Way of Choices

Chapter 833: I really want to meet the old lady

Chen Changsheng knew that the teachings of the 13th Division of Qingyao and Xu Yourong had all been to Wenshui and had personally seen the uncle Changfang, but he decided to take a look at it himself.

As he just said to the old man in charge, he has absolute confidence in medical treatment.

Even if everyone concludes that Grandpa Chang is not poisoned, but suffering from an incurable disease, he still has to see it with his own eyes to believe it.

He looked at the sleepy middle-aged man, trying to find some traces of Tang 36 between his eyes, but found it difficult.

It may be because of being too thin, or it may be because of the golden face.

He sat by the bed and began to take the pulse. After half an hour, he took out the gold needle and pierced the other's meridian, and began to make a more detailed observation.

This time it took a long time. Until the winter reached Zhongtian, his fingers were still holding the tail of the gold needle, making a very rhythmic tremor.

The door closed tightly, isolating all the pictures, and no one knew what was going on inside.

Nan Ke stood in front of the door, expressionless and motionless.

Whether it was the Jin stool brought by Mrs. Tang personally, or the Jin Ming presented by the hands of the big maid, she didn't take a look at it, let alone speak.

At the beginning, when the majesty of the Pope entered the uncle's room, the people in the long room couldn't help but look happy. When they want to come, His Majesty the Pope can refine Zhu Sha Dan of the living dead, the medical technique must be extremely brilliant, even if the Holy Light technique can not save the uncle, feed the uncle to eat Zhu Sha Dan. However, with the passage of time, people gradually became anxious, and some daring maids tried to peek at them, but they were scared back by Nan Ke's eyes.

I don't know how long it took, the closed door finally opened, and Chen Changsheng walked out of it.

Mrs. Tang greeted her, and she had been very calm before. At this time, she could no longer suppress her emotions, her face was tense, and she looked a little hopeful.

Looking at Mrs. Tang's expression, Chen Changsheng took back what he wanted to say.

After such a long time of probing into the golden needle, he has a very comprehensive understanding of the physical condition of Uncle Tang, but the more he understands, the more strange he feels. There is indeed no residue of toxins in the body of Uncle Tang's body, nor any symptoms of poisoning, but the meridians gradually wither and the vitality is constantly disappearing.

The problem is that he couldn't find the cause, so there is no way to cure it, and there is still a very strange place. He deeply felt some cold breath in the depth of the main hang of the Tang Dynasty's liver meridian, but only that breath Very weak, unable to trace the source, it may be an old disease many years ago, or it may be...

"Has Uncle Tang been injured in the waist before?" he asked Mrs. Tang.

Mrs. Tang recalled it seriously, shaking her head and saying, "There are a lot of injuries, but I really didn't hurt my waist."

Chen Changsheng suddenly noticed a confused expression on Nanke's small face and asked, "What's wrong?"

Nanke looked at him and said, "I seem to smell something."

Is Chen Changsheng really the case? She turned and led her into the room and said, "Smell it carefully."

Nanke sniffed at the air like a puppy, moved constantly under his feet, getting closer and closer to the bed.

Finally, she stopped by the bed, watching Chen Changsheng nodded.

Chen Changsheng understood what she meant.

Mrs. Tang was very intelligent. Although she did not understand the specific meaning of Nanke, she understood that her face suddenly turned white and her body shook slightly.

Chen Changsheng watched her and shook her head.

Mrs. Tang's face showed a determined look, stabilized her mind, and stabilized her body.

At this time, there were some weeping sounds outside the second door, listening to the sound of men and women, old and young.

"Qingtian opened his eyes, uncle, you are finally saved!"

"His Majesty the Pope Ende Qitian, Hu Hu and I are willing to make you cattle and horses!"

"Uncle, wake up!"

Listening to these voices, the faces of the girls in the inner house showed a shameless expression, and the several mothers who were in charge were extremely angry. If they were not thinking of His Majesty the Pope here, they would only scold and hate: " Where do these shameless people really care about the old man, just because the old man is saved by his majesty to clean them up!"

Chen Changsheng grew up in the Taoist temple. Where did he see these sinister things in his family's old house?

"In the past six months, Tanger prayed blessings for his father in the ancestral hall, and I was anxious to treat the uncle.

Mrs. Tang said with apology and invited him to take a break in the study in the compartment.

The study was very quiet, and there were no real crying from the distance.

Except for Mrs. Tang and him, only Nan Ke followed.

There was no outsider present, and Mrs. Tang finally showed her true emotions, her eyes reddish: "Thank you His Majesty the Pope for his kindness, and also please His Majesty to save the uncle’s life. This Tang’s property can be given to the second room, I just want the uncle Can live, Tanger can be released."

Chen Changsheng said: "You can rest assured that everything is about the safety of Uncle Tang and Tang Tang."

Mrs. Tang looked at his eyes and confirmed that it was the truth, and then she really felt relieved and said, "Today, you may have to borrow your majesty like a sea god."

Chen Changsheng understood what she meant and said, "Madam, but use it anyway."



When I returned to the Taoist Temple, the time was almost twilight, the sunset shone on Wenshui, and Chen Changsheng came to the water again.

The backyard grassland has been restored as new, and there is no trace of the assassination last night.

Archbishop Eucalyptus, Guan Feibai and others closely followed him, and he no longer wanted the situation that happened again last night.

It didn't take long for the King of Linghai to return and bring back the latest news.

In the name of running into the majesty of the Pope, Mrs. Tang directly killed three second-class stewards and more than ten family members, and expelled seven or eight women.

At the time of execution, the king of Linghai stood beside him and said nothing, so no one dared to speak.

The face of the Tang family's old man was unsightly, and he remained silent.

After listening to what happened in Tang's parents' room, Guan Feibai felt very depressed.

He, like Gou Hanshi and most other Lishan Jianzong disciples, was born in poverty, and had some natural resistance to all the children of the family except the master brothers. The style is not happy.

He did not expect that Hanmen has the suffering of Hanmen, and the family also has the suffering of the family, and it is relatively darker, and the relatives are more ruthless. Imagine if the uncle of the Tang family really died of illness, and the thirty-sixth prison was in the ancestral hall.

"I have to find a way to get that guy out soon." He looked at Chen Changsheng and said.

Chen Changsheng thought more.

In addition to the rescue of Tang Thirty-six from the ancestral hall, the uncle Tang's illness has also been raised.

Just to solve these two things, after all, it still depends on the attitude of the Tang family.

He said to Bishop Wenshui: "Arrange, I will meet Mrs. Tang tomorrow."

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