Watching the Dawn

Vol 17 Chapter 90: Our advantage breaks through the sky

You may have misunderstood Big Elona, ​​because this routine was not designed by her. From beginning to end, she did nothing but just looked at it. ?? Firepower? Text ?????? `

It is wrong to say that Big Elona is wise. Although her mind is a good thing, Nana has never used it ...

Do n’t look at Mara ’s arrogance against Elona, ​​it ’s because once this kind of person gains a little power, he ’s so crazy that he does n’t know how high it is! Even the main god, Elona, ​​is nothing but a prisoner in her cage. The object to be studied naturally needs no respect.

But she did n’t know that she was like a villain who stood outside the door of the cell and provoked the Hulk. She thought she was safe. How could the Hulk just protrude a finger to collapse the cell, and then crushed her into scum Her sense of superiority is totally self-illusion.

An ant stands in the distance and opens its teeth and claws towards you. For Lu Yuan, it will definitely prepare a pit for the ants. It must be the kind that touches the soul after the experience! In order to achieve this perfect plot, he will spare no effort, even before the ants fall into the pit, he will try his best to protect the safety of the ants in case the ants die before falling into the pit!

Then wouldn't I just have fun ...

Okay, this person is so bad!

But Elona would n’t, she would n’t even raise a finger because she was lazy.

The new **** does not know awe, but the four people of Hong Jun, San Qing, Western Buddha and Ma Liang will not. On the contrary, every time they rely on the power of Elona to survive the crisis of the end of the era, they have inexpressible fear and ... desire for the power of the Lord God. Living alive again and again, like a mouse running wildly before the house collapsed, made them more eager for a higher level of power.

According to our ideas, the conspiracy should usually happen in a secret room without lights. Several people with sinister faces muttered head to head in a small voice, and often gave out the sound of a night-owl ...

However, no.

The process of the matter was about one day. Elona said, "It's boring, I don't want to live." Then someone asked, "How can the Lord God die?" "I don't know ... the Lord God probably won't die, only seal it." "Then how to seal it?" "Maybe ... a room that is strong enough? It must be bigger." "Yes."

Then the construction of the Yinxin Prison began, and the scope included the entire core of the Galaxy. The place is absolutely large enough!

There is no need for Elona to ask, everything is naturally as well as the past, and it is properly prepared by four people. Not only is it proper, it is even omnipotent, just like countless times in the past. Whether you need it or not, it will be ready!

Question: Why does the little girl still wear a down jacket in the summer camp? Answer: Because there is a cold, it is called "Your mother thinks you are cold" ...

And these people are more attentive than the old mother, and the resources they can use are almost unlimited. Of course, all they can think of are the clowns like Mara that are used to delight Elona. In fact, they are just one of countless details. It's not worth mentioning that everything is just for Elona to stay there comfortably, too lazy to do anything.

The Yinxin Prison was built, and even slowed down the development of the new Milky Way for a full 20 millennia! But can the captive be really imprisoned? I'm afraid that even Elona doesn't know. Rather than hope that the prison is strong enough, we hope that "Elona is too lazy to move" is more realistic.

Hongjun Taoist is enough, he has found a way to get through the end of the era, that is, to fit the way. He just watched these things coldly, without causation. But Sanqing, Western Buddhism and Ma Liang are different. Once they choose, they cannot look back!

But even so, the respect for the Lord God is still the same! This is the difference between them and those new gods.

By the way, there is one of the most important principles, that is, "Let's do things, let's force Elona to go!"

This can't be wrong!

Therefore, when Elona announced the truth to Mara, Fan Er, an overbearing president who "has everything under control," actually did everything else, and she just acted like a force.

Speaking of which, Elona is almost a mess.


Mara panicked and left like the dog of the bereavement from the kingdom of Akatosh.

But it did n’t take long for Mara, who “regained her strength,” to regain confidence. Although she could n’t leave the big cage, she was not afraid of anyone in the cage, especially Hersin! She is the fifth spiritual king of the Mona Empire, and Hersin is just a **** of the affiliated race!

Even when he was in the infinite world, Helsin had to look up to himself. What's so scary?

So Mara confidently challenged Helsing, and then, naturally, there was nothing. If Mara is still the goddess of the earth who has mastered the rules of the Holy Spirit, Lu Yuan may have to work harder. But she actually gave up the power of the rules and challenged Lu Yuan with her own psionic power ... she just died.

Cricket is only a quasi-holy, and Lao Lu didn't care. Not to mention that he has completely mastered the Hongjun ethics, he holds a large number of black stones in his hand, and has some home court permissions ... it is a ug!

