Way of Choices

Chapter 841: I use the ancestral hall as a card game

Choosing the latter, the Tang family is very likely to win a turbulence or even split, and in the end the former has a greater chance of winning.

Then this multiple choice question is very simple.

Mrs. Tang’s decision to support Shang Zhou Zhou will naturally give up Chen Changsheng.

Mrs. Tang decided to pass the Tang family to the second room, and naturally began to suppress the long room.

If Tang Thirty-six is ​​a mediocre generation, or this matter will be relatively simple.

But he is not, and he has a friend, His Majesty the Pope.

So Mrs. Tang can only put him in the ancestral hall.

He may be imprisoned for a lifetime until he becomes a mad man with white hair decades or a hundred years later.

Of course, it is more likely that when the business firm re-conquered the state religion and removed Chen Changsheng, he would be given a bowl of poison.

Yes, poison, dagger, white damask, earth pit, no matter what kind of means, after all, it is a death.

If it were in previous years, Tang Sanshi certainly did not think that the old lady would do so.

Now he has long understood that the so-called kind grandfather is just an illusion, or illusion.

Mrs. Tang hugged him on his knees, telling those long-term stories, depicting the future of the colorful, spoiled, this is of course love.

But what he loves is not the little boy in his arms and laps, but the future of the Tang family.

Now, Mrs. Tang has arranged a new future for the Tang family and has a new grandson.

So, for the future of the Tang family, how much he loved Tang 36 at the beginning, and how cold he is now.

From the moment when he wanted to understand this matter, Tang Sanshi never expected his grandfather to let himself out.

He did not want to be imprisoned in his ancestral hall for a lifetime, nor did he want to die silently.

He wanted to leave here, but he did not make any attempts.

Because the day after he was imprisoned in the ancestral hall, many father's loyal subordinates tried to save him.

Those people died, and afterwards, the long room died more people.

He could only be more silent.

Whether it was a piece of paper caught in a stone thrown in outside the wall, or a secret note engraved on the bottom of a dish serving dishes, he could only pretend that he could not see it.

Gradually, no more naughty boys threw stones into the wall, and no kites appeared in the sky.

The main entrance of the ancestral hall has not been opened for a long time.



Even if the maintenance is good, when the door that has not been opened for a long time is opened again, there will always be some unpleasant squeaks.

The main entrance of the ancestral hall opened, and a cold winter wind flew in with snowflakes.

Tang Thirty-six sat on the futon and stared at the top row of cards, without looking back.

The old Tang family walked behind him and said, "The old lady has something to say to you."

There is no idle narrative after a long time, no booze, no even a brief summary.

The old envoy looked at his back without any expression on his face.

"You need to find out whether the second lord has poisoned, and whether there are two things in collusion with the devil."

"You have an hour, during this time, the entire Tang family is yours."

Tang Thirty-six did not turn around, still quietly looking at the brand-like cards in the dark ancestral hall.

I don't know how long it took, he finally spoke.

After a lapse of half a year, he spoke first, his voice was a little dumb, and his pronunciation was a little blunt.

"That guy is coming?"

The old consecrator said: "Yes."

Tang Thirty-six did not turn around and asked, "What did he say to the old man?"

The old enlightenment was silent for a while, and repeated the conversation between Chen Changsheng and Mrs. Tang in the old mansion. There was no mistake in the word.

Then he said, "You have wasted two teas."

"This is the Tang family. If I had to do something, it would take so much time."

Tang Thirty-six stretched out his waist, and dust burst out of his clothes.

He stretched out this lazy waist so much that he could even hear the sound of Kaka.

Then he got up from the ground, patted the dust on his butt, took out a Taishi chair from the ancestral hall and sat up.

He is still unkempt and dusty, but his eyes are no longer indifferent, but extremely bright, even sharp.

There is no more lifeless feeling, his body is full of vitality from nowhere.

Looking at the scene, the old Tang family squinted slightly.

"The monster of the longevity is called Susu? The name is arrogant, I appreciate it."

Tang Thirty-six reached out and took a bowl of tea from the hand of the dumb servant. After drinking, he continued: "If he had left Wenshui at this time, where would I go?"

The old worshiper didn’t know what he thought of, and his expression was a little weird. He said: "From the first day he entered the city, the old lady sent someone to stare, and he couldn’t go."

"Then I still have to do what I do?" Tang 36 drew his index finger into the tea bowl and dipped some tea in it. He flicked at the densely packed plates behind him and said, "As for the second one, it is very simple. Don’t worry, I have my own way to prove the relationship between Uncle and Mozu to the old lady."

The old consecrated face said blankly: "What are you going to do then?"

"Call out Uncle Seven, call Uncle Sixteen, and invite Uncle Master of Jiaer Lane over."

Tang Thirty-six said seemingly casually: "I haven't seen these relatives in a long time, let alone say, I really have some thoughts."

The old worshiper did not know why he wanted to see these people, and what had to do with these two things to be investigated.

People who are outside the ancestral hall do not know.

But Mrs. Tang made it very clear that this time of Wenshui City was all handled by Tang 36.

Don’t say that he just wanted to meet these people, even if he wanted to call the whole family to the ancestral hall, he had to follow suit.

Even if the snow is a bit heavy today, no one dared to disobey the will of Mrs. Tang, and it didn't take long for those three people to come to the ancestral hall.

Looking at Tang Sanshi, who was sitting in the Taishi chair, the mood of the three was very complicated. I didn't know how to face him.

When the pope came to Wenshui City, the door of the ancestral hall was opened. I heard that the old lady also gave Tang 36 weights. What does this mean?

Could it be that the long room that is about to lose its power will be turned over again?

"Nothing else, the old lady rarely gave me an hour to let the wind go and said that I can do whatever I want."

Tang Thirty-six looked at them and said, "So I call you three to come and play cards with me."

The three were a little surprised, glanced at each other, and then looked at the old offering.

Tang Thirty-six looked at the old envoy and said: "Anything can be done, naturally it includes playing cards?"

The old enlightened expressionless, said: "Yes."

The table is ready soon.

The emerald green jade bamboo mahjong is neatly arranged and looks very comfortable.

"It's pleasing to look at it, right, Qishu, do you say that?"

Tang Thirty-six gently rubbed the back of the card with his fingertips and said with emotion: "I don't know what the scenery in the bamboo garden is like in the cold winter twelfth lunar month."

Including his seven uncles, the other three at the table just looked at the cards in front of them, and there was no response or response. "

"Let Fengtang people go over and seal the bamboo garden, and the files in it and no one can throw them away." Tang Sanliu looked at the card and said.

The old consecrator didn't speak, and if he didn't look closely, he could no longer see that he nodded slightly.

Outside the ancestral hall, countless subordinates of the old mansion waited and followed.

Hearing this sentence, the seven uncle finally could not help but looked up at Tang 36.

There was no response from Tang 36. He touched a card and continued: "The Yun group goes to Jingyu, and Chuandang goes to Hesi. I want the map of Jingyu, the bill of Hesi."

By this time, the two remaining people at the table finally raised their heads.

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