Way of Choices

Chapter 831: Sleepless night had to run along the water

Folded his sleeves and looked at the deep hole in the grass, not knowing what he was thinking.

Chen Changsheng, Nan Ke, and Guan Feibai walked past, and saw some gray flesh scattered on the grass. It looked disgusting. It must have been left by the monster.

The great movement in the back garden of the Taoist Temple naturally aroused a lot of people. The king of Linghai, Eugene Lin and the Bishop of Wenshui who were instructed to do things were all rushed over.

No one spoke, just looked at Chen Changsheng.

Chen Changsheng said: "If I am correct, this monster is the Susu I just asked you to check."

The King of Linghai asked: "Eternal life?"

Chen Changsheng was silent for a while, and said, "I suspect that it was the result of chopping the corpse before the death of the predecessor Changsheng.

The King of Linghai and others had extensive knowledge and listened to the word chopping corpses, and then reminiscent of the vicious Dao method Chen Changsheng just mentioned, his expression changed slightly.

Guan Feibai paid more attention to another question, and looked at Chen Changsheng and asked, "Except Su? What are the two words?"

Chen Changsheng said: "It should be the two words you think."

Earlier listening to the name Chu Su, Guan Feibai felt a little strange, and somehow gave birth to a chill. At this time, he finally understood why it came, and Shen Sheng said: "It turns out that Changsheng Zong still hasn't forgotten the hatred that year. Just want to deal with Uncle Shi with such a monster?"

Folded sleeves said: "This monster has strong realm strength, pure Taoism, evil breath, the most troublesome is a body of poison and speed, and the ability to escape. It may appear near us anytime and anywhere for sneak attacks. The assassination is terrible."

He is the most terrifying concealer and assassin on the snowfield. Now, even he admits that the monster is dangerous.

Listening to this, the scene fell silent.

The Taoist Temple is protected by arrays of laws. It is also related to Fei Bai. The monster was able to quietly approach Chen Changsheng quietly and issue a sinister sneak attack. What is even more terrifying is that after the continuous blows from Guan Feibai, Nanke and Folded Sleeves, the monster was only injured and did not die on the spot.

You have to know that although these three are young, they are definitely the most powerful among the younger generation of practitioners today.

This monster is far from enough to deal with Su Li's nature, but if he is hiding near everyone and is ready to shoot at any time, it is really difficult to prevent.

"Everyone will be more careful in the future."

Chen Changsheng looked at Guan Feibai and said: "Especially you, when you meet Su in the future, don’t use the killing tricks easily. Although I haven’t touched them, I can feel that the poisonousness on him is very troublesome. I may not be able to solve it."

This is said before, Guan Feibai prepared to use the last form of the Lishan sword patriarchal sword to fight hard with the opponent.

"I will be more cautious in the future, how about you? Have you been injured." Guan Feibai looked at Chen Changsheng's ankle.

Chen Changsheng said: "It's fine."

He still had some black flocs on his ankles, which had long since died, and disappeared without a trace of the night breeze.

Guan Feibai looked at Nanke again, thinking that you had hit the monster directly before. Don’t you worry about poisoning?

Immediately afterwards, he remembered her true identity, only to realize that he thought much.

The bloodline of the Yue bird is the most poisonous thing in the world, how can it be afraid of other poisonous poison.

The king of Linghai suddenly looked at Chen Changsheng and said sternly: "Please also be more cautious in your actions, and you must not be as before."

Previously, Chen Changsheng sent them to do things, but did not let Nan Ke protect himself, standing alone by the water and meditating.

In his view, this is very unwise, and even more irresponsible to the hundreds of millions of believers in the state religion.

Chen Changsheng understood that he was well-intentioned and said, "Don't worry, I haven't recovered from my injury, and the Qi machine's induction is a little slower before I can take advantage of it.

After saying this, he looked across the river.

There was so much movement in the Taoist Temple, the opposite side was still so quiet, and no one appeared.

Only a few barks came from a distance.

The shadow of the buildings along the river fell on the street and on the water, and I didn't know what was hidden.



It may be that the wine in Wenshui City is too real, or it may be that the people who are drying in the sunset are too lazy. Rob has not left after drinking in the restaurant. He stayed in the inn behind the building and fell asleep. In the middle of the night, I woke up somehow.

He walked into the shadow of the side lane of the restaurant and looked at the river not far away, trying to confirm whether the feeling during the day was an illusion.

He didn't see the cluster of water plants, because at that time, the cluster of water plants was close to the opposite bank and entered the ground of the Taoist Temple along the gap between the rocks.

What happened next fell in his eyes.

The monster was indeed unexpectedly brutal and terrible, even he held the sword handle subconsciously.

He didn't shoot at first because he was curious about Chen Changsheng's true standard.

He did not expect that he would later see his brother.

He still didn't shoot, because he believed his brother.

Of course, this is also because he is sure that he can master the whole situation.

The Wenshui under the starlight is like a spread silver ribbon, very wide.

If Chen Changsheng or his younger brother really faced an unsolvable danger, his sword would naturally pass, ignoring the width of the river.

He did not think of what happened next.

Chen Changsheng and his younger brother failed to catch or kill the sneak attack monster.

The monster was able to escape, and the speed was so amazing that it disappeared into the depths of Wenshui in an instant.

All these unexpectedly turned out to make him feel helpless.

He just couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, got up casually, and then prepared to go back to sleep beautifully.

As a result, he just let him watch such a lively scene, and the monster's final destination was only seen by him.

Well, he can only keep up.



The monster was deep in the bottom of the water, under the cover of mud and sand, moving forward silently, still very fast.

Rob leaps between the houses on the street, covering his figure by the eaves shadow and the occasional clouds in the night sky. It is also quiet and fast.

In the end, he failed to catch up with the monster, but watched a slight ripple in Wenshui, turned to the right channel, and disappeared into a manor.

He took out the charcoal pen and drawing paper and drew the last scene he saw. The starry sky above the manor and the countless lights inside were all so real.

The manor is really big, the buildings inside look ordinary, but the noble meaning can't be concealed.

Then he noticed that he was outside the side entrance of another manor.

The two manor houses are opposite each other across the river and there are countless lights.

He walked into the manor.

Or because the owner of this manor is seriously ill and the young master is imprisoned in the ancestral hall, the hearts of the people have dispersed, and the security is not too strict. Especially the peripheral houses and small courtyards, from time to time, there are voices from people, a little noisy, compared with the gorgeous courtyard in the middle is much quieter.

In that magnificent courtyard, he saw an old loyal servant full of worries and a miserable maid.

Then he heard the quarrel from the corner door.

"Your brains are clear! Uncle is already dying, who dares to fight with the Second Lord?"

"Pope? This is the Tang Family in Wenshui, no one needs to give face!"

"Don't think that the pope is coming, the long room will have a backing, otherwise why the prodigal son is still kneeling in the ancestral hall?"

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