Way of Choices

Chapter 843: A fire burned Tonglu

The movements in the ancestral hall and the things that are happening in the house yards inside and outside Wenshui City were reported to the old house one by one.

The old man was in charge of reporting the situation. He spoke quickly, but he spoke clearly, ensuring that everyone in the room could understand.

Now in this room, in addition to Mrs. Tang and Chen Changsheng, as well as folding sleeves and Nanke, they are also here to tell stories. They have just finished the story of Xueling and the story of the stone mountain.

"The three people who were first shouted into the ancestral hall looked nothing on the surface. In fact, they were the arms that the second child was very heavy on."

Mrs. Tang said to Chen Changsheng, like a storyteller, "I didn’t expect my grandson to be imprisoned for three years. It turned out that someone was still telling him news, and his eyes were very poisonous. His methods were also neat. Blind the eyes and nose of the second child, and then cover up with thunder, but after all, it is still too routine."

Chen Changsheng doesn't know what to say. He doesn't know much about these things and is not good at it.

It didn't take long for the old house manager to come outside again and tell what happened in the ancestral hall.

"What do you say he is doing? Playing cards in the ancestral hall?"

Mrs. Tang's eyes narrowed, and he couldn't see the anger.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly smiled at Chen Changsheng: "Is His Majesty the Pope interested in playing a few with me?"

Chen Changsheng is not interested in playing cards, he doesn't even know how to play.

Fortunately, for him who read Dao Zangjian Xin Zaohui from an early age, he only needs a short time to learn, at least one hour.

It takes four people to play cards, and Nanke and Folded Sleeves also sat down.

Folded sleeves also need to be studied now, although Nanke has played with several older sisters in the old city of Xue, he is not good at it.

So the game of course went very slowly.

Just as they shuffled and built cards, news of the ancestral hall and Wenshui City kept spreading into the old house and reached the table.

"Master Young asked Feng team to go to Zhuyuan."

"Yun Zu went to Jingyu and reportedly found several maps."

"Chuan Tang went to Hesi, but the account that the young master asked for was never found, and there were burn marks in the snow behind the house."

There are two tables in Wenshui City in the snow.

One in the ancestral hall and one in the old house.

In fact, today's hand is played by two people.

Tang Thirty-six and the second uncle of the Tang family who didn't play the table.

With more and more news in return, Mrs. Tang played slower and slower, and the expression on his face became more and more complicated.

There is gratification, regret, vigilance, anxiety, and a certain determination that is hard to see.

I don't know when, a skinny old man in a gray robe came outside the door without making any sound.

The skinny old man looked calm and looked like an undisputed retired official.

However, both Folded Sleeve and Nanke felt a strong danger. Even if Mr. Tang sat at the top of the table, he was still ready to transform.

The King of Linghai and Eucalyptus forcibly came to the small courtyard outside the house regardless of the obstruction of the Tang family's old house.

Because they also felt extreme danger.

With so many powerful people, no one found out when this skinny old man appeared, and how he walked into the old house silently.

The king of Linghai looked at the profile of the skinny old man and felt a little familiar. He seemed to have seen it everywhere but could not remember it.

Even the old Tang prince showed surprise to the appearance of this skinny old man.

"Snow is so big, why are you here? Is rheumatism okay?"

The skinny old man shook his head to say it was okay, but did not speak. If it was not impossible to speak, it was a pity of words.

The old man looked at the skinny old man anxiously, wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, and trembling and saying, "Master Master will use the punishment hall."

Hearing this, Mrs. Tang was silent for a while, and took back the card he was about to play.

"Let him use it, but for an hour, as long as he does not burn the ancestral hall, he will do whatever he wants."

The old man's body shook, and it was obvious that Mrs. Tang would actually agree to Tang's request.

Chen Changsheng looked at the king of Linghai outside his eyes and wanted to know what the criminal hall was. The king of Linghai shook his head imperceptibly, saying that the palace had no information about it.

The skinny old man saluted the old man Tang, then nodded to Chen Changsheng, and left the old house without saying a word from beginning to end.

The poker hand in the ancestral hall should continue, and the poker hand in the old mansion also restarted. Just when Mr. Tang won the first hand, the steward came again.

This time he sweated more on his forehead and his voice shook more.

"Master Master... need to use five kinds of people."

All around the old house suddenly became very quiet.

Mrs. Tang's complexion changed slightly, and he clapped a card heavily on the table. He said angrily: "Is he really going to tear down the ancestral hall!"

The manager has not seen such a big fire for many years.

As for Chen Changsheng and others, I have never seen it before. I was curious when I was surprised. The name of the five kinds of people is so strange. What is it?

Mrs. Tang's anger gradually subsided, his eyes deep and said: "Let him use it."

It didn't take long for the manager to come to the house again, this time his clothes were all wet with sweat.

"Tonglu...Tonglu was burned clean, and the young master ordered the fat son-in-law to light the fire himself."

"Tonglu is the second eldest student's favorite study room, which contains many paintings and calligraphy he bought with private house silver over the years."

Mrs. Tang said to Chen Changsheng.

It is very strange that this time Tang 36 directly sent someone to burn the study room of the second Tang family, but the old lady's reaction was calm.

Obviously, in his view, the action of Tang 36 may intensify the contradiction and ignite the anger of the second room, which is far less important than the Xingtang and Wuyang.

Then new news came from the ancestral hall.

The news this time was trivial, and it was just a trivial matter.

The governor said: "The young master said that his stomach was not very comfortable, so people went to the chicken out of the city and raised a table of vegetarian food."

Hearing this sentence, Mrs. Tang's fingers trembling slightly, and then he did not know where he was thinking, and remained silent for a long time.

In the end, he shoved the card in front of him and said to Chen Changsheng: "No more."

The card game in the old mansion is over, and the card game over the ancestral hall will not end when I know.

Chen Changsheng suddenly wanted to understand one thing.

It turned out that it wasn't the game between Tang 36 and the second Tang family, but the game between Tang 36 and the old Tang.

Through these previous events, Tang 36 proved that he knew all the cards in the hands of the old man, and he was able to play these cards very well.

For example, Xingtang and Wuyan people.

What's the matter with Su Ming Zhai of Ji Ming An?

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