Watching the Dawn

Vol 11 Chapter 180: Cultural relics

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"I ... I'm at a472234570164363 ..." After a few seconds of silence on the channel, the Quillie girl finally appeared again, timidly speaking the ship's coordinates.

"Waiting for me, I'll be here soon." Lu Yuan replied in Quilli. Sure enough, hearing the familiar language, the Quill girl over the channel, like Amnesty, directly leaned to the bed beside her.

But at this time, a frigate of the Star Alliance came over and was directly stopped in front of the "Walker". "Hi, Diligence! (For smuggling, the ship's name must be changed frequently) Don't make trouble! Go back to your place!" The captain's words were inserted directly into the nearby public channel, rudely instructed.

And the muzzle of his battleship was facing the ship that landed far away, and it looked less friendly. "Also, the losses and personal injuries you have caused here must be dealt with immediately! Otherwise, you will look good!"

Although it was a public channel, when he finished speaking, there was silence in the channel. Everyone was waiting to see how Lu Yuan answered, whether he was rolling back to his position, or whether he would continue to stand firm with the navy.

"You actually heard that Quillie's cry for help?" Lu Yuan said indifferently on the channel, but the content has nothing to do with whether or not to return to the original position. "She just asked for an antibiotic, and a potion can save a life ... why can you turn a blind eye ?!"

"Why? Hahaha ~ He asked me why ?!" The captain of the Star Alliance seemed to hear something very funny, and it seemed to repeat to someone around him, and he kept laughing. Miranda's face gloomed as she saw landing far, and she didn't know what was happening in her heart. She was a little panicked. "Why should I save a Quillie? Hi, man! If you want to save your pet / thing, you can do it yourself. Here is the Star Alliance Navy. We did not bring antibiotics for animals. Haha! Hahaha ~!"

His disgusting voice, even Miranda wanted to vomit! Miranda suddenly understood why he felt panicked—promoting racism among humans. Cerberus is absolutely "important"-although "Phantom Man" has always claimed that he insists on "human survivalism". Not "human supremacy". But at this moment, Miranda felt for the first time that someone made a mistake.

Not only the captain, but on the channel, there were many people who laughed echoingly.

Miranda saw Lu Yuan standing there like a stone statue. The anger on his face had been swept away, leaving only a deep ironic smile! Lu Yuan at this moment. Indifferent and high above, exuding an atmosphere that makes people want to worship! Miranda finally understood at this moment that he, Ceberus and Starlink had always looked away! Perhaps Mu Xing's younger brother is the stronger of the twins!

Lu Yuan shook his head sarcastically and turned to Miranda calmly, "Do you know? I often leave the group to live alone, just don't want to let myself see this kind of thing! Because when I know these dirty things, it will make me deeply Doubt, is it necessary for my own efforts !? Occasionally I think ... Humans, or simply go extinct! "

Miranda gaped. I don't know how to answer.

But Lu Yuan just said to himself, did not expect Miranda's answer. He didn't know that no one is perfect, any race is good. There is also an ugly side-even if the Requena Zerg. It's just that Lu Yuan's world-weary sentiment hadn't been born for a day or two. In the world that leaned on the sky, he later chose to live alone, because even the hundred-foot monastery in the area is not peaceful, not to mention the whole world! Later, when he arrived in Fantasy Township, Lu Yuan even preferred to fight with simple-minded monsters all day rather than settle in the world.

Lu Yuan said no more, he turned back to start the spacecraft, and flew towards the coordinate in silence.

"You! Dare! Violate! Resist! Army! Order!" Said the captain of the frigate in front, gritting his teeth.

While driving, Lu Yuan seriously spoke on public channels.

"I'm thinking of the joke about animals you said ..." Lu Yuan's face. With a grinning smile. "In terms of lifespan, compare humans with Asaris. Even small animals are not as good; on intelligence, humans are compared to Serrari. Stupid like a pig; on military qualities, you Star Alliance soldiers are the worst The sharp people are like primitive people from the Stone Age; when it comes to repairing ships, the human engineers on these ships ca n’t even match a toe of the Quilli! "

Miranda smiled bitterly, she knew that Lu Yuan was not good at talking, but she did not expect Lu Yuan to overthrow everyone on the ground! She heard Lu Yuan continue to spray venom. "So can you tell me, where did you come from with such a strong sense of superiority ?!"

The quiet part of the communication channel, most of the listeners are humans. They were not persuaded, but were stunned by Lu Yuan's words! Lu Yuan paused for a moment, and finally released a group of mockery! "... No animal antibiotics? Don't joke! Without antibiotics, how did you monkeys survive in space ?!"

