At the same time, the narration also sounded!

[I believe everyone has met naughty children. The naughty parents behind them are more hateful than naughty children! ]

[No matter what their children do, their parents will always have only one sentence! ]

[He is still a child, why do you care about him? ]

[He completely ignores the feelings of others! ]

After seeing the explanation of the naughty child in various time and space under the sky, they also understood what a naughty child is!

I thought it was a child born by a bear!

At this time, the picture on the sky changed!

A child appeared on the sky in the picture!

I don't know which old beast gave birth to this little beast, shouting and jumping up and down in the carriage, running over there and sitting in the empty seat next to it.

Holding a toy gun, he kept shooting!

He didn't care whether he knew what the passengers had in their hands or not, and pointed the broken toy gun at them, asking them to give him the snacks, or he would spit on them.

The emperors under the sky couldn't help but frown when they saw this!

Great Qin.

Ying Zheng looked at the naughty child on the sky, his eyebrows twisted into a knot.

Although he didn't speak, the expression on his face showed that he was also a little angry.

The Confucian scholars in the hall were already whispering to each other at this time.

"How can this child be so uneducated?"

"Don't you even know the basic etiquette? The child looks old!"

"And the family of this child is just ignored?"

Above the sky!

The passengers in the whole carriage were disgusted by this naughty child, so they had to call the staff in the high-speed train.

The attendant walked up to the child's parents and persuaded them: "Please keep an eye on your child and don't affect others!"

However, the little beast's parents seemed not to see it and continued to play with their mobile phones in their seats.

The volume of the mobile phone was turned up very loudly.

The attitude was extremely arrogant, and the attendant had no choice but to continue speaking.

However, the old beast rolled his eyes and said arrogantly: "We bought the tickets, we are customers! Why do you care about my child!"

The attendant patiently explained: "Sir! You are disturbing other passengers' rest like this..."

Before the attendant finished speaking, the old beast interrupted.

"I am a customer! Customers are God! Do you know that?" He stared at the attendant viciously, looking arrogant.

The attendant was a little angry, but still suppressed his anger and said:

"But your child has affected the rest and safety of other passengers, and this is also our responsibility."

"So what? You waiters should serve us well!"

The old beast sneered, "If you can't meet my requirements, then give me a refund!"

The attendant was so angry that her face turned pale. She really couldn't understand why this man was so unreasonable.

But she still tried her best to stay calm and tried to persuade him.

"Hmph, how to educate my child is my business, you don't have to worry about it!" The old beast still refused to give in.

"Get out of here now. If you scare my child, I will complain to you!"

The mother of the little beast next to him also helped to talk:

"Why don't you let children play in public places? I'm talking to you, little girl! We are customers! We are God!"

"And my child is just running around! He is still a child! You should understand it for a while!"

At this moment, the passengers in the car were speechless!

The attendant wanted to say something, but before she could open her mouth, the naughty kid had already run over with his broken toy gun.

He seemed to have discovered something interesting, and excitedly grabbed the attendant's short skirt and lifted it up.

Then he pulled it down hard, almost tearing the skirt off.

This sudden move caught the attendant off guard, and she immediately pulled her skirt up!

Despite this, the flesh silk on the attendant's legs was scratched by the naughty kid's sharp nails, leaving several obvious scratches.

At this time, the little beast was still shouting excitedly:

"Haha... She's wearing white, white!"

"Dad, she's wearing white!"

The child laughed excitedly, and the old beast on the seat also laughed!

"Haha... son, you did a great job!"

The attendant was a young girl who had just graduated, and she was thin-skinned, so she burst into tears on the spot!

She covered her skirt and walked to the work car behind.

Some passengers couldn't bear the scene in front of them.

They stood up and accused:

"Hey! Hey, buddy? Can you keep an eye on your child? Isn't this a bit too much?!"

"Yeah, look at how the little girl was bullied by you?"

However, facing the accusations of everyone, the old beast seemed to be unconcerned, and even responded arrogantly:

"He is still a child, what does he know? Besides, my child didn't pull her skirt down! What are you making a fuss about?"

Hearing this, everyone around was shocked and angry!

The mother of the little beast also echoed: "Hey! This little girl is really something, isn't it just a child pulling her skirt!"

"It didn't cause any substantial damage. Besides, she didn't say anything, why are you so serious?"

Hearing this, the passenger who originally stood up to accuse was speechless!

The little beast looked at him smugly, with a provocative expression on his face, as if saying, "What can you do to me?"

What's more, the little beast spit at the passenger!

The passenger was so angry that he was about to go forward to argue, but his wife pulled his clothes down!

Thinking that it's better to have less trouble than more, he sat down!


Under the sky.

All the people in the planes were angry at this moment.

"This naughty child is young, are you still young, old beast?" A citizen said with a red face.

"If this was my child, I would beat him so hard that he couldn't get out of bed!" another person said.

The person next to him also echoed, "Me too, why is this child so annoying!"


It's okay for children to be ignorant, but it's a bit too much for adults to do the same!

"If this is my child, I will beat him to death!"

Ying Zheng stared at the family of the naughty kid on the sky, his mouth twitched uncontrollably, and he felt extremely speechless.

If he met this naughty kid, he would definitely teach him how to behave!

Let them understand what etiquette is!

Han Dynasty.

"If this kid dares to spit at me, I will kill him without mercy!"

"No! Just kill the whole family!"

"What a thing, it looks like a human but has nothing to do with human affairs!"

Emperor Wu of Han stared at the naughty kid on the sky with disdain.

Wei Qing and Huo Qubing wished they could travel through time to teach this naughty kid and his family how to behave.

Eastern Han Dynasty.

"I'm so angry, I wish I could tear this little bastard's mouth apart!" Zhang Fei screamed in anger.

Liu Bei also frowned at this time.

"This parent does not teach his child how to behave, but instead helps the evil?"

"Sure enough, what Tianmu said is true. Compared with the naughty child, this kind of naughty parents are more hateful!"

Tang Dynasty.

After reading it, Li Er has confirmed his thoughts!

"Sure enough, human nature is evil at the beginning, that is human nature!"

"Not only do these parents not guide their children to be good, but they also protect their shortcomings. This child will be useless when he grows up!"

Other people in the hall also nodded.

Ming Dynasty.

Old Zhu gritted his teeth and said:

"Humph! This naughty child is so annoying!"

"And this naughty parent, he deserves to be killed!"

Old Zhu was so angry that his face turned red.

If this is his child, he would not be named Zhu if he didn't beat him to pieces!

[This is the naughty child and the naughty parent. They always say that their children are right! ]

[The phrase "He is still a child" I think everyone has heard of it. ]

[But what if they meet a ruthless person? 】

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