Watching the Dawn

Vol 17 Chapter 97: Blowing Bagpipes 5

When the assassin heard Lu Yuan's words, his heart shivered, and the subconsciously stabbed the dagger in his hand! But a flexible force blocked the blade. Burning? Wen Xiao said ????????? `It seemed that it was a layer of tough dragon skin, no matter how hard he used his hand, he couldn't cut it.

"Bigby protects his palm," Lu Yuan explained with a slight gesture of his left hand. "But you have to tell me why is all this?"

Lu Yuan is not pretending to be forced. He is really depressed. He said that he slaughtered dragons and robbed bandits. Even the gods slaughtered half a dozen! He hasn't hidden these things deliberately. He believes that those "big men" should be able to investigate them as long as they are attentive ... Even if he really hides too deeply, what about the good "pub rumor system"? When it comes to his level, he can't commit to pretend to be an ordinary person (since he has forgotten that even if it is a little girl, he has pretended to be the black history of x).

The assassin's mouth is full of bitterness, and his mouth is open. He doesn't know how to answer this question. But his hand is not slow, and he flips out another strange-shaped dagger in his left hand, and the double-weapons serial thorns instantly give Lu Yuan a ten-strike backstab! However, there is no use of eggs, the flexible and transparent barrier seems to be punctured at any time, but it is always a little bit worse.

"Hey, I haven't finished asking the question, how can you run there?" Lu Yuan ignored the assassin's hard work behind him, put down the hammer in his right hand, and held it towards the door! "My left hand and right hand are in slow motion ..."

"Click!" The blood was sprayed from the void like a burst of water polo, and the three feet of the door was red! A flattened armored humanoid gradually changed from transparent to solid. The soldiers inside were obviously dead and could no longer die, and their limbs were twisted like dolls that had been badly played, and there were no dead bodies.

"Bigby King Kong ... hey, why didn't you run again before I finished talking?" Lu Yuan flipped his left hand and pushed vainly on the assassin, "Bigby flying high-five!"

I only heard a chaotic sound of "Qili Click", and the assassin who was blown out by this palm did not know how many bones were broken in an instant! His body flew like a rag bag and flew backwards, knocking another transparent figure fleeing to the door out of invisibility. The man followed the assassin and fell to the ground. He was an elf mage in a half robe.

War thieves, your assassination combination configuration is very reasonable.

At this moment, the assassin who was photographed with a broken body just wanted to say, "He ran you to shoot him and me! No! Run!" Although he couldn't vomit blood, but his sad expression, let alone Lu Yuan, even fell passive The local Somo elves have understood ...

"Well, I'm sorry, my hands slipped ... who made you look so handsome, it was made in Bangziguo at first glance, not a Chinese!" Lao Lu reluctantly explained a wave of embarrassment, I thought it was like that at the time One push. The assassin also wants to cry without tears, how do you see me handsome when I cover my face? Also, I have only heard of Nords, Bretons, and Empires, but who are the Chinese?

"And I don't understand!" Lu Yuan suddenly looked sad and angry, his expression changed more exaggerated than Xiao Xianrou. "I'm a blacksmith who divides my duty, and squats in a blacksmith's shop all day to fight iron! Gou ... I'm dead in troubled times, I don't want to be a prince. Why do you want to assassinate me ?!"

That said, it ’s called a great awe-inspiring, and it ’s called a sad grievance, like Falkreath ’s manpower, food, beliefs, weapons, land, troops, support ... all have the same relationship with his dime! The performance was too distracting, and he believed it himself after speaking.

"It's impossible for you to say that I am the core and I am the core, right? Like many people say that Uffrek is stupid b, but I think he must be more than stupid b. That's right, the old man of Uffrek is right now Where is it? Did you run? I have to count on him to assassinate this account! "Lu Yuanmo said, furiously filled with indignation.

The magician looked at the assassin, and the assassin looked at the magician. Then the two raised their fingers together silently and pointed to the armored warrior who was broken by the play.

"... lying trough, do you say he is Laowu ?!"

Lao Lu, who knew it, didn't know what to say for a while. "Bigby aid palm," Lu Yuancai said for a long while. The new force field player dragged the warrior's shriveled helmet down. Although the warrior's body deformed badly, Lu Yuan, who had beheaded with Uffrek, easily recognized it. This is Lao Wu ... Lao Wu, have you finally escaped?

