Way of Choices

Chapter 814: New fellow

Chen Changsheng suddenly asked: "Is it possible for the Changsheng Sect to collude with the Demon Race?"

Folded sleeves said: "Daomen South sent the ancestral court, the famous gate is authentic, it doesn't make sense."

What he said makes no sense not based on moral judgment, but on the basis of interests.

The so-called betrayal always seeks benefits. The foundation of the longevity sect lies in the human race and the Taoist gate. What are the benefits of colluding with the demons?

Chen Changsheng said: "But have you ever thought, if it is not collusion with the old city of snow, why can Changshengzong seize the mother of the seven rooms?"

This is indeed a problem.

The whereabouts of the Devil Princess must have been extremely secretive, and logically speaking, it should not be so easily caught by the Changsheng Sect.

"After listening to what you said about Xueling, I have been thinking about this issue."

Folded sleeves said: "The Changsheng Sect was too ruthlessly killed by Su. Even if there is some potential in the south, there is no way to hide from the sky in Songshan Military Mansion."

Chen Changsheng looked into his eyes and said, "What if there are other helpers?"

Folded sleeves understood what he meant, and the chill in his eyes disappeared

They went to Wenshui on this trip to pick up a friend. Now it seems that they will inevitably ask more questions at that time.

The night shrouded the Gobi, and a low voice came from afar, maybe the beast was eating the corpses.

In the previous conversation, many parents of seven were mentioned, and the topic continued along this line.

Chen Changsheng asked: "How long have you not seen?"

Folded his sleeves for a moment and said, "Five years?"

Time is not fast or slow, it is easy to numb and forget many things.

Chen Changsheng asked: "Do you remember her?"

Folding his sleeves, thinking of the rush in Zhou Yuan and the death and death in the grassland of the setting sun, he carried her on her back, she showed him the way, and the lines on her face gradually softened.

He didn't answer Chen Changsheng's question, because he didn't need to answer, just like he didn't need to remember, because he never forgot.

"Don't worry, after curing your illness, we will accompany you to Lishan to raise relatives, of course, if she hasn't forgotten you."

"Tiannan's famous school, how can they despise the lonely ghost like me, and in the eyes of the world, I was originally a monster."

"You are not a solitary ghost, you are the deputy superintendent of the National College of Education. Besides... Lishan is different after all."

"What about you? How is Xu Yourong now? It has been a long time since the world heard her."

Hearing this folded sleeve, Chen Changsheng was quiet, and there was both miss and worry in his eyebrows.

The letter from Wenshui City was suspended for half a year, but the letter from the Maiden Peak was not received for almost two years, and he and she had not seen it for three years.

"She is retreating."

Chen Changsheng was silent for a moment, and continued to say: "Closed."

The monk will only go to death when it is the most critical time, because this is a very dangerous method of practice, and no one knows when it will break through. It may be possible for months, decades, or even decades. Sit directly in the cave house.

Xu Yourong's talent is amazing, and her death penalty is bound to be different, and the risk is even greater.

But folding the sleeves can understand why Xu Yourong chose to shut down.

The Virgin Peak needs a true virgin, and the Palace needs a real ally.

Then she needs to break through that threshold and enter the sacred realm in the shortest time.

Folding the sleeves, I didn't know what to say when I was afraid, so I reached out and patted Chen Changsheng's shoulder to express my comfort.

I haven’t seen each other for three years. They said a lot more than they did in the past, but after all they are people who are not good at speaking, unlike the guy in Wenshui City.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared on the distant mountain beam, and at the same time there was a strong and indifferent voice.

"No matter who you are, don't think about running away."

At this moment, Chen Changsheng and Folded Sleeve had a certain illusion, as if that guy really appeared.

The figure came down from the mountain beam and finally came to them.

Not that guy, but this guy and that guy are indeed very similar in some respects, so when they met each other, they were tit-for-tat.

The man was a swordsman, covered in dust, but he couldn't hide his heroic force.

Chen Changsheng and Zhexiu had just talked about Lishan for a long time, and there was really someone coming from Lishan.

Guan Feibai, the fourth of the Seven Laws of the Kingdom of God, the sword genius from the mountain, is only under the Qiushan monarch with his talent.

Guan Feibai was surprised when he suddenly saw Chen Changsheng, who had disappeared for three years, in the desolate northern stone mountain. He opened his mouth and did not know what to say.

Then he remembered that Chen Changsheng was no longer an ordinary student of the National College of Education, but His Majesty the Pope.

They are acquaintances, but the disciples of Lishan Jianzong's generation are very different from their uncles.

He saluted Chen Changsheng and said, "See His Majesty the Pope."

Chen Changsheng had already got up and returned the gift seriously.

Guan Feibai has many questions to ask, but hesitates to speak.

Chen Changsheng asked: "Why are you here?"

Guan Feibai said: "I was instructed to go out of Languan to detect the enemy's situation, and accidentally discovered that there was a change in the bear family, and found it along the clues."

Folding his sleeves and glancing at him, he looked surprised: "Are you doing scouts?"

Guan Feibai raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you allowed to do it?"

There did not seem to be much change when the dynasty was tested, and when it was in Tianshuling.

Among the inner disciples of Lishan Jianzong's generation at that time, the only thing that Chen Changsheng was somewhat against was Guan Feibai.

The reason is very simple. His temperament is too hard, his temper is bad, and he is too violent. He never spares his mouth.

No one except the friends in the same camp will like this kind of person. Just like the State Education College in the eyes of the world, the one that hates the most is always Tang.

Later, Chen Changsheng's perception of Guan Feibai changed a lot, not because of the coexistence of the Tianshuling and the stone-making conference, but when the State Education Academy was later suppressed by the court and no one dared to support... Guan Feibai came.

He said a few words with Chen Changsheng, and then asked Chen Changsheng to send himself out of the hospital.

This is an attitude, and he does not mind letting this attitude be seen throughout Kyoto.

Chen Changsheng is very grateful and says thank you.

Guan Feibai said you are welcome.

For these young people who have experienced Xun Mei's trespassing in Shinto and Wang Po sent off, these two sentences represent a very important meaning.

From now on, we are friends.

"Have you killed all?"

Guan Feibai pointed to the mountain beam behind.

Chen Changsheng looked forward to folding his sleeves.

Folded sleeves did not speak, because he did not talk.

Chen Changsheng had no choice but to explain it himself.

"In the past few years, the human bear tribe and the demon tribe have been colluding secretly. It was only last year that we looked at our side, and they came back together again. The foundation is not clean and it is easy to be driven." Guan Feibai looked at him and asked: "Question Lies in, who is going to kill you?"

Chen Changsheng said: "We are going to Wenshui."

In a very simple sentence, Guan Feibai understood, and asked after a moment of silence: "Is that guy okay?"



(I know that the folded sleeve sentence doesn't need to be remembered, because the words I didn't forget are too sour, too lyrics, but I thought about it a few times, and still didn't delete...hehe)

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