Way of Choices

Chapter 837: Standing snow

The entire continent knows that even after Tianhai Sheng, he still respected Mrs. Tang.

Chen Changsheng knew more clearly from Tang 36. The old man Tang yelled at Tianhai's family in the old house every day, but rarely involved the mother herself.

The Emperor Tianhai called on Mrs. Tang to come to Beijing. Mrs. Tang did not accept the order. It seemed tough, but also explained some problems from the side.

Mrs. Tang doesn't like the Empress Tianhai, she is a demon queen in his eyes.

But Tianhai Shenghou has always made him very afraid, and even made him feel admired in some ways.

Chen Changsheng said: "I want to use this cup of tea to change two words for you to listen to me."

If he entered the old mansion at the beginning, he would say those two sentences on his own, and it would naturally be heard by Mrs. Tang.

But hearing does not mean you can listen in.

He wanted Mr. Tang to listen carefully to these two sentences, and he had to listen in.

Listen into your ears, listen into your heart.

Mrs. Tang still didn't speak, or this represented tacit consent.

"Uncle Tang is not sick, but poisoned."

This is the first sentence Chen Changsheng said.

Mrs. Tang’s expression remained unchanged, as if he had not heard it.

"The second prince of the Tang family colluded with the Mozu."

This is the second sentence Chen Changsheng said.

Mrs. Tang squinted slightly, then slowly put the teacup back on the table.

He looked at Chen Changsheng, and there was no emotion in his voice: "His Pope's sword is really sharp and the track is very clear, but you should not have a sword today."

These two sentences are indeed swords.

These are the two swords that Chen Changsheng has prepared for a long time.

This is the sword technique he learned from Su Li.

Mrs. Tang and Su Li have known each other for many years and have a close relationship. How can they not see through?

So for the first time, the four words of His Majesty the Pope spoke from the mouth of the old lady.

From this moment on, there are no more elders and juniors, clear porridge and small tea, tea drinking tea, brand friends.

"I don't take the initiative, but passive defense."

Chen Changsheng didn’t have anything to do with the change of the attitude of Grandpa Tang. He said calmly: "That night, Xueling was a sword from the Tang family. Later, in Hanqiu City, and last night, there were people who wanted to kill me. Reason."

Mrs. Tang said two words very concisely: "Evidence."

Even if Chen Changsheng is the pope, there can be no accusation of the Tang family without evidence.

This is the old mansion of the Tang family, not the Songshan Military Mansion, and his opponents are not the princes and generals in the court, but the old man Tang.

"I have no evidence." Chen Changsheng did not wait for Mr. Tang to express his position, and continued: "Except for the devil's words, I have no evidence, and of course the devil's words may be provoking, but I have a witness, the princess Mozu Guest, she is a little demented now, and she doesn't even lie."

Mrs. Tang's eyes narrowed even more, unlike the old fox, but like a very flaky sheet in the mountains that had been hit by wind and rain for many years.

"So what does His Majesty the Pope want me to promise you?"

"I need an hour."

"Time belongs to you."

"What I need is an hour in Wenshui City."

Chen Changsheng looked at Grandpa Tang and said: "I will find the monster of Changshengzong in one hour, and he is the evidence."

What is an hour in Wenshui City? He didn't make it clear, but the meaning was clear. At this hour, he hoped that the Tang family could hand over the control of Wenshui City to the state religion. When the state religion was searching or even chasing, the Tang family could not intervene.

There is no doubt that this is a very whimsical and even ridiculous idea.

For countless years, whether it is His Majesty Emperor Taizong or the Emperor Tianhai, he has never really controlled Wenshui City.

Now Chen Changsheng wants to do this, even if it is only a very short hour, it is absolutely impossible to be accepted by the Tang family.

The outcome of the negotiations seemed to be doomed from the beginning.

But Chen Changsheng still mentioned it, because he hoped that his predecessor had changed some ideas of Mrs. Tang.

Unfortunately, what he wanted to see did not happen.

"Three days ago, he was sitting where you are, and I said something about the same as you. I didn't agree."

Mrs. Tang looked at him expressionlessly and said, "Unless you can persuade him to change his surname, His Majesty the Pope, there is no need to discuss this matter."

Chen Changsheng said after a moment of silence: "Even if you know that there is something wrong with the Tang family, you know that the evidence is in Wenshui City?"

"Do you think I care about this? Your Majesty the Pope, you are too young to know how many dark or even dark things we old people have seen. I don’t want to believe it, I won’t believe it. If you want to change my mind, take it. Pay the corresponding price."

Mrs. Tang glanced at the old umbrella outside the door and said, "It's not enough to make me nostalgic."

Chen Changsheng was silent for a while and said, "I hope you can think about it again."

Mrs. Tang said: "I have made a decision."

Chen Changsheng said: "You need not worry, I can wait."

Mrs. Tang said: "I don't like outsiders in my house."

Chen Changsheng said: "I can wait outside the old house."

Mrs. Tang said, "Please, please."

Chen Changsheng got up and walked outside, crossed the threshold, picked up the old umbrella, and entered the courtyard.

During the time I was talking with Mrs. Tang, the snow was getting bigger and bigger, and a thick layer was accumulated on the bluestone floor. It was a bit soft and comfortable to step on.

Chen Changsheng held up the old umbrella and walked out of the old house under the leadership of the old worship.

The King of Linghai and others greeted him.

Chen Changsheng shook his head.

The expression of King Linghai and others has not changed, because they have thought in advance that it is impossible for Mrs. Tang to agree to that request.

The request of His Majesty the Pope, although logically speaking, is indeed the best way to directly open the shady and find the main messenger, but...

What if the main messenger is Mrs. Tang? Even if it is not, Wenshui City is the Tang family, Tang family is the old man Tang, does His Majesty the Pope want to lift the heavy curtain on the Wenshui City, does it mean that he wants to lift the clothes of the old man Tang to see what happened? How could Mr. Tang agree.

The King of Linghai and others are going to welcome Chen Changsheng back to the temple, and go back to the Taoist Temple to discuss again.

Chen Changsheng shook his head again, turned to the Tang's old house, and stood in the snow like this.

Countless eyes fell on him, first puzzled, then quickly turned into shock.

Is His Majesty the Pope ready to stand in the snow, waiting for Mrs. Tang to change his mind?



(Will the chapter names of these two chapters add up to become a cup of snow? They have almost forgotten the content, when will they be reviewed again.)

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