Way of Choices

Chapter 816: Daxizhou's Ambition

The stranger in Tsing Yi didn't expect him to see through his origins at a glance, and was silent for a while, and said, "I didn't expect that the level of the strong people in the mainland is so high now. It’s even worse than you. Is it better for you to practice here?"

The stargazers and Tieshu he said are all strong people who have a deep relationship with Daxizhou. Tieshu is originally a Daxizhou native.

"Are you old with Iron Tree?" Wang Po asked.

The Tsing Yi geek said: "It is indeed an old acquaintance."

Wang Po looked at him quietly and asked, "Are you going to avenge him?"

The Tsing Yi geek laughed, his voice still so hoarse.

"Revenge? When Tie Shu was chased into the sea by me, he was finally rescued by stargazers, wouldn't he want me to avenge him?"

Three years ago in the First World War in Kyoto, Tie Shu died under Wang Po's breakthrough, but no one would deny Tie Shu's strength. When he was in Daxizhou, Tieshu had not yet broken through that threshold, but he was also a very talented strongman. He was so tragically murdered by this person. I think that this person must have a very high status and great reputation in Daxizhou.

Wang Po thought of this person's previous emotions and said, "It's not that Middle-earth is more suitable for spiritual practice. It's just that there are many monks on our side, and competition is inevitable."

The Tsing Yi geek pondered for a moment and said, "reasonable, then in your opinion, where is my realm strength now in Middle-earth?"

Wang Po said: "It should be able to rank in the top ten."

The mainland is vast and there are countless powerful people. Everyone such as Wang Po has personally certified that this person can be ranked in the top ten. I can imagine that this person is indeed extraordinary.

However, this sentence only exchanged a sigh for the Tsing Yi geek.

"Is it just the top ten?"

The Tsing Yi geek said with emotion: "Partial security, calm and joy, after all, it is not the right way of cultivating, it will definitely fall behind."

Wang Po said: "Calm and joy, and also wish."

"If you fall behind, you will be beaten, and the closure will eventually rot. We should come back." Tsing Yi said, looking at Wang Po's eyes.

Wang Po was silent for a long time and said, "I have no idea about this matter."

If the people of Daxizhou want to return to the Middle-earth continent, it will be a major event and will cause a lot of trouble and disputes.

Because even if only a small part of the strong come back, they still need the site and resources,

But from the Emperor Taizong to the Emperor Tianhai to the present day, from the alliance with the demon clan, to the confluence of the north and the south, and then to the east and west walls, this is the general trend.

Because of the need to fight against the demons, until the demons are completely eliminated, humans must unite all their strengths.

After all, people living in Daxizhou are human races. In the eyes of many strong human races, they are more trustworthy than demon races in the White Emperor City and should be closer. As for the demon clan itself, it might have worried that the return of the Daxizhou forces to the mainland would affect their status, but now that their queen is from Daxizhou, they should not be too vigilant.

There are very few people who are qualified to decide on this matter. The Emperor Dazhou, the Pope, the saint, and the Bai Emperor couple now have to add a merchant boat.

Powerful people like Wang Po, of course, also have a certain say.

In the past, Wang Po supported it, but now his thinking has changed.

Obviously, whether it was that the pastoral wine poetry almost became the heir of the pope, or at this time, the great sacred realm in Daxizhou led people to try to intercept Chen Changsheng, it can be seen that between the merchant boat and Daxizhou through the shepherd lady Some kind of agreement was made.

Nowadays, the confrontation between the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the state religion is becoming more and more serious. They are staring at each other. It is very difficult for the court to quietly use the real strong men to kill the pope, but Daxizhou is a force outside the original chessboard.

If Chen Changsheng really walked along the river as originally planned, if Wang Po didn’t come, Daxizhou could really kill him.

Wang Po does not accept such things.

"Since you have no idea about this matter, why should you appear here?"

The Tsing Yi geek looked at him and said: "The state religion must have been prepared early, and it does not need you to come forward, or does His Majesty the Pope want to use this method to force you to show your position?"

"No idea, does not mean that there is no position, my position has never changed."

Wang Po said: "I used to hold the correct position between Tianhai and the royal family, between the court and Suli, and now between their teachers and students."

Tsing Yi geek asked: "What is correct?"

Wang Po said: "His Majesty the Pope is a good man."

What is the correct position? How to judge right and wrong? It turned out to be simple good and bad.

But people will change, so how to judge? If you can’t look at I, then look at it for a while, as long as he is good at this moment, it is enough, such as Su Li, who was seriously injured in the snow field of the magic field that year, such as Chen who was seriously injured by the sea flute on the battlefield more than a year ago. Longevity should not be treated like this in your own world.

The Tsing Yi geek asked after a moment of silence: "What if the Tang family is going to kill him?"

Wang Po remembered the snowstorm in Kyoto three years ago.

He and Tie Shu sat on both sides of the table, and the second Tang family spoke four words.

Grace is like a mountain.

so what?

He still hit the second man's face with a knife and a sheath, and he still cut the iron tree with the knife.

Grace is like a mountain and it is gracious, but it is another matter to threaten the enlightenment.

The stranger in Tsing Yi understood his silence and shook his head. "It was the second son of the Tang family. Now he wants to enter Wenshui, and you have to face the old man."

Many years ago, Wang Po worked as a tenant in Wenshui for many years. Mrs. Tang treated and nurtured him like his own son. He has not returned to Wenshui for many years, so will he go back this year? As the Tsing Yi Tsai said, the whole continent wants to know, if he really returns to Wenshui, how should he face the old man? No matter how strong he is, and his determination, can he still raise a knife to Mrs. Tang?

Watching Wang Po's figure disappear in the lower reaches of Xuehe River, Rob was silent for a long time, and his fingers moved gently in the plum blossoms without making any sound.

For him, he did not know how to deal with this situation.

The Tsing Yi geek also left.

Rob left the river and followed him, always about two or three miles away.

This mysterious visitor from Daxizhou is obviously a strong man in the sacred field. It is very difficult to want to follow the other party without disturbing the other party. It can even be said to be dead. But Rob didn't mean to stop, because he wanted to find out the truth of the whole thing.

Just like that year, in order to get the key, he took great risks and spent months with the young strongmen in the old town of Snow.

And he was confident that he would not be discovered by the Tsing Yi geek.

Both sides of the snowy river are covered with long-dead winter grass, which is covered with frost, and is very similar to the grass around the Hanya Racecourse. It looks like countless swords piled together.

He walked among the frost and grass as if to be one with the surroundings, because he was also a sword.

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