Lu Yuan ’s words were like dropping a bomb in the crowd! After a short silence, the crowd exploded! All kinds of roaring and screaming sounds broke out, and all the sounds were mixed in one place, even to the extent that no one could hear anything!

Can Lu Yuan? He reached out, "snapped", and closed the public channel ... It was enough for me to spray, and I didn't want to hear what you said.

But some people just don't want him to be happy. A video request made a strong cut into the ship's platform-on the screen directly in front of the bridge, two soldiers in Star Uniform uniforms appeared-the rank of the captain in front, pressing his hands on the bridge in front of him Grimly stared here! Behind him, a young lieutenant pulled his arm awkwardly.

"You! You dare say it again!" The captain on the opposite side was almost mad. "Laozi blasted you! Today I said everything would kill you!" The frigate aimed the main gun directly at the cargo ship, and the computer of the "Walker" even issued a locked alarm.

"Just ... as long as you dare to fire ..." Lu Yuan's hand waved, seven or eight holograms of men and women, young and old, floating in the air, and in the eyes of the captain opposite. His expression changed from amazement to anger, and then deep fear! "As long as you dare to fire the guns, they will be thrown into the mine, and no one will bother until they are rotten ..."

"How do you know ... No! You can't do that!" The captain said in a panic. "Are you still not a person !?"

Lu Yuan's face had a terrifying sense of evil, "If you are inhumane, how can you blame others for any means?" Within a few seconds of seeing the video, Lu Yuan had reached the captain's All information, what he said is half-truth, not all joke.

The spaceship just passed by the frigate, and the frigate stopped all the way from the beginning. When Lu Yuan's ship descended close to Quiley's ship, the frigate chose to retreat in a trance ... No one expected the development of the matter, and eventually it would become this situation.

Seeing this result, the surrounding cargo ships fell into a collective silence.

Miranda stood beside him, talking in silence, but Lu Yuan pretended not to see it. He chose to help the rise of mankind for a reason, one is because this is his race, his buttocks are naturally sitting on the human side; another important reason is because humans are now second-class citizens of the galaxy. Although the three parliamentary races are more political in nature, they are more mature and concealed.

But in essence, humans are still being exploited and driven-as long as humans are persecuted now, we can only know that they are colonizing in the direction of the realm of God Realm-humans are actually Shenbao to gradually conquer the chaotic realm Star field, and spear spear!

In terms of importance, I am afraid that Starlink is not as good as the Waller people who established the star system-it is this status quo that stimulated Lu Yuan.

But Lu Yuan ’s goal was simply to place humans on an equal footing with the three major races, to be able to compete fairly, and to successfully survive this reaper ’s annihilation crisis—but not to allow humans to go back and bully others. Race! ! This kind of thing sounds like singing high-profile, but according to the old Chinese saying, "If you don't want it, don't do it to others"!

Moreover, Lu Yuan doesn't feel that he is qualified to help others make decisions. He is not even a person of this dimension. After that step, he will definitely let go. After that, whether humans dominate the world or not, he just wants to go back and deal with the Mona thing, and he doesn't want to ask again. He is not a "hero" like Shepard. For the Star Alliance, he can die again and again, and die again and again!

However, Lu Yuan had planned to help Xinglian explode again! ——At least one thousand Starlink heavy cruisers were produced and then handed over to the Starlink Navy at the right time! But at this moment, he felt a little hesitant ...

In his wandering tour, the "Walker" sank past several ships and stopped beside a shuttle. Lu Yuan and Miranda immediately recognized that this is the boat that passed them by the same day ~ ~ It is just that the tail of this shuttle was now cut off, and the engine was almost completely destroyed. Heavy attack! And the mother of the Quillie girl should have been hurt at this time.

After the two ships were connected to each other, the hatch just opened, and a quilly girl in armor, who was not tall, rushed in and bowed her head. She grabbed Lu Yuan's arm directly, and wept, "I beg you! Help me! Mom, her wound is infected, she is going to die ......, wooh ~ only you will help me, please beg you Now! "

But after hearing this voice, Lu Yuan stood again in astonishment until Miranda pushed him.

"Why don't you stay alone?" Miranda said.

Lu Yuan shook his head and felt weird. The voice of the Quillie girl's voice actually recalled his quite ancient memories. There seems to be such a message in the memory-"In 2178, Talisola's mother died of an infection."


ps: Cough, I said it was not for the Quilli ... (to be continued)

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