Way of Choices

Chapter 5: Heaven

Like every morning in the past fourteen years, Chen Changsheng woke up at five o'clock, immediately opened his eyes, spent five breaths to calm down, turned over to get up, overshoes and clothes, made a bed and quilt, and began to wash. I ate a bowl of duck porridge and four hot meat buns in the first cage in the front hall of the inn, returned to the guest room, rinsed my mouth again with Chen tea last night, arranged my clothes against the bronze mirror, and walked to the small courtyard.

——He is not in the small temple of Xining Town now. He does not need to cut firewood to pick up water. He faced the first morning fog and the sky from far away, closed his eyes and began to meditate, silently chanting the scroll in his mind until he was clear. It was refreshing to finish his homework. From the side entrance to the gradually busy streets of Kyoto, he merged into the crowd inconspicuously and began a day of life.

He had a list in his hand with the names of several colleges in Kyoto. After asking the Fangshi administrator about the address of the first college, he stepped up his pace. He didn't notice that there was a carriage behind him, and he didn't find that the horse had unicorn blood. He didn't notice the hidden blood phoenix logo on the cowl.

Countless years ago, the book of heaven came into being, the wisdom of the people opened up, and there was no mathematics door, but the ever-changing is not separated from its sect, and its source is included in the Dao-Tibetan classics, and it is the same for agricultural and commercial studies. It is now recognized that the most authoritative is the Da Zhou Dynasty’s annual Daejeon test.

The dynasty test was initiated by the Emperor Taizu of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Whether entering the dynasty as an official or enlisted as a general, or entering the state religion as a priest, the achievements of the dynasty are the most important criteria. The most important thing is that the Emperor Taizu clearly ordered that only those who were included in the top three of the dynasty would be eligible to enter the Tianshuling Guanshu-because of this rule, the world does not know how many strong people will come to Kyoto at the beginning of each year-when the first During a dynasty trial, Emperor Taizu stood on the city wall and watched the geniuses of the mainland sect as a crucian carp, and smiled and said a very famous word, thus establishing the status of the dynasty trial.

Southern countries, especially Changshengzong and other secular ancestors, are naturally very dissatisfied with this rule. In their view, although the Tianshu Mausoleum was in Kyoto during the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Tianshu Mausoleum was a **** stone, and of course it was the common wealth of the whole continent. For this reason, the South has resisted the test of the dynasty several times, and the relationship between the two sides is extremely stiff.

It’s just that Tianshuling is too important for practitioners. Although the Great Zhou Dynasty was strong, there was no way to take advantage of the world’s monopoly, and the forces of the South could not resist the temptation to enter the Tianshuling Observation Monument, even after the demon was defeated. During the years when the two sides separated, the south clearly resisted, and there are still many strong sectarians of the south who participated in the dynasty test in private names.

After the supremacy, the Great Zhou Dynasty finally reached an agreement with the southern forces. The southern sectarian parties can send their own missions to participate in the Great Zhou Dynasty’s test. The judgment is subject to both parties, and the southern students can not accept it. The officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty rewarded the princes, and the rest were treated equally. Furthermore, the Dynasty tried to have a new name in this new agreement.

Over the years, the Dynasty has selected countless strong men. It is said that the strongest people on the mainland today have had the experience of coming to Zhou Dynasty and Kyoto to participate in the Great Dynasty test. The more well-known fact is: the contemporary State Pope, the Southern Saint Elder Nufeng was once the leader of the Dynasty test, not to mention that some geniuses of the Western demon clan had turned into people to participate in the Dynasty test. Even the demon once had a young adventurer to come to Kyoto, but was On behalf of the Pope, he saw through Tibet and used the great magic technique to direct the town into smoke.

That is the story of many years ago. Now people are more concerned about next year’s dynasty test, will the long-lived Sect’s Akiyama Jun take part in it, and several of the Seven Kingdoms of the Kingdom of God can enter the first class, will Xu Yourong break through ahead of time, leave the Virgin Peak and return to Kyoto Will the genius strongmen known for their cold and mystery in the Demon Wilderness appear in front of the world for the first time, or will they continue to chase each other **** with the Demon Strong? In addition to these, what people in Kyoto are most concerned about are the bright geniuses that will appear in the Kyoto Academy.

Yes, there are many colleges in Kyoto. After the reign of the Holy Father, under the strict decree, the officials were governed by Qingming, and the people’s lives were getting better. In these decades, Haiyan Heqing was even more prosperous. Various colleges have sprung up like mushrooms. Even a few years ago, there appeared many private colleges that were secretly taught by the strong teachers of the state education. Of course, the most famous and powerful colleges are the ones with the longest history. Two of them have a history of even longer than that of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

There are six colleges on Chen Changsheng's list. In fact, across the continent, Tian Dao Yuan is qualified to be at the forefront. In the past two hundred years, Tian Dao Yuan students have won the first place in the top 24 times in the Dacha test. The students are exceptionally talented. This college has sent many important priests to the state religion and devoted countless spiritual geniuses to the various schools. The most important thing is that the contemporary pope was once a student of this college. .