I do n’t know if it was for the purpose of revenge for Elona. In the end, Lu Yuan actually used his finger to poke Mara to life and death ... you asked me where to poke? Can you feel a little sunshine in your heart? Would you like to watch a little less? ...... Of course it is poking your nostrils.

At this point, in addition to the disappearance of Talos, Haierxin killed four demon gods and two holy spirits in one breath!

Outrageously powerful, only for a while!

His church has once again become a flame of fire, sweeping the world! But this time, the new believer prayed to get Hersin's response, it was not that simple. The significant increase in the threshold of faith means that ungodly people can no longer be mixed into the church. Those who have given up on Helsingen ’s faith and want to return to the gates of Helsinge can only receive a cold reminder that “the other party has put You join the blacklist, the request is invalid. "

The most important thing is that the holy spirits and demon gods who claimed to protect them were all chopped by Helsing ... Until this time, those talents knew how serious the consequences of their mistakes!

But no matter how miserable they will be in the future, it is impossible for Haierxin to forgive them for not having these people in comparison, how can they reflect the happiness of those who persisted?


"Helsing is back!"

The news blew across Skyrim like a wind, and it blew towards the entire continent.

Accompanying this news is the constellation that is falling in the sky ...

You do n’t understand the mood of meteor shower every day!

Fortunately, the constellation of the **** of war, Talos, still hangs high in the sky, finally letting the leader approach the skyrim king of Falkreath and the storm cloak. By this time, overcoming Falkreath has turned into an arrow and must do something! Because they did not fight for God, but for their own class, for the nobles. The church of Helsingham harmed the interests of all nobles and big merchants. Nobles and merchants all over the world were persecuting behind them, and war was inevitable.

At this time, even if the devil is standing opposite, it is impossible to flinch!

Fortunately, no matter how strong the demon **** Helsing is, it can only do so in the world of annihilation, and it is impossible to reach out to the mainland. People who have been strengthened by the power of the devil are indeed very powerful, but they are not yet invincible. General Turius (Co-Commander) pushed the strength of both sides on the sand table and felt that he had a great advantage on this side and could not lose!

To know the news of Haierxin ’s return, the nobles were scared to death! They immediately put away the past two minds and reunited to promote the war.

Under the combined pressure of all nobles and big merchants, Skyrim and Storm Cloak had to put down their differences and come together. After all, even the veteran Uffrek storm cloak can't fight against the noble group united with his men. The final result of the negotiation was that the empire sent 7,000 troops, the storm cloak sent 5,000 troops, and the female celestial king sat in Ximu town to mobilize logistics. Uffrek served as the nominal joint commander of the coalition. Sisi served.

General Turius has a lot of experience. He once captured Uffrek and Lu Yuan ... cough. After calculating on the sand table, he couldn't help but sigh ...

Twelve thousand regular troops who had just withdrawn from the front line and had rich war experience and were armed to the teeth. The Seven Thousand Emperors are well-equipped, the Five Thousand Storm Cloaks have high morale, and the Seven Hundred Moss Elven Guards sent by Xia Mu Island help ~ ~ Half of them are magicians; there are only eight hundred players against the Equipped with simple wooden shields, short swords and spears, and no professional militias, just ask how do you lose?

The coalition also has six additional reinforcements sent by the city's lords, and it is expected that an additional 10,000 City Guard soldiers will be added in ten days; in this way, against Falkreath without any foreign aid, ask how do you lose?

"That, general, new intelligence." One of the staff officers took the newly arrived intelligence and whispered, "The army of Baiman City is blocked by the dragon slaughterers. In addition, there are about 70 comrades in arms, Will enter Falkreath from Baihe to help defend the city ... "

This information is a face to face! Fortunately, General Turius was contented at the moment, so he chose to forgive him.

"It doesn't matter, in fact, we don't need the support of these city owners at all, and the 2,000 people in Baiman City are even less important! As long as the Master Group of the Winter Castle College and the fleet of the Rift Valley City can arrive in time, we can get Fakr Si ’s waterway and sky are blocked! As for the dragon slayers and comrades-in-arms ... a group of high-strength squadrons are just brave, not worth mentioning in front of the regular army! "

General Turius seemed to have seen the scene where Falkreath was completely blocked and helpless.

The coalition forces have a continuous flow of resources from the empire and the storm cloak. Some nobles have generously donated money, and there is no need to consider the logistics at all; and Fawkers has no minerals, no smelting and forging industry. What else?

Kuo Luo fights a peasant army with nothing, so he asks you how to lose?

What's more, the coalition also has countless grassroots officers, a tried and tested command system, and general Turius who commanded me! Against the company ’s officers who were temporarily hired by Falkreath militia, they asked you how to lose? !


Haierxin has many wools. Isn't this a battle that can be won as long as the past is over?

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