe you are just too tired and need to take a break. After all, which young man is like you, riding a horse and whipping a whip, pointing a sword to the sky!

If Huo Qubing could live to 70 years old, what would the world be like today?

The flames of war burned in the north, and Huo Qubing was born a brave general.

His horse trampled on Qilian Mountain and went down to Hexi, and his sword pointed to the north of the desert to plow the royal court.

He drank from the vast sea and spread the news, and was named after him after his death.

Once you have seen the sea, you will never be as good as water, reflecting the eternal love of the king and the prince.

At this time, the bullet screens on the sky also floated by one by one.

——"Huo Qubing was crowned as a hero at the age of 18, and I was an eternal diamond in King of Glory at the age of 18!"

——"Just about to cry, but I found out that I am a descendant of the Huns!"

——", Fenglangjuxu, a young man was crowned as a marquis, and he was the exclusive name of Huo Qubing."

——"Return to the Great River in the west, set up counties in Qilian, drink from the vast sea, and seal Langjuxu!"

——"Emperor Wu of Han: The invaders can go, and Huo Qubing can go too!"

——"Huo Qubing: How can I have a family if the Huns are not destroyed! Sisters, I cried!"

——"The originator of blitzkrieg!"

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