Way of Choices

Chapter 810: Under Guhuai, don't think about it

There are only the historical records in the three thousand Dao Zang, but there is no specific explanation of the Taoism. Chen Changsheng can not confirm whether the monster is the legendary Huang Quan. He wrote two letters and sent them to the Kyoto Palace and the Southern Virgin Peak. , Hope to get more information from these two places.

The monster was obviously here to kill him, but he didn't know what he did, or said he didn't have time to do anything.

Despite the mysterious origin of the monster, Chen Changsheng is already mentally prepared for the matter itself.

The words of the King of Linghai in the Songshan Military Mansion asking King Zhongshan to pass on to King Xiang were the attitudes he had shown the state religion to the entire continent.

He is very clear that this will be the situation he will face later.

-This is just the beginning.

It was like what happened to Su Li who was seriously injured in the snow field of the magic field, and Wanli Guinan Road.

He is now the Pope, but there are fewer people who want to kill him than those who wanted to kill Su Li.

Obviously, some people now know that he is in Hanqiu City.

But he was convinced that the Zhu family would not shoot.

Sure enough, he and Nanke left Liusu and went to the south gate of Hanqiu City. On the way, they felt several peeping eyes, but no one appeared.

Until in front of a perfume shop, he met an unexpected person.

The man dressed as a scribe, Qingjun's eyebrows had an arrogant arrogance, and there was a hint of joy.

His name is Bietianxin. The reason why he is dressed as a scribe is because his father often appears in front of the world like this.

His father is a different kind of red, his mother is infinite green.

A few years ago, in Kyoto, in order to suppress the State Education Institute, the new school of state education led by the King of Linghai and the Siyuan Taoist forces promoted the martial arts in the courts.

Headed by the new school of national religion and the Tianhai family, countless powerful monks went to Baihua Alley to challenge the National Academy of Education.

Bie Tianxin was once one of those people, and one of the most arrogant.

But with a letter from his father, Su Moyu did not return to the Affiliated Palace after leaving Tianshuling, but directly joined the National College of Education. Many people knew that the two big men had different attitudes and positions. This challenge will naturally not end.

Bie Tianxin has never seen Chen Changsheng again, just saw the name from the mouth of Mr. Storyteller and those edicts. Until today in Hanqiu City, far away from Kyoto, I looked at the picture again without too many features. The face that I was not familiar with, but absolutely unforgettable, could not help but stunned.

He came to Hanqiucheng on behalf of the elders of the family to discuss things with the Zhu family. More importantly, he wanted to meet someone. He never expected that he would see Chen Changsheng here.

His heart beat faster, his mouth dry, because he was surprised and nervous. The whole mainland wants to know the whereabouts of Chen Changsheng. Why did he let him meet in Hanqiu City? What will happen next? What should I do? Need to take the initiative to salute?

Just when he was thinking about these things, Chen Changsheng had walked past him.

Chen Changsheng saw Bietianxin and recognized him, but it seemed like he did not.

Instead, the Nanke beside him looked at Chou Tianxin with some curiosity.



In the depths of a very secluded mansion in Hanqiu City, Don Tianxin recounted the scene of meeting Chen Changsheng, frowning slightly, looking a bit distressed.

The object of his speech was a young girl, her eyebrows moved, her cheeks reddish, and she looked a little cute. I wonder if it was because she was drinking.

"Are you afraid of him?"

The girl's voice was soft, but the tone was not, with a touch of ridicule and a seemingly innate dominance.

This sentence has only three simple words, and does not seem to respect Bie Tianxin and Chen Changsheng, because she is saying that Bie Tianxin is afraid of him, and it is because she directly calls Chen Changsheng for him.

Bie Tianxin is the only son in two directions, Chen Changsheng is the pope.

There are very few people who are qualified to say in this tone that they are on this continent, even if they are young girls of this age.

For example, Luoluo, such as Nanke, such as Little Black Dragon, it happens that they are all people around Chen Changsheng.

The girl was not Chen Changsheng's friend, but she still dared to speak like this, because she was not from the mainland.

She is from Daxizhou, just like they fell, they are also a high princess.

The wine poem, the most mysterious one of the six giants of the state religion, was robbed of all glory and power by the previous pope, but that belongs to the glory and power of the state religion.

As long as her blood is still there, she will have glory and power that no one can ignore. Her status is still respected, because she is the sister of the shepherd lady. In a sense, she represents the will of Daxizhou.

Don't look at her face, listening to her voice, your body will be a little soft, but not because of fear, but because of likes.

When he met by chance in Kyoto three years ago, he fell in love with her, and he liked to die.

No matter from which point of view, she deserves to be liked, qualified to be liked by him, is his most suitable marriage partner.

So even with sarcasm and contempt in her words, he would not be angry, just want to explain his last resort.

"Who would be afraid of that guy? It's just... he's the pope now, you are a big Xizhou from Xiaoshi, it doesn't matter, but I am different after all."

Obviously, the shepherd wine poetry did not care about his explanation, put down the hip flask and walked to the courtyard.

She looked at the gloomy sky and suddenly said after a moment of silence: "Why did he come to Hanqiu City?"

Don't think about it for a while, said solemnly: "Is he going to Wenshui?"

This is something anyone can see through, do you still need to think about it?

The poem of Mu Jiu didn't turn around, so other heavens couldn't see the ridicule in her lips and could only hear her praise.

"Brother Brother makes a lot of sense...that Kyoto and Wenshui should be notified immediately."

Don't Tianxin smile and say: "Relax, I will do it later."

Mu Ji poetry said softly: "Don't mention me."

Don’t mind to smile, and sighed: "Xiao Shi, I know that your Da Xizhou side is not as calm as the surface. Even the pastoral lady was forced to stay away from home, not to mention you, so you dare not let Our affairs let others know, but... you really don’t have to be afraid of anything, as long as my parents know about it, would your brother still dare to treat you?"

The wine poem turned around and looked at him and asked, "But what about your parents...what would be the idea?"

Don't look at her affectionately and say: "As long as I like it, my parents will like it."

The wine poem seemed to be moved, and came to him, looking at his eyes and asking softly, "How much do you like me?"

The lover is ahead, and the other hearts are very satisfied, and the love truly says: "I am willing to die for you."

Mu Ji poetry leaned gently on his shoulder, looked at the ancient locust tree in the courtyard, and said softly, "It's great."

Her hands were placed between his chest and abdomen, it seemed that she was blocked because of shyness. In fact, she only needed real money and good luck at this time to break the other heavenly palace.

Then he will really die.

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