"In the mountains, the tiger finally meets. It's not surprising that you have today, Laowu. Forget it, people are dead and debts are gone. In this case, we will be clear." (Background music: "You are not stingy at all"), so I decided to let go.

"Now it's your turn, do you have anything to say before you die?"

"Hmm ~ Hmm ~~ (Can I not die?)" The assassin vomited blood.

"Do you want to die faster? Really a man. Since you said that, I promise to fulfill you." The trio of assassins seem to be a temporary organization. The magician escaped to seize the time and put a shield on himself, which did not stop Lu Yuan the meaning of. Therefore, Lao Lu shook his fist with his right hand, "Bigbai attacked the fist!"

"Poof ~", another flesh and blood.

"Wait, wait! I have another question!" After seeing Lu Yuanxin killing one another, he turned his attention to the seven or eight layers of protection, such as dragon skin and magic shield, and pulled an ice wall in front of him. , And a group of elven magicians who summoned the king of bones said quickly.

"You said."

"Master, you have used the five magics of Bigeby's bodyguard, Bigeby's King Kong, Bigeby's flying high five, Bigeby's aid, and Bigeby's punches ..."

Hearing that the magician accurately retold the magic name, Lu Yuan nodded slightly. Sure enough to be a magician, the brain is easy to use.

"Excuse me, you are not Tyrande. Is your real name Biggerby?"



Is your real name Bigebai right? Is Bigeby right?

The assassins in front of the messy and verbose five hundred characters are not as great as the crit caused by the question asked by the wizard wizard to Lu Yuan!

"It's breaking news, breaking news, Lu Yuan, who likes to pretend to be the most powerful in the entire multiverse, the one who once defeated the magician **** Azus, now follows Bigbai as a little brother ..." His ears seemed to have sounded like this the sound of.

Forgive me for being unruly and unrestrained in my life, Lu Yuan thought to draw his hand like that now, "Let your hand owe!" A stumble has become a big fan of Big Bay, this is simply unbearable! If this matter spreads, etc.! Why did it spread? Lu Yuan's eyes fell on the elf mage, and it couldn't spread this thing!

"Hey ~ I haven't heard anything about Big Bay." Even if it was already determined to die, Lao Lu quickly changed his posture. Replaced the open slap with a raised middle finger, and then poked at the wizard wizard, "Broken!"

The seven or eight layers of protection or the ice wall disappeared under such a poke.

"Hey, what is this ?!" The magician didn't know that he had just lighted up the death sign, but he was also terrified, and he hurriedly added a magic shield.

"This magic is called Lu ... called Tyrande's despised **** ~ ~ After he finished, he replaced his **** with his index finger, and poked at the skeleton kings who were called out," Broken! "The king-level undead turned into bone-breaking without resistance.

"This is Tyrande's decomposed index finger." The index finger swept away, even with the magician's shield broken down, without a trace of smoke.

"I, I'm fighting with you!" The elven mage's grimacing hands folded, offering a huge fireball!

There is a widespread rumor in the multiverse. When you do n’t know what to do, go to the five fireballs! There are no enemies that cannot be solved with five fireballs, if there are, then five more! "Eat my big fireball!" The wizard wizard roared and threw the fireball charged to the limit towards the landing far away! Anyway, defense is useless, he simply gave up!

"Tylander's defensive thumb." With a big thumb, the fireball flew back and burned the elf mage so that you would not defend!

"Tylander's forbidden ring finger," the elf mage could not speak at all, and I see how you still use magic.

"Finally ..." Lu Yuan put on a charming orchid finger gesture and raised her fingertips. "Tyland's little finger ... I poked! I poked! I poked!"

Straight poking out that the elf mage is bleeding all over, seeing that he can't live! He opened his mouth helplessly, and pity that even the screaming was banned.

"Hahaha ~ I think who can reveal my secret this time!" Lu Yuan laughed more like the undefeated East.

"Click ~" Something fell from the attic window and hit the blacksmith's floor. Lao Lu's laughter came to an abrupt end. He held the posture of Xiaoaojianghu and raised his neck a little bit like rust. I saw Ella standing outside the window in the attic on the roof, shaking her forefinger with one hand and covering her mouth with the other, her expression was shocked!

"Think, you can't think of you as Tyrande ... shemale!"

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