Way of Choices

Chapter 822: Like a mountain! Like the sea! Ruqi!

The Baishi Taoist face was shocked, and he looked around, but he was still outside the Taoist hall and in the woods.

The little girl is still in front of her eyes, the cold breath is still behind her neck.

What's wrong? Obviously the falling star stone has broken through the space, why is he still in place?

Bai Shi Taoist looked at his feet, his face suddenly became pale.

The falling star still floats quietly in the black space.

But that black space is getting smaller at a rate visible to the naked eye.

A sacred power that didn't know where it came from was just like a wave of water, constantly patting the black space.

The falling star stone's distortion of the law of heaven and earth has completely lost its effect, and the petals and leaves no longer continue to sink, but stay in place.

As if he had no way to enter that passage, he could only stay where he was.

Where did the water-like power come from? Why is it so sacred and solemn? Why can't even the falling star stone bear?

Huo Ran, the Baishi Taoist, turned and looked away from the water lines on the ground, and finally fell behind the pear tree behind the God Gate.

Chen Changsheng stood quietly under the pear tree and looked at him quietly, not seeming to be worried that he would run away at all.

He held a magic wand in his hand.

That is the rod that represents the highest divine will of the state religion.

The bottom of the wand is in the mud, shallow, but unshakable.

Numerous sacred breaths, centered on the scepter, spread toward the surroundings of the Taoist Temple, like water waves.

The petals and green leaves in the wood slowly floated up, three feet above the ground, and they no longer continued to rise.

The grass at the bottom of the river floated slowly, three feet away from the water, and no longer hungry for the sky.

Between the movement and the static, there is a very harmonious beauty.

The ultimate beauty is solemn, Xinghai is solemn, and solemn is sacred.

The entire Dao Dian, as well as the surrounding trees and rivers, turned into a sea of ​​stars.

Any divine power encountering this star sea will become a part of it, indulge or indulge until it disappears or symbiosis.

The falling star stone is the treasure of national religion and the wisdom achievement of countless generations of sages in the palace. When there is a pope's scepter, where will there be any will to fight?

The Baishi Taoist clearly felt that the falling star stone was separating from his Dao heart, and finally wanted to understand the truth, and his face was paler. At this time, the strong national religion gathered, even if the falling star stone was in hand, he could only think of how to get out of trouble.

He couldn't care so much, forcibly took the initiative to cut off the connection with the falling star stone, suffered the damage caused by the antipathy of the Shinto, swallowed the sweet blood, the real yuan luck, pushed the Dao Dao to the limit , Slanting across the little girl's side, turned into a gust of wind and swept out of the woods.

Eucalyptus flexed his arms, and the belt moved against the wind, bringing countless petals, and wanted to enchant the eyes.

The Baishi Taoist was not blinded, but his eyes were blocked.

More importantly, the belt and the countless petals rolled up, as if to change the position in the woods.

When the petals dispersed, what Bai Shi Taoist saw was not the stone steps leading to the outside of the forest, but the extremely cold face of King Linghai.

The King of Linghai first quietly retreated after the first attack, and then did not shoot again, waiting until now.

Where will he give Baishi Taoist a chance?

He waved his long-held iron ruler and smashed it towards the White Stone Taoist behind the petals.

The dark iron ruler seemed to have countless stars lit up at this instant.

There was a muffled noise.

The iron ruler broke through the defense of the Baishi Taoist and fell heavily on his shoulder.

His shoulder bone was cut in two, and the palace was shocked. He could no longer control it, and he spurted blood into the sky.

Just as he was about to blast Zhenyuan and forcibly break through the King of Linghai, he suddenly felt a cold waist.

He is familiar with this coolness, so he feels terrified.

The coolness had been following him before, as if a ghost was blowing his neck.

Now, this coolness came to the waist.

There was an extremely slight muffled noise.

Just like that very old analogy.

A skin sac filled with wine was pierced.

A sword tip came out of the belly of the Baishi Taoist.

The tip of this sword is not sharp, but it looks like a broken face after being cut off by a sharp tool. There are some very complicated patterns and patterns on it.

Those patterns and patterns looked extraordinarily fascinating when they were stained with blood.

Logically, a strong man such as the Baishi Taoist, even if he was punctured by a sword, could still have combat power.

But somehow, he suddenly became weak at this time, as if the sword with countless demonic energies was engulfing his life.

Baishi Daoren looked down at his abdomen, looked at the sword, and there were countless shocks in his blank eyes, and a cry of pain and despair.

He has seen this sword on the map of Dao Dian, he knows this sword.

——Magic handsome flag sword that has disappeared for hundreds of years!



Divine prestige is like sea!

Iron ruler is like a mountain!

The magic sword is like a flag!

No matter how powerful Baishi Taoist people were, he suffered three such terrible attacks in a row, and finally could no longer support them. He spurted blood and knelt on the ground, giving up resistance.

He raised his head hard, and found that the little girl was still standing in front of him, with a calm expression.

From beginning to end, the little girl didn't shoot, but no matter where he went, she would always appear in front of him.

This lack of shots is more frightening than shots.

Who is this little girl? How can it have such a horrible speed and body style? Bai Shi Taoist stared at her face, and suddenly thought of a possibility, his eyes showed incredible emotions, turned around and looked into the gate of God, and shouted loudly: "You dare to take her by the side!"

Chen Changsheng did not answer his words, put away his wand, and thanked Guan Feibai softly.

From the moment when the King of Linghai attacked, Guan Feibai did not know what happened, but he subconsciously stood in front of Chen Changsheng and held the sword handle.

Because he knew that Chen Changsheng's serious injury had not healed, and he lost too much blood, he needed to be protected.

By this time, he knew something vaguely, and the hand holding the hilt shivered slightly.

All this happened too suddenly.

Even if he was as calm as a sword, he suddenly found that he had personally participated in the big event of the state religion.

Hearing the words of Bai Shi Taoist, Eucalyptus vaguely understood something, and looked at the little girl with a sly expression, and he just stopped talking.

The King of Linghai must have guessed it, but he was not affected by the Baishi Taoist sentence, and asked with a blank expression: "Since you guessed that we have discovered that you dare to follow the city, is it the Dao Zun or the Tang family? Your safety? Or do you think that the falling star stone is in your hand, you can do whatever you want?"

The blood on the front of the Baishi Taoist was full of blood, and he looked miserable, but his attitude was still tough, and he said in a deep voice: "I really did not expect that the scepter can suppress the falling star stone, it seems that this is what the Pope used to control The Six Temples, but what about it? You can’t kill me on the spot?"

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