Tian Dao Yuan has the best score in the history of the dynasty, and it is naturally the most difficult to enter, but the number of applicants is still the largest. Chen Changsheng walked to the door of Tian Dao Yuan, looked at the magnificent Mo Yu Yuan door, and looked at the name of the courtyard inscribed by the emperor Taizu, which naturally gave him the feeling of longing for the scenery, but then, this emotion He was subdued by the bustling environment of the courtyard door and the pungent smell of sweat and ink, and he lowered his head subconsciously.

When he left Xining, he had already calculated the time. When he arrived in Kyoto, it was the date of the spring admissions of the major colleges. He could also think that the number of people who must take the heavenly school must be very high, but he did not expect that it would be so terrible. . Especially the group of young people at the entrance of the courtyard who looked tired and stood slantingly, pointing at the crowd, made him a little uncomfortable.

The clothes worn by those young people are similar in style, generally black, with gold belts around their waists, and should be the uniforms of the Taoist Temple. Chen Changsheng knew that these people should be old students who did not pass the dynasty examination at the beginning of the year. These people are proud and arrogant, but they are not satisfied because they fell out of the list. They will certainly not have any good looks for the freshmen who come to the Heavenly Academy today. Hearing the harsh words and watching the mocking in the eyes of the youth, he lowered his head subconsciously.

Bowing is not afraid of anything, but because he has some slight cleanliness, whether physical or psychological, so he does not want to smell the sweaty smell of the crowd, or want to hear those words.

"Look at that idiot, like a pig, with a few pocks on his face, but he still has to put a fan in his neck, thinking he is a mower? Don't think about it, the thousand layers of meat on her neck , Almost breaking the fan!"

"Yes, it looks like his footsteps are sloppy. At most, it has just been washed in two months. I am afraid that my bones have not been beaten. I dare to apply for my Heavenly Academy? Where does he think we are here? State Education College? Haha... ...I don’t understand what these idiots think, do you think that with that weak and pitiful consciousness, you can also understand Daozang?"

"General knowledge and Taoism? Don't dare to say this if you're studying like crazy? Got it? You sympathize with the idiot's fate. I sympathize with his parents, and it's second to be humiliated, but the money spent before, but There is no way to take it back. If I were the parents of the idiot fat man, it would be better to use the money to teach the altar to eat some medicine, reduce some fat, and at least marry a wife."

"How about marrying a wife? Even if Han Meidan only cares about himself, he will have seventeen or eight sons and daughters in the future. He will be as obese as he is. It is a good thing to raise pigs and raise a litter?"

The students laughed and talked about the candidates unscrupulously. The words were unpleasant, and they did not control the volume at all. They may even deliberately want the object of the discussion to listen, which is extremely abominable. The fat boy under discussion, with his face flushed, did not dare to resist, because those students were telling the truth, he was really just washing his marrow more than ten days ago. The point is, even if he is lucky to enter the college, he can't offend these predecessors.

Chen Changsheng walked through the crowd, listening to those swear words, raising his brows slightly, thinking if he was being discussed, he would not know if he could hold it back. Fortunately, he lowered his head, and his breath was too ordinary. It was very inconspicuous in the crowd, and it was difficult to be noticed, so he luckily avoided the situation of being mocked, and passed the Moyuyuan gate smoothly, and left. Go in.

Because he was thinking about these things, he lowered his head, so he didn’t notice that there were two huge stone walls on both sides of the stone path at the entrance of the Heavenly Taoist Temple, carved with monsters of different flowers, and hundreds of names in the middle. , It seems to be a list, there are a lot of eyes on those names, hot and admired.

The family servants who came with the freshmen who applied for the exam were not allowed to enter the Heavenly Taoist Temple, so when they entered the courtyard, the environment suddenly became quieter. Chen Changsheng took out the white handkerchief from the sleeve, wiped off the tiny sweat beads on his forehead, exhaled, and felt relaxed. Followed by the student in front, lined up behind the long line.

There are a lot of people applying for the Taoist Temple, and the team is very long. It looks like a legendary Baizhangqi snake in the Western Demon Territory. It extends from the building in the distance to the grass side. There is even a clear stream in the middle. Freshmen who applied for the exams were all standing on the wooden bridge over the river. They were blown by the cold wind of early spring, and their faces were cold and irony.

Soon, someone came out of the building and they were all teenagers. Their faces were as blue as their companions on the bridge. It was very ugly. Since it was not frozen, it must be that the exam was not going well. The people who were still waiting in line looked at them as if they had lost their souls, and they suddenly became nervous and no longer had the mood to chat.

Chen Changsheng didn't know anyone, so there was no chat. He looked at the building in the distance, and he seemed a little curious. He only cares about the entrance examination of Tiandao Academy. Is it still the same method as the book said? Why do these people who fail to pass so quickly? Defeated? Or did the examinations of Tiandao Academy really change?

The crowd kept moving forward, crossing the grass, crossing the river, and not yet near the building, and came under a row of bamboo sheds. Looking at the serious-looking Tiandaoyuan teacher behind the stone table, and looking at the dark rock like volcanic stone on the table, Chen Changsheng recognized what it was and remembered an old year he had seen in Daojuan The lawsuit was slightly startled.

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